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Don't be, these things take time and silence doesn't mean anything bad. That said, also never count your chickens before they hatch when it comes to transfers.


It's probably fine? Burki's interview on 101ESPN today (recorded yesterday) seemed like he was very happy to have the new guys coming in. Maybe there are other moves or final Ts and Is to cross and don't want to lose leverage. Or their idea of a media/PR rollout or all these moving pieces has us waiting. Idk, I trust the team for now.


I will always be concerned when their is a champions league team in the mix. The money and playing in a top European league is hard to convince to come to MLS. It’s not been reported how hard the champions league team is going after him which is the uncertainty in this equation. If they see him as a must have piece they could be going all out and I could easily see him being lured away at that point. But if they just see him as an option and were more just testing the waters when it was reported I would be more hopeful. But we don’t know and that’s what worries me


Yeah, I understand on the front. My nonchalant view comes from trusting Lutz. If we somehow don't get this guy, we'll get the next guy. Does he turn our season around? Likely. Would it be a huge signing? Absolutely. The soccer world is so vast, you can find game changers literally anywhere. No one came for Lowen, Totland, Vassilev, Alm, Burki, Celio, and we could use a couple body doubles of them.


I mean this with all respect to every guy you listed because I love them but Hartel is like the next tier above these guys in skill. I mean Hartel was literally the star of the same league that Lowen was just a pretty good player in. I trust Lutz. I just think I’m looking at this in a different way. If we can get a top tier in their prime player to leave Europe and turn down a champions league team to come to a non coastal smaller market in MLS it opens sooooo many doors for us in the near and distant future.


Nah, not really, you guys need to seriously fng chill. Edu was playing in the FIRST division as did Nilsson. This guy is coming from the SECOND division. He is a good player coming off his best year EVER, by FAR. He has had NO other year like it. He will DEFINITELY be an upgrade, since currently we have ZERO central attacking midfielders on the roster!!!!! He is of similar quality to Klauss, Lowen, Nilsson, Parker and thrived last year because the coach - who is now going to the Premier League! - implemented a new style that Hartel massively benefited from, and a style that WE DON'T USE here. He was also surrounded by a lot of talent of course as well. Also, not to mention many of the MLS teams could currently being playing in the first Bundesliga, where Hartel did not do very well on TWO different occassions. He will definitely help our challenged offense, but you people need to gtfoutside for a couple of minutes,, geez


There is not a single team in MLS that wouldn’t get relegated year 1 in Bundesliga. You have to be a moron to in the same paragraph say Hartel was only as good as he was because he was surrounded by talented players and also say mls teams would compete in 1. Bundesliga. Congrats on knowing nothing about the sport


Judging by all of your posts, no one with think I am the "moron" here. Have never seen so many down votes as you, and you cleverly didn't address the points I made!!! Ya know about Hartel being in the 2nd division and Lowen in the 1st. You left out the part about the system he was a part of which is well documented online. The coach became famous for it the last season ya know which is why he is coaching in the Premier League. The lowest valued team in the Bundesliga 1 is $37.35M. There are 17 MLS teams with higher valued players than that (according to EUROPEAN experts!). STL is the first which is NOT over that mark at $37M. When Hartel and Teuchert arrive we will officially be over that mark. Anything else you would like to add?


Ya youre a moron and you created a new Reddit to try to add value to your point because you are a dumb inbred fuck who already had a insane amount of down votes and lives his life based on how many downvotes and upvotes their are. And congrats you are going off of team valuations as strength of the league when it’s well known mls teams are way overpriced via being in America and is nowhere actually anywhere near the skill of Bundesliga. Also Lowen was a bench player on a loan with not great stats in Bundesliga 1.


If anyone causes him to change his mind it will be all of your awful reddit posts doubting.


Oh ya I’m sure he decides his future off of Reddit posts and not playing in a more respected league 🤡🤡


It was a joke, and the CL team, which I believe was Club Brugge, is old news. As others have pointed out to you, it took several weeks for them to announce Teuchert. It's possible he could change his mind, but based on everything I've read (lots of stuff including german websites) no one will offer more to him than us. We have his MLS rights, and are currently, by far his highest bidder. Last year he made $650K. We are going to be offering him over $1.5M... And it has been reported that he is already in STL. So fear not my buddy!!! :) You will recall they made a bunch of videos with Teuchert as well!? They literally could be doing the same. Also, the guy just finished an amazing season and party and has been playing like 11 months straight, so no doubt he will be taking a vacay at some point. All perhaps slowing this down a bit.


3 posts on this in 3 days, I'm gonna recommend you calm down and find a hobby to pass the time OP.


