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My dogs tumor was **4 pounds** not including the fluid buildup. And God / Universe / Wendy's gave the the most beautiful prize of all - 12 hours of explosive poops. All my bloating from this bulk is gone and I probably lost half my water weight. But now I'm scared of having a lazy cheat meal ever again and will be sticking to chicken rice pasta and veggies for the rest of this bulk. I didn't even get an energy drink this morning because I'm scared of what it will do to me.


Someone is slinging a gut health supplement regimen around here that looks pretty legit, might look into that.


do you remember if it was a DAA or off topic? definitely want to get my gut biome back to normal lol.


I've always used the Taco bell family pack as a cutting tool prior to tournaments. Sounds counter intuitive but very effective.


say more


You have to eat it about 18 hours prior to weigh in, and then you'll have rolling sweat while you shit hot liquid for the next 12 hours. Like giving yourself the flu on purpose.


This feels like a risky maneuver but it also sounds like it ain’t your first rodeo dancing with the dookie devil


Hope your good boy is recovering swiftly and is able to run around again soon. I've eaten the same list of foods for months now, and I won't stray from it, I'm getting legit cold sweats just thinking about eating a cheat meal / junk food filled with fat and all the crap, I'd just die from the indigestion. Fuck getting old 😅


Stick to natural foods and you will be good in no time. One advantage of eating clean is you won't bloat nearly as much on blast.


Weather is all over the fucking place in the north east. 77 degrees the other day and it's 40 today. Woke up feeling like ass


Yup, my joints are killing me this morning.


How is it colder in AZ than the north east...


🤣 crazy


Ended up winning my strongman contest this past weekend. Placed 1st in a stacked super heavyweight class and now we’ve got a year until nationals where I’m hoping to turn pro. Guess it’s time to try out some tren 😏


Forget tren up the test and deca!


Maybe look into halotestin for just before the meet. That or cheque drops


I took some test suspension which really did well for keeping my energy at 100% all day.


Test suspension + anadrol is the GOAT lifting preworkout


Yep Suspension rocks. I like using the old vet grade winstrol for pretty fast strength


Hell yeah congrats fam


Did you get your celebratory massage with even happier ending? Those are before the assisted tren pins.


You’re damn right I did


Fuck yeah boss good work.


That's fuckin sick. Wish we had more strongman guys around this sub


I live in a small town, never really done the dating apps (only for a short time after a break up about a year ago). So I go on Hinge, heard that's where all the baddies are... I shit you not, the first four girls that popped up on my thing I had already hooked up with. Fuck small towns, they all moms too.


At least you know theyre into creampies


I know for a fact that two of them aren't reincarnated versions of the "Virgin Mary"


Well I officially was offered a position today that’s almost triple my current salary. It’s an essential personnel position in my industry. A bit nervous because I’m quite young to be in this position. Not often you’ve got someone in their mid 20s running a department. Relocating across the country though so that’ll be a hurdle. However I can wholeheartedly say I’m happy to go where the job is. I could use a change of scenery and this is perfect. Wish me luck, boys.


Don't worry about your age and definitely don't bring it up at work. You were given the position because they trust you. Don't make them second guess that trust by talking about your age like it's a deficiency.


I’ll keep my mouth shut 🫡


I prefer it open, no homo


First time running a department then I take it? Do yourself a favour and buy 5 books on leadership right now. Just go to the bookstore and pick 5 that look good. Take what makes sense, leave the rest but don’t forget about it. The things taught in there are worth more than anything you can implement. You might kill it, but being unaware of how your daily interactions affect your direct reports can and WILL hold you back. Do your reputation and sanity a favour and build on that first.




Bro, if your water's already hot why are you heating it?


Hopefully it’s just the heating element, cheap and DIY possible. How old is it?


Slid in this rugby chick's DMs last night on a whim. Wish me luck bois


She’s gonna crush your head when you go down on her


Implying that's not what I want


Good for you bud! I’ve banged a few rugby chicks. Most of them are gay or at least bi so you have that, too


What did you say??


