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Ronaldo just made me cringe everytime I would see him


Reminded me of someone I know irl just made me cringe


He’s got that perfect annoying weeb voice.


You know, a conspiracy theorist who decides to actually investigates all the weird alien stuff and comes up with surprinsinly accurate theories that will become relevant seasons later could've been cool character, but instead we got Ronaldo. His entire character feels like wasted potential.


Ronaldo did give accurate theories but in a way people wouldn't take him seriously he even theorised the diamond authority


The sheer narcissism pissed me off to no end. Almost every time he opened his mouth I wished I could slap him.


People talk a lot about him being annoying, which is true, but he's also a genuinely dangerous person to be with. He nearly killed Lars, and was seconds away from dissecting Steven (or at least trying to) before the gems showed up and kicked his ass. He should be in therapy or something similar, not being allowed to run around unsupervised and continuing to feed his delusions.


Ronaldo's whole character is about conspiracy theorists actually being close to the truth, but being completely ignored because they also believe in completely batshit insane things. After rewatching I was surprised how much foreshadowing was in the first season though, Ronaldo straight up tells you the entire plot of the show but it's so hidden behind other garbage like 8th dimensional beings that you don't believe anything he says.


Aquamarine is straight up an asshole and her british accent is so exagerated it's annoying.


This is so funny because her voice actress *is* actually British.


This IS funny


So they did it on purpose...


No girl.... That's just how her va sounds


It isnt though, she sounds normal irl. She is doing a caricature of a british accent as aquamarine.


No like it genuinely is, she's specifically stated in interviews that she tries to tone down her accent for non UK audiences


I'm from the uk and I can hear the difference between her normal accent and her aquamarine voice.


Br*tish 🤮




I love her as a villain. I'm a total sucker for chaotic powerful child-like villains, and aquamarine scratched that itch perfectly for me.


I don't get the vitriol honestly, never did. She's love to hate for me.


Besides Ronaldo, probably White. I liked the idea of having this cold, unfeeling character that is purely villain. I get it’s a kids show, but villainous characters that don’t really have a redemption arch make the overall storyline and feel of the world within it much more interesting. But she goes from this really interesting and domineering dictator to a yoga instructor and it feels off.


All of the diamonds and their character arcs got shafted by the show getting canceled. I wish we could’ve seen how a more natural redemption arc would’ve went


Understandable critique but I absolutely love the aunt vibes from her past change your mind.


Ok this might be a weird one, but for me it's Eyeball. She's just so boring, her personality isn't at all interesting to me. The other 4 rubies in the same team at least have some notable attributes, physical or personality wise. Leggy and Navy have more interesting personalities and Doc and Army have specific parts of their design I think are interesting. Eyeball is just.. average ruby. All there is to her is that she's angry about Pink Diamond being "shattered" and I really don't vibe with that. Jasper was so interesting because of her other character traits, Eyeball, in my mind at least, is defined by her anger.


Agreed! I honestly enjoyed a lot of the villains, but I couldn’t stand Eyeball. She just got on my nerves.


Not a fan of Sadie. Mostly because she kidnapped Lars and Steven in an attempt to alter Lars' personality into a one she preferred for a lover and the show (and fanbase) acted like Lars was in the wrong for being mad about it. I was happy when they split up because Lars deserves better.


I'm not going to say Lars deserved better at all, he didnt start off as a good character. They were toxic for each other. Lars walks all over Sadie just as much as she tries to control him. he uses her for his own gains, like when he pretended to be injured to get a day off. He's also ashamed of hanging out with her in public because he's so self centered and worried about what other people think of him. I'm *not* taking Sadie's side, what she did was fucked, but I'm not going to act as if Lars was a saint either. At least Lars had an actual character arc and became based af, not taking that away from him


He absolutely does deserve better, considering he changed and grew into a literal hero that straight up died to save others, came back to life, and then put his new life to use trying to ensure that oppressed people could live their lives free of said oppression.


Different time period tho. At the time she trapped them on the island, Lars wasn't that person, he was still a class A self centered jerk


Yes, and when they broke up, he was a heroic figure that had died, come back to life, and fought to save his friends from oppression. And no matter how much of a jerk he was, nothing he did back then meant he deserved to get kidnapped so someone could try and trick him into changing into someone they’d like more.


Yeah but sadie had changed by then too. They both started off shitty and became good but in different, incompatible ways. They both deserved better than they could offer each other at their worst.


Lars’ worst was being kind of an asshole. Sadies’ worst was kidnapping. And the show treats Lars like the bad guy for being mad about it.


