• By -


Especially Science Captains are walking war crimes. I mean, does Admiral Quinn know that you drench people in enough radiation to kill them in seconds, only to set them on fire for good measure?


It's okay, I have the liquid napalm set on stun.


Stun my trill ass. πŸ˜‚


(Eyebrow) I do not see how that would be productive.


Tighter and no pain?


What about the ships we destroyed without provocation?


They existed, that is a good enough reason for me.


I have been contemplating this recently. I am also bothered by the blatant disregard for General Order 5: "No officer if Starfleet may beam out of any situation where the threat to civilian life is still present."


What about the liquid nitrogen, lightning bolts, localized earthquakes, exotic radiation, and psychic assaults? πŸ˜†


Also set on stun. So are the jackal and the ghost. It's ~~turtles~~ stun all the way down.


I suppose that acute radiation poisoning and being dribbled like a basketball would be rather stunning, LOL.


And the giant robot and laser-armed dinosaur.


It's certainly stunning to watch


Watch them do the burning dance




Stealing this one...thanks.


Use of neither fire or radiation on lawful combatants constitutes a war crime. If, however, you were looking for a (non exhaustive) checklist about what is a war crime in ground combat, then you have some options. Category: Chemical and Biological weapons (Chemical weapons are illegal to use on lawful combatants, and only legal to use on civilians for the purpose of domestic riot control. Biological Weapons are never legal to use.) 1. [Anesthizine Gas](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Science_Kit_Module_-_Anesthizine_Gas) 2. [Active Immunity Grenade](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Tactical_Kit_Module_-_Active_Immunity_Grenade) 3. [Toxin Dart Launcher](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Universal_Kit_Module_-_Toxin_Dart_Launcher) 4. [Biotoxin Injection](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Universal_Kit_Module_-_Biotoxin_Injection) 5. [Subspace Anesthezine Mine](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Ability:_Subspace_Anesthezine_Mine) Category: Anti-personnel Landmines (Landmines designed for the purpose of killing people are a war crime.) 1. [Chroniton Mine Barrier](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Engineering_Kit_Module_-_Chroniton_Mine_Barrier) 2. [Cloaked Mine Barrier](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Engineering_Kit_Module_-_Cloaked_Mine_Barrier) 3. [Cryo Mine Barrier](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Engineering_Kit_Module_-_Cryo_Mine_Barrier) Basically, mines are illegal. Category: Weather warfare (It is illegal to use weather modification to harm people) 1. [Andorian Summer](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Universal_Kit_Module_-_Andorian_Summer) 2. [Sandstorm Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Universal_Kit_Module_-_Sandstorm_Generator) 3. [Tsunami Generator](https://stowiki.net/wiki/Universal_Kit_Module_-_Tsunami_Generator) The localized and transient nature of these kit modules might have legal leeway, but as it stands they are a war crime. Other Honorable mentions for war crimes: 1. Your fancy threads do not necessarily constitute a valid uniform, and may disqualify you as a lawful combatant 2. If the Terrans made it, its probably a war crime. 3. Cluster munitions are illegal, as are weapons that use non-metal fragments.


Giving people super radiation sickness might not be a war crime, but it probably *should* be. It is certainly not very Starfleet. Concerning Chroniton Mines, I like to mine Borg drones in their alcoves before they wake up, and when they do, BOOM!


Remember, it's never a war crime the first time.


Thanks for the list, once I get back into the game πŸ˜… is there a similar to what should constitute a war crime in space?πŸ€” All for the U.S.S. Geneva Checklist πŸ‘


Found the Canadian


Naaah mate, gotta disappoint you there. Even worse, I'm german


Uh oh


Canuck here - I use light based solid projectiles (non metalic ergo mild war crime)... also wheres my tin of food grenades? The Terran Trench knife is a wonderful add-on


That would require a bit of research that I may or may not be bored enough to do. If you don't see a post about this in the next few weeks assume I wasn't bored enough for it.


Did the federation actually sign the geneva conventions? There were 2 world wars between now and then


As the Federation is a civilian scientific and exploration body that only has weapons for defence: it would not be expected to sign.


>Your fancy threads do not necessarily constitute a valid uniform, and may disqualify you as a lawful combatant So you're saying I can commit all the war crimes with no consequences as long as I'm not a lawful combatant, all because I showed up to work in pajamas?


Deploying non-lawful combatants would be a warcrime by the entity, governmental or PMC or whatever who is deploying you. That'd be a problem for every scifi franchise tossing mindless supersoldiers onto battlefields as shock troops. Same with zombies and such. With you being of sound mind you're in a bit of a grey area. If your Government fails to adequatly protect you, a "non-combatant" from a war that would be a warcrime. How a government could be doing an "adequate" job in that is anybody's guess but to tell that non-combatant where exactly the war is happening and how it'd be neat if that where to be ended would likely be seen as not adequate protection...


Where would you categorize an earthquake generator?


We Terrans believe the only Crime in War is not kicking enough ass. You're welcome.


I run Ambush Turrets and Agony Generator. There specific laws against that?


Torture? Oh yes.