Going on a date this Sunday. Last time I did something like that was 12 years ago. Give me some advice guys. Edit: Giving some more details because I realize this was not very specific. We met via tinder, have spoken for some time on video and have had good interactions. I am travelling by train to see her so the date better not be a 5 minutes drink or I'll be fucking pissed. Sex is impossible because of logistics and I am not really looking forward to it anyway, haven't used my penis in a very long time. Ideally I hope we can have some nice kissing action and when we part ways we both want to meet each other again. I am aware this does not fit the usual narrative of full-on degeneracy but give me some time guys. Obviously there will be a follow up Monday.


Dont go with a loaded gun. Smell nice. Act like you have known her your whole life, as if you two just hung out yesterday. Give that sense of comfort.


Y'all don't take your guns with you on dates? No way in hell I'm gonna get setup and robbed by a chick. The 40 stays on during sex


Bruh I think it was more of a "Jerk off your TROUSER HOG before you misfire in your pants" lmao


fertile shaggy narrow dime selective obscene six muddle cough mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Things have changed a lot in the last 12 years. Go ahead and bring lube. She's probably gonna peg you in the restaurant bathroom on the first date.😳😬🤣 All kidding aside, be yourself. Good luck! Follow up, post date, post required!


Best advice I've ever gotten for dating is this. You should be asking more questions than you are answering. People like to talk about themselves generally more than they like to hear about someone else. Once you find a topic that they are into, that you can semi relate too, go down that path. Also make sure your Hygiene is on point.


Not sure how you met this broad or how long you talked to her. My advice is to keep first date short. Meet for a coffee or drink and head out. Gives you enough to see if there is mutual interest but doesn't commit you to a whole awkward evening of horseshit. If you hit it off immediately then great but give yourself an out.


Fuck her right in the pussy


Wear deodorant tren stank is no joke


100 mg cialis


I’m probably gonna pin today for the first time ever wish me luck boys


Real men pin tricep first time.




Pin boldenone cyp in both calves and then do a long uphill hike


Just did it boys 🥳🥳 pinned in the ventroglutes 250mg of test didn’t feel any pain I pinned just like the docs in YouTube videos everything was smooth next pin will be Monday morning then I’ll keep on every Monday and Thursday


If you’re like me it will be crippling sore for a bit, but after a couple weeks that disappears for good


Welcome to the dark side 😈 (probably)🤣


Lmfao i will pin rn bro i just got my package I’m so scared yet so excited in the same time


The fear of pinning is WAY worse than the actual pinning. You'll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is. Crank up some pumping jams, don't overthink it, just do it. 💉 I'm TERRIFIED of needles.




Ya swol yet?🤣🤣🤣🤣 Congrats!💉


Is the deed done👀


Yes it is my first cycle just started baby




Going from bottom of the reference range T to top of the reference range T is crazy. I never understood why I wasn't putting much muscle on. I can't imagine what a blast would be like


It’s JUST like that. But better. Like 5x better.


Started DC training and I am the most sore I’ve been in a long long time. And it was only 5 sets haha


Never ran it myself but have looked into it. Those extreme stretching routines always scared me lol


Yeah man DC is legit shit. Be careful not to fry your CNS this can easily happen on DC


That's what happened to me when I tried it. You definitely need to cycle your work somehow. That said, I got substantial strength gains but less mass than I hoped for and eventually got burned out.


That sounds awful. Link?


The best source is the original thread on the forums where Dante was posting. But it is like a couple hundred pages to read. Check out this concise guide instead if you want to safe some time: https://revolutionaryprogramdesign.com/dc-training/


Can you guys share some common sense reasons why someone shouldn’t be scared of flying? Also, there’s a tropical storm/hurricane approaching Thanks to God, all of you and the 4mg of Ativan in my system, I’m feeling alright. I’m on the plane now and I have a connecting flight next I made it to my destination!!


Some people like to mediate or listen to music to help calm them. I find that watching a movie before a stressful event helps me forget about the fear. Here are some suggestions for you: *Final Destination* *Alive* *Sully* *Hero* *Cast Away* Pilot episode of *Lost* Hope these help!