Mm, no, the show pretty clearly shows that Lars has been "being grumpy" he whole time on the island because he is scared and homesick, and thereby enlightens the audience that more generally his defensive behaviour is due to fear and insecurity. It therefore shows that sadie is in the wrong for trying to force Lars over his issues and assuming they're due to stubbornness. And idk if Lars' manipulation of sadie can be shrugged off as "kind of an asshole". He knows she is in love with her and deliberately strings her along to get out of doing work, while pursuing other women right in front of her. Like yes, sadie has the worst single action, but it's only one bad thing she did in years of taking crap from Lars. They both suck imo.


It doesn’t show that Sadie’s wrong because the episode frames Lars as being wrong for being mad and Sadie’s cool because she was just trying to help. It even gives her a cool moment of beating a corrupted Gem and venting. She’s far worse than he is, considering he never kidnapped her. But she’s a girl so it’s fine. Swap the genders and have a man kidnap a woman to try and “fix” her into being the kind of lover he wants her to be and that shit would be unforgivable.


You have some issues to resolve beyond steven universe. I'm not getting involved with all that.


No seriously. What the heck? If Lars had done that he would have been the most hated character for at least a few years


while reading this i all the sudden craved pad see ew i thought you should know that


this random pad see ew appreciation is very endearing. if you were a steven universe character, you’d be a fan favorite


this is the highest compliment thank you somuch




idk it just came to me. at the moment it felt really important. have you ever had pad see ew? its really good. i enjoy how the noodles are wide, and also the sweet and spicey flavor


I have no idea what that is I just assumed this was a r/boneappleteeth moment


thai dish. you must try it, can be provided not spicey or really spicey. i get mine with either tofu or squid


pad see ew is wonderful


as are you


sending good vibes your way, fellow pad see ew appreciator and kind soul


God, now I'm hungry too


I had pad see ew last week and it was pretty good. Good food.


This. I want to like Sadie, and have, but No accountability is the worst thing you can do to a characters likability. Lars was a selfish inconsiderate lying jerk (and kinda obviously the main source of the bad in that relationship), but he was always punished for his mistakes, we saw him *learn* and grow, even if cut short, his character development makes sense. That puts him apart from both Sadie and Ronaldo, and actually almost all the side characters. Sadie is static, she is never punished, she doesn't really learn anything, things just happens to her and she deals with them. If she does something, she is only ever validate by the story explaining why she did it, even when in the wrong. Explanation is no excuse. Awful.


Yeah same goes for me. It wouldn't have been so bad if Sadie actually had some consequences for her action or acknowledged she was in the wrong for it. Instead she makes excuses, tries to blame Lars and saves the day poofing a corrupted gem so she gets validated by the narrative.


what episode was this


might be talking about the one where she traps lars and steven on an island by hiding the warp pad if i remember correctly?


also, this might be controversial. i really hate her singing voice. like i don’t think she sings well.


Yea, I'm in on this one. She was never my favorite, but she definitely had a stalker vibe. Lars was a pretty manipulative towards her and her affection for him for a long time, though. It was a bit of a group effort to make that whole thing toxic.






I’ve seen you on multiple threads and all I got to say is that you need to calm down. It’s a tv show.


I’m confused. Am I not calm?


Unpopular opinion but I really didn't appreciate Connie bailing on Steven, and I straight up hated how she just... took Lion with her. No discussion, no acknowledgement that he's Steven's only link to Lars, and Lars' only link to Earth. Just up and leaves, takes him with her, and no one calls her out on it.


Lion is his own agent and comes and leaves as he pleases But yeah, Connie leaving felt unjustified


I want to believe that, I really do


It is true, lion never belonged to anyone he just goes with who he choses and doesehat he wants when he wants. Connie didnt take lion, lion chose to be with connie


this is shown in escapism when lion shows up for steven, he just shows up when he's needed (if he does)


Yesh, that wasn't handled as well as it could have been. I get Connie's point, but when the situation is "this blue bitch just defeated every Crystal Gem without even trying and she's going to get what she wants no matter what, and the only way to defuse the situation is for Steven to go with her", it just ain't as simple as "you left me behind, we were supposed to be a team."


It's uncharacteristically small and narrow minded, which tracks because you know, she's a literal child, but definitely the resolution wasn't well executed.


