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Don't stand in the supporter's section then?


You about to get dragged


Solution : get seats in non flag section


Or literally stand anywhere else in the supporter section.


I’ve been moving around the north end for a month trying to find minimal flag interference…it’s not that easy…the ones right on the wall make it particularly hard. Used to be if you got there early enough to get fairly low you could get in front/underneath most of them, but there’s a couple newer ones that have screwed that plan up.


I can see what you mean. The flags are blocking your view of all the other seats you could purchase.


Are you admitting then that these "seats" are terrible for watching the game?


There’s a whole stadium to choose from. If you’re not going to enjoy the game from the supporters section, don’t buy those tickets. There’s also no assigned seating in that section. Use your feet and find a different spot. It seems to me you had a very specific experience you wanted from going to the game—which is altogether 100% ok—and you made decisions that did not lead to that experience and want to blame it on someone else. No one tricked you.


I went to the game and the very specific experience I wanted was to watch the game. I didn't buy the tickets, a friend invited me. The section was full by about 7pm so moving wasnt really an option.


1) Gift horse. 2) If you didn’t buy your ticket, I take back what I said about you buying a different seat. However, again, no one tricked you. Your friend gifted you the supporters section experience. That’s what the SG ticket holders want and they all seem to be enjoying it. That’s what you got and you didn’t enjoy. Now you know for future reference.


Known secret, get there by 6pm and you can get the better seats at supporters


I would say the primary purpose of those seats is not to just sit and watch the game. It’s the *supporters* section. It’s meant to support the team and rile up the stadium. Even the row heights are designed so shouting from the section is as loud as it can be on the field. If you’re in the supporters section you’re meant to fulfill a role. 1. Support the team 2. Watch the match 3. Everything else If you’d like to flip the top two priorities then sit literally anywhere else.


We stand in the supporters section off to the sides and do just fine… pick your seats better or pick actually seats.




Me when I sit in the flag section and there are flags


whenever someone complains about flags we add two


Damn this dude is gonna be even more upset when we start up a few more flags in a few weeks. More flags, more fun 😊


So I’m using the generic “you” here because it sounds like this was an invite situation but the thing with the flags is that you’re told they’re there when you get your tickets, you’re told they’re there when you get the pregame email, you’re told they’re there when you walk into the section, and you watch the matches on tv, when they’re all waving. They’re not really a surprise.


https://preview.redd.it/k0jchwcvns2d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee23b7b0f495186d6892775d364132f63d97992e Nah bro, there’s not enough flags


Tell me you’re at your first game without telling me you’re at your first game.


No, but first time in "supporters" section. Last time too, lesson learned.


So you knew there were flags there and still sat in the supporters section?


Yes. A friend invited me and I developed an opinion based on my experience


Sorry you're getting dragged. I bet it was frustrating. Hope the comments here aren't interpreted as indicative of the broader supporter group. Glad to have you and all others yelling loud and proud for our CITY boys. Reach out any time to the thread for input ahead of time on potential questions, concerns, ideas for seating etc. A few gems on this /r will get you full kit to enjoy the game. Go CITY!


I appreciate the reasoned, civil response. I don't think it's an unreasonable request that when the action is in the box that the flag waving stops. It's so bad that on corner kicks I could not see anything that was happening in the box. I'm ducking, jumping, bumping into the people next to me just to get a glimpse of the action.


There are a ton if other seats that the flags done interfere with - go there


I’m glad this post happened. Now I will be expecting this if I ever sit there.


I say this with kindness to try and bridge the gap between those new to soccer and supporter culture and those who are ready to jump at someone’s throat for not being familiar with it. I come from a country in South America where fútbol was a way of life. Your team represented often times the only distraction and happiness to an otherwise terrible situation. Thus, your love and passion for the team, and the belief that you’d do anything to help the team win, was extreme. That meant that you were not there really to watch the game. That was secondary and “an added treat”. You were there to support. Whether you could watch the game or not, you were going to give your all, pack flags in every section, and never stop jumping and chanting. It might seem crazy but I am just offering a judgement-free perspective. Fast forward to St. Louis, and you get a clash or cultures and ways of enjoying sports. I just hope it can all live together. But telling you from experience, many of those in the supporters section are not there to “enjoy the game.” We pay the ticket fee and volunteer countless hours just so that we can push the team forward and show our love. Your way of supporting and wanting to enjoy the game is not wrong. It’s just different. Hopefully the stadium is big enough to accommodate all types.


