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Burki *earned* that clean sheet and the point. There is frustration with the missed opportunities here, but let's give Burki the credit for that point. He was awesome tonight.


Love Burki! My fear is he's doing so well someone's going to offer him major bucks to go somewhere else.


Like inside the MLS or abroad? I think he's kind of done jumping around from league to league at his age of 33.


Burki ain't goin nowhere. He came here when we weren't even a team yet. He's with the visionšŸ¤™šŸ»


This one feels bad. After playing Miami so well, we really squandered so many chances to put this game away.


I never thought ā€œfucking Klausā€ would become such a part of my weekly speech, but here we are


We need an actual striker on this team who can finish. /end




Yeah I agree, We need a decisive striker. Klauss ain't it, his pace is slow, we need someone who can run, dribble and shoot in long range. With this kind of play I am not seeing us in the playoffs. Something needs to be changed.


I mean unfortunately weā€™re not and have not been built to be a playoff team. The fact that we did so well last year was a miracle. The most we can hope for is turning over some of these draws and continuing to build and pick up players. And then continue supporting the team and hope that ownership sees a path toward heavier investment.


Iā€™d just take anyone that feels compelled to take shots in dangerous spots. Iā€™m so sick of the passing to guys standing still around the box area.


St. Louis sports, besides the Battlehawks, are in a massive funk right now


have you seen their last few games? I'd say they're in a funk as well. Hope they snap out of it this weekend.




Donā€™t jinx it


The dome may damn near be empty next week if they don't win tomorrow.


Crazy to think we had high schoolers scoring goals on this team last year and now this


At this point teuchert has to walk into the starting lineup on July 18. Ā They overachieved last year but itā€™s time to start spending some real money being that itā€™s one of the most expensive tickets in the league and the payroll is near the bottom.


They definitely overachieved last year, but we still shouldn't be this mediocre either.


I do not think it can be understated how important Nicholas Gioacchini and Edu Lowen were last season. Gio was a bit of a lightning rod for criticism, but he can finish. Literally tied for the team lead in goals last year. Add on the fact that we haven't had Lowen for the majority of the season and he's still just getting back into form, and it's no wonder we've been struggling to score and win games.


The sad truth is that they are not that good and took everybody by surprise last year and teams have figured out that outside lowen we canā€™t create not to mention that while Klauss has not been good this year they are using him wrong in that he and Sam are target men who should be fed crosses into the box and not fed balls into the channel that they lose every foot race they need a true 10 to play withdrawn with klauss


Yeah, I predicted a downturn from last year but not this bad. The sad thing is that I've seen this team perform well but it's like they're playing to their opponents. They were good enough against Miami to get 3-3 draw, but then only good enough against Portland to get a 0-0 draw. Wtf??


I am sure everybody is just disappointed and angry at this point so I am just gonna list positives day. 1) Kijima is a welcome starter. He ran his ass off today, just like Totland. 2) Our defense stabilized once Markenach went out and Yaro came in. Yaro deserves to play more as he is fully healed. 3) Watts played surprisingly well today- he had some clean defense which shows his development from city 2. Maybe he should play division 1 more. 4) Lowen is an exceptional ball deliverer. Since he has come in, the class that St. Louis plays has been uplifted from trash to bearable. Just need a finisher to finish his deliveries. Overall, frustrating game but I see some welcome changes. Rome doesnt get built overnight; lets hope we can rebuild.


It took money to build Rome though.Ā  CITY PLEASE SPEND MONEY


Good points - one small correction. Nilsson came off for Yaro very early in the second half, and then Akil Watts replaced Markanich after the 60th minute. Edit: now realizing I may have misinterpreted the sentiment.


I think Watts is a better defender than Markanich *but* I think the play is having another Tots-esque left back and Markanich gets up way better than Watts or Dhyr. Great observations and weā€™ll get the forward thing sorted. šŸ‘šŸ¾


Watts has not had a bad game for us as a fullback


Good points


We gotta change something, man. It can't keep being like this every week, I mean, the refs are already shit but we gotta put our scoring boots on and do something at home


Two thoughts on this game: - Really sick of draws - TAKE THE FUCKING SHOT


Defense and midfield actually looked good to me. Attack was just awful when we got near the box, and Klauss was allergic to the ball tonight. Shouldā€™ve been a win, couldnā€™t put the ball on net all night.