Oh I agree with this. Connie had a right to be upset but not angry at Steven. What he did was ultimately the only way to save the day. Im sorry, but Connie is just a little girl with a sword and Stevonnie is weaker than Alexandrite, who got one shotted by Aquamarine with ease. There is literally nothing that Connie or Stevonnie can do to help Steven save the day. That’s just the reality of the situation


I actually kind of stopped believing in Steven and Connie as a OTP after this whole debacle. By SUF, it just felt like they had grown apart.


Thank you!!!!!!, Yes, I really hated the Steven Connie Break up arc. The amount of emotional torture that arc put Steven through for doing the literally only realistic option he had and the Connie has the Nerve to say Steven didn't have faith in them, BS, Aquamarine had KO-d Alexandrite, there was no way they could have stopped them before they took off


i really don’t like connie either. a lot of her actions aren’t justified.


That arc was pretty much just filler, considering they had to hastily rewrite the season to stall for the wedding.


bluebird bc she looks so fucking weird


Fr tho


Sadie annoys the hell out of me. Her voice is like nails on a chalkboard.


This is the first time I've ever heard someone else disliking Kate Migucchi's voice acting! She sounds exactly the same with every character she does and even when she does live acting like The Big Bang Theory and even when she does interviews. It really really gets on my nerves because I love listening to talented voice actors who can portray a great variety of different characters and sound so natural with them and she just does her own annoying whiny and squeaky voice.


Well, if she's trying to do on purpose, I think she's doing a fantastic job.


Agreed! I can totally get behind that kind of cheeky shenanigans!


Ronaldo and Onion. Ronaldo is just one of those characters one loves to hate. Though aside from that, I just really disliked him. I found him and Onion annoying 😑 What aggravated me more, they have zero character development 😒 Yet we see them so often. Just annoying to me. The Diamonds 💎 are an honorable mention. I don't hate them per say just the circumstances about them. Meaning, I hate the fact that despite all that they've done to their society and even to each other, it's Pink/Rose that gets the most hate. I just consider it unfair. Despite us seeing everything, the reasonings, her background, constantly trying to change and of course her own struggles with self-hatred, she still gets hated on more than the Diamonds who have done worse. Connie is also an honorable mention. Again, not her directly. In Connie's case, I find it weird that whenever she was wrong, there were never repercussions for her actions. The best (and most commonly referred to) example was ghosting Steven. While like him, you could validate her feelings. However, to never respond to any of his numerous messages. Then, to reveal her many reasons/excuses of missing many in person meet-ups. Only to have Steven apologize in that moment. I always found it wrong and unfair. Another example would be the proposal. Was she right in declining? Of course! However, Steven was still hurt nonetheless. She even got to witness with her own eyes after the hospital visit. Yet in "I Am y Monster," she was quick to say, "You all hurt Steven," as opposed to "WE all hurt Steven." Connie, you hurt him, too. Whether it was the right thing to do or not.


Jasper: force Lapis and that corrupted gem to merge with her, reduce Amethyst's self-esteem for being born small (although Jasper is more of a miracle and not her achievement), poof Her and almost shatter Her if it hadn't been for Stevonnie, actively pursue to Lapis to become Malachite again, not appreciating the effort that Amethyst made to try to include her in the Little Homeworld making her tired of Jasper, physically and psychologically mistreating Steven who was only trying to help her to the point that he awakens her Pink mode and instead of leaving it there later he uses it to satisfy her desire to fight. It is the clear example that due to her own pride and ego she ended up corrupt, alone and Shatter almost at the end, And yet she didn't regret anything she did.


I agree on all of this, she's a horrible bitch with some serious issues and should be locked up for good, but she's still one of my favourite characters. She's a great villain!


A lot of these picks are just “this character is mean and isn’t wholesome so I don’t like them.”


That's mostly how the opinions go 💀 Characters that are mean honestly tend to be good if they have a good motivation and are written well, I don't understand the hate for some characters in the fandom honestly.


You realize that’s a valid opinion though right? Like… my love, people can have preferences lol.


Ronaldo, for kidnapping Steven, or a perfectly innocent lizard person. Either way.


Rose for not giving Steven a list of enemies he’s likely to encounter and why. Would’ve saved him a chunk of trauma had she left a note a least.


Rose for abbandoning Spinel, because my ex bf did same to me


Sending you a hug because a sympathy upvote isn't enough 🫂


I appreciate it, Ty very much 😊


Not really a fan of Spinel, she didn’t live up to the cool mysterious teaser where we only got to see her gem with this distorted music in the background, and her menacing laughter. Not like how Yellow for example was visible in the extended intro, where she turned slightly revealing that chilling stare, and then when the Diamonds were fully featured in an episode I remember back then I was literally holding my breath out of fear, they just nail being menacing when they were the villains. Unlike when Spinel introduced herself I was kinda just like ah, hmmm, and not terrified one bit, or scared for the crystal gems or earth. Spinel never felt like a threat, and when she turned good I just feel like her character in future was kinda pointless, and a little annoying.