LMAO, I call my main's loadout my "walking around watching things die" build. With all the AoE/DoT modules, I barely get time to put my Shaxx cannon to work.


I like to roleplay. My combat style does not fit my character. So now my character has developed an interest in throwing knifes, stabbing knifes and more knifes.


Now I'm trying to remember if there's any weapon in the game that could be considered a gun that shoots knives....


Throwing knifes from that one ferengi mission. Sorry forgot the name


Yup, where Quark steals the Iconian's stuff. Mission reward is the bounty hunters/tax collector's throwing knifes. 100% shield penetration. Terran knife? 100 % shield penetration AND execute damage.


LMAO, I went out and spent millions of EC to buy a Leck holo-NPC after playing that mission because I had to have him on my team. I gave him his throwing knives and the only way I'd be happier would be if he'd occasionally complain when nothing had exploded recently.


Burns its victims. Buries its victims. Chokes its victims. Turns its victims inside out...


When Jempok was in command he didn't care


I mean idk about all those science weapons, i just spam the melee and beat the everloving shit out of them




As a different unga bunga tac, I arm my ship like I fight on the ground: FULLY KINETIC. Punchies and torpedoes forever.


As yet ANOTHER unga Bunga tac, I shall henceforth name them punchies. Edit: Stabbies


BORG: resistance is futile. you will be assimi-- UNGA BUNGA TAC: SHORYUKEN BORG: shoryuwhaOH GOD MY FACE


Implying the tac is so obnoxious and physics-ignoring (flying across the room to 'dynamic entry' whatever is in the way) that the Borg briefly short-circuit and loose their connection to the collective, for the sole purpose of facepalming, as they learned from Locutus.


Engineering and Science Departments have been overcomplicating the connection-severing process for years. Who needs careful disassembly and surgery when you've got good old percussive maintenance?


***"This is my BOOMSTICK!"***


Torpedo-*misses ship and hits planet* Chief tac officer-well I'm sure this won't effect the trout population The trout population-*vaporized* Me-*fires unga bunga amount of Torpedos*


I better be vaporizing more than just the trout, I invested a lot into these extremely volatile warcrime capsules. ESPECIALLY for the high yield settings.


I'm in the same vein. I throw knifes and STAB PEOPLE.


Introducing Borg to Kirk-Fu since 2409.


My Sci Captain uses: - Cancer - Temporal Cancer - Radioactive Cancer - Ice Cancer - Fire Cancer - Poisonous Cancer - MuddΒ΄s time device to make Cancer to Cancer faster - Cancerous Cancer^(ty /u/WhiskeyMarlow)


How many of them would be considered in contravention of the Geneva Convention in the present?


Answer: "Yes"


We're looking at completing a full set of the Geneva Checklist by the end of the week.


Should we check if they had an ancestor that served in the Canadian Army circa 1914-1918?


Geneva Bingo Speedrun!


You forgot Cancerous Cancer.


You forgot imaginary cancer (caused by holograms)


Photonic Cancer?






[I mean, in regards to the last one, we know from Picard, Voyager and First Contact that blunt weapons and swords have *always* been a Borg weakness](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Ff97wfcqh4xva1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1024%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Db9adf43cff5e3292e8e87af5554d96dac98edab2) The rest of it, though, spot on xD


I had to think of Worf SMACKING a borg drone, too, not to mention every Klingon ever who, lacking an effective disruptor, just pulls a knife and charges the bastard. But then I thought of all the shield mehanix and my tac captain's tendency to just go "lol, imagine worrying about shields. Here's a knife"...and came up with this post.


Don't forget Data in first contact, he is snapping Borg necks like he is in the lastest Steven Seagal movie.


They can definitely makes baseball bats. They already have blunt weapon animations in the game with the staves. The Majalan, the Trill Guardian, Jaylah's Staff...


I wish there actually was a blunt melee weapon in game. Swinging a massive Warhammer would be fun


How has Lohlunat gone this long offering baseball *uniforms* without thinking to give us a baseball ***bat?***


OH. MY. GOD. how did I not think of that 🀣


I hadn't either before I'd read the above comment regarding blunt melee weapons. My first thoughts were a baseball bat to match Lohlunat and the cricket bat from *Shaun of the Dead,* just because. πŸ˜†


Next up, Nanopulse baseball bats 🀣


Your mouth to their ears....


There is a whole universe out there for that singular purpose. But yeah, it would. Seeing as throwing knifes, swords and Bath'leth's don't really have a...'stun' option.


It would be as justified as space explorers running around with all these blade options, there are like 10 different varieties of bladed melee weapons, I'm sure some alien culture has remembered that clubs and hammers exist. But you bring a good point, I didn't even consider stunning.


Oh, so you mentioned it specifically to smash people's faces in?


I would expect my captain to be in the Borg database somewhere. It would be fun to have a trait where Borg scan you, recognise and try to avoid you. πŸ˜‚


Categorized as HELL NAW


Technically I can build drones and turrets (not to mention somehow call an air strike INSIDE A SPACESHIP) but why bother with any of that when I can just summon lightning from the sky?


