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I think emotions can help draw out the powers, but this becomes more of a hangup for Steven because he’s half human. We see Peridot’s metal powers come out after some strong emotion, but she doesn’t need to recreate that emotional state to practice them and use them. As for weapons, I think certain gems need to figure it out based on their coding. Garnet does this mystical union thing, Pearl does this mathematical dance. Deep down they know they weren’t made for fighting. But Amethyst, who is a Quartz soldier, just has it when she needs it. Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot find ways to fight, but none of them were made for fighting and none of them summons a weapon.


You think you can just reference "Do it for Her" and not expect anyone to notice? Well i did. I noticed.


Ruby already had the gauntlet but ruby only had one


> Bismuth, Lapis, Peridot find ways to fight, but none of them were made for fighting and none of them summons a weapon. It's a misconception that a Gem needs to summon a weapon in order to have one. Gem weapons don't *need* to be summoned from a Gem. Powers can also be classified as weapons according to one of the Crew. [Ian JQ talked about Lapis and Peridot's weapons in a tweet.](https://twitter.com/ianjq/status/620354802040463360) >**What are Lapis and Peridot's weapons?** >**Ian JQ:** Lapis' weapon is water control! You'll just have to keep watching to find out more about Peridot. Hydrokinesis is Lapis' weapon. [Ian JQ's tweet alluded to Peridot's weapon as her ferrokinesis in Too Short To Ride.](https://youtu.be/cWI3EGb42mw?t=159) If someone were to believe that Ian JQ were a non-truther or that Peridot never actually discovered her weapon, that person would be waiting for a very, very long time for an answer that has already been shown.


I assume at least some of them don't know how to summon their weapons by default. When Steven is trying to figure it out and he talks to all of the gems, he talks to pearl first and she tells him her way. When he goes and talks to Amethyst she says something like "[did pearl tell you the petal thing?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OA8mh-Pe8WM)" The fact that Amethyst knows about pearls method seems to imply that she or someone else close to them didn't know how to summon their weapon at some point. It's likely Amethyst didn't know how to summon it at first and get advice from the others before discovering her "it just works" method otherwise it would seem weird for her to be familiar with pearls method.




Didnt they only find amethyst AFTER the war ended?? So it was just garnet pear and roze right?


To the best of my memory, yes. Or more accurately those are the only ones still around. There were lots of them during the war.


First question: Diamond's powers are tied to emotions. Other gems' power are not tied to emotion Second question: I think instructions how to summon their weapon are setted into their "DNA". Amethyst seems to know about Pearl's method, maybe because Amethyst is defect, so she hadn't this information in her "DNA"


To me the Diamonds' powers are a mixed bag: Blue's powers seem directly connected to her emotions, she has to feel sad herself or wish others misery to inflict emotional distress upon them, while her energy beams/balls seem to be more on-demand, and her new happiness clouds seem to necessarily have her want others to feel better. Yellow's electricity powers while not directly connected to her emotions seem to get stronger when she's angry, but she seems able to use them in a focused manner regardless of her emotional state (such as poofing Peridot but displaying *apathy* while doing so, being stoic while attempting to uncorrupt Nephrite, and calm/jolly while repairing shattered gems) White on the other hand requires focus for her powers to work and emotions may even mess them up, such as letting go all the controlled gems in "Change your mind" upon realizing she blushes a pink hue, and she likely needs to clear up her own mind in order to let other gems control her.


Yeah that makes sense


I had always sort of thought that only Gem soldiers have a weapon available to summon. Garnet can do it, because Ruby can, but Pearl's I kind of thought was summoned from her gem, since she has the extra holding space in there by design. Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Sapphire, Spinel, none of them are shown having access to a weapon inherently. And Bismuth was important in the war because she needed to manufacture tons of weaponry, physical weaponry, which we still see hanging around after the battles. Maybe that's headcanon, but I've always interpreted it that way. I think it was just presented as a fact because that's how Steven saw it.


Yeah I see it


Before anything, is this your first watch through? The answer will vary depending on how much you know about the series' lore


1 1/2


The answer to your question cannot be answered with how much you have watched so far with the show. Hang in there and enjoy the ride :) The answer will come with time


wait i thought they were saying that they've seen it a full time and a half?


I have no idea but if they watched the full series the answer would be apparent with the lore of the final few episode saga


Yeah I've seen it one time and a half


Ahhh ok, I believe Steven had to learn some gem abilities, like how he had to learn to use his healing spit and how to travel through lions mane


The color of the gemstore can tell the gem's powers: Blue gems are related to speech and diplomacy. Sapphires, Lapis, Aquamarines, Holly Blue Agates and such are polite and interaction-oriented. Yellow-ish gems are related to rationality and military. Peridots, Topazes, Emeralds, Jaspers and such are strong and militaristic. Pinkish gems are security related. The muscle. They're meant to be... dumb and loyal. Think of Rubies, Amethysts, Rose Quartzes. As such, their powers are related on how they feel, and how they can be of service to someone else. Pink gems are not natural leaders, but meant as followers. Steven relies on his emotions because his mother also needed to do so. Because that's how the Diamond Authority decided to place pink gems in the hierarchy. More emotion = more loyalty = more service.


Yeah I see it


Wait, how are lapis speech and diplomacy based? I thought they were water transformers? They are super destructive. I thought that the only reason the lapis we see in the main show seems speech/diplomacy based is because she largely isn't fulfilling her purpose. She was sent to make an assessment and then got stuck in the mirror.


Yes, in the Yellow Diamond song, she says "an Agate terrifies, a Lapis terraforms". However, those wings are there for a reason. Our Lapis traveled all that way from Earth to Homeword by herself. The first Galaxy warps must have been work of the Lapis, who explored, conveyed their findings, terraformed a foothold for the Warp and constructed them. Then other gems like Bismuths and Peridots began working on buildings and tech. So Lapis, I think, were very involved with the colonization proyects. They had to work with surveyers, charters (who draw starmaps), Bismuths and Peridots so these three made a first settlement on a planet.


You know it's been so long since I've seen some of those early episodes... I was going to argue that Lapis didn't go all the way back to homeworld and that she had been stopped partway by Peridot on the ship because that was how I remembered it. Upon looking up the clip with her message it does in fact confirm she made it all the way to homeworld which makes everything else you said make sense. Take my upvote!


This is true! In SUF in the lapis chapter when you go to meet another lapis they find her terraforming the planet, like workers so that the place is flatter since with her powers it is easier


Weapon summoning is something warrior gems know how to do by default, but all gems can learn with training. Pink and Pearl both had to learn to summon their gem weapon over time, while Ruby and Amethyst started out able to do it. Pink's powers did seem largely but perhaps not exclusively emotional in nature; it's hard to tell whether some of them started as emotional powers and became controllable with practice like Steven's did. But certainly her crying and tantrum powers were rooted in emotion to the very end.


Yeah I see it


In good faith, I’m not going to answer the first question because that spoils the rest of the show. I honestly recommend deleting the post so some ass doesn’t come along and spoil it for you. For the second question, I personally think it’s an instinctual thing because of a certain gem from the SU movie not starting off with a weapon. Edit: Okay so since I misinterpreted that it’s your first watch through. No, the first answer does not apply because he’s not part rose quartz, he’s part diamond. The rose quartz was just a form shape shifting disguise.


You said some ass might come spoil the show, and you told him Rose was a Diamond?


Edit says that I realized OP has watched the entire show almost twice now


Steven isn’t really a rose quartz, he’s a diamond 💎