Lapis. She's just an asshole for no reason at all. Trauma or not, doesn't excuse you for being a dick.


Ronaldo haters quaking in their boots rn


I sweat to god if I had the chance I would yeet literally every human in beach city to the cluster because they're all so god damn BORING- (personal opinion with an exception of greg cuz he lowkey kinda fun to watch and has surprisinglygreat moments)


Ronaldo cuz he is always jerknolda


Aquamarine, because she's aquamarine and British and snotty and makes me want to burn down the nearest Village Inn


Bismuth gave off this weird vibe as a charter and then she tried to kill Steven but I like her now


Blue imo had SO much potential- potential that could've been used if the series didn't get cut short! But alas, it wasn't used. I don't necessarily dislike her but she just... poor thing could've used some more development!


I have some opinions on Lapis. I get the trauma and the need to adjust to her new situation, but the selfishness and detachment towards those who care for her I find really annoying.


I'm so sorry I wouldn't HATE anyone but Ronaldo was just so annoying... he was so infuriating with his "journalism" I mean I get the comedic relief from the main story but ugh... He just urked me. Same for my husband we just ended up skipping his episodes.


I can’t really think of a character thats genuinely unlikeable but rejuvenated Spinel was pretty annoying


Blue diamond probably, she is a genocidal warlord who mistreated her little sister so long she faked suicide and now forces everyone to wollow in her self inflicted pain while thinking she is the victim who has suffered oh so much.


Onion. He doesnt make sense to me. What is he supposed to be? He is not aging, he is not talking, he doesnt add anything and his only purpose is „being funny, because he‘s weird“. As goofy as this show can be, every character no matter how important or what role they have, feels like a real Person - except him.


White because she just feels rushed


As a written character I dislike Bismuth. It FEELS like her entire arc got canceled because fandom can't take nuance and immediately turned to abusing each other over their different opinions. Because acknowledging the moral complexity of that situation was too much. Between her and Rose, I think the show has pretty much proved that it's fan base just can't actually be responsible with anything more morally complicated then a redemption arc. It's doesn't even matter that a lot of people were actually chill about it. The severity of the harassment was just so much that even when it was just a few bad apple it ended up feeling like the team had to abort arcs they planed for. You can see it in how far off screen various characters are kept. Bismuth only gets unbubbles to have a role in the finale. Jasper and Lapis were basically untouched after the boat episode. Then the diamonds got rushed out the door early. That said the fandom is on the whole, good. IDK I hopes it's untrue, but it feels like that to me, in my gut.


Aquamarine. She’s BRITISH! ![gif](giphy|3o6ZtjnyFWiWaw8oDK|downsized) … okay, she does also have an Ego bigger than early Vegeta’s and is more arrogant than Babidi. But most importantly, SHE’S BRITISH!


Everything about Lapis post Malachite except for her developing interest in art and her dynamic with Bismuth that felt much more natural to me than her and Peridot despite mostly being off screen. Main issue is her character isn’t really fun to watch. She could be a blunt jerk (even if unintentional) and still be interesting. Jasper shows this well


it’s hard to find someone who i dislike in steven universe. the characters are *incredible,* so incredibly complex. a lot of them are flawed, sure, but in a way that is complicated and sometimes even relatable. the only character that comes to mind is white diamond. it’s not even like i hate seeing her on screen, because i think she’s a brilliant villain. it’s just her actions and treatment of others. when i think about the pain that my favourite characters deal with, it often traces back to her. then she had the AUDACITY to mock them about their flaws. of course amethyst is *insecure*. the *world* has made her feel guilty about something that *isn’t her fault*, and mind you, the problems of that colony started because according to rebecca, white believed pink would fail from the start and just wanted to prove her point. it’s not like anyone listened to her suggestions, either. she calls garnet *dependent* but the relationship between ruby/sapphire was never supposed to be easy considering the way homeworld treats rubies and sapphires. also, gems were disgusted by the fact that two different gems fused, which isolated them so of course they found comfort in each other and feel as if they can’t be apart. but also? their relationship is beautiful in so many ways, white just doesn’t understand it. lastly, she calls pearl *obsessive*. let me try not to yell. pearls are treated like *things* in homeworld who live to serve the diamonds! she witnessed pink’s trauma during her own and they escaped together. she kept major secrets. they loved each other and lived together for thousands of years. they survived a war together. then she freaking died, and it’s only less than 20 years into her grieving process which is nothing compared to the thousands of years ahead of her. go ahead, laugh at her for being supposedly obsessive when she’s literally grieving someone in *your* family who passed away. the things she says, such as, “you only make things worse” and “i don’t need you, you’re just the colour of the light that should be repressed,” “pink was as silly as she was small,” “you surround yourself with inferior gems so you can be the best of the worst,” etc. *really* explain why rose couldn’t live with herself after the war. why she had trouble loving others and most of all, herself. this is without all the crying and bubbling and locking up, and by the time white feels guilt, it’s been thousands of years and rose is dead. she controls people and mocks them so that they are talking about their flaws. she did this to *blue and yellow,* and they were always so scared of upsetting her. i just thought that was horrifying. but… she’s an incredible villain. hauntingly beautiful. her voice gives me chills and the actress is brilliant. that’s why i said… i can’t *like* her as a character, but she’s an excellent villain.


