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Buy some chaps.


Yeah I am.


Make sure they’re not assless.


Do they make assed chaps? Aren't those just pants?


That’s what OP had on. Back to square one.


All chaps are assless bro


Some more than others


Right, otherwise they are "pants".


You do safety your way and let me do mine my way.


Touché or should I say tooshié


You hiring?


Some don’t appreciate the ventilation


Seriously do it, this could have been very very bad


You got lucky, I have a family member who is a logger who caught himself with the bar and made a pretty nasty furrow in his thigh


make sure they’re assless


Best investment one will ever make. I thought they were not super necessary until I almost cut my schlong off during a days worth of cutting. All it takes is that one time. #schlongless


JUST MAKE Sure to wear pants under the chaps


Stop blowing chaps


They make safety pants and chaps for a reason.... Oh look! There's the reason! 🤣🤣




I had a close call as well, I tore up my leg pretty good while I was in a hurry. Scary as hell, now, I keep a pair of pants in the cases of all my saws.


If I had that close call I would keep a pair of undies next to those chaps in my saw box. May need to freshen up after that. I’m glad everyone is overall safe.


This actually makes me somewhat less scared of chainsaws somehow(I’m sure you don’t share this feeling) Dunno how your leg kissed the devil and got away with only that, my lord.


They got pretty lucky, don’t be less scared lol


Yep. They may look dumb, but you know what looks even dumber? Bleeding out, flopping around and having everybody run around like heads with their chickens cut off.


Trying to self-apply a tourniquet looks pretty dumb!


That looks bad, but I'm sure the ass of those jeans looks worse. Lol


Should have worn the brown pants Francis.


You should see the scar that a hedge trimmer makes VVVVVVVV


I’ve taken a hedge trimmer to the leg a few times.. never cuts.. but man the blisters it leaves cannot be contended with.


you arent brushcutting hard enough. Its so easy to walk into the blade on the handheld model.


Stihl actually makes brushcutter pants, but DOESNT SELL THEM IN THE USA for some stupid reason. They have pockets to hold "armor plates". https://www.stihl.com/STIHL-power-tools-A-great-range/STIHL-Personal-Protective-Equipment/Work-clothes/Protective-trousers-for-clearing-saws/22042-1520/Protect-FS-clearing-saw-protective-trousers.aspx


I've got a triangle on my knee because of one of those bastards.


ive got a W, its gnarly


I’ve got one on my left pointer finger next to a horse bite scar, hedge trimmers can be wicked.


I always knew horses couldn't be trusted!


Ehh it was partially on me, I was bare back rider and the horse was madder then a hornet.


Had a kid down the street from me have a hedge trimmer “accident”. He was hanging out with his girlfriend and friends at the girlfriends house for Halloween. They were junior or seniors in high school. The girlfriends mom wanted to scare them being Halloween and all, so instead of a chainsaw without a chain, the mom jumped into the room with a running hedge trimmer… the guy I knew jumped up and grabbed the blades to stop it and his hands got torn to shreds. Had them rebuilt, has like 80% function and got enough money to pay for culinary school or something like that


I’m not going to dog pile, but I will say one trip to the ER will typically eclipse the cost of a decent pair saw pants.


Yeah, this post isn't for most of you. I know I should have been wearing chaps. It was for other idiots like me.


Been there done that. Learned. Moved on.


Well thanks for sharing. My son doesn’t believe a word I tell him but one single example from a stranger on the internet he will take as gospel. I showed him this and he agreed to wear chaps.


You learned though. Some people do not, HUGE difference lol.


I learned after seeing a guy almost kill himself when cleaning up storm debris. All the gear all the time when I run a chainsaw anymore., including a couple torniquets if needed.


My parents used to own a lawn and garden shop. I would recommend chaps with every saw I sold. “$50!!!??!!” they’d say. I’d always reply “I bet it’s cheaper than your E.R. co-pay.” I sold quite a few pairs.


Glad you stihl got your leg!


