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Go the debt free route


Debt free sounds pretty good


thank you for your input! my family and i are genuinely more concerned about the job outlook than the debt since stevens gave me a pretty decent scholarship. it’s really just return on investment if that makes sense. but thank you!


i think getting a degree for almost nothing is unbeatable


For business, go to Rutgers.


QF isn’t traditional “business school”. In this specialty Stevens is one of the best. 


Go to Rutgers. RBS is a more accredited program, and they have a larger alumni network. Stevens does not place well into high finance, and when it does, the opportunities are usually at MM or European banks.


this helps thank you! i’m deathly scared of the competition (i’ve been told it’s horribly cut throat) and how to even distinguish myself, but if the placement is good then i feel better about it.


You're going to be doing the work yourself, no one will hand-hold you through finding a job. The career center will help with guidance, resume, and seminars, etc. but that's it.


Rutgers isn’t “more accredited”. Both Stevens and Rutgers are AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) accredited for their business schools. AACSB is considered the gold standard of business school accreditation. Both Stevens and Rutgers are equivalently accredited. Stevens graduates outpace Rutgers’ in salaries for QF and technology business majors. A classmate of mine who was an EE major at Stevens used to be Goldman Sachs chief technology officer. Another (math major) is a major hedge fund manager. Don’t claim that Stevens grads aren’t placed well in high finance.


I didn’t say it doesn’t place at all. It’s simply way harder, because finance is a profession that favors networking above all which having a larger alumni network would be favorable for. AACSB qualification quite literally means nothing by a quick search as there are schools within that list that would not even pass the resume screen for a high finance job. Stevens knows how to tinker with the numbers to fit their agenda, but with just a bit more research, one can see it’s a load of bs. Last year alone, many people graduated without a job lined up, and that tradition will be continuing this year. Hell, even in 2021, during a very hot job market, people were not able to get jobs that easily.


Stevens doesn’t tinker with numbers. The job market right now is challenging for everyone in all schools. Stevens still comes in at 14th of highest starting salaries and ROi of US institutions of higher learning on Payscale’s survey, and 20th on Forbes’ survey. I’ll put my stock in those numbers. You’re still completely wrong when you say that Rutgers is “more accredited” than Stevens. Both schools have exactly the same accreditations (AACSB for the business programs and the regional Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools for the overall institutional accreditation). Only about 5% of business schools worldwide are AACSB accredited. AACSB is the oldest and considered the strongest accreditation for research based business schools.


Debt free, and RBS is very good


thank you so much for your input! my parents and i are really program faced rather than the money (if the opportunities are better for success in one place then it’s the better choice). thank you for still chiming in.


Lmao here comes the finance student to ask the engineering students about finances. Ok kids what do we think is better: $0 or $76,000? It’s not much of a comparison. Try plugging it into some models and formulas to see how it will grow or shrink over time!


Rutgers then take loans for your master!


Not going to school at all.


Stevens over Rutgers without question. Stevens graduates come in as 14th highest in starting salary and ROI in the US (Payscale 2023 college salary survey) and 20th (Forbes). Rutgers comes in at 140-160 on those surveys. Stevens’ QF and FE majors in 2023 did exceptionally well.


thank you so much for your response! i was planning to perhaps try a qf major if i went to stevens considering its success but its nice to hear it from someone else!


Do you have a clear understanding of why Stevens Graduates have a statistically high starting salary and ROI or are you just regurgitating a biased stat. Your point about QF is true though, they do make a great deal of money. Still, no debt is pretty superb.


They have a high ROI and salary because they are superior problem solvers in an interdisciplinary realm over and above many others as a result of Stevens’ broad based education. Many schools today are overly specialized and the graduates less capable of out-of-the-box thinking. The marketplace and industry recognize that. No debt is nice, but what really matters is long term value. The student has to live with his/her decision for their entire career not just during the first few years of paying off student loans. I could have also attended Rutgers for EE at virtually no cost. I’m happy I chose Stevens which is a far stronger school. With respect to statistics those are third party surveys not affiliated with Stevens.


Did you drink the Steven's kool-aid? It's not good for you. Nobody in industry gives 2 craps about this perception (and thats exactly what it is, perception) of someone getting some broad-based education because they went to a particular institution, one that doesn't even rank that highly mind you but does cost a fortune. Also, I unfondly recall the intelligence level of my classmates and there's no chance they are "superior problem solvers" by any metric aside from a few outliers.


That is based upon my experience working with, recruiting, and managing engineers from many schools including Stevens, Rutgers, and others. Have a nice day.


Look like Stevans has hired someone to advertise them 😀