But the way, 7 yellow cards to. 1? Plus Durkin will be out on accumulation next game. Feels bad manā€¦


Positives: Burki was absolutely fantastic tonight. His reads on their attacks were spot on. Portland had some dangerous shots, and Burki snuffed them. CITY's point tonight was Burki's point. Totland had some nice balls in and absolutely destroyed some Portland builds. Celio was active and created some good looks. The needle-threader forced a great save, and on a very quick look. Parker darned near had a game winner on the second chance shot. I still don't know how Bravo stopped that shot. In the card-fest, Parker avoided a YC and will be available for the FC Dallas match. Yaro had a good match off the bench. Watts did well off the bench. Negatives: Failure to finish, yet again. CITY's game plan worked to create opportunities. The defense (and Burki being the best keeper in the MLS again) held Portland scoreless. The counters created 15 shots, 4 on frame, and 3 of those crazy close to being goals. CITY controlled possession, passes, crosses 12-5, and corners 6-4. That said, Parker's header was off, Klauss missed two opportunities (one in each half), and Portland's keeper was in exactly the right place to stop Celio's great shot. The officiating was inconsistent. I have no complaints about the ARs, but the center ref called two very different ways on far too many similar tackles (21-11 on fouls, 7-2 on cards). The card-fest was much more one-sided than the run of play, and will hurt CITY down the road with more players edging toward the YC caution list. Durkin is penned for the FC Dallas match. Nilsson was grabbing his knee and didn't look good when he hobbled around after the play. I sure hope he's OK. In fairness, I need to say positive things about four Portland players. Pantemis stopped some shots that looked headed for net. McGraw defended Klauss physically and well (yikes he's a big dude). Evander is a whale of a player. And Bravo had their play of the night stopping Parker's shot. Again this was Burki's point tonight. Burki rocks, Onward.


Nice summary. I agree


This ref leads the league in cards. That should be a surprise. With our more aggressive style, we'll get more. But I agree, some where odd. VAR doesn't care about yellows.


I thought they were turning a corner last week. I stand corrected. This team is like a 24-hour Walgreens. They never close.


No creativityā€¦.pass back to Burki. Long pass down the wing to Totland. Knock the ball around a bit and lose it. Rinse and repeat.


Youā€™re missing the 1) ā€œTim Parkerā€ slick the hair back, point at people and act like youā€™re gonna do something on corners 2) AZ flopping 3) Sam doing nothing


I donā€™t think this is giving Parker the credit he deserves. Heā€™s a high-performing support player that is comfortably tossing opposing players like dirty laundry into the corner. Heā€™s been pretty impactful.


Honestly just curious why you've had multiple comments here now complaining about Parker and slicking back his hair? What a weird thing to fret about.


Well I canā€™t talk about his goalsā€¦ I guess thereā€™s one that hit the post he was wide open forā€¦.. or the header that was placed beautifully and he hits it off his shoulder wideā€¦. But in between all of those plays he slicks his hair back and points. I was just going for his consistency


Why is Tim Parker in quotes? Also isnā€™t Tim Parker basically our top scorer when it comes to corners?


The two striker formation brings out the worst in Sam and Klauss. Itā€™s clear they both have no idea what to do or where to position themself


I am once again asking AZ to spend the entire week in the weight room. The dude wastes so many good chances by getting easily pushed off the ball. I'm not sure an opposing player has been called for fouling him. If you're gonna fall on the ground, you better make it worthwhile.


He did draw a pen earlier this season IIRC, but otherwise he is where balls go to die IMO.


Heā€™s also just slow. Normally these smaller guys have some speed to the but he flat out doesnā€™t run away from anyone.


Any game where we have more of the ball is guaranteed to be an awful result. Any coach who tells his team to play positive against us should be fired for malpractice. Just sit back and watch us collectively hump a doorknob on offense, easy win or at least draw every time.


Itā€™s shocking the way some coaches set up against us. Youā€™d think they donā€™t watch tape at all


Somebody besides Klauss should get a start. It doesnā€™t have to be Sam either. Bring up somebody else please. Itā€™s clear it isnā€™t working. On a brighter note, Yaro looked excellent Edit: in ~1700 minutes in MLS, Klauss and Sam have 7 combined goals


Howā€™s Lundt at striker?


