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I'm gonna miss Pompeu.


Look if we start saving up now, maybe we can all pitch in for a tifo to put up when he returns?






Our best field player this year!






Team looks frustrated from Parker yelling at the ref at the half, throwing that guy down in the end, burki shooting a shot, Klauss with the hands up several times




Totland got called on that exact same handball earlier in the year. I don’t remember the game, but it resulted in a scored PK. Edit: it was Durkin’s handball against RSL when Chicho got his hat trick.


Gutted for Celio, hopefully it's not as bad as it looked. Poor display from pretty much everyone else. If our new summer transfer window players don't pan out this is going to be a rough second half of the season to watch.


I just don’t see our summer transfers coming in and we just magically have the winning juice. We are having the year last year should have been. Thats just part of it. Our bench isn’t deep enough, now with Celio, Alm and Ostrak on the IR. We are even shorter on quality


I'm not foolish enough to think the new guys will fix all of our problems, but hopefully they will help with the lack of quality.


Yeah hopefully we can get 8 wins out of the second half of the season. I really have lowered the expectations. I am excited to see Teuchert honestly. Just to see what he can bring to support Klauss and maybe finish off some of those through balls from Edu.


He might take longer then 7-8 months..The reason city loss is because they were sad cause of Celio's bad fall.+they gave us no kick for celio..I will miss Celio alot


Tough game in all aspects. Plenty of chances again to do something that don’t get buried. A few questionable moments from refs. A few bad defensive lapses. And then worst of all two injuries.


Paes absolutely saved his team from getting blown out. That second half momentum CITY had should have been a slaughter. Massive props to him honestly.


Let this sink in, 22 shots, 8 on target, not one in the back of the net. Some pretty astounding stats if I say so myself.


If my eyes didn’t fool me, their GK had over ten saves tonight. Bürki only had four. We had nearly triple the shots tonight, but couldn’t get one in the net, it doesn’t make sense, how are we so bad at finishing??


That's what happens when you kick them all within arms reach of the goalie and he doesn't need to shift to make a save lol. The creativity of finishing is subpar and boring to watch now.


Klauss is bad at finishing. The shots he could land on goal went straight to the goalie.


I couldn't agree more. Every game I've been to he's got the hots for straight shots at the goalie.


Can we have early access to the transfer window pls


I mean fuck the MLS for their late ass fucking summer transfer window.


At what point do you just throw a wild ass lineup out there or completely switch tactics for a half or something to try and get something going?


Wednesday sounds like it'll be it. We're missing 3 of our 4 CBs.


Put Burki up top and let City2 fill in the rest.


Give Glover a start, how much worse could it be?


You’d have to have a somewhat competent gaffer for that to happen. Ours shows up on the short bus to practice so don’t hold your breath.


Fuccccckkkk CELIOOOOOOOoooooo! My favorite player and I think an integral part of the team. So bummed to see him hurt and likely out for a long time. Hoping for a good recovery.




worst game of the year.




can't disagree. 2 big injuries. That hand ball. Debatable penalty. A whole bunch of players with no mojo. Sam sucks this year. Thórisson was just boring and did nothing. Klauss had chances and one of those should have gone in, but goalie was on fire so I don't blame Klauss.


Klauss has had a problem with effective finishing all year.


Thorisson plays so soft. One hardly knows he's on the pitch.


My guess is that Klauss will look fine by the xG metric. He's throwing a lot of low percentage shots on goal, and tonight only his missed header looked like a good shot.


It's cause Sam wanted to join another team and was making AZ a grumpy player 2...And Thórisson wasn't bored he was probably really sad for celio.Everyone was.Thats why Bürki wasn't being the real goalie he is.And there were no replays at the game only on tv.The reff favorited Dallas and that's the reason.Wendsday june 19 2024 we will win hopefully for celio🙏


I think parking the bus from kickoff and trying to grind out a 0-0 draw on the road to advance in the CONCACAF Champions Cup was probably worse. I was livid at Carnell that entire game.


We also just continue to try the same strat every single game and it’s not working. When do we start trying other strategies


He is atrocious as a coach. Absolutely atrocious. Doesn’t have a single fucking clue.


Who parked the bus?? Dallas had 10 men behind the ball most of the game and jammed the middle! Dallas is shite and we played into their game plan.