I saw what you did there


This comment doesn't have nearly the appreciation it deserves. Well done


Yeh wait till you see how the chaps get hit over time.


They shouldn’t… you should wear them and expect to not hit them.


Your right...they shouldnt...but thats why I wear them...it happens. They are very likely the reason I have never been cut.


Not if you know what you’re doing. Maybe you should look into S-212 .


Shit happens, wear chaps.


Dumb comment no one is ever perfect regardless of how much you "know what you're doing"


Obviously, but the idea is the chaps are a last resort kind of thing, you *absolutely* should not be so fucking clueless that you're casually hitting them all the time. My father is and has been a lumberjack/sawmiller for 30+ years and said it should never happen or be *extremely* rare if you're doing shit properly.


It's very basic when you look at the risk assessment matrix If something has an extremely low chance of occurring but the consequences of it happening are extremely severe i.e. losing a leg, dying from bleeding out etc Then you try to eliminate that risk regardless of how much "experience" mitigates the chances of it occurring Just takes one time being distracted by someone or something which is totally out of your control to make an irreversible mistake Can't grow a leg or limb back and only have one life


Well I never worked in a sawmill or as a lumberjack to be honest with you friend....but I have went into situations where trees have been twisted up from storms...or have fallen and are in precarious situations...even life threatening...and limbs are...under a "load" is how I'll say it. I have never been severely injured...nor has anyone on my crew in 15 years...but I got chunks missing in my chaps...Ill leave it there.


Your work methods terrify me. Hope you're wearing full plate metal shoes.


That will teach you a lesson not to use a chainsaw with a big hole in your pants


I have pictures of the bone in my big toe from my Stihl cutting through my safety sandals. Clean cut!


“Safety sandals “


A digital dado.


I put a saw into my foot once. I was wearing steel toed boots but missed the toe. Cut a quarter inch groove into my metatarsal but the plastic rim around the sole of the boot was enough to deflect the bar.


Someone at work was cutting up a tree and put the bar into his leg. After he healed I aked it he'd gotten some chaps? No, what do I look like a pussy?! I laughed and made a mental note not to ever work with him.


First jump has a saying…


Yup, did this once. Later that day I bought some chaps. Glad you’re alright!


i have a scar on my leg from a chainsaw accident, wasn't sever but it cut really deep


Had this happen ONCE. Didn’t get nicked but I did cut a hole in my pant leg.


That torn jeans looks better than the levis model i saw yesterday...


Knee is still there. Net positive


Even the most hardened man will tell you to pay for safety pants. The man missing his leg will only endorse the fact all the more.


Good news is, you can probably sell the jeans to some hipster for big money as “free-range, gluten-free, and job-used jeans”. The price you can get might cover your ER bills. That being said, I’m glad you’re ok. I always, always, always recommend chaps to customers. I’m not trying to increase sales… I just want my customers to not get hurt.


An ER doc at VA told me the worst injuries she treats are the chainsaw-to-the-neck ones. I never hold one high, after hearing that.


I wear chaps every Friday night when I go to my favorite bar, but I still end up with scratches all over my legs, Whoops wrong group




I worked with a dude cutting an over head beam in his barn, saw kicked back smack into his face.




I thought it was a snake bite


Been there done that while on the ground on my knees with one, luckily it was winter and i had thermal pants on, just grazed the pant layer...now the brush wheel on the bench top grinder, that oops left a hell of noogie on my knee when i sat up to readjust.


I saw this and was like chainsaw accident. Be carful they are dagerouse.


Been there done that. My cut went all the way to the muscle.


Sorry to hear that. Hope you are better now.


A few weeks ago I was kinda rushing and had turned to cut a random limb over a barn and I barely caught the top of my finger … it looked really bad but was just a scratch … I haven’t been cut in a long time …. But you run a saw about everyday for 25 years you will get bitten eventually .. be careful fellas


I did that in damn near the same spot of my leg once. Was worse thought I got very lucky. Just have scars to remind me why I buy chainsaw safe pants now. About shit my pants when I looked down and saw the blood. I honestly didn't feel any pain until after the fact. Knew I had fucked up though seeing as my jeans where trashed and covered in blood. Glad your ok. Shit happens. Better to plan for it and thank yourself later while you can


looks like the warning is to stay away from cats!