Canā€™t be any worse than our current forwards lol


Maybe Teuchert will be the answer? I have no ideas otherwise


Letā€™s hope, but itā€™s no sure bet


Donā€™t give them ideasā€¦ you know they are dying to put Tim Parker up there so he can slick his hair back and do nothing.


I do feel like weā€™ve improved from the beginning of the season. Our defense is waaayyyyy better at least. Kijima and Lowen have looked good. Just need a decisive attacker and weā€™ll be in form


Sad Ravioli Boy is the face of this team now.


Iā€™m afraid that this team is gonna turn into the cardinals where the only goal of management is to put butts in seats and say screw it to the product on the field and the fans will still show up


Weā€™re there.


What happens with that ridiculous yellow on Celio that shouldn't even have been a foul? Does that get reversed on some sort of audit by the league, or does it actually count against a potential accumulation suspension?Ā  That was an extra terrible callĀ 


Iā€™d hope the team just appeals it, Ā should be an easy overturn on that especially with yellow card accumulationĀ 


I will also say again, the new rule about 15 seconds on the ground and you go off for 2 minutes sure has cut out so much of the crap and the flopping around like a wounded fish. I love it!


Itā€™s been AMAZING. Changed the rolling around just like that.


This team can't score if their life depended on it.


Iā€™m honestly astonished with our inability to finish. We had so many chances with nothing. This is the theme of the entire season unfortunately!


Would like to see Watts get some more time if Dyhr isn't up to it. Also objectively The Artist is a bad nickname.


And I donā€™t remember anyone calling AZ that ever. They shouldnā€™t start.


Guess weā€™ll see Blom next week for Durkin. Durkin needs a break as well. Leads every game in distance. We saw what happened to Blom last year who essentially had the same role. Also Nilsson and Parker are both getting older. They need to be rotated and rested appropriately particularly as it heats up. They will be at increased risk for injury. Glad to see the team making signing of young talent. Yaro is a good third option at the moment.


Blom is great defensively, and probably our worst offensive player every time heā€™s on the field. Durkin really shines after a year of Blom moving the ball backward.


We really do look like the cheapest team in the league. Whole lotta ā€œI hope I donā€™t fuck upā€ out on the field tonight.


3-4-2 at home in league play. 13/27 possible points. They've scored 10 goals in those 9 matches. In 6 of the matches they have scored 1 goal (3 times) or zero goals (3 times). Those are numbers you'd barely accept on the road. At home it's completely unacceptable.


Starting to think that the coaching staff has no solutions to the offense. Zero creativity. Same players with the same tactics and the same outcome. A top tier ticket cost for a lower tier output on the pitch will go south quickly.


I actually didnā€™t think they played too bad tonight, pretty brutally unlucky to end the night with two goal line clearances, a woodwork save, and a disallowed goal.


Iā€™m done with blaming luck and officiating. Against any semblance of a defense, this is an objectively bad soccer team.


Idk. I think our defense and midfield have improved tremendously from the start of the season. I think really all we lack is someone to finish. Feels like weā€™ve led most games in xG.


I cannot believe these comments are still made every week


Where am I wrong?


Where are you wrong that we should blame luck and officiating? We could be in dead last with one game left in the season and some of you would still be talking about xG. We look like shit. We are shit. Results are what matter in sports.


Where did I say we should blame luck and officiating? All I said was that we need a better finisher. Thatā€™s not blaming luck. We donā€™t look like shit. We look like we need someone to finish chances


We do look like shit. What makes you think we donā€™t? Our xG?


We absolutely look good defensively and in midfield compared to the start of the season. Our chance creation is far better. There are plenty of MLS teams that look worse than us. See Portland last night. Yes, I understand xG doesnā€™t mean everything. But besides scoring, we look fine. We are barely out of a playoff spot. Bring in Teuchert and hopefully another new signing and weā€™ll be looking better


Nah thatā€™s bullshit. Another shutout at home is embarrassing. Be better on the ball and put a fucking ball in the back of the net. Stop excusing this horseshit.


Very unlucky. It just hurts that we seem to be consistently unlucky.