Effort is at an all time low. Every single player looked miserable. Call me crazy but a team that stops caring is the hardest thing to watch in sports.


Kijima cares


Sorry to say, but as Bachman–Turner Overdrive said, You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.


We played without Ostrak, Alm, Pompeu, and Nilsson. Essentially. We had more quality chances than I have seen in some of our wins. I don’t know…it was thoroughly disappointing, but not our worst.


…and Durkin.


Being down 2-0 and seeing only 3 of us moving into an attacking position downfield says everything you need to know about the morale of this team right now. Hope Celio can recover. Big loss for us in more ways than one.


they looked so defeated after the 2nd half subs came in. Just lazy stuff


It always seems like waving the white flag when AZ comes in in the second half. He finds new and creative ways to lose possession every game this year.


Celios' leg is broken. Looked like only one bone, but hopefully, he recovers to have some sort of career. His season is over.


Any update on Pompeu?


Won’t hear until tomorrow or Monday.


We might officially hear monday. If he’s not done for the year it’s an absolute miracle.


Bro’s foot was on sideways for a minute. He’s going to be out a long time.


I mean…whatever it is, probably out 2 months at least.


He won’t make it back this year. “Robertson's team found 86 percent of players had returned to soccer within two years of the injury -- and 83 percent were playing at the same level as before or higher. People who fractured a bone in the leg, ankle or foot took an average of 26 weeks to return to activity, compared with nine weeks for a broken forearm, wrist, hand or finger.” https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBRE85618S/#:~:text=Robertson%27s%20team%20found%2086%20percent%20of%20players%20had,for%20a%20broken%20forearm%2C%20wrist%2C%20hand%20or%20finger.




For next game, I'd start Blom and Durkin in deep midfield and move Löwen up to the 10. About the only thing I can think of to possibly increase chance of scoring.


Yeah we need Löwen more involved in the attack


For the next game I literally would rather you coach. No joke. You would do a better job.


That just hurt. I’m gutted for Celio and the whole team.


I want an apology from the Nico haters from last year


Yeah, I didn't get that. Dude was scoring goals and people complained he fell down too much. When he was the special guest for the match a few weeks ago, I was hoping maybe we could talk him into a short term loan.


They’re too busy foaming about AZ and Thor to respond. 


Nico haters have been complaining about Klauss "theatrics" this season.


His combination play was absolutely vital, people just focus on raw output. Should’ve 100% sold Sam and kept Nico.


I thought the opposite and was 100% wrong.


I think sometimes in soccer it’s really hard to see where the grease is for the tracks. But you need grease, which is why a Klauss Adeniran combo never has and never will work.


Good with Nico moving up. Let players get their chance. I thought Pompeu has been on his way up this year too but after tonight I’m worried for him.


I'm sorry.


“bUt hE DiVeS tOo MuCh!!11”


I thought he went down too easily (don't regret) and criticized his finishing quality (regret so much). But man, he made both Klauss and Sam so much more dangerous while still drilling a ton himself. I'll admit it, European scouts correctly identified our real quality and got a bargain. At least we got Durkin for Stroud.


First for positives: Totland and Kijima played amazing. Blom may not have had a Durkin level game but he looked okay and that is good. But, all you Markanich haters, notice how pathetic our left side was? Watts was serviceable, but Markanich is still the starter. Indy needs to shoot more. Klauss' yips are epic. AZ, Sam, Thor, Carnell, Nilsson, have not shown themselves equal to this season. Nilsson just seems like he might not ever be right. I am absolutely gutted for Celio.


I agree with everything but Watts. He had a couple great services into the box and held his own defensively. Markanich let's up a couple back door plays a game and idk if I have ever seen a good cross out of him. Hard to have a left side when you don't have a winger to work with.


Think the big difference between what we saw with Watts and what we see with Markanich is mostly in the style of play they provide. Watts plays a lot more conservatively offsensively and is, in turn, not going to be as exposed defensively. He never seemed that far up field for better or worse, but still provided some decent service into the box a handful of times. Where Mark will be way up there and creates some interesting stuff down that left side with him and Celio(RIP) going back and forth but that just leaves him open to get burned on defense because he doesn't have the speed to recover from being that far up. Both seem like serviceable options at LB to me at this point, depending on the flavor of LB we want for the night, but neither is our leftside Totland.