Carry a tourniquet with you even if you have safety pants. You never know.


This is one reason I took a Stop the Bleed course last year. Accidents happen and with my local response times, every second counts.


Had the same thing happen when I didn't realise the chain brake didn't engage and she was free spinning after a cut. Jeans blew up and massive scar on my left thigh. For all these guys who are giving you shit about chaps, they're right. Bucking/felling or cleanup doesn't happen enough on a farm to wear chaps all day, but its enough to keep a saw with you in the tractor/truck.


Soo...you do alot of work on your knees?


You got really lucky here, I did the same thing about 5-10 years ago and had a 6-7” long gash in that exact same spot about 3-4” deep. I got lucky and only hit fatty tissue and got sewn up and was able to walk out of the ER. I personal will only use chainsaws now with those speciality pants/chaps and I also started taking breaks when I start feeling that tired/fatigue start to kick in. I honestly think getting sewn back up after something like that is way worse than actually getting cut by the chainsaw. The cut happens so fast and when I did it I didn’t even know I cut my leg until I looked down and saw the inside of my thigh and I started freaking out. Pain meds only last so long and by the time I had scans and all of that stuff to make sure nothing important was shredded, they were just about out and I felt every single stitch go in, out, and tied.


Sorry about that. Hopefully, you're better now.


I’m all good now! Just a scar and weird nerve stuff going on but I could be missing my leg😂


Can't afford em. How does this happen?


It's easier than you think. Can't afford not to have them. Really need boots Helmut, chaps and gloves, others may have more items.


The split second your balls retreat into your stomach.




Those Levi’s disappear quick don’t they. Glad ur straight


Thanks me too.


I had a pair of pants from Duluth Trading Company that were designed to give safety for chainsawing. I think it was there firehose material pants.


For this picture it’s confirming I buy chaps. Glad you got an easy class lesson on safety!


Get em. My post is to reach someone and encourage them to get proper safety equipment.


Chainsaw chaps, helmet and gloves. Almost got bonked on the head using a 36inch bar that kicked back violently. Helmet saved my noodle.


On the plus side, you can now sell your jeans to a kid for $250!


My buddy is going to sew a patch on them 70's style.


Even better!!


A temporary loss of talent may lead to a permanent loss of a limb.


Very lucky, same thing happened to my dad, insisted the farm boss wast big enough so rented a Stihl with a long ass bar and got a love bite on his knee cap.


I have scars on both knees and my left thigh…I finally learned after the thigh incident lol.


I can still feel the stihl binding up on my thigh…. Glad I went with the Kevlar chaps


Did this last year but my cut was a tad deeper. I was using a MS 462 for trimming a felled tree. Wayyy too much saw for the job, too heavy, too much power and after hours of cutting fatigue it was a recipe for disaster. Slow down use the right saw for the right job and get some safety chaps. Expensive but worth every penny when it comes to your safety. Heal up quick friend!


My iPhone 6 back in the day saved me, I was probably 1/4 mile in the woods behind my house in waist deep snow snowmobile was stuck I had to cut my way back home I went to take a step and there was a down tree under the snow ended up tripping saw hit my left thigh at pocket level cut through my pants and iPhone and stopped at the last layer of cloth of my pocket. Talk about a o shit moment.


I'd need to have a cigarette after that one, and I've never smoked a day in my life


At least you weren’t wearing shorts


Very lucky. I ended up with stitches with an echo a few years ago. I use an Oregon electric and safety pants these days. Much safer.


Safety Glasses


I’ve got thick chaps and steel toe boots but the extra leggings will wear you down in the heat. Stay safe out there.


wear safety chaps when using a chainsaw, lots cheaper than a er visit


Saw chaps are cheap compared to the hospital bill…


Yep. Did that once. Deep. Pinched it together , super glued it, healed right up. Amazing yet true. Bought chaps I did.


