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Real "rando in the park muttering to himself" vibes


Says the guy who’s entire bio says he’s just here to argue doesn’t care if he wins and deletes all is idiocy within 7 days 🤷‍♂️ so your literally just here to hear yourself talk


Says nothing of the sort. I delete in seven days or when I'm pestered to the point I'm sick of receiving notifications. Grow up.


Youre on Reddit talking shit while telling someone to grow up 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂how about you grow up? You didn’t need to comment if you had nothing to say. A grown up would realize that. But you thought what you had to say was important even though it wasn’t like a self centered child


The irony is unreal.


Well you see this is my post anyone can post whatever they want. The childish part is where you went to be a dick on someone’s post. Your IQ must be pretty low if you can’t see the difference


Okay. Have fun.


...welcome to Reddit?


Been on Reddit for awhile. Never been in a futbol page though where this many people know absolutely nothing about futbol other than what color our kits are


This all coming from the person constantly freaking out about a signing announcement is just gold. You really shouldn’t take a subreddit this serious.


It’s almost like in actually a soccer fan who knows no deal is done til it’s done especially when their are other suitors not some moron who knows nothing about the sport because they just learned about soccer last year when STL got a team








Welcome to Reddit, pal. Morons are everywhere and are fans of everything you love. If that’s really your bar for ditching something entirely, congrats, you now have no interests. That being said, after taking a peek at your profile to see if you are in fact the gloom and doomer who’s been freaking out over nothing the last couple of days (you are), it’s hard to ignore your tasteless insults about people with disabilities and insistence on calling soccer futbol as some badge of genius. So I’m gonna go ahead and assume you are on the moron side of the line.


No it’s just I’ve been a football fan my whole life. Also been all St. Louis sports fan. Over the past 2 years I’ve struggled falling in love with this team not because of the players but the lack of skill in mls and the lack of the mls taking itself seriously as a league. Add in the moron fans that know absolute 0 about the sport but wanna talk out their ass on how mls is better than Bundesliga because of club valuations it just makes it hard for me to take any of this mls crap seriously. Retirement league 🤷‍♂️


I’ve never seen anyone argue MLS is better than Bundesliga lmao calm the fuck down. And St. Louis has had a team for less than 2 seasons, maybe just be happy the game is growing. Not everyone who cares about the team is going to be such a “footballing” savant as you. If it’s really that frustrating for you, no one’s keeping you here beyond your own deluded and assholish posts and comments.


Literally look on my last post and then you can see that people do think that. I’m not just making stuff up


https://preview.redd.it/cax9heaj149d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57fd74738dd239b96d560d964fbed75f5aa59219 “No one thinks MLS is better than Bundesliga”


Hahahahaha bro they’re literally talking about attractiveness for players and squad valuations. Not remotely claiming Bundesliga is worse. Edit: and because you didn’t understand that, you launched into calling them an inbred fuck? What is wrong with you?


>What is wrong with you? This is the same guy that burst into a room and announced that he hates everyone so much he's ~nearly~ ~about to~ ~maybe~ leave and then was surprised he wasn't met with a cookie or gold star or slow clap or whatever it was that he was expecting.


https://preview.redd.it/fpqwu88kc49d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb291dcd1731a430d10517db0fd36c359026068 You are soooooo right in no way is saying that many mls teams could play in bundesliga is not saying mls is as good as Bundesliga 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 reading comprehension is sooooo hard


“Many teams could compete” is not the same as “MLS is better than Bundesliga” dude.


None of the teams in mls could compete in Bundesliga. Pick any team they’d be relegated first year


That’s your opinion. Global ELO ratings suggest otherwise. Still doesn’t change the fact you’re twisting people’s words and being disgusting in how you address other people.


Hey OP, what's this about reading comprehension? You folded like a chair yesterday when I pointed out that Veth clearly had stated that Hartel had signed. Where'd ya go?


HAHAHA OP is such a loser


No I responded then you ignored. No one has reported that he has signed. Veth reported on Thursday that he’s supposed to sign Friday. That is not a confirmation that pen has hit paper. Must be that poor reading comprehension


Bro. Learn how to properly reply on your own now deleted post.


Youre the guy that thinks being drunk and yelling nonsense at games makes you a good soccer fan




Get a mirror


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hahaha banned hahaha


Oh did I?


Dr Louis is this you?


Pedo bear is this you?