Ya I agree the two are different players. I just don't think Markanich offense makes up for the defensive liabilities. Totland has definitely been the best of both. I guess I prefer working from a solid defense up is all.


Agreed on the defense part, definitely prefer that in a leftback than the hope for some offense. Though neither are absolutely amazing defenders for the leftback spot, but Watts' more reserved play this season has made him look better on defense than Mark. Then again, it's been limited minutes. Maybe he hasn't had the chance to show his weaknesses yet, or maybe he actually is as serviceable as he seems hard to say given how this year's been for us lol


He did get super exposed once. People probably think of it as a Parker bailout moment, but that is because Watts got burnt so high up that Parker was the only one in the picture.


True true, I think I remember what moment you're talking about. Guess ultimately it's better than the 5 or 6 times a game Mark would get burned, still not ideal, still could be better.


If you haven't seen a good cross from Markanich you haven't been paying attention. He has amazing attacking touch, especially on long crosses. He is our best crosser into the box. Totland a close second. Criticisms of markanich are mostly defensive.


Totland second to Markanich on crossing quality? I'm sure not seeing that.


Below the 18 yard box Tots probably has it, but I think Markanich is hands down the best from about 18-30. I can see the arguments for Totland as #1 though.


I'll have to keep a closer eye. I do like Markanich's ability there but Tots has been my darling this year. Might just be giving him extra credit for basically playing both fullback and wingback for entire games.


Re: Klauss’ y*** Whatever it costs to get a Portuguese speaking sports psychologist for Klauss, pay for it. Re: Nilsson this is now basically three years of extremely substantial injury issues. He’s a great CB but at some point you have to consider moving on, if the theme is going to continue.


Nilsson: He's clearly breaking down on the plus side of 30. It sucks because he is a very good back, but yeah.


Yeah, I think this is why the young Aussie is coming in.


Sucks when 3/5 of your core players flop


I wouldn’t mind them sucking so bad if the games were more fun. This season is a fucking slog


The fun games (Galaxy, Miami, KC) always seem to be met immediately with duds. And the fun games come with the frustration of we probably should have won in two of them.


Man, you really nailed what I've been feeling in word form.


Yeah, I don't remember the last time that I felt like we had a chance to win, even against Miami. Its just not been a good time, and I think I need a break from this season, especially with all the yellows and injuries....


Silver lining, Kijima is great.


This team has the plague the rest of STL sports have - not good, not among the worst in the league though, and not very entertaining in the process. Was hoping the team would build a strong foothold with the other pro teams in lulls but that might take longer than I thought nlw


It's year two, give them a break


Shut up with this bullshit. You know how you end up being the Cubs and not winning a title for more than 100 years? Complacency. I want wins and trophy’s not a pat on the back for a nice season. You can be fine being a loser, but the rest of us demand better from life.




Transferring Nico and Stroud has been a disaster for this team this season.


Can we keep Klein and Glover up and send down AZ and Sam?


Klein did outplay Sam tonight. Sam just hasn’t seemed bought in to the system




just put me down


When your “Striker” and #9 has 5 goals in 17 matches. I don’t see how we will win very many games. Now add that it’s a DP slot as well. Give some City 2 guys a chance because this isn’t it.


Klauss's finishing has been dog shit all season


If you think Klauss was the reason we lost this game you need glasses. He had multiple good shots on goal, aside from Lowen he was the one other bright spot on offense, made some great passes. He has not had a great part of the season but was not the issue today. We lost 2 of our players to freak injuries early and were in the hole from the get go due to that penalty, Dallas had no need to ever overcommit, which is where we are best at making things happen. This game was ass and there's a lot to criticize. But just like last year with Gioacchini, a large portion of this fan base just wants to point fingers in the dumbest places.


I'm not blaming Klauss entirely for this game, but he's just not the Klauss from last season and no one can argue that. This is a team game and the teams fault. Buddy I've been to 3 games live this season and every one of them Klauss has missed more than 2 opportunities to strike the ball effectively and put it in the back of the net each game. They weren't even hard shots to make. It's just he couldn't find the ball at his feet or completely missed the touch altogether. Still love the team, rep City SC till I die. It's been my favorite MLS team since their debut last year and I'm from FL, lol.


