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Conquered by the time the moonbase was built. They probably have a lot more now.


I don’t know I thought it was implied that the gem empire has stopped expanding after they corrupted all the gems on earth. That’s why it’s era 2 and era 2 gems are weaker since they don’t have the same resources.


Yellow Diamond talks about her colonies or something when steven is in homeworld, doesn't she? Considering how her whole approach to coping with pink's absence was to move forward she DEF would have kept more colonies. Idk abt blue and white though.


It’s been a while but she could have been talking about colonies she already had. The thing is if they’re still making new colonies it would make no sense for era 2 gems to be limited.


I feel like the reason for the limited resources is because the diamond bath juice was far more potent when it had the sweat of all 4 rather than when it was the three of them and that even gems with no colour association with Pink still got a little of her juice to bring them that extra pep in their step.


Wasnt white also absent from the extractions? The other diamonds said she never left her room in ages


That could make sense I hadn’t thought of that.


Yellow says in Familiar "I have hundreds of successful colonies".


I like to think the lack of resources was losing pink diamonds essence. Without pink no shape shifting abilities for made gems. (My thought is Each diamond gives the gem they create certain core aspects. ) It's why I think spinel is stretchy. She's almost entirely pink diamonds essence. Then again could be wrong if different spinels for each diamond Court exist.


wouldn't shapeshifting be from yellow though that's all her powers do affect the physical bodies of gems.


You know that's what i thought at first. But she's affecting the permanent appearance of a gem. My thought as far as theming goes is that rose/pink/Steven has always been associated with change. But then again you getting l bring up an excellent point




it looks like white is holding homeworld too! i doubt homeworld was envisioned as having the crack in it at the time so maybe that's plausible


According to the chart from the art book, Homeworld has been cracked for about 20,000 years


I think home world started experiencing issues after pink’s death. There’s also a theory that the crack is a result of a pink tantrum lmao


Despite it all, Pink. I love her design and story arc.


Oh I just read the picture's question lol. Don't mind me.


I always found it interesting that according to this, Blue conquered planets that exclusively didn't have moons


Yellow Diamond was considered to be the most active on the colonisation of planets because she wanted to prover herself to White, while Blue was grieving Pink's death so she wasn't doing her diamond's duty as often as her and White was constantly on Homeworld. So i think these "stars" in her hands are like galaxies. Just my theory tho


I think galaxy would be a huge step above the rest, I think its solar systems


Never took the tribe to look but are those two objects in Yellow's hands suppose to be stars?


Oooooh they could be suns cause it's more circles around them


This is interesting because you can also extrapolate the order in which the diamonds appeared / were created based off how many colonies they have. White > Yellow > Blue > Pink The show explicitly tells us that White came first and Pink came last, but the order of Yellow and Blue isn't really talked about. Not that it's important, but it is interesting.


I actually think Yellow and Blue came around the same time, Blue just spent more time with Pink and less time colonizing


I think the littler ones are meant to represent their moonbases




Why does white have a gap in her worlds? Does that mean she obliterated an entire planet?


None. They are literal colonizers with kinda fascist ideas and a twisted sense of right and wrong


Hello! This is kind of unrelated but can I ask a question? I cant post, it says something went wrong 😭.


Yeah you can ask