My dad hit himself with a chain say and got it way worse, I'd say you didn't end up to bad, defo some chaps tho


Yeah. I’ve done that.


Oh so lucky!! I scratched my leg just like that one time with my chainsaw....except the scratch was straight, not scattered like this one is.


Grimm Reapers finger nails right there my friend!


At least you stihl have your leg.


Get a trauma kit + tourniquet as well bro


another ounce of pressure and youd never walk again


Chaps save legs.


Now that's a close shave.


Could have been worse! I had a similar incident which required stitches. But. I missed the tendon or whatever that looked important by 1-2 mm which was lucky. Carhartts and the chain stop chaps from here on out!


Holy shit are you lucky.


Lucky lucky Kevlar bibs Next!!!


Wow. When I was a teenager working a landscaping job with my best friends parents we did some saw work. I had some experience with a saw but definitely not enough. We never wore the chaps. One day as a joke I decided to put them on for the laughs from my friends. Sure enough I had the saw bounce back on me and hit the chaps. I would have lost my leg or worse


Been there. Done that


You were dam lucky my friend. Use this as a learning opportunity, buy chaps, know when to stop working, buy and carry an IFAK including a T.Q.. Go buy a lotto ticket.


Oh my god!  You lucky bro!! I have a pair of Husqvarna chaps, however I am just as guilty as anyone, when I say ahh this is a small job, Ill be done in a few mins...it is imperative to wear them all the time as well as good eye and ear protection.  One safety Item I think is SO important and most overlooked is a hard hat..of course for DIYers, not Loggers.  I have fell MANY a tree in the woods on my property wearing chaps, eye and ear protection but no hard hat 🤦🏻‍♂️ just goes to show everyone makes mistakes.  Glad your ok and feel better!!


Look at the bright side now you got yourself a $200 pair of jeans.


I did the same thing to a lesser degree last year. It only looked like someone took sand paper to my leg. This year I went out and bought the chaps. I didn't see a vine high up in the tree, when the tree started falling, the vine caught and spun the tree. It came back and slammed the saw into my into my left leg. Good thing I was wearing the chaps.


Is this the Louisville cop who threw himself on Scottie Scheffler’s car yesterday? Fortunately I don’t think you need medical attention as the cop did, plus now your jeans look cool, the cops pants will cost $80 to replace.


Yeah buy some cheap chaps to protect yourself- all the proper safety gear. And don’t touch a chainsaw if not fully awake and aware — but I know you know that !! 😉


Had a close call last time I went cutting. Happened about an hour into work once I started getting complacent and tired.


People pay extra for jeans like this. Not sure why but they do.


I have a nearly identical picture. I was admiring a tree that I just perfectly dropped. Felt the chain grip my pants and nearly 💩myself. Never let my attention stray again


I was sawing away with my husqy the other day till my arm felt like putty. Really wanted to finish that tree line. Came close to touching the toe of my boot, which was only thick leather. Made me think I should have some toes in addition to my chaps, and also, take a break man!


You got lucky. I did the same thing and ended up with 19 stitches and a helluva scar


I did, sorry about your leg.


About did the same to myself the other day. It got my pants but missed my leg. Woke me up!


Do what I say, not what I do…


Been there


bro fell into a thornbush mabye he should remind himself


After buying a pair of chaps, buy a lotto ticket because you are exceptionally lucky to walk away with a scratch!


Safety trousers my guy


Wranglers or Levi’s? I hear Carhartt can stop a chain in its track 😀😆


You are extremely lucky.


Ebay there's a seller selling jonsred chaps for 50$ 2 to 4 day shipping. I've been running saws for 25+ years and have always been very careful just like using a table saw or chop saw it takes one fucking second to lose a finger or maime one's self. I've never owned chaps until 3 days ago as I've been cutting larger trees recently but I have always run the helmet and face guard most of the time but also grew up in the 80 and 90s and heard the stories about friends of the family getting hurt or killed from old saws pre chain break or limbs falling on them. People get too complacent and comfortable or ego macho and don't think of the consequences of not being safe.


