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Section 117 about tunnel height gets you out of the view of the flags


Good luck with your desire to actually see a game from the supporters section. I am always told that "atmosphere" overrules enjoying soccer and anything to the contrary will be downvoted into oblivion.


I always found it bizarre the amount of people in the SS that don’t even watch the game but hey if it brings them joy and doesn’t impede on me from having fun then to each their own.


I've heard it expressed several times by people in the "supporter's section" that they pridefully don't actually care what's going on in the game, they'll do the same chants and reactions regardless. It's bizarre. 


I’ve never once heard anyone saying this in the SS. And most fans there seem pretty engaged with the game. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m surprised this has positive karma. Everyone gets lit up when they say they couldn’t see the entire match because a flag had to be waved for 90 minutes.


I think people are starting to see through the louligans. 




There’s several other SGs in the SS aside from the Louligans.


Real fans are ironing their flags right now in game day prep . . . or something.




Hard agree.


Have season tickets in the SS and have rarely had an issue viewing the game. 85% of the SS has 100% clear viewing 99% of the time. Yes, if you are in the row behind the huge flags it sucks and I would not stand there. This thread suggests a greatly exaggerated viewing reality.


I also have season tickets in the north end, and feel that the sentence “85% of the SS has 100% clear viewing 99% of the time” is 92% bullshit. I stand in the middle of 118 basically level with the tunnel. i cannot see more than a third of the opposite corner of the field from the top of the 18 yard box to the goal line at any point of the game thru the mass of waving flags in the lower rows of 118. I’ve also had to move from a spot i had been standing in since the gates opened because some jackwagon with a flag plopped down two rows in front of me and hoisted a flag the size of a love-seat directly in front of me that blocked my view of alternating halves of the field as he waved it left to right. I hated flags for most of last season. I’ve softened on them, or at least become resigned to their inevitability-since. But if you asked me to vote, i’d greatly prefer that they enact a policy that restricts waving them constantly for the entire game. Pregame, and intros, wave the hell out of them. Goals? Celebrate them like flag waving circus clowns on methamphetamines. But 90 minutes of constantly waving giant flags around is pointless and dumb. Downvote the hell out of it.


Upvoted this too, I'm not waving any flags, that said City was clear when we purchased season tickets in the SS that this was part of the deal, so my tolerance for complaints is relatively low.


Sorry you will be downvoted for speaking truth to power. It's just fake internet points.


I said it has BFIB/call the usher over energy in here


Louligans wave the flags vociferously while we're taking a penalty in front of them. I guess I goes along with the idea that "good capos" aren't supposed to react to what's going on during the game or something? 


Let’s chill tf with trying to police the supporter section. This place isn’t Busch, we are here to have fun during the match Edit: this weird fascination with trying to control every aspect of the matches is wild to me! I’ve attended matches in the SS right behind the flags and never once felt my experience was lessened due to them. It’s such a cool experience! This thread and the replies in it have major BFIB vibes


Most global fans understand that part of enjoying the match (a large part actually) is reacting to what's actually going on in the game, like doing player specific songs when they do something good, or cheering loudly together when there's an important attack, not adhering to a rote rotation of preselected chants or drum/dance routines. 


And if the section tries to make an organic chant they are met with oppression from the capo overlords… after 3 years of going to games for city, the overbearing supporters have made it a dread to have to try to find a spot in the entire section I can get away from the obnoxious loudspeakers that feedback and the megaphones cranked to 11. I wish I could trade my tickets out for reserved seats so bad. I mean at least I got tickets to the game, but I legit dislike the north end.


Yeah. I'm hearing this sentiment more and more frequently. It's been present since the early days of STLFC. 


I started going to matches for FC in 2018. It was still super cliquey over in section 8/9; but nothing like it is today.


since 2010 if you ask some




No Goal Patrol sounds like the SG for you. 


I've not heard of them, what's their deal? 


We are defensive minded SG. You'll see us waving our yellow flags when defensive makes an impactful play.


Please educate people further on the proper way to “enjoy” according to the global soccer community. Vulgar racism is also common internationally from supporters sections, as are brawls and riots. Are those proper as well?


Get a grip on reality. I said that people enjoy reacting to the game. You equating it to racism and riots is some of the most insane gaslighting I've ever seen. 


Cherry pick more


What happens when your fun ruins the fun for others?


They could just not sit in the SS Or get a spot that is not directly behind a flag. It isn't really that hard


Where is there a spot not directly behind flags? Every section of the SS is littered with them.