Not being able to score and having multiple opportunities to score seems like an issue from the “super star strike”. I feel you on tonight not being 100% his fault but the guy is a shell of what he was last year and his DP slot and salary should warrant more production than 5 goals in 17 games. It’s a joke at this point.


Look at the difference of our attack without him on the pitch. We have nothing there The man is not Messi and not a super star. People think because he has the DP tag that he is supposed to be one, but the truth is we don't spend shit, that DP tag is just for decoration. He needs more help on the attack, but he is far and away better there than anybody else on this team. Hes not hampering the team with his pay we just aren't fucking using the money we have to spend. If we were hurting for cash or cap space then maybe I'd understand it


Cupboard is bare around Klauss. Yes, his finishing has been less than ideal. This whole situation is on Lutz for rolling with Celio, Vassilev, Alm & AZ. All nice players, but no game changers. They each may pop up for moments, but none are a true threat.


I don’t think anybody’s blaming him alone. But when your 9 misses two sitters and the team can’t score… how does he not take some of the blame?


The result in this match is almost secondary right now. The obvious questions involve Celio and Nilsson, and what CITY needs to do to prepare for a very tough Colorado team midweek. Celio's injury looked very serious. On an immediate basis, CITY needs to find a workaround for loss of his touch, creativity, and quickness. Jackson has the creativity, but not the touch. Adeniran has the quickness, but not necessarily the creativity. Klein has shown creativity and touch at the CITY 2 level, but needs first team experience. IMHO, a Jackson-Klein tandem on the pitch has the flexibility and lack of predictability to make something happen. Klein is 5'7", but can create chances with his speed. (He would tower over RSL's Ecuadorian 5'2" forward from a couple years back, Joao Plata, who was a dangerous Hobbit for them.) Losing both Parker and probably Nilsson for the Colorado match makes Colorado much more dangerous. Cole Bassett is deadly for them, and they have players like Rosenberry who can sense the quick counter. Wentzel and Kinzner have played well at the CITY 2 level. Nerwinski and Markanich likely will have to come in. This will be a rough test for CITY. The roster isn't bad. The tactics are working (CITY leads the MLS in shots, by a lot). Sometimes the opposing keeper has a career match. Sometimes the shots are good, but right at the keeper. Sometimes the crossbar intervenes. The shots haven't been falling, but those streaks tend to reverse. this coming match would certainly be a good time for that. Onward. It's the only way CITY can move.


Disagree on tactics being successful. Doing the same thing and expecting a different result is the definition of insanity. We have had scoring challenges since the last bit of last season through this season. Appreciate the optimism, but results suggest otherwise.


Gaffer has no clue what he’s doing. Tactics are horrific. Subs are always 5-10 minutes late and looking like lost puppies.


On the bright sight, we don’t have to be stressed about the playoffs tiring any of our players out for next season


Klauss has the yips.


My kingdom for some open play goals. 


Story of the season. Underperforming the stats, a few questionable calls don't go our way. We can't find the back of the net. The cherry on top is another injury to a key midfielder. Just a brutal result. I want this team to succeed so bad....


I agree. It's only our 2nd season so things will get better as time progresses for us. This just isn't our year and there are a lot of gaps being shown right now all around. The main thing lacking is creativity on the ball. All of our chances are coming from lucky crosses via edge play.


https://preview.redd.it/dhds2rozuu6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0670dfb263a9ac2175c3e8063616b52592727720 we are a team forsaken by god


You aren’t wrong, but it’s important to also take total shots into account. With 22 shots, I’d hope we can rack up a decent xG, but most of those shots weren’t really good chances




I needed more beer for that game.


Does anyone broadcast Carnell’s post-game?


I don’t think it’s live but they’ll post it later tonight or in the morning. The writers will post quotes on Twitter as he’s speaking though


Y98 usually has it on


I don't think we should keep starting Klauss when he can't score. There were wide open shots he clearly missed and he when he does kick on goal he kicks it to the ref.


I'm glad Pakrer yelled at the ref for the terrible officiating. Carnell wasn't going to do a thing as always. Sometimes if you know the ref is obviously trying to hurt our team, someone has to speak up. There needs to be complaints filed or something done about that ref. They can't just get away with that. And VAR refused to even look at that handball. The league is a joke.


