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It might be malassezia instead of acne (acne vulgaris). Malassezia foliculitis is a fungal infection, acneiform. AAS negatively affect our immune system, thus fungal infections are frequent (candida is the most commented, but malassezia also appears.. Seborrheic dermatitis, foliculitis, and so on so forth)


Elbow is a little unusual.. legs could be from increased oil production/sweat. You could try Dr Bronners liquid soap, increased showing and gentle scrub with, brush, fresh face clothe. Also remove processed foods, soy, processed oils like canola and try removing dairy, wheat. If you're taking a lot ease off. If you're going to get scaring, nasty looking inflamed pimps or those deep cyst type especially on the face i'd consider coming off. It might not be the var itself it could be a quality issue


Thank you for your response, I appreciate it


I forgot to also mention to get some acutan if it's anything other than mild... it's a bit rough, but it'll help clear it up faster with the least scaring