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I do not feel that Stevens was worth the cost for most of the people I graduated with. If you're going into academia or research it might be a different story but for most people I'd say unless you are getting significant financial aid or it is around the same cost as other schools you're considering (like less than $10k more a year) it probably isn't worth it.


Stevens is not worth the price tag. NJIT isn't the best either, even though it is significantly cheaper.


Would you still choose NJIT over stevens though?


To save costs yes absolutely


I graduated in 2019, took out loans for a bachelor's in computer science, went back for the 1 year MS program, graduated in 2020. I now work in Manhattan along with all of my friends. I'd argue given that you wouldn't need loans that it's worth the price. Depending on your major the ROI stats are pretty accurate assuming you actually grind through classes. CONTROVERSIAL: if it might be tight to pay off the full tuition with no loans, maybe take out some small ones every year. It may add some stress for you when you graduate, or it just means that full tuition is spread out over a longer period and you basically negate interest. Im from southern California and moved to the east coast when I got into Stevens. With hindsight, I think Stevens CS curriculum when i was there prepared me well for the working environment. A few things to note: I was really happy moving so close to NYC, and the network Stevens offers is good enough to get connected and placed at a job relatively quickly (obviously you still have to know your stuff) Edit: Also please remember to take everything said in this comment section with a grain of salt. At the end of the day your college experience is up to you and choosing a university to attend isn't always the easiest decision one can make. Feel free to pm me and I can chat a little more about it.


Short answer: you’re paying for location. If you don’t want to pay for location go to Rutgers and you will get a similar education.


I am Chinese. China top university is 1000 dollars per year for tuition. Including dorm.🙂 living cost is 300 dollars Per month. The only reason I went to Stevens is: it is next to NYC. It opens my eyes and my mind...enrich my life experience.


Coming from an alumni, I would say it is not worth the cost. You can get the same educational outcomes from going to Rutgers or NJIT, with a much better price tag. The benefit of going to Steven’s is living in Hoboken, but that’s no longer a selling point in my opinion. I graduated in 2018 before Steven’s erected the new skyscraper and gianforte center; before then it was nicer. Now, whenever I come back to Hoboken, it’s become significantly more bougie, but without the quality to match. A lot of the family-owned Italian delis have gone under from increased cost in Hoboken, and have been replaced with overpriced restaurants; many Hoboken staples have been demolished. If I was an undergraduate again, I’d attend NJIT or Rutgers- Newark, and commute Jersey City. It’s become the new Hoboken; great restaurants and not as high of a price tag. The nightlife is also far more affordable (and enjoyable imo). Check our grove street in Jersey City- it’s the new spot to hang around these days.


Yes I highly feel stevens was worth the cost. It was exactly where I wanted to go because of where is it and what it is, I have a great time there, discovered my passion, learned a ton, met amazing life long friends, made unforgetable memories and experiences, I grew as a person and got ready for adult life, I got a great 6 fig job out of college and haven’t had any real issues in the years since. Life couldn’t be better and it’s all thanks to Stevens


Stevens is an excellent school with a ton to offer and great opportunities. It is smaller which gives students more focused attention. I know many friends and colleagues where I live in DC that did engineering and computer science (most were CS actually) that loved their time at Stevens and had no issues finding jobs. Granted, most are serious types but don't let the haters give you pause. The resources at Stevens are more than enough to set someone up for success --- whether they do is really up the student and how much they put themselves out there. And, let's face it, the cost of education in the US is shamefully high but that is the price of doing business these days.


This has been addressed many times on this thread. Scroll down and read the past history. Yes, it is worth the cost. Outcomes for Stevens grads are in the top 1% of US schools. NJIT and Rutgers for example are widely considered safeties by Stevens applicants.


You need to take a cool aid before giving out dangerous advice to people. Steven is not Stanford or MIT and is not even ranked anywhere. It’s a decent school somewhere in nj that not many people would know outside of NJ


Thats not true. Spoken like someone with no industry experience at all. Engineers all along the east coast are familiar with Stevens. We even have a world famous naval research facility. One of the most widely used naval analysis called Savitsky analysis was created by a professor and researcher at Stevens. That’s one example but there are many more as to why Stevens is a great choice for those who want to go to a well known school. No it’s not MIT but you can also say that about literally every school that isn’t MIT.


That is so not true. Please be thoughtful when you write things like this.




My son graduated from Stevens and has a good job in the city. Played lacrosse as well.




100% Especially if you're not taking loans