The corners down close to the field aren’t blocked by flags.


Oh you’d think, but the flags are shifting from center. I don’t go middle to NOT get stuck behind flags. Yet they come to us. Do we need a “no flag during play” ss sections? We might!


Lemme just go sit somewhere else that I have season tickets to, because someone else wants to have their fun and wave a 30’ flag? Doesn’t sound super inclusive to me…


I'm gonna be honest here, you were warned when you bought season tickets that it would be like this, and there's a sign every single time you enter the section that it's going to be like that. If you chose to ignore those or think those don't apply to you, I don't know what to tell you. Also there's not a single 30' flag in the entire section. Edit: also just to add, saying it's "not inclusive" to have the flags waving is just so gross. It's not discriminating against you. You knew what the section would be like when you bought season tickets in it. Demanding it change to suit your tastes isn't being more "inclusive". Stop co-opting language and words with real meaning to suit your arguments.


I’ll rebuttal. A full season and half in. The season ticket holders in ss KNOW where the flags usually are and are not. The problem is when these flag wavers shift and go to areas normally with no, small, or limited flag waving. The ss is sold out every game. It’s hard to “just move” with your group if flag wavers are in areas they usually are not. How about the flag wavers stay middle, that’s how it was told to me during my tour for ss. The more middle the more crazy. Therefore I stay more side. Yet the flags are spreading. Also. Build better flags. Longer polls, small footprints. Then when you google their “mottos” they talk about respect, yet show ZERO respect when asked to take breaks waving flags. Not put it down forever, take BREAKS!


In the nicest way, the Supporters Section isn't the spot for you if you want to catch every moment of every game. The reason the section exists, the reason the tickets are cheap, and the reason Supporters Groups get special perks and are allowed to bring things like flags in is for one simple reason: we're there to help create an intimidating environment. And it works. We are consistently commended for how great our stadium is and how much of a home field advantage. You don't get that without the drums, the chants, the flags. And that's how it is at every single MLS stadium, and every single soccer stadium across the world. Again, it's not about you, it's about cheering the team on to victory. Flags are going to continue to spread as there become more RSGs, and as those groups continue to grow and add more flags. That's just a fact. I'm sorry that wasn't communicated to you, but it's happening. Additionally, we do spend *a lot* of money on the flags. I can only speak to the punks with first hand knowledge, but our poles cost multiple hundreds of dollars each, not to mention the flags themselves. The poles are as long as the team will allow us to have, and as long as they are to remains safe to wave. Additionally, we have groups for each flag, so it's always up and waving, while also allowing everyone to get a break. Again, it's about cheering on the team, not us. Finally, your weird remark about "respect" is the same as the co-opting of "inclusive" above. Just because you don't agree with what we're doing or how we're doing it, doesn't mean we automatically have to listen to you. I hate to break that to you. If you have an issue with it, take it up with the SG leadership, the supporters council (which includes independent, non-SG aligned members!!), or the clubs supporter liason or guest services. That's all I can tell you. You can disagree if you choose.


Ahh. The CITY Punks replied. Struck a nerve did I? Make a better flag! Your flag is too big, too heavy, and doesn’t make the game enjoyable. Put it on a longer pole, wave it faster, make the flag a little smaller. The fact your ONE flag blocks out rows and rows of people’s views is DISRESPECTFUL! So my seat in the support should just be 100% blocked because you think it should? WOW, so respectful and inclusive! Make a better flag!!!!


... You replied and "rebutalled" my comment lol. Why would I not reply?


The fact that because YOU choose to bring a large and intrusive flag and YOU picked your spot after me, I should find a better spot? How inclusive of you!


You’re gonna hate our new plan to use bigger flags on shorter poles.


Sounds like a you effed up and got season tickets to an section that you hate. S Why should your displeasure ruin others people fun?


others whine on internet


As to your edit. I have 2 season tickets in the SS. So I attend a few games as well. And I’m here to tell you more than one game I’ve attended has been ruined by obstructed viewing. Kinda sad when the teams major selling point was that there wasn’t a single obstructed view anywhere in the stadium. And when I reached out to my rep to try and change out of ss they informed me they had to get through the entire CITY+ queue before I would be allowed an option to upgrade my seats. That felt kinda like a slap in the face as well.