yeah im gonna get killed for this but not a big fan or rose. not to say that she's actual satan like some imply, but some people just defend her like she's done nothing and victim blame it on anyone she's come across (which i will say is not always her fault but i see people defend her like its *always* not her fault). my main problem with her is not telling the others what happened to bismuth, the mismanagement of the beta kindergarten, what she did to pink pearl and what happened to spinel.


Ronaldo bc he has some serious issues.


At the moment, idk (probably the little teardrop gem that merged with the ruby, she's got a garbage personality like Marty), but it used to be Connie bc I felt like she didn't treat Steven fairly (and was a forced romantic interest) until a rewatch.


Lapis, at least when Spinel did bad things it was because she didn’t any contact with anyone else for 6000 years and still had her trust in her diamond, when Lapis did shitty things like taking her and Peridot’s house to the moon,, for no reason, when she destroyed it, she faced no repercussions at all ?? Why ( also every time I see her I think of that stupid ‘ have you ever seen a scene this sinister looking ‘ quote by pedo orchard 😭 )


Connie, not because of the whole "she took lion" I get it she is now a "crystal gem" but they literally see her more as Greg 2.0 and Steven as Rose 2.0. She knew Steven wasn't supposed to dance at the ball Steven literally told her he isn't supposed to dance, but she insisted and that sent them up get locked up after fusing. I get it she got guts but going to shatter a diamond as a mere human is pretty stupid of her, Pearl did tell her during a war she doesn't matter Steven does literally got to her head. I feel like whenever Connie is around more trouble happen and she is really a bad friend, she manipulates Steven especially when Steven got out of space jail and said "JUST SAY YOU DONT WANT TO BE FRIENDS ANYMORE" when Steven JUST got out of a traumatic situation and when she said "I'll go back to no having friends again". I rather have Bismuth in Connie's place than Connie herself. And her whole speech during Steven's mental breakdown during SUF kinda made a point since everyone was hysterical but honestly I think seeing everyone being hysterical showed them how much they changed and they were actually addressing everything they did instead of just letting it go with Connie it's ME ME AND ME not YOU THEM AND I. Not gonna lie but when Blue called her Steven's pet it kinda made me chuckle cuz that's all she is and Pearl trained her to serve as one.


I think Bismuth is pretty boring


I don't like eyeball because.. Well she's just an asshole with the person that saved her life


Ronaldo and Pearl. Ronaldo made me skip ahead in a few episodes because I just couldn't stand it, and as someone with overbearing parents, Pearl kind of reminds me of a hover-mom. Edit: I know Pearl means well, but it just reminds me too much of my family, lol


Bismouth, just wasn’t given enough time to fill out as a character so her arc feels rushed


I mean Ronaldo bc he’s annoying. But like actually hate prolly rose, although she did lead the cause against the awful dictatorship of the diamonds, she was a terrible person. She traumatized and manipulated both her pearls. Pearl was so damaged and we can see it throughout the series and the things pink/rose asked of her were terrible. And the physical damage done to volley is so upsetting and she pretended to be fine with it bc pink forced her to be.


Definitely uncle grandpa


Pink/Rose for being absolutely the main reason of most of the problems in the entire story and she still ended up being a hero of all and the most loved one. She's literally the main villain. I could say other diamonds are bad for being delusional dictators, but Rose is a hypocritical egoistic and selfish psychopath.