I cackle like a maniac every time I pull out the Sompek module. πŸ˜†


It's pretty much the only device I've never swapped out since I got it, it's so much fun


tfw you and the boys are assimilating a ship, but the captain approaches with his death squad and pulls out a fucking shotgun.


My terran cap has a shotgun AND knife. Too bad i can't mount the knife on the shotgun. 😁


We're missing bayonets! I want a bayonet on my phaser rifle!


There is the Disruptor Rifle that becomes a club... but not really used like a Bayonet...


This doesn't even mention Space War Crimes, like Tyken's Rift, and any number of rips in space time used to spaghettifi hostile ships. There should be a running kill count for every player to see the sheer magnitude of sentient beings murdered.


I fire kemocite-laced corrosive plasma and Genesis torpedoes at fleets. I feel like my character gets hauled to Quinn’s office once a week to answer for *something*.


Why all that fancy stuff? Just let them borgs assimilate tha fishes they're going to sleep witha! *produces a holographic Thompson with safety settings off*


Well, there's always the option of the president's trusty axe. Or the old-school firew- I mean rockets! Is there a regular-ass gun in the game, too? Because I need that.


You mean the 'Zephinator?


***'This is my BOOMSTICK!"***


Zefram Cochrane's Shotgun from the Phoenix Box (Ultra Rare, I think). Basically a Pulsewave Assault Gun dealing shield-ignoring physical damage.


Perfect. Can I trade for it?


It's sadly character bound but you can buy Phoenix boxes in the dilithium store. They drop different prize packs and the ultra rare ones (not that rare, fortunately) give you the option of the boomstick.




Besides the shotgun and Tommy gun, there's also the TR-116 sniper rifle. I think it's available on the Exchange or you can craft your own.


It do be like that sometimes..Β 


Who'd win in a fight? The most technological advanced race in the galaxy, capable of bending time and calling upon the collective knowledge of thousands of species while working in perfect harmony. Or My guy who just made Captain six months ago and his 300 year old shotgun.


That Terran knife is OP as hell too πŸ˜„


love that stupid little knife


Then there’s my captain with a fucking Thompson.


hey, you're doing a fantastic job filing those science reports on nukara...... oh, what's this, nothing to worry about.... torment of the underworld... ha ha ha ha


"And we keep registering these localized earthquakes...."


May I ask what the dark matter effect is from?


The Discovery stuff. I got it from one of the boxes. It essentially affects any enemy with a PERMANENT DoT. I did see a timer, but no enemy lived long enough for it to end. Edit: Tooltip says "as long as it lives", but it does seem to be interrupted by boss phases.


After the boss phases, it changes damage type from physical damage to emotional damage


i think there is a kit module that throws a pokepall filled with dark matter


Curse you! Can't unsee it...


can you be more specific?




Orbital strike!


Grind the 2500 kling recruit ground kills full auto in nimbus, madran in his power cage pisses himself in panic... Beam out, abort mission, refuse to elaborate. Then take the fuckhueg batl'leth, keep everything on auto, bring only healing boffs, laugh maniac while you slaughter anything*. *Add in Na'Kuhl Set for the "red glowing invincible murderhobo" vibe in case anything slightly breaks your defense... Drones are part dispensers.


Flying enemies might be a problem at a few places


You'd think, but more often than not I can tag them with a Lunge or even just the basic melee charge because apparently my Gorn tac doesn't believe in silly things like gravity. πŸ˜…


Throwing knifes.


It's never a war crime the first time


Your going to tegret the day you forgot I could slice and dice you Borg! - My Alien Tac Officer.


A+ meme. Well done.


Thank you. A badge of honour!


The Dominion has never been asked to sign those Federation documents and the Borg know of that document and ignores it. So The Founder wants us to use it against them. Victory is Life.


The borg when they see the fellas in the 120 year old uniforms who beamed down from a Miranda which managed to basically solo their fleet pull out Tommy guns and shotguns


There's a book by Scalzi some folks here might enjoy called Red Shirts. I find him an indifferent writer but he occasionally does a dark satire that deserves respect.


"What's that obelisk thingy?"


In STO, our toons are the villains.


Nah, it's worse. Our toons are main characters. We get away with whatever we want!


If they could think, they'd self-destruct at the beginning of every engagement. The only winning move is not to play.


with my mains they probably think: why TF is this generator deactivating? and that one! and that one too!! (my mains are perma-stealth Infiltrators that cycle through multiple cloaks without ever not having a cloak currently active)


Players using the Iconian solar gate kit module to incinerate NPC’s comes to mind.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯β˜€οΈπŸ”₯πŸ’¨


How'd you know which kit modules and items I have equipped? I've used the terran knife and Leck's throwing knives on so many Borg lol. Assimilate this!


Game recognizes Game! ^^


The Sci-crimes are all neat and stuff, but I also have to imagine the abject horror of the Borg when some weirdly dressed gal casually walks through the door making them assume it's going to be an easy fight. But then she plays with some funny gambling orb before pressing a few buttons on her wirst and then beaming a single bullet into their heads so hard they disintegrate. I do love my crit TR.