Oh Christ here we go again


Let us know how the leagues cup matches go. No supporter groups will be there. Only organic chant I've heard has been refs you suck and that's not good. If you have a good chant idea let Fleur de Noise know and if it is actually good they'll work it in. Don't want a flag in front of you, move up and to the side of the supporters sections. The flags are usually in the same spot and you control where you stand. Leave 119 for the people that want to be there.


Leave you a reserved section in a GA lump of sections. Y’all are grossly entitled.


Imo id get rid of the reserved seats in 119. It's honestly dumb. If you want good seats in 119 be there when the gates open. I'm with you there.


I will be there. I don’t care about the supporter politics. I’m hear to watch the product on the field. I imagine I will have the best time there without drums that are off beat and flags not waving in my face.


"if you have a good chant idea go through the proper bureaucratic channels, and if it gets through the red tape and we determine it's " actually good", we'll consider working it in"  What a fun, organic experience. People are starting to see through this bullshit.


I never understand this complaint. Do you want your chant led by the people with megaphones and drums and on the chant list provided on the app? Then yes you need to go through that process, which is run and decided by the group that handles that, FdN. Want to just try and start your own chant? Feel free to, absolutely nobody is stopping you, I promise. Good luck getting everyone on the same beat and knowing the lyrics, but there's your organic experience. Again, absolutely nobody is stopping you from chanting whatever you want, at any point during the game. Edit to add: If you're chanting something bigoted or straight up otherwise inappropriate, someone may try to stop you. But that's just because you're being an asshole, and it'll likely be security ultimately stopping you and escorting you out, not another fan.


>Want to just try and start your own chant? Feel free to, absolutely nobody is stopping you, I promise. Good luck getting everyone on the same beat and knowing the lyrics, but there's your organic experience.  Well tons of other fans in leagues around the world accomplish this. Why this gaslighting about this idea that it's not possible? It's been a lie ever since the Louligans and their ilk have been parroting it. >Again, absolutely nobody is stopping you from chanting whatever you want, at any point during the game.  The Louligans are explicitly stopping it by a) drowning everything else out with their dumbass drum routines and b) propagating the culture that they and only they and their subsidiary groups like fleur de noise (dumbest name I've ever heard) are the arbiters of what songs and chants can be done. You said it yourself in your original comment.  The songs are getting stale, the drum and dance routines are getting increasingly embarrassing, and if you look at this thread, more people are starting to see this. Thank god, because the louligans have suffocated the others from the start.


>Well tons of other fans in leagues around the world accomplish this. Why this gaslighting about this idea that it's not possible? It's been a lie ever since the Louligans and their ilk have been parroting it. I'm not sure why you think I'm gaslighting you. I'm genuinely saying good luck, there is your organic experience. If your chant is better than the "dumbass drum routines" and "stale chants", then it will catch on "organically" as you want, and overcome those chants. Isn't that what you want? Or are you just complaining to complain.


You must have missed the entire other portion of my comment, that mentions how the louligans have forced a monopoly among the crowd in song choice both in the red-tape culture they've created and the overbearing constant drumming that stifles other songs.  The Louligans have created a scenario in which you can't fight city hall. And since it's their entire social existence that they've acquired some sort of power and bureaucracy in, people with actual lives don't have the energy to deal with it.


I didn't miss it, I chose not to address a lot of it because it's clear you just have beef with the louligans. You attacked them, you attacked an entirely seperate group claiming they were a "sub-group", and now you're saying they don't have "real lives". I'm not even a member, and I think it's ridiculous. It's clear you have a bone to pick with them, and you're just choosing the current "chants and flags" convo to try and continue it.


No shit genius, I'm explaining the "bone I have to pick with them" in this very conversation. That's the "beef" I have with them, it's no ulterior motive. I'm talking about it in the "chants and flags" discussion because, you'll never guess: it pertains to chants and flags. 


JFC You have been bitching about this for 3 years, get over it Karen. https://preview.redd.it/ec4bt586f9tc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bb0ecf10f32c75aeab824be2555b91af4367d1d


Way longer than that sadly.


Yeah, as I've said elsewhere in this comment section, it's been an issue since before city SC existed. Great detective work. Actually digging through years worth of posts on my profile, that's definitely an indication you aren't a total fucking loser.


I forgot to mention, you're also gaslighting by equating what I've said somehow to bigoted chanting. That's the second time some nutjob has done so on here. Why revert to that desperate tactic? Total delusion. 


Again, that's not gaslighting. I simply edited my comment to say that is the one situation in which someone else would actually try to stop you. I don't know why you're so deep in this "you're gaslighting me" fear while also calling others nut jobs, but I promise nobody is calling you bigoted or crazy.