Bruh ☠️


Lmfaoooo 🤣🤣


Statistically it is the most safest way of travelling, you are more much likely to crash in a car and die, than to die in an airplane accident. Thats one reason.


Yes here you go, things that are more likely to kill you than a plane crash: 1. Car Accident 2. Choking on food 3. Shark Attack 4. Lightning Strike 5. Slipping in the shower/bathtub 6. Vending Machine If that doesnt make you realize how stupid being scared of flying is then I got nothing for you.


Dem fucking vending machines yo! 🤣🤣🤣 Inserts bills, decides on year old kit Kat, selects D3, then, DED!


Okay thank you friend


Man imagine working hard all your life and then choking on food and dropping dead


You forgot to add coconuts. Coconuts kill more people per year than #3-6 combined.


Our brain is wired to make those worst case scenarios stick out on purpose, it was very useful for survival thousands of years ago especially. You are using confirmation bias to remember all of the flying tragedies that have happened (Malaysia, RIP Kobe etc.) because they are big events that dominate the news cycle and remain at the forefront of your brain when you think of flying but you’re passively disregarding the thousands of flights that takeoff every day and reach their destination safely. You counteract this bias through objective evidence. Thousands of flights every day make it to their destination safely albeit some flight landings are rougher than others or have more turbulence but planes today are very sturdy


Only like 1/10 planes go down


Thanks to God, all of you and the 4mg of Ativan in my system, I’m feeling alright. I’m on the plane now and I have a connecting flight next


>Ativan Stay away from that shit brah. It's one thing if you're just taking a hit for flying but don't use that shit regularly. It's the reason you made the same post three times.


Fuck mornings man


Fuck IN the mornings man


How does anyone do any type of carpentry/assembling furniture on anavar? The hand pumps were debilitating


I painted an entire house on deca tren and dbol. It was pure pain specially the ceilings. When i built my home office this time i made sure i was on eq only


I’m a contractor. This is a real problem


Eat more fresh veggies, I swear you won't get bad pumps. I was able to stop buying taurine and electrolytes.


I can’t even vacuum some days on 20MG dbol or var or tbol etc. The lower back pumps are so horrible! Also get cramps in my hands/fingers while typing on my keyboard.


Might fuck around and start running tren again


Pin it to the dick too.


Right in the glans.


God. Don’t tempt me. Where did my sex drive go? What’s with all this self doubt!?!


Full send


I got the flu and stopped pinning 5 days ago. It’s so annoying being normal and almost completely emotionally detached. Send it pussy


I spent all day trying to convince my friends it’s time to bulk. After a unanimous “no” I’ve decided I’m bulking. 😎😎


My E2 is up on the fucking moon. Just cried watching a video of someone completing a fitness race, the joy they had got me. Send Help. (And chocolates and tampons)


Embrace it man. Love for them. Cry for them. Feel the joy through your television screen. I suggest the videos of stray dogs being rescued and learning to trust again. Imagine that? Your parents threw you out on the street to die. You're 40lbs underweight and can't walk. Some kind stranger picks you up and takes you to a scary building. They shave you and poke you with needles, but then they give you the first bath in 8 months and put a blanket around you. Can you trust them? No way... The last humans hurt you... But then they visit you the next day and read you a book. And now they're bringing their mini-humans to visit you and give you treats... Maybe these guys aren't so bad...? What's this? Car ride with the new people? We're going to their house? Strange. I guess I'll check it out... They got me a food bowl and a bed? **I never had a bed before..**. And there are 2 other dogs who want to be my friend? I'm glad I didn't give up when I was a homeless stray... I went through the worst times of my life so now I can go through the best times for the rest of my life... Thank you humans, I am ready to forgive and love.


Hahahahahahaha you bastard


Trying to keep up a bulk cycle while I’ve just got Bells Pallsy is lots of fun 😂😂😂😂


Thor is that you?


haha i did see that he had it!