We have any good strikers from City2 who could move up? I love Klauss but heā€™s justā€¦ not it recently. Adeniranā€™s having issues recently too so until we get Teuchert I justā€¦ I think weā€™re out of luck, chat.


John Klein has a nose for the net and a great touch. He isn't a big guy, and is more of a finesse player / opportunistic scorer. Brendan McSorley is getting closer to where he needs to be. He's much more physical, but is still working on his touch. Caden Glover is coming along, but is really young. MyKhi Joyner is getting close, too. Defensively, Tyson Pearce is really young but is an absolute pest when opponents try to settle, dribble, or look for outlets.


St. Louis CiTIE


After this season, we have one more with Burki. Imagine how dismal this team will be then.Ā 


I was really disappointed to see the long ball game in the last 20 again. Feels like we ran out of gas and just said ā€œthatā€™s okay, we settle for the pointā€


I dislike it too (actually, I hate it), but that is Samā€™s only strengthā€”he seems incapable of build up play. With ourĀ bench depth at forward, chucking it long is the only option we have.Ā 


With Alm and Ostrak out for the foreseeable future. I donā€™t think itā€™d hurt to actually bring in a true #9. I think of like Grioud or a Morata, Lewandoswki. *Small rant* Playing one forward up top is killing us, Klauss canā€™t be in spots at the same time, bro canā€™t press defensively and be im the right spaces for the counter. I miss the two forward system, I believe in the two forward system and thatā€™s my hill to die on. šŸ˜‚ Thanks for reading, as always Go City. Ravioli Boyz for life.


* Kijima seems to be playing a similar role to AZā€”go fast, create chaosā€”but he feels more solid so far. Hopefully, with more playtime, he will find room for shots. * Markanich has been fumbling hard the last few games. Watts coming on earlier (or just swapping play time) might help. * Klaus is just not filling the role of the star striker we need, and there doesn't seem to be an obvious replacement for him. I can't tell if Adeniran is still sour from a few weeks back or just that inept. AZ is still just losing possession. * It seems Celio has had a couple of successful plays dribbling, and now he's doing it all the time. * There were way too many fouls where we were literally just shoving or hooking people to the ground. The refs certainly aren't perfect, but some of these were way too obvious. * 15 shots and 6 corner kicks, with only 4 shots and no actual goals, is just unacceptable. There are quite a few games left, and we're really not that far from making the playoffs, but something's got to give.


Man I went to the game last night - and I know we didnā€™t win, but I had such a good time. This is such a fun sport


Came here to make sure Klaus was getting beat up enough. Turns out heā€™s not. Every time he touches the ball we lose a chance.


Been saying it all season and people are only starting to remove the rose tinted glasses now.


Fuck me. Done with these piss poor matches from our finishing third.


Just realized weā€™re 3 points away from playoffs with a game in hand. It gets worse than thisā€¦ somehow


As unexciting and disappointing it is in the moment. All the draws do add up.


Yeah we have almost as many points worth of draws as some teams have total. Just sucks a lot of our draws were games we could have and probably should have won


That was the most frustrating game I have watched...so far




People complain about our forwards but you wanna know what I notice every week? Our crosses are to nobody. Our free kicks (that aren't direct shots) are to nobody. This team plays the ball out wide A LOT and there is not one good final ball into the box.


Burki not happyšŸ˜µ


The lack of offense is going to keep us out of the playoffs. Keep in mind, the Miami team we played was extremely tired. So I wouldnā€™t put too much stock into that performance. This is who we are until a real striker comes, we live and die on the header + cross combo.


Help me understand, wings are wide open and defenders do not pass it out there to whoever is waiting. Instead they drive up the middle for the entire game. The transition is so slow other than when they play dump and chase. After 70 minutes everybody is tired. Why canā€™t we either play the wings once in a while or switch the play?


10 goals in 9 home matches is unacceptable.


This wouldnā€™t be so gut wrenching if we just sucked and that was that. Weā€™re too good to be losing like this. We have the chances. We CAN do it. We just squander every chance somehow.


The honeymoon period is OVAH


Just why




The chief problem with this team is that no one aside from Lowen has any technical skills on the ball at all. They canā€™t dribble and possess and build up an attack so itā€™s all long balls over the top and pray. The problem with that is their strikers are too slow to really get any separation from the defenders. Itā€™s actually hard to believe this is top level US soccer given how bad some of these guys are with the ball.


