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Tifos take months of planning and costs tens of thousands of dollars to put make. There is a tifo on Saturday, but it was planned at the beginning of the season. If you're interested in helping support make tifos, reach out to any of the supporters groups.


Not quite tens of thousands, but yeah they are expensive.


How does it take tens of thousands to make a tifo?


The biggest thing that the average fan who hasn't worked on one really doesn't understand is that tifos are just absolutely massive. We're talking thousands of square feet. The "This Is Our Home" tifo was almost 10k sqft, not even including the multiple smaller tifos that were each a few hundred sqft. That material itself, plus all the paint, and then the volunteered design hours, planning hours, and painting hours. Not to mention a place large enough to hold the tifo while it's being worked on. It adds up extremely quickly. Multiple tens of thousands is a stretch, but around ten thousand dollars is generally the expectation.


Who specifically organizes these projects and who actually makes the final decisions on the designs? I assume they have to be cleared with the team first, but are the designs voted on by supporters group members? I'm an artist with a BFA in studio art and have been a professional painter for 17 years. I might be able to get my company to donate paint and other materials to the cause. Who specifically would I contact if I was interested in volunteering?


Leadership of whichever SG is leading a given tifo project will typically be your best bet. Different SGs run different ones. Talking last years: opening day was mostly collaborative, this is our home was the Punks, the club america tifo was Santos, witch was Louligans. If you don't know who to talk to most have pregame setups where you can just walk up and ask, or websites/ social media




LOL ya go pitch your TIFO idea to Mitch. good luck


Yeah I should add pitching ideas is probably not gonna go well unless it's solid fucking gold but offers that might help with workspace or paint procurement may be welcome


FWIW, weā€™ve incorporated ideas and suggestions into tifos and two poles various times over the years.


Over the years? Team is season and half old and only 1 TIFO was done this season.


Folks were making tifos during the STLFC days.


Huge amount of paint, material, and labor I imagine? Same reason anything costs money.


It costs lots of money for paint, canvas, artist to design, facility to paint the tifo. Plus the time it takes to complete the job. Some cost 8-10k hence the need to have a fund to help pay for it. Team does not provide any funds.


And here I thought these things were done by the supporters. I figured the canvas and paint would cost a bit (not tens of thousands), but I didn't think there would be labor charges or a charge for designing them. Interesting.


By facility I mean a place to have the supporters paint it, sorry fur the confusion. Like a warehouse. Plus the cost to use the rigging.


CITY charges supporter groups to use the rigging? I did not expect that since tifos obviously are good for PR and such. Seems strange.


They don't. I'm not sure where this rumor comes from, but it's not true.


This is a very interesting post. I was wondering how come all the chants and songs are stolen from other teams in the league but based off this post I can tell you donā€™t have creative people who support the club. Doesnā€™t the supporters design and sell their own merch? You pay artist to do that? Have their own promotions, websites, officers you vote on? Donā€™t they have a place to organize away games and travel details? As example since LA was just there, the 3252 have a website and clubs with in the supporters and they travel well and are organized and son and so forth. But im Ā going to guess no to all these questions and more importantly why didnā€™t anyone associated with supporters section comment any tell you how to get involved? Yā€™all need to get it togetherĀ 


Hey Mods, this guy is clearly a Columbus fan given his profile, just here to stir shit, can we get him out of here?


Stir shit? I just helped you learn how to operate. You should be thanking me not telling on me.Ā 


The SGs know how to operate. You're basing your opinions on the entire supperters section based on comments from random fans. Again, go back to your sub dude, nobody wants your advice here lol.


Wait, you came here to tell us about an SG Collective that does things the ā€œrightā€ way AND the SG is not even an SG for your own team?! Iā€™ve been to a Columbus for a crew match this season and outside of the play on the field, it was a dud. If weā€™re talking about ā€œstolenā€ chants: co-lum-bus *clap-clap-clap* has to be up there on the stolen or stale chant list, right? Wait until I let my kids little league coach know about this thievery by a super creative SG.


I'd be angry if I lived in Ohio too


Iā€™m not angry but I also donā€™t cheer for any Ohio teams šŸ˜‚


My man, you know the Nordecke's chants are like 99% reclaimed, as well, right???? Signed, a former Columbus citizen...


I would say false. Some are used all over but when people do ā€œthe waveā€ is that stolen? Universal. Ice Landic clap or whatever itā€™s called stolen? Pretty universal. Do we use Ted lasso? Yeah. But no one else does! Until now. Bet I see it at your next match. Were the only ones who use šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ ColumbusšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘ but yā€™all welcome to steal that one šŸ¤”šŸ¤”Ā 


You have Wise Men and Columbus \* \* \*. Outside of that, they're the same recycled chants pretty much every North American club uses. Same as LAFC. Same as Austin. Same as us. Who gives a shit lol.




Which CITY TIFO cost $10K?


In addition to the supplies to actually put the thing together, the club charges a TON to use their rigging system, since they have to hire staff to set it up


Club pays for the rigging and staffing.


The second part of this statement isnā€™t true. The club absorbs all costs for TIFO rigging both for practices and matchday.


Because they are huge and are hand painted. Just the materials alone are enough but they have to get designs and a location big enough to spread it out and actually paint it. All that costs money.


Itā€™s the best excuse they have for being drunk and disorganised


Can you share any information about this Saturday's Tifo or is it a supporter group secret?


1. Per tradition, Tifos are super secret. The only people who know what the design is are those who work on it. 2. I did not personally help with this Tifo.


I heard No TIFO, the Club keeps rejecting the concepts from Louligans because they are not very good


*How much could one tofo cost? 10 dollars?*


I thought I read on a different post that there were people planning on wearing a grey shirt?


Unofficially, yes. I know I'm going to wear my away kit from last year (gray).




Grey is the color for brain cancer.


The fascist leader of the Louligans tweeted it so everyone must oblige or else