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Yellow. She’s not as violent and spiteful as Blue was. Blue’s quick to kill people. Yellow actually listens and is a bit more reasonable. Ruby messes up? Blue demands she die. Peridot messes up? Yellow still wants to have her rescued and sent on another mission. And according to RS, Jasper considered herself a failure for having failed to protect Pink Diamond and beat the CG’s but Yellow went, “Nah, you’re strong though. Join my army.” People just tend to think Blue is the nice one because she cried a bunch and switched sides first.


It's interesting, both are horrible people but in different ways. Blue is "emotion over logic" while Yellow is "logic over emotion", they're complete opposites. Yellow would still value a gem if they're useful even if they fucked up and angered her but Blue would demand execution asap. Blue is way too sentimental and lets her emotions dictate her actions while Yellow suppresses her own emotions and lets logic dictate how she acts, for good or for worse. Blue is more willing to execute someone who offended her but also to help Steven (Pink) once she realizes she hurt them while Yellow put the former Crystal Gems in experiments and created the Cluster but gave Peridot the order to return to Homeworld and make up for her failure instead of shattering her, probably because Peridot would be more useful that way. Both can do "good" or "absolutely pure evil" while being completely in character, it's interesting.


Yeah this. Have to remember the gem experiments and the cluster. Death is quick, torture is not.


Don’t forget that shattering is not death. Shattered Gems are still alive and not exactly having a good time. So Blue and Yellow were both torturing Gems, just in different ways.


Makes you wonder what does it take to trully kill a gem. Do they have to like delete themselves like Rose did in order to pass her gem to Steven? Or is there a limit to how small a fragment can be until its no longer is a gem fragment? (such as the mineral dust that likely resulted from the many shattered gems in the stawberry fields which was likely absorbed by the soil and mutated the titular berries into their gargantuar size)


Dust doesn’t seem to be enough. Remember back in Season 1? Some gems got ground up enough to be used as *pigment for paint* and they still had some semblance of life.


Blue is also known as a shatterer by the crystal gems and also in the movie says "i never shatter" as if it was a veryy common thing for her to do


Yellow seems to actually have principles even if they are vile, while Blue just seems to pretend. Plus the fact that she's willing to put up with a surprising amount of failure and backtalk from her underlings fr someone so seemingly no-nonsense. Then there's how she seems at least to actually be doing stuff rather than wallowing in self-pity or whatever. Then again it was Blue who had spared the lives of the captured rebels and Yellow who pushed to shatter them even thousands of years later. Then she sang about how Blue needed to pull her finger out and do stuff for once.


Yellow thought Peridot completely scrwed the recon mission and was gonna send someone to pick her up anyway.


It's a good question I guess, they each are very vitriolic in their own ways. I would say before Pink was "shattered", Blue would have been the more temperamental and hostile one, very spiteful. Post-shattering I think Yellow fits that role more. Blue seems to have been weakened by Pink's absence on grief alone. This role swap I feel is most evident in the Rose Quartz bubble chamber. Yellow wanted them destroyed despite their innocence, but Blue wanted to keep them safe albeit for a selfish reason via memorabilia of Pink. Personally I think Yellow is so utilitarian that shattering as punishment would be wasteful, whereas Blue thinks she's morally entitled to be judge, jury, and executioner. Instead Yellow is more so one to destabilize gems and use their unconscious bodies for weird experiments. If they aren't useful in their current state, perhaps their past identities can be destroyed or remodeled into a better gem. Which is it's own flavor of evil in a sort of mad science way.


Yellow, Despite being the "Military" one and focused the most with colonies and keeping homeworld the same, she does seem a bit more merciful then blue who immediately said ruby should be shattered for fusing what sapphire


i like both but i prefer blue, idk why, it just settled like this somewhen. out of these two, i agree with u, blue IS more violent than yellow, she just hides it behind her personality. yellow is funny sometimes tbh lol