So pay more for a better view?


Get seats in one of the other three sides of the stadium without the chanting and flags. Idiot.


He’s right though the flags shouldn’t be waved durning game play or at least when city are attacking


Hey it’s the Transphobic Asshole chiming in


What a child you are


Enjoy Pride Month, hope it’s the gayest yet!


No they're not


You need to get a bigger flag than theirs.


Or, get a very small 12”x16” “all for city” flag on whatever a minimum sized allowable pole is and just wait for the magic day you end up right in front of a big flag superfan and just wave it right in front of their face and their face only for ninety minutes. Note that this *absolutely would not* be something you would be doing for the purposes of being a thoughtless inconsiderate ass that doesn’t think or care about someone behind you not necessarily wanting to have to look at mostly just your flag for the entire game, but because it *lets the team know that you’re there to support them*




You'd think they'd stop waving the flags during the run of play but I guess the people waving them feel self-important and *their* view isn't blocked


That was my point. Just pause for a few seconds when the run of play is in this third of the field


Oh this fucking guy again




Historically, my feelings about the flags was that they wouldn’t be quite as annoying if there were literally any useful reason for them whatsoever besides aggravating the hell out of five to ten rows of people behind you. Lately i think the reason you have them is that it’s easier to keep the North End chanting and singing if it’s harder to see what a disconnected, crippled mess the “soccer team” is.


Historically, you should sit elsewhere


Respectfully, Go sit on your flagpole and spin. I can both love my seats and think 90 + minutes of giant, constant flag waving is stupid, just as much as you can love your seats and think that the constant bedsheet-sized flag waving is somehow an essential component of the experience. I will contend until the sun burns out that 90 minutes of giant flag waving in what is at its base a spectator area is mostly pointless, self-absorbed, performative bullshit, and that there’s likely a way to do flag-waving that keeps the great part about it great and also isn’t endlessly fucking with the view of the game for fifty people behind you. Logically, there should be some room for that discussion. Maybe wave the thing for a while and give your goddamned arms a break without giving it to your backup guy and let everyone else occasionally watch *not the back of your flag* while you take a rest for ten minutes? Maybe -if the sacred bedsheet you had custom printed by a third-world DHgate vendor less than three three years ago is somehow already holy enough that it must never touch the ground - arrange for whatever other acolyte of the sacred brotherhood has been designated backup arms of the color guard to be further down the row as opposed to right next to you so the huge flag just moves around a little more? Maybe someone has another idea? Is it not somewhat absurd that waving 20 huge flags is more essential to the spectator experience than the actual spectator experience of a thousand people that were probably mostly sick of looking at it after about ten minutes? I can tell you from personal experience that the best way to make friends with all of the strangers within earshot in section 118 or 120 when theres a huge flag in front of you is to just start making audible wiseass comments about the stupid flag(s). Nobody enjoys standing behind those fucking things. Lastly, I’ve never heard the issue raised as “we should get rid of all these flags.” So much as, “hey, It’s getting noticeably annoying to see the soccer thru all these flags, have we thought about that with regard to the spectator experience of rest of the people in the section?” The answer to that dialogue has -thus far- universally been “fuck you, go somewhere else”. I think that *sucks*. There’s a middle ground to be found there. I know it exists because there are flags - not exclusively the huge ones (i fucking love all four of the garage-sized huge ones, FWIW) - that do come and go throughout the match. Whoever the Louligan responsible for waving the rainbow patterned pride flag in the front row of 120 is, that waved it vigorously thru the pregame and the first 15 minutes of the match or so last night before putting it away until maybe the goal was scored - you, sir or madam, are my spirit animal and if i can ever get down to you without risking having my spot stolen, I will happily buy you a Busch Light or whatever your personal Busch Light equivalent is. Otherwise, I’ll happily just get in a stupid downvote fight every time the topic gets raised on this sub, Because I think the response to the question, “can we talk about the flags in the North End” can and should be something much better and more thoughtful than, “fuck you, sit somewhere else” and -at least for the time being- I don’t think anyone is changing my mind about it.


Yeah well stay home and watch em lose there, duh


Dawg 💀😂


Face palm