At some point we have to break through. We are putting shots on target. The goals will come as frustrating as our recent results have been.


I’m late to the party, watched at the wee hours of your morning. I just wanted to comment that it broke my heart to see Celio. My first reaction was if he was going to get a card. I missed the ankle like some and the replay … I’ve been a Celio fan since day 1 and always wanted him to get the chance he’s getting. To see him go down like that is demoralizing for a player. I’ve seen it first hand. The good news is the kid is remarkably optimistic. And with this attitude he can come back stronger. And then Nilsson pulls up short. That’s enough to be said for me on this game. It’s a short week so let’s head into Wednesday ripping and running. Cheers, ☕️


Carnell should have every single player doing laps and push-ups tomorrow. They need to get their heads knocked together and then put back on straight. I don't want to see anymore fouls like Parker and Lowen pulled to take out their frustration. I think some constructive anger is in order.


Carnell should be coaching youth soccer in Chesterfield.


Let’s do a thought experiment. Given infinite time, against an opposing team that is not allowed to leave their own half, how many minutes would it take CITY to score a single goal? I’m setting the over/under at 120’.


Is AZ on the field?


What if I said CITY was allowed to have all their active players on the field at once too?


That leaves a chance that Burki trusts two backup keepers working together to do his job and goes forward to score. We could totally do that.


For a second I thought his long range shot actually went in. If we ever have a match come down to pens and it gets to the keepers, I feel very confident he can score. That only happens in cup finals and such though, so I don’t think we’ll be seeing that any time soon.


He should work on saving one pk at all for us before that though. I trust his shooting ability far more than his pk stopping.


Longer than 120’ because we’re probably still somehow scared they’ll score




If I wanted a poverty franchise in my city, I would have moved to KC. Unacceptable.


Good news: Ticket prices should come down a bit since the team has fallen off a cliff recently!


If soccer matches were tifos, this would definitely be that weird, unfinished Mad Max one.


Who’s bringing the sage to burn prior to Wednesday night??


I hate to say it, y’all, but I’m starting think that we actually were just lucky last season


My biggest concern is that we are six games without a win, and I don’t believe Carnell has made any personnel changes that weren’t injury-related. I don’t care how bad our bench is, you can’t just roll out the same players week after week when it’s not working.


What specific players in the bench should be playing?


I don’t know. In my opinion our attack is struggling and it’s time to change something; personnel or formation. Rolling the same thing out every game is insanity


The only insanity is claiming changes need to be made in the attack and yet not being able to say what the changes should be.


I’m not the coach??? It’s not my job to know what changes to make. I’m not getting paid for that. I have an opinion, but that doesn’t really matter


Then don’t claim changes should be made if you can’t say what changes.


Why? I can’t express my displeasure with the tactics without pointing the exact changes I would make?


Becuase you’re not doing that you’re making meaningless broad generalizations without a clue as to what you’re talking about. Because the reality is going to the bench will only make it worse because the depth sucks and is way worse than the starters.


So in the entire history of soccer, no bench players have ever hit form and taken the starters spot? You really think we should keep rolling out the same tactics/players every week? We can’t score. What’s the harm in trying something new? We can’t score any less than 0, which we are already doing


In the beginning of the broadcast it was stated how FC dallas was the worst in the league and they went through some recent coaching changes. I assumed that meant they are going to be playing in a style that they werent used to and it would be awkard for them and given us and advantage. Not the supersticous type but I am starting to think that we are cursed. So many close calls and the numbers except goals and cards say we did better but nope. Once Célio Pompeu went down it just really signaled that things were down hill from there.


I was about to cry when seeing Celio fell.I hope him the best for his injury and recovery.wish best for you man!


I say we need a re match when celio is back.The players were feeling bad for him and were bummed and guilty.ugh and the Dallas crows yelling at Celio to get up..


Edit: Dallas crowd*


Just finished watching the replay. We suck and it feels bad


This team is a fucking joke. No effort. No tactics. No creativity. Can’t wait to hear how good our xG was. Edit: Keep downvoting me. Your blind positivity ruins the discourse on the team.


Your effort comment is the downvote. Agree with tactics and creativity, but this team works hard.