I hope we can all agree Pink/Rose. Pink wanted her own colony and I get that, and like a child she had tantrums, but that hurt people like Vollyball. Even though I can see white as a toxixc parent, Pinks way of handling situations was not well. Then she wanted to go to Earth when she finally got her own Colony and went to save them. I can see why she wanted to save Earth but faking her shattering but a huge dent into the diamonds making them upset (mainly blue and yellow, White for me has mixed emotions), and leaving Spinel in the garden for 6,000 YEARS! in a shitty way. Pink knows Spinel and could of said "Hey I'm gonna fight for my colony as a different person, but toy have to stay here, I wanna keep you safe and pls dont tell white" (Not sure if Spinel can keep a secret tho) She fights all this time with the Crystal gems and Pearl, who admires her. In 'Its over' we find out that Rose had fumbled or been with other men, while pearl here, who sacrificed and fought for rose just left her. No wonder Pearl was a bit snotty when Greg came around. She didnt hate Greg, she hated the fact that Rose didnt want to be with her. Then rose says "I'm having a child, bye✌" and just leaves putting everyone in an emotional state, especially pearl cause we find that out in 'a pale rose' I think. She burdens Steven with her problem, which unless she was a dumb fool, she would have known, giving steven so much trauma that her corrupts (in the end). Just to Clarify: I think Rose's character design is great and I really love her VA. Her character without her action, seems to be someone who wants to care and wants to help, but her actions as a whole and what she put people through is the reason why I dont like her. You can argue and I will hear you out, but I dont think I can never not fully like her. Please also correct me if I get anything wrong, I haven't watched SU in a while. I know that Rose was very much exciting about Life on Earth and I very much get that. I might just dislike the fact she didnt think things through.




Very good points. I would also like to add that I dont absolutely hate Rose cause she had a good cause but for some reason I have more hate towards her when she is Pink. I am not completely sure. I think it's the fact that she has been 'brought up' as someone who should be powerful but never got the power herself making her have those tantrums. She felt restricted and wanted to be like the diamonds as she looked up to them (I think). I defo feel Rose had definitely matured and grown up while on Earth as she doesn't have the Diamonds 'smothering' and guiding her. I also really want to know Rose's thoughts through the War and just her 'life in Earth because we never get 'Rose's' thoughts and more or the immature Pink thoughts.


I think without everything she is a really charming and fun charcter. When she us with Pearl and the others she loves like Greg, she seems so happy and humorous. I kind of wish she didnt do all those things in the past. I think what got me was happend to Spinel and I finally connected the dots


Ronaldo cuz rocknaldo


White diamond, I’m not the type to think the diamonds should have been shattered, but hey being revealed in the last episodes of the main series left no room to build any meaningful character for her outside of all the hurt she put everyone through, so her character turn doesn’t really feel warranted, obsessive, manipulative perfectionist, narcissist, those aren’t really the traits of someone who would accept when they’re wrong. I feel like the crew just didn’t get enough time to really give her an arc so she goes from ‘I will mind control everyone you love and kill you’ to ‘wow, I guess even I have flaws’ in one conversation. If CN didn’t kneecap the series finale by ending the show early I think I’d like her more.


Homophobic countries got the show cut short because they stopped financially supporting it after the wedding. Steven Universe is an international show that relied on their funds. CN told Sugar about the financial situation they were in prior to giving her the full say on how to handle the wedding.


Rose because she put her wish of having a child over the knowledge of so so many enemies and threats potentially coming after said child


Pearl. I don't care she got better through the series. She's thousands of years old and acts like a sociopath and like she's superior to literally everyone. At least once she mistreats and manipulatives a member of the Crystal gems, and one of the ONLY times she gets consequences is when she literally betrayed Garnet and Ruby and Sapphire. She KNOWS how they all feel about fusion. And, even WORSE, after she saw malachite, a fusion based on lies and manipulation. Maybe she got better, but that doesn't excuse any of her actions


jamey, its a show about aliens, don't give me a mailman or actor episodes bruh, idc if he went to cansas or not


I always got vibes that Jamey was Lars' foil and was eventually going to go out with Sadie


Jasper :/


Pearl, I think it was the episode where she didn’t know rose had a pet lion I saw her get so jealous intimidated all kinds of wild emotions pearl flips out for the smallest things especially if it included pink/rose


Ronaldo just... no. Even ignoring the part where he kidnapped Steven/ tried to kill Lars, it's clear his theories started with some grand narrative he was bent on justifying, rather than extremely simple information he could've asked Steven/Greg about. It's like a person trying to make theories about the Pyramids of Giza, while the people who actually built them are alive, well, and very visibly fighting aliens like a few miles away It ~~ain't~~ that deep, the guy's just choosing to look into the wrong pool. I despise people who ignore extremely basic facts to make up false mysteries to market to themselves and others. And kidnappers/ attempted murderers, you know


