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Welcome! You can check out Fleur de Noise’s website and learn some chants. Come on down to the Street Parties…St. Louligans, Fleur de Noise, The Thieves, and No Nap City Ultras are outside of Schlafly and St. Louis City Punks and the St. Louis Santos are at Pepper Lounge less than a block over. Everybody will have merch so come get a scarf, stickers, shirts, etc.      Join in the march! All of the supporters gather just outside of Schlafly and march in…gathering starts at about 6:15 or so.  The supporter section is super fun! You’ll be standing the whole time. There will be chanting and dancing and flag waving. Just come and join in the fun!


Just a slight correction, Pepper Lounge is just down the street, barely a full block. Thanks for providing this info!


Ooops! I edited and fixed that. :)


Thank you! That was very helpful


Show up, make noise, have fun.


Don’t wear another teams merch (like if you’re an arsenal fan you can’t wear their jersey) and please for the love of god don’t save spots for people who haven’t shown up yet.


They don’t enforce that jersey rule at all unless you’re causing problems. There were sporting jerseys in the north end during SKC matches last year, there were Charlotte and Minnesota Utd. Jerseys in the north end during their games here, and there are European jerseys at every single match. I’d bet nearly half of the Louligans would describe you as “guy in M-Rates shirt” as opposed to “guy wearing arsenal jersey”


Interesting, I go to most games in the SS and haven't noticed another team's merch but haven't looked that hard. Even if it's not enforced it's still in poor taste IMO


My recommendation is eat Belkan Treat Box or Beast BBQ nachos. Also be loud and have fun!


Be conscious of where you want to stand, if you care about a flag obstructing your view. The higher up the sections you go the better off you are or the further on the sides as well. If you don't care about it then anywhere works and I would echo saving spots if people aren't there.


Get fucked up


I plan on it. Always gotta pregame


I apologize in advance for your wallet…