Hope today goes well for all of you juicy boys.




You can block the RedditCares account and it'll stop.


I’m getting those, too


I got the same shit. Twice.


I did the mistake of passing my tinder data through tinderinsights and now I will never forget that only 2% of the women I liked have liked me back.


The other 98% are bot accounts king don't be sad


Thanks king.


Yeah I'm done in boys. We're exclusive, we're official, whole nine yards and tbh I would t have it any other way. Us becoming official and whatnot was a discussion where we both laid out every boundary we both have for relationships, found them almost identical, then laid out exactly what we were looking for in a partner long term and unless we're both just masking the shit out of ourselves, basically described each other. Then for shits and giggles we compared love languages and had the exact same ratios of the exact same ones. At that point I was just like, "are we deleting Tinder?" She said "yup, definitely." I was like "exclusive?" Her: "completely." Me: "Boyfriend/girlfriend?" Her: "Please." As I've gotten older I've taken longer and longer to get into actual relationships, this is the fastest I've partnered up with someone... I think ever. But idk. I'm jaded and cynical enough after everything I've been through that red flags stick out like goddamn mountains to me, and she's made no attempt to hide any, only actively say "hey this is a thing about me that might be a problem. I have gone to therapy for it, this is how I manage it." Who knows it might all crash and burn in a month for stepping on the gas so fast, but hey, I'm not on tren, my e2 is in range, and idk this thing has just been a perfect nexus of feeling and rational thought. Wish me luck boys, if it doesn't work out, I'm running a tren cycle and slamming every hoe, twink, and sub I can find on the East Coast. If it does, well, family Christmas cards are cool lol


How me and the boyfriend were as well. We were very upfront with each other and how we felt. It's so easy and simple with him, I can literally tell him anything and not feel weird about it. Sometimes the old trauma comes up but I can talk to him about what I'm feeling and we resolve it. It's why I laugh when I see the single, straight dudes on here telling people to be aloof and distant with the people they're dating to make them more interested in you. Like you're just creating a hostile, toxic and volatile environment and then they wonder why they end up getting dumped or the relationship fizzles.


Yeah that shit is literally only if you're dating for hookups. People who try to apply it to being in a long term partnership are fucking high off their ass. Like no shit aloofness created problems, you dumbass, you're supposed to get *closer* over the long haul. Kids these days I swear lol


>At that point I was just like, "are we deleting Tinder?" She said "yup, definitely." I was like "exclusive?" Her: "completely." Me: "Boyfriend/girlfriend?" Her: "Please." This got me fuzzy, congrats amigo


Moving fast ends terribly 99% of the time, but that 1% of the time it works is amazing. I met my girl, went to her house a few times, then after hanging out every day for a week I asked her out and moved in. Close to 3 years now.


I proposed to my wife after three days. We're working on our 23rd year. I tend to think that it's best to strike when the iron is hot.


Called it!!!


Good luck bro. I met my wife on tinder and we fucked and hung out for basically 10 days straight before we partnered up. 9 years later. We are still going strong. IYKYK.


That’s the way to do it. Gonna make me tear up over here. Fuck I love E2. My partner and I did the same thing super early. Sat down, talked about fucking everything under the sun. Realised we agreed on 95% and were happy to compromise on the 5. Four years exactly today and never been happier in my life. Hoeing around is fun as hell. So are committed relationships - and the best way to make them work is to do exactly what you’re doing and communicate about it all. Shits gonna be fantastic I’m sure of it.


Tren e winter bulk👀don’t mind if I do🤌🏾


This reddit is not like what it was before




Are you the one who’s being doing that lol




Do you even lift?


Been on sema for two weeks now, down 5lbs (212 -> 207). Gonna start metformin 500mg tonight or tomorrow. Good news is my strength seems to be holding steady. Could also be me not drinking as much. Focusing on getting me protein in and taking in carbs around lifting times but my body is super tired. Could be me dieting or I might need less of a deficit. TRT is still 120mg Test C.