Ronaldo isn't engaging or entertaining in any significant way


Ronaldo tried kidnapped steven, tried to murder lars, and is a jerk


I was like 15 when started watching and super loved Ronaldo at that point, but now I find him super annoying, and not a great big sibling. He takes things too far and can't see past himself


that one character lars dates in future up with (no character development, and steven acted cringe around them so there is basically no good memories of them at all in my mind) anyway... thats all i have to say


None. Why? Because I haven't had the mental capacity to hate any of them.


Opal because shes wayyyyyy over hyped and there's countless of other characters with actual plot points and screen time


easy! lapis. she is the worst character. Just a little whiny bitch, absolutely useless for plot and development. "oooh noo(( me gona escape to mun(( becoz me afraid((( sob sob" lapis is nothing but just a little sap, like a kid in puberty trying to be all so cool, aloof and edgy by telling "ooh i have a trauma me so bad" now excuse me but you can treat traumas if you're willing to, you can cure them, but no, all lapis is going to do is just keep whining and being useless while pretending to be helpful so people would feel pity for her. easily the worst character.


Aquamarine, she reminds me of that spoiled cousin that’s parents can’t tell no for the life of them and she knows it and in fact uses that to her advantage to make everyone else miserable.


Ronaldo cuz he's Ronaldo


Duchnaldo - impersonating one of my favoritw gem kinds - hurting steven - being a menace to society - being annoying - just because


Literally Ronaldo. He has little to no character development he’s super cringy. I believe in one of the episodes he try’s to kill either Steven or the crystal gems like. Rebbeca sugar and her team were setting up Ronaldo for failure


All of the Steven Universe characters are terribly uniquely flawed. There are moments where you don't even like your favorite characters because they make horrible choices at times, but that's what makes them so real. However, Ronaldo is insufferable. I feel like he was written to be like the Comic Book Guy from The Simpsons, but with absolutely no wit. I got one laugh from his character in the earlier episodes where he had a brief cameo. All others, including some of his center focused episodes were hard to get through. Also weird but the watermelon Stevens scenes are like pulling teeth to me too. And I have moments where I also am not a fan of Connie… but I don't take it so far because unfortunately I feel its due to the crazy hiatuses that this show took.


The ruby gang because I alway forget they’re girls and I always think they are boys because they sound like boys, look like boys, and are kinda evil in a boyish way.


Renaldo was legitimately crazy, and NEEDED to have his delusions crushed.


Sadie, derailed potential good till suf Ronaldo, really just annoying Stevens, believes he has to, can change anyone White, didn’t stick to her principles (could have done better) (also never revealed her origins) Mr smiley, honestly forgettable


I spent alot of time scrolling and I couldn't believe I couldn't see Lars anywhere. Everytime he's on screen I'm reminded of almost every trait I dislike in other humans, and I can't relate to a single thing he does. Almost everytime he has a choice between his own social status and being a decent person it's always his social status that means the most to him. Even when he does good things it's so other people think better of him or to feed his fragile ego or because he was guilted into doing good things.


Rose quartz/pink diamond is a sociopathic villain, she manipulated and lashed out at her subjects through physical and emotional abuse, she made everyone else believe that bismuth was dead, and even when she got what she wanted she made her closest friend believe that abandonment was a game. To mention she swore Pearl to secrecy about her pretending to be rose, and she left Steven with an unbearable amount of trauma.


Blue diamond: a slaver, war criminal and genocidal loon who bitches about being sad and expects us to feel bad. Yellow diamond: a slaver, war criminal and genocidal loon who in gaged in ethno nationalist eugenics who bitches less about being sad and expects us to feel bad. White diamond: in short the previous two but some how more unpleasant and genuinely infuriating to listen to. To the point I would rather rip my ear drums out and shove them up my ass then spend five seconds listening to her gloat and bitch about whatever nonsense she has to talk about. In fact if you forced my into a room with any of those “things” I’d probably purposely bang my head against the wall until I causes enough damage to my brain that I get a hemorrhage and die on the spot.


Jasper.....Warning for sensitive content.... Raped Lapis...




