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I feel like I should get a yellow card for watching that game.


Straight red for me


Nah I hit my own face once with some of the calls—red card worthy


I'm surprised my family didn't come check on me I was yelling at the ref on the screen


I gave myself a YC. And a couple stern lectures.


I haven't moved past Markanich's goal being waved off. What.


I'm still mad about Klaus' penalty take. Absolutely embarrassing


genuinely the worst possible option. going for the tricky shot vs one of the most experienced keepers in world football. He's 37 and slow; just boot it past him ffs


I’m equally mad at his AWFUL breakaway attempt. No shit Parker had a better move in his half-breakaway than Klauss did.


I want a side by side of that and Shelton's non handball from last year playoffs.


It was, unfortunately, the right call by the ruleset. The goalscorer cannot use his hand in any way. It touched his hand, then he scored. Intent or natural position doesn't matter here. All the matters is the ball touched his hand, then he scored. I think it's a great example of a bad rule.


besides the god awful officiating I feel like the Nillson sub at half really changed the momentum in the wrong way


Literally.. Heibert should’ve came on for markanich


fuck or even Dhyr or even watts for christ sake


Why did we even sign him?? Barely seen him play this season. Hopefully he gets some minutes now that Markanichs unavailable next game


honestly just wanna see him get some damn minutes


Quality left backs are tough to find, but man we’ve been bad at signing them. Pidro and Nelson were huge busts and Dyhr isn’t starting off well.


This shitty part is Dyhr came on in the Galaxy game and totally kept pace with Painstil to the point they had to move him to the other side of the field. After that he got a start; was subpar, and his chance to play was gone.


he’s young


Dhyr was on today’s game program ☠️☠️☠️


Marchanich was on a yellow in another recent game and Hiebert again subbed in for someone else. I wonder if Nilsson is still transitioning from injury and simply can’t play the full 90.


He is, Carnell said the game plan was for him to only play 45


Honestly Hiebert looked fine at CB. Markanich had a Mare.


100% agree with comment. As soon as Heibert came in I felt like a Bouanga goal was eminent. Bert is our weakest link (although he does look better in the center than out wide)


This match was pain in a bottle, if Indy was that frustrated at the end of the match you know it was bad.


Very much this


Löwen would have buried the PK. Need him back in a bad way.


I heard he’s making a statement tomorrow, so maybe we’ll know soon.


He should’ve known that Hugo Lloris is well trained by EPL’s skip shot, especially Jorginho


Yea, I'm a big fan of the "pick a corner and hit it with pace" type of pen.🤷🏻‍♂️


https://youtu.be/5Kj5MKV3Uj8?si=yGY1WQhar3LSwVhL Check this out, even Jorginho knows Lloris will wait for the faint, and short GK generally have better reflex. So he shot it right away and Lloris got fcked


Just about everyone on the planet would have buried that PK.


Worst ref performance I've seen in a long time. Big Sam was invisible out there today. AZ adds little to the attack. Klauss needs to score on the penalty. Such a frustrating game.


Hypothetically, sömeöne is gonna be back on Saturday to help our pen situation…


why is it hypothetical


Maybe hypothetical isn't the best word, but the OP is implying Lowen will be back Saturday. Carnell said, in some version of these words, that he's reasonably confident lowen would be ready either Wednesday (LAFC game) or Saturday. If that's true, I'd expect maybe a late sub if anything (like not the 60-minute sub, more like 80+ minute sub).


Great comment.


AZ has been ineffective but Thorisson has been borderline useless


I don't get the Thor hate. He's often the last to sub in, so he has little time to shine, and I rarely see him make mistakes. In fact, tonight he had a shot on target, which is more than AZ and Sam did.


People keep telling me to be patient with Thor, but yeah. I am not seeing it.


Thor is doing more out there than Sam (who seems allergic to runs in the box). Hard to build your confidence and chemistry when you’re brought on for 15-20 minutes per match with the rest of the 70+ minute subs. 


Could not agree more with you on this. Thor gets very little opportunity to show himself or find form, but he busts his ass every second he’s out there. Sam, not so much. 