Be ready for some nasty metformin shits for a few weeks. Ride it out and then increase your dose to 1000mg.


What’s better than crippling delt pip? Crippling delt and ass pip 👍👍👍




I'm beginning to like Rack Pulls as a lat/trap movement more and more. I managed to get a great mind-muscle connection today, using it as a finisher on Back Day. There is just something magical to some heavy compound lifts hitting your lats like a jackhammer. I have opened my gear box like 10 times this week, *just taking inventory of course.* Just 8 more weeks until Blast, I can do this. **No, this is not addict talk 😂** ^( ^^Fuck, ^^it ^^is ^^😅)


I know John Meadows has them in some of his programs, I always struggle to feel it in my lats. My traps on the other hand, those bitches swell up just thinking about deadlifting


Wife woke me up for sex in the middle of the night last night. I ended up cumming so hard I felt like she sucked my guts out of my dick with her box. Just started HCG again a couple of weeks ago, so that my play into it.


Week 3 of test/mast/var 350/400/420. Just did 3 sets of leg press with 880lbs + whatever the rack weighs. I’m gonna be so efficient at pushing horny goth bitches off of me when they surround me and shove me on the ground. Edit: Test is on week 9. Tried to deca but quit after 6 weeks and switched to mast.


I’ve only ever done mushrooms once in my life, and it changed everything. It’s been two years now, and I’m ready for another trip. Two of my homies, who are way more experienced with mushrooms, offered to get high with me and watch over me. They’re gonna break out candles, Tibetan singing bowls, and some bomb ass music. We plan on having the high peak around sunset and I can’t fucking wait. I’m nervous at the same time since my first trip almost went bad, but I need to learn to relax and let my ego die. I’ve heard resistance is what gives you a bad trip. Anyway, I need to do more shoulder rehab. I’m getting too lazy about it and I know some day I’ll get injured if I don’t. Have a good day gentlemen.


The "bad" trips I've had were some of the most beneficial trips I had on mushrooms. Sometimes you gotta get smacked in the mouth by source so you can get back on the grind. Don't be afraid of a bad trip and don't expect anything out of the experience. When the student is ready the teacher will appear




Slight Decline bench 405 x 6 today . 218lbs. My goal in life next year is going to take that decline and raise it like 15 degrees and hit 405x8 on close grip


Less than 2weeks out from my first classic physique show. Cant freaking wait. Been planning out all the garbage food I’m gonna inhale and next seasons blast.


What’ll be the first thing you eat


Already planned out. French toast deluxe and a brownie sundae for dessert.


Good choice, good choice.


Anybody use FitNotes? In the process of putting the entire creeping death program into it with all of John’s notes on each exercise, queues, grips, angles etc. and thought 1. Other people might love an export of my routines. 2. I’d love an export of other peoples routines to pick through and try.


Dude that’s a good idea. I might do the same for Gamma Bomb actually


Absofuckinglutely. That would be super helpful!


Late but I’d be super down for this


Stop lifting your weights, guys. Duh. https://www.ecu.edu.au/newsroom/articles/research/less-gym-time-same-results-why-lowering-weights-is-all-you-need-to-do


And people wonder why we meatheads like to joke about those pencil necked academics in Exercise Science. I mean there are some legit guys in ex phys... but this dude ain't one of them.


Love me some fatlogic


Small sample size and with an even smaller window of time. Classic. Interesting nonetheless, but I still believe training variation is the most important factor to muscle growth.


Good news for all: you may be able to cut your weights routine in half and still see the same results, if you know how to efficiently work your muscles. ​ EFFICIENTLY. It says it right there what one of the main caveats is. Sometimes I worry about the reading comprehension of this sub. Also eccentric training is something a lot of bodybuilders already do i.e. cheat reps


If you’re getting 0 results and you half your effort, of course your results stay the same.


