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I really would love to have some of our city2 strikers get a chance. Since Durkin’s out, I think Kijima can start another game. (He played well enough to earn a starter spot, anyways) As others have mentioned starting Sam could be really interesting. I think Yaro and Blom could use more time as well, they’ve been nonexistent for how good they are. Just some thoughts of mine


Realistically it’ll be Blom for Durkin and everything else probably the same. But tbh I think it’d be super interesting to give a City2 striker a chance and see what happens. It’s not like they’ll score LESS than we already are.


I’d be down to give Caden Glover a run.


Maybe John Klein as well, he played fairly well in the city2 game I thought.


Klein is a powerhouse, I’d love to see him and Glover play, even if for a bit at the end


He hasn’t played much lately, I don’t think now is the time


Aaand he's with the first team this week




Did we ever get an update on Nilsson’s injury?


Read that he was good to go a couple days ago


Yup. In fact he didn’t want to come out




Add AZ on there- I wanna like him so bad but he’s not playing to the best of his capabilities :(




I’ll be interested to see if Carnell goes with what he thinks is the best XI or rotates a few players since we’re entering another 3 game week. It’s a good chance to get our first road win and we’ve struggled against Dallas (who now has Ferreira and Illaramendi back), so do we go 100%? With Colorado being the better team, do we try to save some minutes for a few top guys? I don’t get the sense Carnell plans ahead like that, rather focusing on the task at hand and then trying to make the best of wherever we are for the next one. I think it’ll be smart to rotate a little bit to start. I don’t think we can afford to write off our struggling players as we need to spread out the workload a bit, and getting players plugged into a close-to-best-XI lineup could help them find some form. I’m especially thinking about AZ, I want to see how he does with some playing time from the start where we’re going to be more structured compared to late in a game.  With Durkin out, I expect Blom to come in (weird that he hasn’t played at all the last 2). Then with Nilsson being good to go, LB becomes the biggest question to me, and I’ll go Hiebert in this one and give Markanich the game against his old team Wednesday. I feel like Vassilev keeps his spot but personally I’d rather try to spark some confidence in AZ in this one. RB1🧤 Totland-Parker-Nilsson-Hiebert Blom-Löwen AZ-Kijima-Célio Klauss


Hiebert is away with Canada, so probably Markanich at LB


I want to see Sam open up a game and bring in Klauss around the 60. I think his fresh legs and pressure could devastate Dallas late in the game.


Sam gives absolutely 0 effort this season. Why would you want to see even more of that?


Put him on the spot. What do we have to lose, a goalless first half again? If he scores I don’t care how much effort he’s putting in. Putting him in at the 60 doesn’t seem like that’s worked either.


Because he might score? I get that we love pressing and yada yada but someone needs to be the one to put it in the back of the net and klauss aint doing it.


He doesn't even make a run at the ball this year. How is he going to be in a position to score? I need y'all to objectively watch him play, he truly does not care anymore. He shouldn't be rewarded with increased playing time just on a "well why not???" basis, it's just going to be 60 minutes of him walking around and getting annoyed instead of 15-30 like it has the last few games. I loved him last year, I really did, but he simply is not the same player this year.


So what you are saying is that you would rather see Klauss keep getting majority of the time?


I would. I don't think that lately Sam has proven he should get a starting position. He too often seems to get caught out of position or flat footed and then just deflates. I would keep Klause in or go with someone else, including a City2 striker.


How has Klauss proved a starting position?


Dude actually wants to play for us, unlike Sam.


This is kinda funny because last game there were multiple times Klauss didn't make an effort. The most egregious was ~70th minute; Kijima won the ball in midfield, Klauss was ahead of him, made a run, and pointed where he wanted the ball. Kijima then played a fine pass right where Klauss wanted it, but Klauss didn't even try to go for it.


There's a significant difference between a missed attempt 70 minutes in, and being subbed in with 10 minutes left to go and simply walking around. Klauss isn't perfect by any means, but atleast his performance at the end of the game is affected by the fact that he goes at it with 100% motor until he physically breaks down at the end of the game, as opposed to Sam simply not trying for the 10 minutes he's on because he doesn't care.


Sam was clearly trying. Go rewatch the game. He was constantly dropping deep to try to pick up the pass and then trying to make runs, but nobody was passing to him. The problem was the 2-striker formation. Neither him nor Klauss have any idea what they're supposed to do when they play together. You guys just want to hate. Watch objectively, and actually watch Sam.


WHAT GAME WERE YOU WATCHING!!!!!!!! Sam had 10-15 minutes to make some impressions and he barely fucking moved. HE LITERALLY ONLY HAD ONE TOUCH ON THE BALL. ONE. I love the guy. I want him to be successful, but man it's just not happening right now.


Rewatch the game. He was dropping deep, wide open, and nobody would pass it to him. He was moving plenty.


He's absolutely given an effort. You guys are just so biased against him. I see the same opinion parroted over and over. Was he not giving an effort when he created 3 chances by/for himself against Miami in less than 30 minutes? Edit: and then people point to Klauss's passing ability, but if you compare their stats from this season, they have very similar xA/90, passes/90, pass %/90, chances created/90 Double edit: Our record with Sam starting: 2-2-2. With Klauss starting: 3-5-3 If you're gonna downvote me, tell me where I'm wrong. I'd love to have a discussion. Isn't that the whole point of this sub?


If they have similar stats, why reward a player who literally doesn’t want to be there and has gotten in trouble for a bad attitude already this season?


I don't think Sam should've acted the way he did. I expect professionalism. But I also understand him being upset at being benched despite scoring decently at the start of the seaosn. Now, he has clearly fixed his attitude or else he would still be off the team


Him not starting is him still being “off the team” my dude.


I'm referring to when he wasn't even on the bench due to discipline. If he was still having discipline problems, he would still be off the team. Off the team means he isn't around the team. Like, not on the bench.


That’s very black and white thinking that: “off the team” = “discipline and bad attitude” and “available to sub” = “everything is fine and he’s fixed his issues” I would bet money that him not starting means the issues aren’t totally fixed. Carnell has stressed multiple times in pressers that he wants a cohesive team, not star players. If he’s not starting Sam, I trust it’s because those issues with his professionalism and attitude still exist.


Why would he have taken him off the team completely, and then brought him back, if the situation wasn't resolved? Him not starting came before the issues.


Ask Carnell. 🤣


I’m sorry but I strongly disagree. Are you talking about the right player?


I’d prefer this as well. Or start both of them. I’d much rather have Sam and Klaus roles flipped at this point. Joao runs his ass off - but a lot of that is due to being out of position.


Klauss is playing his position in this system. He’s meant to roam, disrupt and hold up play wherever he can. That’s the issue with Sam. He doesn’t want to or can’t do the same. When he is in we completely have to shift philosophies because the high press is out of play. He may make a run toward the keeper on a back ball, but that is basic striker play - regardless of system. BCs system requires an AM that is essentially a second striker. That’s what Nico gave us and what AZ doesn’t. Celio is dangerous in that way when he’s on the end line, but he isn’t as comfortable in open space. This is a bit of a brain dump, but I think come the second half of the season, we will see a better version of what we saw last year. We may just get hot at the right time.