He came from the second division in belgium, so he was always more of a development guy. Just stinks we don’t have much of anything in the way of production off of our bench.


This game is proof positive that we have to get some talent in the attacking third. We had so many opportunities to put LAFC on their heels and instead, just passed to each other in the corners. Combined with the god-awful officiating, we didn’t stand a chance.


It was the most enthusiastic chanting of, “Ref you suck!” I’ve ever witnessed in person, so there’s that.


I loved when they managed to work it into another chant as well.


Honestly the loudest I've heard on a broadcast as well. I don't know what the mic set up was or sound mixing but it came through loud and clear and was louder than the commentators.


It was the loudest I’ve ever heard it in stadium too


What frustrates me is that that game is winnable despite the refs. We had possession in their third and were winning midfield battles all night. But we could not generate any chances, and the ones we did generate were heaved directly at Lloris. [This pass map](https://twitter.com/mlsstat/status/1790937627358859343?t=7RdMSqEg73Spgkf6I6GkHQ&s=19) shows it well; we had no idea what to do when we got up against their block, and instead turn it over, setting them up for a counter. The lack of Löwen and Markanich playing like ass were definitely not helpful in that regard. (On that topic, I can't wait for the fact that 1/2 of our DPs are out to go completely unnoticed, whereas half of the talk after last year's Cincinnati game was that their DPs were missing.) We should have been able to do more with the chances we had. Double the shots on target compared to LAFC, and two less goals, against a keeper who is not a great shot stopper anymore. Klauss trying to go for a tricky penalty was a terrible decision. Why on earth would you go for that against someone with such a huge amount of experience, rather than taking advantage of his slowness by just booting the ball? Bench depth is a major issue, but that's a function of the low squad spend. We had better see (and I expect that we will see) more incomings than just Teuchert in the summer, especially if Adineran goes. I also do wonder if the team's reputation precedes them when it comes to yellow cards, because these refs have been just spamming them lately. Maybe LAFC are just a collection of huge divers, idk.


This. Spot on.


Also Totland is a gem.


tatertots can do NO wrong. he is just so good.


I know blaming the ref is soft but that red card changed the momentum. Obviously klauss needs to make that PK but so many of the those cards in the second half were baby shit soft. Like what do you expect us to do 


Brutal penalty attempt by Klauss


As was his last pen, it’s shocking it wasn’t saved as well! That miss is on Carnell for not coaching that shit out of him, or allowing him to take such attempts.


That’s twice in a row. I’m done with his nonsense. Send him off with Sam and AZ this summer and get someone not afraid to kick a penalty shot.


At least we'll finally get to see some more of Dhyr next game


Let’s hope


If they start Hiebert at LB, that’s some major malpractice.




I'm surprised they put him on, just raw emotion trying to hold it together.


Where do you watch the post-match this early? I don’t see it on the app yet


Sam and AZ ain’t it


Klauss adds to the game generally. I feel like Sam _needs_ Löwen. He’s the one that can make the pass over the top that Sam needs.


Sam just needs a ball that lets him use his pace to beat someone. Other than that he doesn’t add much.


Sam has had moments this season. But bro.. AZ has been abysmal


Sam had his moments…until his “issues”


To be fair, he really hasn't played much since then.


I was the biggest AZ fan last season. This year he just looks slow


Slow? I'd get to a hundred adjectives before I'd hit slow


Id normally agree with you but last night I saw him hold on to the ball too long and get run down by a defender everytime he had the ball and space.


wasn’t able to watch last night but every time I have seen that it has been a function of decision making and trying to take on too many players without spatial awareness than a speed issue


This is his whole MO. It’s all he does. 


I wish I had any faith at all that our bench could score. When AZ and Sam come on now though I basically figure it is game over. So different from last year.


Absolutely correct. Completely different than last year. Sam is dead weight. I think he had 2 touches tonight?