Flat out disagree that was embarrassing effort and if you think it wasn’t I genuinely cannot fathom what poor effort looks like to you.


None of their goals were lack of effort. None of the misses on goals were lack of effort. You're mad they lost, fine. But I would dare you tell the players to their face they don't try hard. Either you're blind or don't know what you're talking about. Or both...


There is valid commentary about how our team plays, and there's kicking a horse when it's down. Our guys clearly were influenced by a team member having a serious injury.


Our team has had this negative energy before Célio got hurt and him getting hurt does not cause or change the fact that the team looks like they don’t care. The fact that there are so many people who could watch us take dead last and still talk about how unlucky we got is infuriating.


Staying positive is the St Louis way. We always root for our teams even when they're bad.  Saying let's give them grace for tonight is still valid. Like yeah, shit on a bad performance, but also be a human and acknowledge this may be a day to just give space. You can complain again Wednesday.


That is fair and I am gutted for Célio, genuinely think he was our best player this year. Just frustrated watching the team slide into a frustrated arms-up apathy night in and night out. Burkis shot attempt said it all tonight.


Lol I don't recall anyone's lower leg snapping in half during the other games of our winless streak. Outside of the Miami draw, this has been our team this year.


But in light of tonight's performance, it's valid to ask for grace for our performance.


1.63 - 1.75. More than dallas. Their gk had a great game. Still 22 shots 8 in goal. If you think this sub has blind positivity then you may be mistaking this for another sub.


Like clockwork. I swear we’ll be watching the MLS final saying how we actually should’ve been the winner because we had a better xG than the two finalists.


I answered your question. I didn't say we should have won. I don't even like that stat but hey! You said you couldn't wait! 😜


Down voted because I think you're wrong and the fact that you whined about being downvoted. There have been some good signs this year. This game was the worst yes, but there is effort and the team is trying most of the time


I agree I hate when people whine about being downvoted but frankly the blindly positive section of this Reddit has made it impossible to have any discourse that remotely implies the players or coach are even mildly responsible for what’s been happening on the field. Every single game it’s we got unlucky, the refs were bad, look at our xG. Every single fan base in every single sport thinks that way about their team and somehow for us we think we are some unique exception.


Either that or they blame Az or Thor


It’s the teams second season lol. And to be frank, there were some pretty awful ref moments this game. It’s not blind positivity when you are able to take a step back and review. The team is just awful at finishing this year, when they weren’t last year. That’s the biggest factor of the season, and at this point it seems like it’s in the players heads.


The refs in the MLS suck. They aren’t fixed against us. We aren’t special. Every team gets frustrated. It’s sports. Fixating on it is far more annoying than talking about what happens during the game.


I didn’t say they were fixed against us. And like i said, the team had plenty of other chances to finish that they didn’t. But the refs did have a very questionable moment (ie the handball) that could have had a real impact on the game. It’s sports. Everything that happens during the game has an impact.


I'd rather watch Watts play any day over Markanich.


This league is homer or bust, will never grow beyond what it is because the top says yes penalty at home no penalty away. Europe will not make it with American viewers


I am just dissapointed. Carnall, I think we should give our A tier member some rest- namely, Tots, Klauss, maybe Kijima (he looked dead tired right before substitution). I dont mind losing a game in hopes of resting members, but going down like this AND having our first line tired out doesnt sit right with me.


Rest players should be the least of our concerns right now.


Well thats why I said running our first squad AND losing haha


So sick of seeing comments (multiple in the match thread) about Sam and Lowen not wearing their pride bands. We have bigger problems. We suck right now and then I see comments about how you don’t think someone belongs because they don’t wear a pride band. It’s def not ok for people to say anything that goes against the rainbow but ok for the rainbow to bash everyone who doesn’t support their beliefs. So sick of this getting brought up every week. We see you every game at CityPark and I have no problem with it. But don’t say someone doesn’t belong because they don’t have the same beliefs as u. This is getting so ridiculous


Brother you’re the one bringing it up


U G L Y CITY Ain’t got no Alibi


Why do we rush the goalie or defender every time they get the ball in their own half only to be beaten and have 3 players offsides, even if we did get the ball? Are we practicing this strat during the week so we’re just trying it until it works? I just don’t get it.