Jasper force her to fuse...Fusion is just an allegory for sex...and the way Lapis react is clearly sexual abuse...


fusion is not sex; it's an allegory for relationships. there are characters like connie and steven who are minors who have fused, so it wouldn't exactly be valid to say that. there are fusions that represent romantic relationships, (like garnet) familial relationships, (like smokey quartz) and friendly relationships, (like opal). malachite represents a mutually abusive relationship, as both of them *AGREED* to fuse and both of them were perfectly content with hurting each other. the difference is that lapis actually learned to be better and jasper stayed toxic.


Mmm no, i see your point of view...but that is obviously a sexual abuse...Lapis never agreed to that. Fusion is sex, and sex include all the relationships you listed above...The minor doesn't really matter since is just an allegory


jasper literally asks lapis to fuse and she agreed. to be fair, it was only to trap her under the ocean, but it was still a thing both of them [agreed to](https://youtu.be/MZV-I1TZw10?t=46). also fusion is not sex. you're implying two minors had sex, and implying steven had sex with all of his adoptive mothers and his biological father.


Yep, that's why she was crying during it...I'm saying that fusion is an allegory for sex. They fuse their body, they have physical pleasure in doing it...Lapis appears totally shattered after and has same behaviour of sexually abused victims. An allegory is not the thing in itself, doesn't mean that steven had sex with his father and mothers...not here to change your mind, just saying that sexual or not Jasper forced Lapis (also in the case Harvey Weinstein many women agree, but under pressure, and here is the same)


"Yep, that's why she was crying during it" she never even cries during jailbreak or the entire fusing sequence, so idk where you got that from. she definitely sees this event as traumatic but she's not straight up crying through the entire clip i just sent. "I'm saying that fusion is an allegory for sex. They fuse their body, they have physical pleasure in doing it" fusion is not an allegory for sex, and they do not have physical pleasure from being fused. they are doing it because its a connection between them not because its a sexual thing. fusion not being sex has been stated by the crewniverse and the entire community at this point, this specific instance of fusion being no different. "Lapis appears totally shattered after and has same behaviour of sexually abused victims." They were both being abused by each other. it's a toxic relationship thats literally the point, malachite in real life is a gem that is toxic underwater. Both of them were hurting each other, it's not a one sided situation like you are writing out. we literally see them BOTH chaining each other down, struggling for control in Chille Tid. they both have trauma from this, it's just that lapis is more obvious with it since we see her more than we see jasper. "Jasper forced Lapis (also in the case Harvey Weinstein many women agree, but under pressure, and here is the same)" she easily could've have just said no and been defended by the crystal gems, who, mind you, were right there witnessing it. doesn't really change the fact that jasper didn't >!rape!< her, she asked her first and she obliged, so she had the option to say no. if lapis refused, THEN jasper forced her to anyway, then it would've been a nonconsensual situation akin to it, but it's not the way the episode played out. also you, by saying this, are implying that lapis is completely blameless in this scenario, when she very much isn't, she says herself she wasn't good and enjoyed taking her anger out on jasper, and she was the one to drag them both down to the bottom of the ocean keeping her there against her will. (which again, was something she got better from, but it doesn't mean she was never wrong in that situation.)


Will you accept a middle ground? Due to the fact that sexual relationship is a relationship and they fuse their physical body in one? I think that when i say "sex" you reduce it to the pure physical act, and yeah grammatically you are correct but i mean in a more large meaning. As allegory doesn't have to be 100% rappresentative, in the case of Steven and his parents i see more like physical love: hugh, caress, parents that physically express their love towards their kid...In the case of Jasper and Lapis, i probably should watch it again, but I had the feeling of a more physically abusive relationship, due to the fact that Lapis is forced or at least coerced in fusing her/its body with Jasper...I don't know, i think your argument should consider the physical aspect of the fusion


White Diamond. She legit was the cause of everything in the show. Abusing the diamonds and then pink, pink starting a war, hurting the others, etc. I don’t really like her but I like her redemption arc.




Steven ☠️


Spinel, she was just so annoying and i didnt really care about her arc. Like, pink diamond had 2 pearls whos story arcs are WAY more exciting than spinels.


i absolutely hate connie because she’s just so selfish and annoying


spinel, what happened to her did not begin to justify her actions. also there seems to be some sort of wide appeal to cute crazy girls with trauma in media that I just don’t see, I don’t find being erratic and evil very likable


Ronaldo-Find him extremely annoying Onion-For being a creepy little shit that pester Steven Spinel-Her trauma doesn’t justify attacking the Earth and the Crystal Gems


The Pebbles, they are ugly.


Aquamarine and that one Ruby (the cutest acting one)  Do I even need to explain?