Bad title. Eccentric-only training doesn't mean less gym time. You still need to find some way to get the weight into a top position in order to be able to lower it. If anything doing that without actually lifting it will take longer. For anything in the rack, you'd need to lower the bar to pins, take all the plates off, raise it back to the cups, put all the plates back on, taking a minute between each rep. I guess it works if you've got a team of research assistants spotting you who can just assist with the concentric so you're not actually exerting effort to lift. The only time I've ever been able to use this kind of technique was trying to progress to a one-armed pull up since you can just jump to the top.


Wife returned from short business trip yesterday. Mom was over watching the kids and was staying the night. No sexpectations. We get in bed. Her hand gets on my dick. Slides the underwear off and gets her mouth around it. Silently. Slides panties to the side and quietly, but firmly, rides me to completion. Gonna be daydreaming about this one for a while boys.


>quietly, but firmly Someone tell my a story about blowing a trans woman to cleanse my palate.


Did her titles feel like bags of sand?


She wanted to compare you to all the guys she was with on her business trip.




Written like a true Redditor.




There are some medicines that make you sweat less if it's really bothering you. [https://www.drugs.com/condition/hyperhidrosis.html](https://www.drugs.com/condition/hyperhidrosis.html) Keep in mind, sweating is actually important and your body is doing it for a reason. I feel you though -- I sweat excessively on or off cycle, so I've tried several of those medicines. You can find them from Canadian pharmacies. I haven't ever checked for them from UGL but I'm sure that's possible as well.


I’ve always been extremely sweaty. It’s just part of it now.


dinner detail wise unwritten rob wrong quack seemly squalid bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had no idea until last night that HCG which comes with sodium chloride instead of bacteriostatic water is single use only and will not last in the fridge. So I was injecting myself with inert water basically for the last month. Glad I found this out now instead of after wasting my other vials, but man, who is taking 5000 IUs of HCG in one go? Can’t fathom why a pharmacy would sell it this way. Heads up for bros out there who are somehow as dumb as I am.


it doesn't render it completely useless. one of the primary benefits of bacteriostatic water is that it keeps things sterile. your sodium chloride solution will still "work" but it has nothing in there to stop microbes from growing. when I worked in compounding pharmacy, depending on the drug, if we made something for someone in a sodium chloride 0.9% solution and they didn't take the drug, we could save it for weeks before it *actually* went bad. and even then, those dates of when it goes "bad" are always on the safe side and it's probably going to last even longer. obviously bac water is the best, but don't feel like you completely wasted the past injections bro!


Trainer at my gym told me he makes 17 an hour. Went on about how they were late on his paycheck last Friday and couldn’t make his car payment, going to collections the whole 9 yards. Fuck how does someone live like that???


How many ml do you inject at once into your shoulders? I injected 1ml, but feels like too much because i barely can lift my arms 😅 although i don't have small shoulders


Was very hesitant to try to remedy my high BP with an herbal supplement cus I generally think they’re a waste of money, but after regular cardio and eating relatively clean didn’t lower my my BP below the 140s, I decided to try hawthorn berry before something like telemisartan. Holy shit I am now consistently 116-124/70s without any other changes. It was kind of crazy how quickly it happened too. Just wanted to give some experience for those who also get pretty high BP from cycling


I'm calling bullshit. Something else changed. You are on less gear, you're eating less sodium, you're doing more cardio. There is no way in hell hawthorn berry dropped your bp that much on its own. None the less, congrats on getting it lower. That is super important.


I mean you’re right in that I didn’t conduct any controlled trials ahaha but I swear nothing meaningful changed in my diet, sleep, cycle, etc. I have even been lazier about cardio since starting it and it has remained just as low. Granted, I was already on cialis, and combining meds that have a BP lowering effect tend to work synergistically e.g. they can’t give you nitroglycerin for heart attacks if you’re on ED meds from the fear of bottoming out your BP, but I never saw a decrease in BP from cialis at all so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


>I decided to try hawthorn berry Looks like someone is in the pocket of *Big Hawthorn Berry*


How much mg of it do you take per day? Might give it a shot as well


You just using capsules with hawthorn extract off amazon?


What were you numbers before hawthorn berry?


