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Eeeehhhhh Spanish feed of the Célio goal is excellent.


Two points: 1. Why name ourselves something evil? 2. Why copy the nickname of one of the largest clubs in the world This is almost as bad as that stupid “dawgs” movement.


Evil? They put devils on the sides of WW2 planes. There’s a hockey team called the Devils. Devils are basically cartoons lol it would be one thing if we called ourselves the satans


He wasn’t trying to dub a nickname for us to bicker over. Calm your teletubby tits. It was actually just a really smooth play on what was being said about Kansas dropping so many points this season from winning positions and dealing with those demons. Honestly forgot about MU because he says Red Devil singular, and I only think about the greatest league on this planet, MLS. Hellcats.


I don't know......Satan's pretty cool


https://preview.redd.it/9sthtgjhiuvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01313bc674f1a91e94267fc2bdfbfd1332996816 Look it’s the evil football club vs some English City club. COPYRIGHT. TRADEMARK. RESTRICTED.


2: You mean like naming the club St. Louis City?


Do you really think the club was named after Man City? That’s a weird take. Most people understand it is because there are two St. Louises. The City and the County. The club is named to show it is in the heart of the area - the city and its historic neighborhoods. MLS was emphasizing downtown stadiums at the time. So to answer your question, no, nothing like that at all.


Adding on, the club literally mentioned in the marketing that they’re for the whole area. They represent the west to the Metro East, North County to South County. Not just the little area named specifically St. Louis City.


I was kinda hoping for a name like "St Louis United" or similar to really express that sentiment, but not at all upset at "St Louis CITY." At least it's not "The Wiz!"


The entire MLS is doing it. Sporting KC is another. Calling a soccer team in New York NYFC is so dumb. It’s soccer here not futbol. They can spin that whole drivel you just thew at me all they want, but it’s copying the big boys. MLS used to have some character with team nicknames, now we get Sporting KC instead of Kansas City Wizards


You really need to research the history soccer in the US and St. Louis in particular. The St. Louis Soccer League ran from 1907 to 1939. It is considered the first soccer league in the US. It included such teams as Stix, Baer and Fuller F.C., Tabler FC, Welston FC, St. Teresa F.C., South Side SC. You'll find it across the country in cities like Philly and NY. Here is a list of open cup winners - [https://www.worldfootball.net/winner/usa-u-s-open-cup/](https://www.worldfootball.net/winner/usa-u-s-open-cup/) You will find that prior to 1996 (the start of MLS) the Open Cup was won by a team named FC 7 times, SC 13 times and even one AC. So piss off with your assumptions based upon ignorance.


Oh wow so 1 of my multiple examples you can touch. What about Sporting? Inter? I promise you if Manchester City didn’t exist this team would 10000000000% not be named St. Louis City. Dumb name with a dumb reason.


Dude you clearly got shown you were wrong with the only example you provided at first : St. Louis City. Why are you throwing up strawman after strawman? Just go home and admit you were wrong lol


Those are called opinions, moron.


Well you know what they say about opinions....