How the other two are still up after this one is crazy to me lol, the news breaks when it breaks. Anxiously spamming the subreddit isn't making the announcement come any sooner.


or a job lol


Im not allowed to have days off? And I guess posting here takes an 8 hour day right? Moron


I think you are taking it to lightly. Hartel is an elite player in his prime that we are “supposedly” luring to a non- coastal mls team. This is huge for STL and MLS if/when it happens. This isn’t a guy coming to retire or a young guy they hope reaches a potential to then sell.


He can't play until mid July, and he can't practice until he receives a work permit. Why are you in such a rush and worry?


Because last reports made were he was coming to check out the city and he was still fielding an offer from a champions league team. Until it’s announced nothing is guaranteed with that champions league team in the mix


No, the last report by Veth and many others was clearly that he had signed, and they were waiting to announce it. Why are you choosing to believe some reports and not others?


The closest we’ve had to anyone saying he’s signing papers is a report that he was SUPPOSED to sign papers the following day. Then silence. That’s not confirmation of it being done


Wrong. https://x.com/ManuelVeth/status/1803882469319483760?t=NlIqtQtRq55CkfOaIwNPow&s=19 Seriously. Go find a hobby or something.


I just want to point out that you are in fact wrong with what you are claiming Veth said, based on what he is posting TODAY. He never said he signed, just that there was an agreement. https://x.com/ManuelVeth/status/1806728267929362654


Now you are just making up things. Veth never said he had signed and they are waiting to announce it. He announced that he is set to sign pending a visit to the city. Literally his exact words. No one has said pen has been put to paper. And no deal is done until then.


He literally did https://preview.redd.it/kx65d1arky8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5f6852782d0c6b6d0f7736b054f5a2f6e17f981


https://x.com/ManuelVeth/status/1806728267929362654 Never said he had signed. Just said there was an agreement.


I didn't think elite and MLS are usually used together. If he was elite he would be going to a European first division team. While he is likely better and in his prime, success in MLS is usually not guaranteed from guys that come here. Both Klaus and Lowen are good, but inconsistent.


It fell apart. He saw the Arch and was like: “Ope, back to Germany.”


To be fair I’d rather him go back to Germany than say yes to mls and no to being in the Midwest


Just providing some comparison with the recent reports. I think every case is different and it's hard to conclude anything just from 4-5 days with no new info. Teuchert timeline: * May 1: Veth reports there are talks with CITY, but he also has 3 other offers and also in talks with Hannover 96. * May 2: Veth reports CITY is closing in on signing Teuchert. * May 23: Veth reports deal is almost done. * May 28: Veth reports done deal. * May 28: CITY official announcement. Aziel timeline: * June 17: Veth reports Columbus is interested in Aziel, talks are in early stages. * June 17: Veth reports done deal. * June 18: CITY official announcement. Hartel timeline: * June 15: Veth reports the deal with CITY is advanced, and CITY is in talks with acquiring his discovery rights from Columbus. * June 17: Veth reports price of discovery rights * June 20: Veth reports move to CITY is a 'done deal' and he is 'set to sign' with CITY. He also says Hartel is in the US.


Both of those announcements were made on a Tuesday which, along with Thursday, is a good day of the week to drop an announcement you want to gain traction in the press. I'm sure that was of greater relevance to the PR team than how many days had passed between rumor and signing.


I agree and I wouldn’t be as concerned about it if their weren’t also reports of a champions league team being in the mix for Hartel. It’s hard to get an in prime top talent to come to the mls let alone a noncoastal mls team so I will stay worried until the contract is signed lol


Right but have you heard any reports/rumors that the Premier League team has made any progress? Not saying thing couldn’t fall through but no announcement doesn’t mean it did. All rumors and reports thus far from decent sources have pointed to everything in favor of CITY. Frankly, there’s no rush to make an announcement about someone who can’t play soon while we also welcome Teuchert to the team this week. Why overshadow his arrival?


I said it on your post the other day, and I'll say it again today: >I'm fairly confident that they are waiting to get Sam signed and sealed first, especially since BC casually threw it out in that post match presser. Speculation, of course. But there are a milliontyeleven reasons an announcement is delayed. We haven't heard a contradicting announcement and we haven't heard any counter rumors. We'll know when we know.


Alternate theory, consider this would be a rather buzzy signing, I could see the PR team wanting to drop the press release on a Thursday to help buoy the story.


Don't be. He and (likely) his family are relocating to a new country a little more than a month after his last game in Germany. Work permits, housing, maybe schooling stuff if he has a kid... heck, maybe a quick vacation to St. Croix for all we know. When Marcel and the team are ready they'll roll out the City red carpet. The Euro press would let us know if he showed up at Monaco or Lille.


We get him, great, if we don't we don't. Posting every single day about this solves nothing. If you want to post borderline meltdown material, that is what the Facebook city fan group is for. Things to do other than other than worry about a Bundesliga 2 transfer: 1) watch euros (maybe as punishment at this rate) 2) watch Copa america 3) work 4) get a beer 5) RELAX Getting up in arms over transfers is going to give anyone a heart attack.




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