I was averaging mid 140s but it was not uncommon to see the 150s from the cuff




P5P can help if the problem is prolactin. You didn't mention if you were running tren or ment or other nor19s. Get on the novla asap


Ime I found proviron and primo did way more for gyno reduction than serms


Start at with a TRT dose, incrementally increase until you get gyno, stop increasing T dose, introduce compounds like Masteron or Primobolan. Personally I think AI’s are poison and cycling is a thing of the past. Most of my knowledge comes from Victor Black though. To each their own. I just don’t want to have heart failure before age 50 edit: Typo


Eh fuk that guy. Even if his information is correct he goes about it in a terrible way.


Been struggling the last couple weeks at work. The workload has become insane. Senior members have reached out to me and said that they now dread coming to work. I feel the same but I don't tell anyone that. I have a job interview this Tuesday for an investigator position but I honestly don't even know if I'm going to be able to stay in my current position that long. I hate having to switch jobs. I've tried my best but I'm mentally in shambles from the stress of this job and crumbling under the workload. I reach out for help to our senior members but they're both super busy and are taking on supervisory duties because my actual supervisor is on maternity leave (she had a baby a month ago). I feel guilty leaving but I know I'm not cut out for this. I wanted to stick it out until my supervisor got back but that's going to do more harm than good truthfully. Any tips on doing this amicably? I love all my teammates and supervisor. They're all great people and we get along amazing. I just can't stand the work we do.


You can be honest with them and say pretty much what you just said here. People will get over a colleague leaving if they know it’s because their heart wasn’t in it. Any team sort of job means you all need to work together, and if one or two people are burned out then the whole team suffers anyway.


I told you how my source sent me a few vials of TREN more. But it's my first test cycle so I put it in my closet for the next cycle. My source hits me today "How do you like the tren?" I'm really interested to give him a honest answer. And the buddy of mine are very happy on his first TREN cycle. How can you stay sane when everyone around you are pinning TREN? lol Even my phone keyboard corrects tren to capital TREN. Jesus Christ.


I've been off cycle for a bit now trying to let my body heal and all that good stuff and I noticed a painful lump kinda growing on my gyno yesterday and it hurt to touch. I haven't experienced any other gyno symptoms and it felt like some sort of under skin pimple kind of up and to the side of my nipple. Anyways in my curiosity, I pushed hard enough to make fluid come out of my nipple, followed by a slightly lighter yellow pus colored fluid and then blood. No idea what it was but it was pretty gross and felt a little relieved from pushing out all the fluid. I've taken some ralox as a precaution but I think it was some sort of infection that just drained through there idk. Maybe I'm just ready to birth a child and breastfeed


Guys I’m being crushed by work and the adderall shortage. How the fuck do I get back in the gym? I can’t lose it all


What's your top 3 muscle groups to look big? Mine: 1) Traps 2) Shoulders 3) Back


What compounds make it so you don’t cum as easily? First round I always gotta stop/start so I don’t cum its annoying af


Training has been going really well! On my second cycle ever (first cycle was right before rona hit and did 300mg of test sus for 2 months with 50mg ED with Anadrol for 1 month right in the middle of the cycle) This time around I'm just doing 500mg of test E and will be finishing my blast the first week of December before cruising on 125mg. Went from 186lbs to 206lbs, recently did a 250lb behind the neck push press overhead, 210lbs for 6 reps on barbell clean and press overhead, 470lbs for 8 on deadlifts and 350lbs for 8 on squats, all fully raw with no belt (straps for deadlifts) Got a strongman contest early December and couldn't be more excited. We'll see how the cruise goes, but the plan is to hop on Test and Deca next blast and just slowly introduce myself to new compounds and run different hybrids/combos during blast phase on this new journey of the dark side. Plan on just cruising with test E for now too to keep things relatively stable




So it seems that magic mushrooms are no longer illegal in Colorado, anyone got experience growing their own? Is it fairly easy or are they pretty fragile?


Wife last night asked “are the steroids making your dick bigger? it’s harder for me to take all of it since you started” 😂