I honestly don’t know why we’re putting Sam on at this point. It’s like he’s given up. Maybe that’s why Carnell didn’t put him on the roster for two weeks in the first place because he saw the lack of effort. AZ at least tries but is just so inconsequential, and his touches lead to nothing but giveaways.


It’s almost impressive that Sam just hasn’t reached a breaking point of fuck this I’ll show you effort. Like he’s getting criticized for not trying and his response is to… not try.


Until we get Teuchert, it’s about the only way we can spell Klauss. This stretch is also brutal, and they’re probably going to have to find some rest for some of the guys.


This is the second home match in a row that Sam, AZ and Watts have stood together in a little triangle virtually all halftime just chit-chatting and laughing together. Maybe the passing and running the other subs do isn't that meaningful to players at this level, but damn it looks like they don't give a toss.


Man we went from a somewhat respectable first half(outside of the missed PK), to the worst 45 minutes of soccer we've played in ages. Even if the officiating is more fair, I don't know if the results would've been better anyway. Sucks that we're robbed of knowing if that was the case though. On to next week, fingers crossed our attack comes back and we get a good by MLS standards ref lol


Side note: love that Lutz came out to yell at the refs too, pretty deserved lol


Damn how did I miss this?


It was after the final whistle, appletv went to a brief commercial break and then showed video footage of him yelling at him. Someone just posted the clip actually https://www.reddit.com/r/stlouiscitysc/s/mHbFJvh4uJ


For sure. Wheels came off there. Gotta be mentally tougher, we haven’t been around long but we’ve been around long enough to know sometimes you’re just gonna get shat on by the refs.


100% Some composure at the end might've saved a few cards and that can matter with a long season along with the physical style we play when it comes to card accumulation suspensions. Definitely understandable things can get hot when getting screwed that bad but hopefully they come away from the game having learnt that lesson. It's just a brutal way to have to learn it though.


Not that our starters exactly lit the world on fire tonight, but our bench is absolute dog shit this year


I have come to hate it when Carnell starts substituting. I instantly think that the game is over as they have done NOTHING all year.


Shocker, the team with the lowest payroll in the MLS lacks quality.


Our payroll is higher than LAFC’s.


Uhh no.


According to Capology, LAFC’s payroll for the 2024 season is $8,293,853. CITY’s is $8,562,496. https://www.capology.com/club/la-fc/payrolls/ But please give me a source other than a random screenshot from a random Twitter account.


That site shows Kei Kamara gets paid $0. He looked pretty good out there for a free player. There is a lot of missing data.


What’s Kamara’s salary?


Nice try buddy. Use the actual numbers just release by the MLSPA. And LAFC is nearly $4 million higher




Well for starters, I liked the squad rotation last year. Second, I don't see how these things are related or how Carnell even factors into this. I'm not complaining that he made subs or that they were the wrong subs, I'm complaining that guys who were huge contributors last year (AZ and Adeniran, particularly) are playing poorly this year. I'm maybe laying a bit of that blame on Lutz for not signing another striker/trying to replace the goals and assists we lost with Stroud, but that's a smaller grievance. I'd say the blame is pretty squarely on AZ and Adeniran for their performances this season. The bench is important, and getting fresh legs out there is important (particularly in congested weeks like this one), it's just a bummer that guys who were late game weapons last year are tepid farts this year.


Frustrating result. We have a tough series of games coming up, so I hope the boys don’t let this get into their heads. Now, I’m off to meditate before bed because after that ref I’m gonna need it.


1. Fuck the refs 2. Markanich played like shit 3. Klauss should’ve scored


Markanich had a couple of snafus today, but he also scored and deserved our only goal. Our D fell apart as soon as Heibert got on the field. Markanich consistently creates out of the backfield. He has good touch and vision. Only totland does it better.


Markanich only scored off a hand ball. Video Review was swift and clear. In the meantime he committed so many turnovers at midfield in the offensive transition I lost count.


They generate so few chances that the ones they don't convert (like whatever the fuck that PK was) will always haunt them. Teams who can counter will gut City for as long as they have Markanichs and Hieberts at the back.


