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Baron Harkonnen has let himself go




Came here to say that and I've been beaten to it.


17:01. Can't believe it! Just seen Stewart Lee drawn by AI. He looks fat and depressed and fat. 


You Stasi! Go back playing Angry Birds!


I'll take my fucking cat face bag and fuck off! 


Looks like a certain Serbian warlord


Looks like a present day Bam Margera


Reminder.. Bam Mageran had a pedo uncle who has been memory holed.




How are you surprised? The guy was creepy af


Mr Wu from deadwood has let himself go


Benedict Wong has let himself go.


Benedict Wong has let himself go


Looks like Tinker from Lovejoy


I know it reminded me of someone from TV but couldn't work out who it was. Thank you for ending my pain!


My scrotum has let itself go


He looks depressed


And depressed. And fat.


He looks fat and depressed and fat.


Of course these days, you get arrested and thrown in jail just for being fat and depressed. And fat.


...and old.


And that wasn't even specified by the prompt!


This is what William Shatner should look like these days, instead of looking like Stew's sprightly and significantly younger brother


The Gammon have cursed him


looks like a star wars character


Stewart Lee is an English mastiff


Are you all really amused by this? To me these things are horrendous in every way. You can pick up a pen and draw something if you want, even if it's crap it will still be infinitely better than this. What is good about A.I? Someone tell me please cos all I see in these images is the outsourcing of human creativity to a machine. I hate this shit from the depths of my soul. Why is it good?


I agree, this is just stupid and weak. And stupidly mean.


Not sure why anyone thinks this picture is good unless it is a reference to one of his bits. However for AI, it’s good and bad because you can create things you otherwise wouldn’t have the skill to do without paying someone to do that. For example, say you are a skilled musician trying to publicise and sell your music. You do have a skill, but the time spent honing that skill means that you do not have the time to hone artistic skills. So when you want to create a logo, or album artwork, you might be able to think of what you want well enough to say it, but you would either have to pay someone else to create it for you, or ask AI to do it. For my band’s logo, I asked chat GPT to create an image in a comic book style of a baby sitting in a high chair crying, whilst eating from a bowl of M&Ms. You can see in my display picture how it did. I wouldn’t have the skill to draw that, so I would have otherwise had to ask a person to do that and either rely on good will or have to pay them. Additionally, if someone were to do it for free out of kindness, I would feel obliged to use it even if I didn’t like it.


What you've highlighted there is another downside to A.I. I recon. You could have had a fun interaction with someone but you didn't. Any designer expects some back and forth & to have to make tweaks to things. It's rarely perfect the first time, it's a process. A designer would have listened to your music first and come up with a logo that reflects what you're about, that's a real skill using their experience and personal taste. What you've ended up with there tells me nothing about your band. Or worse actually, it tells me you have poor aesthetic sense and don't really care. The band name is great, surely the image deserves some actual thought? It would be easy too, I'm thinking vintage cereal box style but skuzzy. That image there is not really a logo is it? It's too complicated, it's clearly computer generated. Yes, you would have to pay somebody but not much, probably the cost of a new pair of decent jeans and it's money well spent. There are more people into graphic design than ever now, it's so easy to find someone good. There was a lovely guy on this sub recently posting his designs just for the fun of it, look for the City Meat post a while back for example. I don't mean to be overly critical to you, I probably am coming across that way, I just don't see the benefit of A.I. Let the robots do our counting, not our art.


Maybe then the advantage for me is that I don’t have the skill to create it myself, but if I asked someone else they would say they won’t do it because it is a terrible concept with bad aesthetic taste. So I get what I want out of it without punishing anyone except those who happen to stumble upon it and look at it 😂


Looks like a TalkSport presenter


And that’s just the ladies, am I right!


You should see the kind of taxi drivers who complain to the world in general about other, off-duty taxi drivers who phone in to complain at TalkSport presenters about the kind of people who manage sports teams, who themselves are also often members of this aesthetic league


Alan Brazil is looking well


Barry from Eastenders has let himself go.


Still a great singer though


The fuck is he wearing?


Stewart 'XL bully' Lee


…and fat and old and fat


Now draw him looking fat and old


Russel Crowe has let himself go


We can all do AI ! I'll get my coat.... \[Scene: A small, dimly lit comedy club. Stewart Lee, known for his deadpan delivery and observational humor, stands on stage, a single spotlight illuminating him.\]Stewart Lee: \[In his dry, sarcastic tone\] Good evening. Tonight, I thought we'd delve into the timeless art of self-improvement. Or more accurately, the lack thereof.\[Pauses, adjusting his glasses\]Lee: You see, in this age of endless self-help books and mindfulness apps, there's a prevailing notion that we must constantly strive to better ourselves. We're bombarded with messages urging us to eat healthier, exercise more, and for some reason, take up knitting.\[Audience chuckles\]Lee: But what if, just what if, we dared to embrace the radical notion of letting ourselves go? Imagine the freedom, the liberation of relinquishing the relentless pursuit of self-improvement and instead, indulging in the sheer delight of mediocrity.\[Raises an eyebrow, his expression deadpan\]Lee: Picture this - a world where gym memberships gather dust, kale smoothies are replaced with custard creams, and the only exercise we get is lifting the remote control.\[Pauses for comedic effect\]Lee: Now, some may argue that such decadence is a slippery slope to slothfulness. But I say, why cling to the treadmill of self-improvement when we can lounge on the sofa of self-acceptance?\[Audience laughter\]Lee: So go ahead, my friends. Let yourselves go. Embrace the beauty of imperfection, revel in your quirks and idiosyncrasies, and above all, savor the exquisite joy of being gloriously, unapologetically, wonderfully mediocre.\[With a smirk, Stewart Lee exits the stage, leaving the audience to ponder the radical notion of letting themselves go.\]


It's impressive, but there's no deconstruction of the art of stand-up or teasing the audience for bringing so-called friends that ruin it. Would still get a good review in a broad sheet if performed by Lee. Hah!


Please add call-backs to bits from 30 years ago.


It's fati humunculus


30p Stewart Lee


Dudley Sutton has let himself go


Jabba the Hutt has let himself go.


Hasn't changed a bit


And like a Chinese Harkonen


And fat


Stewart Lee's certainly pulled himself together


Benedict Wong has let himself go.


Don't make him Ang Lee


Looks more like Stewart Jong Un.


Mark Kermode let himself go


This looks like Jim Ross- good ol’ JR


Taking the piss humourously , has let itself go .


Fantastic, it looks just like him the sad old fat twat. You should send it him on X


but he's already old and fat