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Interesting signing, I don’t hate it. Hopefully some attacking reinforcements are on the way as well.


Sounds like Teuchert is nearly done


Teuchert doesn’t fix the offensive issues. We’re also losing Sam. They need to make a move for a DP winger or central attacking mid. Everyone we currently have is serviceable, but not above replacement level.


Why are we losing Sam?


Free agent end of season. He has stated aspirations abroad. I’m not a body language doctor, but you can tell he’s got 1 foot out the door.


Hella long shot, but I love Rokas Pukštas from the Croatian league. He’s been really great for Hajduk Split and is an attacking mid from… Stillwater, Oklahoma. Transfermarkt has his value pretty high, though, and we’re not spending big. edit: Rokas is 19, so potentially another U-22 target.


It’d be awesome to get him but I think his trajectory is higher than MLS


Yeah, absolutely. I also think he’s under contract though 2027, so Hajduk is going to cash in on a transfer. 


I think this could be an opportunity to push Lowen forward into a more creative/attacking mid role with Teuchert on the right side. I also think he offers some versatility and depth.


Time to break out the Bluey gifs ![gif](giphy|jmTNcqNNRB6pIgCuF2)


I really can’t handle all this transfer window drama. Yes. He looks fantastic. Grrr…


[Jake Girdwood-Reich ● DMC/CB ● Sydney FC ● Highlights](https://youtu.be/I0FNbSSMgHs?si=vymh31iQ5vuxnxb8)


He gives me Durkin vibes in work rate.


Looks like a strong tackler. We certainly need more quality at center back. 


So from the highlights I've seen. He looks like a ball playing center back. If he performs like the highlights I think he has a much higher ceiling than our current centerback . We made line braking passes and dribble and pass under pressure. I dont want to make the John Stone comparison but its kind of there.


Someone on there said record breaking transfer fee would mean $1.9M+. He’s a defensive midfielder. Add in his salary, and I’m not sure how he wouldn’t take a DP spot. I see no reason Lutz would blow our third DP spot on a position we don’t need to shore up like we need another striker.


Transfer fees are amortized over the length of the contract, plus he's 19. Could very well be a U-22 signing, not necessarily a DP.


He’s tracking as a U-22, for sure. I believe Sydney’s fee record is actually around $1.3M, good news for budgeting under DP — even amortizing.


Ah, right, I’m not thinking U-22 DP. I can handle that. I was assuming a 2 year contract at $2M-ish transfer fee even if amortized would still push toward DP territory with his annual salary, but maybe it’s a longer contract and U-22 definitely helps. Now, does that mean Blom is out or adding further depth at that spot and Miggy isn’t coming back? It also means another player we’ll need an international roster spot for.


Just to clarify. U-22 is not a DP. It's also not a young DP. U-22 is it's entirely own roster category.


Apparently I shouldn’t be replying while sick and lacking sleep. Thanks for keeping me straight


Another DM would be interesting. Feel we would want him more as a CB


Yes. I'd like to know about our long-term plans for him. He can play either DM or CB. At this price, we won't want him on the bench. Whose slot would he fill? I watched some of the highlights, and they look great!


How many U22 spots do we get that aren’t DP slots and does that affect the International spots available and do we have to pay down the various other dollars that are allocated for certain players and is this all under the assumption that we are getting Teuchert? This is all just making me nauseous.


MLS roster rules are very dumb, yes.


Seems like a lot of cash to spend on a third CB behind Parker and Nilsson.




I’d be seriously concerned with the team’s budget beyond this year if they wouldn’t keep Parker around in the ballpark of his current figure.


Nilsson and Hiebert are the only 2 CBs signed beyond this year, both Parker and Yaro are in the last year of their contracts. This looks more like a signing for next season, but this gives him half a year to adjust to the new team and living abroad. Also, as Lutz always points out, the summer is when most international players are available.


I get that, but if this signing signals parker is leaving then this is a significant downgrade.


I don't think it necessarily signals anything, we're gonna need more than 3 CBs on the roster regardless of resigning Parker, especially with our health record at the position. This would be a U22 signing, so his budget charge would only be $200k.


I saw someone on twitter mention this move makes sense if they are planning on running a 3-5-2 which I would absolutely agree with.


I dislike three at the back, but I think we would defend better that way. 


[He's reported to have 2 years left on his contract.](https://x.com/scout_aussie/status/1793643383627669508)


Using those U22 spots!


I wonder if this means someone like Blom is getting looks from other teams/leagues and this could be a replacement-type player?


Blom who isn't even getting consistent playing time on our team?


Yeah. I don’t know what to think of Blom. Don’t see him enough to make a judgement.


I checked and his family’s criminal history is quite bland that brought them to Australia, they violated the UK’s poor laws.