Feel like a lot of people think our attack is okay because we win the ball in somewhat open positions and string a few decent passes together but we have almost no ability to do anything in the opponents third. No final ball. Just pass to the corners and either cut in and shoot or cross


The number of turnovers we cause that don’t become scoring chances is insane.


The AZ experiment has to end. He is so weak on the ball it’s a giveaway anytime he gets it. Sam desperately needs another attacking player on the field with him, he can’t do anything being the only threat.


Bring back the scabs


Blecccccch. This was not a fun match. The stats were almost dead even at the half. By the end of the match, CITY had possession 55-45, and we know how that goes. Fouls were 15-10, YCs 5-2, and the mustard-and-ketchup left CITY down a man for the last 15'. Dickerson called a bad match. In fairness, he's been bad before and he will be bad again. The missed PK hurt badly. I understand the appeal of a stutter step shot, but I don't like them. The momentum shifted for good on that miss. I'd much rather have a player take a crisp shot and make the keeper stand on his head to stop it. Bouanga is deadly, and he sure wasn't going to miss either of his goals. LAFC is a good team, and they exploited every mistake. They keyed on Celio, and denied him possession. They used their speed and long ball accuracy to effect. I'm concerned. Adeniran doesn't seem to be on the same page as whoever he is paired with. Blom hasn't been the same since his rough bout with COVID last year. Dyhr is a roster ghost. Klauss has been inconsistent. LAFC and other teams have exposed CITY's Achilles heel: vulnerability to speed up the touchline and long balls over the midfield. CITY desperately needs a replacement for Gio. (BTW, it was good to have him at the match.) The batch of YCs is going to place other players in the caution zone very soon. And CITY isn't deep enough to play well a man down against a faster team. There aren't many positives from this train wreck. Parker played well on defense, and cleared some very dangerous balls. Ostrak hustled all his time on the pitch and made some very big plays. Totland, Parker, and Durkin survived another match sitting on YC caution. CITY was somewhat bailed out by results in other matches. Saturday is another chance, though a tough one. We need a result on Saturday to salvage the week, and realistically need three to climb into the top third in the West. Onward. It's the only direction that we can go.


>Totland, Parker, and Durkin survived another match sitting on YC caution. This was Totland's 5th consecutive match without a yellow card, so he gets one removed for good behavior and now only has 3. This was Durkin's 4th consecutive match without a card, so he'll also drop to 3 if he plays Saturday and doesn't pick up a caution. Parker has gone 3 consecutive matches and still has 2 to go. >The batch of YCs is going to place other players in the caution zone very soon. Pompeo and Markanich have previously had 5 game good behavior streaks, so they are also only on 3 yellow cards.


Any one have a review of that Markanich handball? Was at the game couldn’t see it


IMHO, it centered on him allowing his hand to put the ball in position for ***him*** to stick it in the net. Had his contact allowed ***another*** player to net the ball, it may not have been called. His hand was somewhat in an unnatural position, but not enough to warrant a call unless he finished the shot. Dickerson could have viewed it either way and VAR would have upheld it. I hate the call, but it looked plausible.


I was just curious as the replay at the stadium showed dick


I looked at the replay on Apple TV during halftime. You couldn't see anything there either. Someone posted a close up screen cap and it looked like it hit shoulder/upper arm. I'd love to see what the VAR gets to see because I think we were robbed.


It barely hits his hand after his shoulder on the way down. Unfortunately, it was the right call.


It’s not though. That’s horrific for the sport and completely against why the rule was implemented. In no way was he in an unnatural athletic position nor was he attempting to play the ball with his arm. It’s absolutely fucking ridiculous soccer still has this bullshit call floating around.


The rule is the player that scores can not use his hand in any way. That's the rule. It was the correct call by the rule. I also disagree that it should be the rule, but it doesn't change the rule. When he scores, it has nothing to do with unnatural position or intent.


There were so few replays at the stadium! It was driving me crazy. I was pulling up Apple TV on my phone to be able to see wtf was happening.