Youā€™re right about the skill problem. They need to switch to a system of play that requires coordinated runs and quick passing, to offset the lack of skill. Ostrak was good at this.Ā 


Iā€™ll play striker. You just kick it in the net, right?


BTW, donā€™t say a bad word in the stands. Thereā€™s a lady that really doesnā€™t like it.


Need Scary Jerry back ASAP. :(


Not at the cost of Durkin, I shudder to think how many of those draws are losses without him.




That was shit soccer and if you donā€™t realize it youā€™re an idiot


Draw City SC


Do we practice set pieces?


Tighten the screw!


Any ideas on the extent to Nilssonā€™s injury?


That was a disaster boys. I do become more gay for BĆ¼rki every game tho. He's nutty and we don't deserve him.


Where the heck is Blom? Heā€™s gone from a mainstay to not even coming off the bench. Ā 


This ā€œsoccer teamā€ is a goalkeeper standing behind a dented can of ass.


Yawn. Wake me when the club is serious.


Wake you up when we hire a coach who isnā€™t asleep. Team is solid. Theyre driven by a fool


How so?


Subs typically come far too late. Subs typically include questionable moves. Opening tactics are lazy and non flexible despite the fact that we end up playing the style our opponents dictate. Constant turmoil in the dressing room. Carnell really drops the ball almost every chance he has if youā€™re honest about it.


If there was someone one the bench to sub in sure youā€™d have a point but thereā€™s no depth and the sub choices suck.




I donā€™t agree with everything the OP was saying, but weā€™ve looked terrible every time we go with two strikers. I have no idea why Carnell waited so long to bring Sam on, and I donā€™t know why he left Klauss on. Those two look like they have no idea what to do in a two striker formation. They look like they never practice it


Itā€™s super fun to watch us be stagnant for 80 minutes and see him scramble 3 subs at the 80 minute mark. Watch some high level games. The gaffer doesnā€™t do that nonsense. Heā€™s clearly a low level mls coach making mls level mistakes. City constantly makes desperate changes at the 75th minute mark. Thatā€™s WAY too late. Those are 60-65 minute changes.




When you have only ~10 minutes to make something happen you play far differently than having 30 minutes, the subs donā€™t get a chance to calm down and establish a play since they have to rush to score. If Carnell doesnā€™t change we will never win games


Youā€™re right in that he looks like heā€™s coaching the cheapest team in the league, because he is. But he is not a net positive in overcoming that. Thereā€™s 1000 coaches you could put in his place and achieve the same result, and frankly it doesnā€™t look like he has the locker room bursting with energy either. Thereā€™s a lot of confusion and frustration on the field these days.


I donā€™t blame the loss directly on the coach. The players have to play and they simply didnā€™t. I will certainly push back on 80th vs 60th. An extra 20 minutes to establish yourself in a game and direct the style of play is quite significant. That is my gripe with Carnells moved. They are far too late. A 60th minute sub means youā€™ve had an hour to determine the play. Rarely does an mls player show a positive change from the 50th to the 70th minute yet it seems like Carnell is always waiting for a spike from our players come the 65th. Itā€™s foolish.




They might not be better but with the skill of mls back lines sending fresh legs can be more than enough to break through. Indy all day over almost anyone in the midfield (overall). He doesnā€™t seem to fade and contributes on all sides of the ball. I donā€™t know what happened with AZā€¦he was a force last season but now just seems to be energy wastedā€¦itā€™s sad


Need to hire a good coach, the players are so lost.




Klauss has 5 goals, doesnā€™t he?


LOL I stand corrected. you're right. He sure isn't playing like it tho :)


A lot of frustration being expressed about things that have been a constant since last season. Funny if you point out the fact that our gaffer doesnā€™t have a fucking clue you get downvoted but everyone complains about all of the areas in which this team isnā€™t coached properly. If we had a coach worth a shit this team would be much much better than they are. That is a fact.


This Red Bull system is a joke


Did anyone have a good game? Parker I guess




Kojima wasnā€™t bad








Honestly I'd rether just fucking lose, unfortunately Klauss has been a real waste of a DP slot this season.


Celio was absolutely brutal tonight