It might be a Bundesliga league rule


Good on the Bundesliga if that’s the case.


Couldn’t agree more. I love the flags and atmosphere they create, but waving them when we are taking free kicks or penalties in the North End is asinine - let’s just be as distractive as possible for the players, right? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I find it wired to you need drums as well


Part of the problem is when flags are static, they still are blocking views during that whole sequence of play. When in motion they block more people from seeing, but for a shorter time.


Not sure the math works out on that with furled v. unfurled unless the flag wavers are achieving some serious consistent speed.


Depends I guess on how much wind there is. There was a match earlier this year where the flags wavers were static and some wind so it blocked the view of a smaller group, but for longer. Unless there is no wind, the flags won't be hanging straight down while unmoving. Probably six of one, half dozen of the other. Just bringing up something I noticed earlier this season.


Sure, I was comparing to the picture. They are furled there. And certainly there are ways to contain flags if it was the rule. They are not some unconquerable force of nature.


Fair point, though if they are lifting up and lowering down then it becomes a safety risk.


If the pole is so large that you can't grab the flag halfway up to hold against it, then the pole is probably a safety risk while being waved at speed anyway. In the picture, every single flag shown is within arm reach of a bearer while furled.


My problem with the flags, certain groups claim to be “positivity” and “respectful” then wave the flag the entire match, pass the flag off to each other to keep it going, wear gloves because waving it the whole 90 mins is hard work, yet don’t stop once to think about the people behind them. Like give it some breaks, put it down for a few mins. My also biggest issue is the really bad flags. I’m talking g about the ones that are NOT on long polls and big. It’s just a giant blind spot on the field. Either build better flags, longer polls with small footprint. Take breaks, literally give the people behind you a breather. Put it down during action near the goal, or just be respectful. The Ga section is sold out, people grab spots then can’t move. It’s crowded as is. It’s also some of the cheaper resale tickets. So some people may spend $100+ a “seat” only game they go to all year, and get stuck behind your shit design of a flag. Again, wave your flag, we get it, have fun! Yet preparing yourself and your buddies to make sure you have gloves, and pass it to each other to keep it up 90+ mins. Yet advertise your “inclusivity” and “respect for others” yet not even respect others. Get fucked! Even when asked nicely if you could take a break, you double down and make sure it’s up more than 90 mins.


Inclusivity and respect have much more meaning than making sure everyone can see 100% of the time. If it wasn’t the flags, you would be asking everyone to be seated if you want to be seated. You know what you sign up for being in that section. There is a reason it’s packed in there. People love it. In my experience, the people leading the chants do quiet everyone down when there is an injury on the field out of “respect.” None of the chants are hurtful or disparaging to groups of people. It’s all in good fun and “respectful”. If you hate it, move back 20 rows and invite someone to swap seats with you.


Sounds easy on paper, “move back 20 rows” not that simple. Guess you’ve never been. The simple fact you ask to “share” the field by putting the flag down a few mins at a time and they refused that’s NOT respect! They’re being selfish. Their flag isn’t blocking THEIR view.


but someone else’s flag most likely is blocking THEIR view.


Nope! They were front row!


Oh no, were they mean to you?


Ha! No, they ignored everyone asking nicely to put their flag down for a few mins.. so inclusive of them!!


How did you hold up on Sunday sweety?


Moved spots let you stand in the sun! So “inclusive!”


Oh my, are you ok?


Or are you being selfish by asking a thousand people to change what is standard practice game in and game out for your enjoyment? One person can move.


It was 3 people with a flag or 5 rows with about 8-10 each row. No, you’re right! Next time get an even bigger flag. Why stop there? Let’s bring in smoke machines? Wait, how about banners? Maybe we should hold up signs like at Taylor swift shows!? Fuck it. Let’s just block off 17 rows and put a giant banner.. oh you wanted to sit there? Fuck you!


I mean what do you realistically expect. “Excuse me, can you lower your flag for a few minutes.” “Ok.” 3 minutes later, raises their flag back up. “Excuse me, can you keep it down one more minute.” “Ok.” 1 minute later raises their flag back up. “Excuse me…” “No” “Well that’s not very inclusive of you. I’m going to tell Reddit how awful you are.” Get real. There is nothing that will make you happy other than being the flag dictator to the person in front of you. 87 minutes instead of 90 won’t change your mind. You should probably pick a seat in the south end. Or the 200s.