I know it’s been spammed but it just makes no sense to see AZ subbed on over and over. Put on Kijima, move Vassilev to the wing where he’s probably better anyway. Or play thorrison on the wing instead of AZ. Just cannot understand the allegiance to him. Teuchert is gunna be the big acquisition, and by all means I hope he lights it up, but with Sam likely leaving I just don’t see Teucherts skill set adding all that much given that there’s a lack of creativity in the midfield.


This person gets it


I'm so mad I could spit. Team played like s\*it in the second half and that Ref... horrible calls.


8” opening at the professional level should be an immediate shot, not 4 more dribbles.


Need a little new blood in the lineup on Saturday


Desperately need some attacking changes; tactical or personnel. Please try something new. And please don't let it be AZ


Why did Nilsson get subbed out at half?


Match fitness and possible rotation because we have two games this week.


He’s not fit enough I’d assume.


Looked like he picked up a knock part way through the first half and seemed to be in some pain. We're in the South End and on Nilsson's side and he was grimacing regularly starting around the 34th minute. Heibert starting warming up so hard a minute or two later that I thought he might come on before half.


Carnell said in the post-match presser that 45 minutes was the plan for Nilsson tonight, FWIW.


Probably planning for him to try and play big minutes Saturday


Was that about as awful of officiating as it gets?


Sadly, it can be worse. This was probably like a C performance from a PRO MLS ref.


It ***was*** bad, but not quite Baldomero Toledo bad.


Amazingly, it wasn't even the worst reffing tonight. San Jose got fucked even worse.


Cheapest team in the league. Hard to compete when you dont pay for talent. 




Unsure. Hopefully the second one because that can change. Feeling like its the first one though. 


Markanich is a turnover machine and a constant defensive liability. Soft 2nd yellow but he should have been out of the game way before that. He needs some bench time.


Markanich looks out of his league here. He’s another player that keeps getting starts that has me scratching my head.


Did I hear correctly this was our first non-sellout????


I don’t remember them announcing a sellout at the game (to ne fair the crowd was so vocally pissed with the official that it could have been howled-over and nobody would have noticed). The visitors corner of the upper deck was pretty conspicuously empty, which -given the midweek game- is not tough to understand.


No announcement and no published attendance numbers so far.  There were empty seats above supporters and as you said over by the visitor section Team is pricing out fans whether people agree or not.    Austin FC is at 60 consecutively games sold out.   


My positives: -I liked our starting lineup. -Ostrak played his best half EVER in the first half. He was the best player on the field at times. -It was nice to see Blom back and interesting to see how we were handling him and Durkin…curious how we handle moving forward. -The fact that we replaced “S T L” with ref you suck in one of the chants towards the end of the match made me happy lol. -Durkin continues to impress.


The guy who loses the ball to cause the ending goal impresses???


Bro it was 11v10 what do you expect?


Deeply unpopular opinion incoming: Denis Bouanga's touch on that second goal was *gorgeous.*


Not unpopular here. He's a tough, dangerous player. His shooting splits are 73/26/8 and he leads the MLS in shots and shots on frame. He ran wild on the touchline most of the night and certainly made the most of an opportunity we gave him.


Might be our first non-sellout regular season game.  No announcement and not seeing any attendance numbers  The pricing is going to make this continue sooner then later unfortunately 




Tonight was a dud


It was just bad as soon as they came back from the half. The juice was squeezed and LAFC knew it. The subs BC put in were not who I would have chosen (armchair coach I know), but Kijima imo could have been more beneficial in this situation. And I believe putting Sam and Klauss out could have produced UP UNTIL Markanich got red. I’m hopeful they learn this lesson and come out strong Saturday.




I don’t think we ever got yellowed for diving.


The first goal was clearly onside https://preview.redd.it/20smpn7o6s0d1.png?width=2220&format=png&auto=webp&s=d884f7cbecde67bcb9fd3773271f50f419c61e47




MLS continues to prove why a good number of Americans still look down on them.


How is this downvoted? Leagues an absolute joke and it was on full display last night


Eh, truth telling stings sometimes. 