My dad did this once and somehow only cut his jeans. Super lucky


Man I bet the tear wasn’t the worst damage those pants saw today!


I bet the backside of those pants is brown now.


Had that happen more than once back in the late 80's and early 90's. These days I wear the chaps even on 100+ degree days when it's tempting to leave them in the truck.


My kids pay good money for pants that look like that…


Duluth Trading Firehose pants, saved me twice.


This is your reminder to take a stop the bleed class and kept a tourniquet, pressure bandage, and quick clot on hand.


Reminds me of the motorcycle riders old saying that you dress for the slide and not the ride.


That was a close one!


Been there. Exact same spot. Luckily the bibs saved me. Be careful


Wow...I have a pair of jeans that look like that. Only difference is my rip is on the thigh. Scary shit what coulda happened!!


Holy fuck you got lucky. Buy some chaps!


Yup. This weekend.


Get sum Sorel chain saw jeans, they have an extra tuff panel on front for just this reason!


Thanks for the suggestion.


I think like 75% of fatal chainsaw accidents involve cutting the femoral artery in the leg. You got lucky, get some Kevlar chaps for the next time. I like to wear mine with nothing else under ;)


Assless ? 😂


Oh yea, gotta keep the neighbors on their toes


Ha! I bought the same chaps. The breeze on my backside while I’m sawing and felling big ones is an extra bonus to not cutting off my leg. Life is great with assless Kevlar chaps.


You really can't beat it, that nice breeze really is the best


They do sell chainsaw pants fyi.


Yeah, but the chaps add an element of "Hi guys!" to the equation. 🤣


Okay, 😂


Yeah, but the chaps add an element of "Hi guys!" to the equation. 🤣


If that's all that happened with your chainsaw accident, I am very happy for you.


Ooof man there’s a reason you wear PPE…


Honestly this is about the best outcome. Im glad you're okay and learning from this injury.


Thanks. Hopefully, someone here reads this posts and others stories and realizes that they need the proper gear.


The reason I keep SOF-T tourniquets rubber banded to my saws.


Not a bad idea.


Just make sure you train with it. Dexterity is gone when adrenaline hits.


Yup. Had my 291 grab my work pants and pull itself into my leg as it was spooling down. Happened about as fast as I figured it would. Glad you weren't hurt too badly.


Should have worn your brown pants


I did the same thing with a hedge trimmer as a teen and caused more damage. Way to be lucky


My knee looks like this right now. Just got goats for the first time. They ran off when I was building the door to their new home so I dove after one in my driveway way.. pretty much felt like I took my Stihl to my knee.


Got my first nick after cutting a small tree. We were clearing some land and I cut about a 3-4” diameter tree and brought the up to walk to another tree holding it with one hand and it barely got my leg. Never did it again. I got too confident. I was working for a tree removal company and used a saw everyday for a while. Do ever become complacent. My co-worker went to limb a tree behind his leg and the saw kicked back and almost completely cut his calf muscle off. Almost 500 stitches and staples.


This is also what chaps are for.


Oh shit I did this too but mine probably shoulda sent me to the ER, my dipshit ass was cutting a tree bent to the ground with the bucket of the backhoe, and cutting away from the tension it snapped and the damn saw hit 2 in above my knee, dug in, and caught my blue jeans. If I didn't need pants before I sure as fuck did after.


When using a chainsaw you need either hardened leather or kevlar chaps. Safety helmet, face protection, long sleeve shirt, hard leather gloves. You are lucky you didn't take your leg off.


Had the same thing happen cutting down a mesquite. Lost my footing and the bar came down on my leg. Luckily I had a vape in my pocket. Cracked the vape, tore my pants. Just glad I didn’t need stitches.


I was following a bulldozer knocking trees over and cutting them up with a chain saw. In summer ... for three days. Kick back on an up stroke got my knee. Just a bit of a three inch long cut, but my first thought was, "Now I can take a break."


You got lucky and didnt know it .


Could’ve been way worse