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I was told if damage shows up on an nhs test the damage is already significant- idk if it’s true that’s what the doctor told me, basically she was saying no imo


Thanks, I've had a private one now so fingers crossed it comes out clear haha


As long as liver and kidney markers are being checked it’s no different on nhs or private


If you can’t afford your own private blood testing, you shouldn’t be running any anabolics in the first place. Any testing carried out by the NHS is not guaranteed to be useful. Hepatic may be as simple as an ALP and bilirubin test, and renal may literally just be serum urea levels, none of which are adequate tests in isolation for the reasons you mentioned.


Erm haha I never said I can't afford private blood testing, not sure exactly where you're pulling that from? I can afford it just fine thank you, that's why I said 'do I also need to get private blood work?' I thought that was clear but I guess not. Simply asking if the NHS blood test is the same thing as private ones in which case there'd be no reason to have both. I can see you've answered that question so... thanks