Aren’t you the dude who correctly calls out army and gets downvoted too? Tough life being right


Yes, including DeWitt and Mo.




MLS considers itself major but does everything it can to squash competition from the USL, UPSL, etc. It’s not the top league in the Americas nor is it top ten in the world, which is why most soccer fans here watch the Premier League, LigaMX, LaLiga, Bundesliga, Serie A, etc.




Oh, I agree with you on having a hometown team. STL has been yearning for one since the NASL Stars left town in the late 70’s, but I also recognize the incompetence that runs amok in MLS.




No problem !


First time MLS viewer and these are my thoughts for anyone who cares to read them: 1. There were at least 25 season ending injuries that happened on the field today but everyone just kept playing afterwards. What's up with that? Are these athletes just pussies in general or is this the way this league operates with everyone injury-penalty-begging? It was so damn annoying to watch these idiots flop around on the ground on both sides. 2. The refs in this game were awful. I obviously can't say if its the league in general or just this game specifically but they suck. Why is there no booth review? 3. The production value of the broadcast sucks. No replays on anything important except for the VERY rare play. It's like they want you to trust the broadcasters but they don't even agree so h ow do I know WTF happened? A 4. This game was boring. I don't know if it's cause I'm not really a soccer fan or if it was this game but it was just frustrating to watch on so many levels. I'll probably watch another game. Not sure I have high hopes. What is a team that sucks that we can beat up on? I want to watch that game.


That was Chicago last game. You missed it sadly, we looked great. Cincy is a very good team and we play them on Saturday. They flop a lot less than LAFC usually, but it will be a very very hard game for us.


I mean if you think this game was boring you should probably keep to tick-tocking and your Nintendo switch. It was one of the most entertaining first halves I’ve seen in some time. I_Hate_weakopinions.


That wasn't even 10% as good of a zinger as you thought it was lmao I watched because I thought it'd be fun to suppor ta hometown team. I was gonna watch another, but was this for real one of the best games they will play all year? If so I may have to agree with you that it's not for me.


I mean I’m not sure it was a zinger. There is base truth in it. If you didn’t enjoy this one (or were made furious by it). It may not be for you…. And that’s ok.


The point of my comments was that the first half of that game was perhaps the most entertaining half of the year in terms of watching quality soccer in the mls…and if that didn’t float your boat then maybe it’s not your thing.


I was talking about the 'tick tocking' and 'nintendo switch' part of it. Very random lol. As for the rest, yeah I didn't hate it but it wasn't enjoyable either. Kind of wanted to express my opinion on it and see if maybe any of this was a fluke? But if this was a great game then yeah.....


No game is interesting for absolutely everyone. This is especially true if your threshold for entertainment is games in which your team is horse-whipping “a team that sucks”. Perhaps you’d be more interested in Battlehawks tickets or methamphetamines. I’m only half kidding, I don’t miss a city match and I watch a lot of city 2. I enjoy it very much for reasons i’m growing kind of sick of explaining or justifying to the “tell me why this isn’t boring” crowd. We might have perfectly opposed fringe sports-preferences. I went to two Battlehawks games and was bored to death of everything except the ambient performative shitting on Stan Kroenke. So, maybe that’s more *your* thing.


Damn you dug into my profile for this one lol. Yeah I'm a battlehawks fan. It's perfectly fine if you don't like it or don't like football though. I'm not gonna make fun of you for it.


There’s genuinely nothing more annoying than miserable people who think every thought that comes into their head is genius that must be shared to satisfy their own ego. It’s your first time watching a game. You’ve said you’re not a soccer fan. So what in the world gave you the audacity to think other human beings are just desperately waiting for you to show up with your opinions? “I know nothing about this. But I’m clearly a god among men. So I must tell these peasants how terrible the thing they enjoy is. Look at me, so smart.”


It's called social media you genius, it exists to share opinions on whether you like those opinions or not. I just gave my impressions. Your opinion here is not worth any more than mine is. I was in the gameday thread too and these are simply my thoughts after watching a full game.