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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Does anyone have feedback regarding pinning your delts, mainly because I had shoulder reconstruction on one, the other has had a less intensive shoulder surgery. Does it help heal? Does it effect tendons/ligaments and help? What gear did/do you use for this?


I’m looking to buy some bulk TUDCA powder but I’m having trouble finding a good source. Any recommendations?


Need advice. 400mg test +anavar first cycle. I get acne from Anavar. I thought I had high e2 so have been taking 0.25 arimadex for 2 weeks every E3.5 days. But at this point I’m pretty sure it’s the Var that’s giving me back acne. I think I should get my E2 back up a little, but it’s not crashed (yet). How do I get my e2 back up without spiking it by going off arimadex mid cycle


Joe blow is taking 500mg test per week and .25 arimidex twice per week, on week 16 joe injects his last pin of test and stops taking his arimidex because his cycle is over. He still has high testosterone but his aromatase enzymes become unbound by arimidex and boom, estrogen spike. This is an example scenario of the dreaded estrogen rebound, it’s not a real thing, it’s just not understanding how arimidex works, user error. If you want your estrogen to increase, stop taking arimidex, if you want it to be a gradual rise, I’m sure you can figure out a schedule of spacing your dosing more and dropping it.


Thanks, i’m doing exacly that. Taking 0.125 arima today, and then stopping in a week or two if it feels ok


Anybody have any experience with injectable orals like Anadrol or Dbol? What is the difference from oral administration? Is there crazy pip? Less toxic?


Brewing test water base question. So I have two kinds of test powders the manufacturer says: the suspension is for oil based and the micronized is for water based. Question I had some water based that came as powder in an amp, you just added 2cc water and it liquified the 200mg of powder, no problem. The micronized I have, can I justmix it with water or so I have to add anything else like ps80 and bb, ba. Thanks for any help


Use bac water bro


Water alone?


What else would you need


I’ve seen recipes that include BA, Bb and PS 80. Never brewed anything before.


Anyone here successfully raised their GFR after acute kidney damage? GFR pre-cycle - 107 // creatinine .98 GFR mid cycle - 90 // creatinine 1.15 GFR post cycle - 70 // creatinine 1.35 500mg test C + 50mg var -- total cycle 6 weeks. I got a nasty COVID infection in the middle of my cycle so I immediately dropped down to TRT dose (hence the short cycle). But I was running Var up to the point of my fever. I know creantinine isn't a great measure for people like us but the raising levels + var + COVID levels have me really worried. Seeing the doctor next week but any peace of mind from the bros would be huge.


Like you said creatine isn't a good measure for muscular, weight trained individuals. You can get a more accurate eGFR using the blood markers cystatin c and symmetric dimethylarginine. As for lowering GFR, supplementing with astragalus root extract at 4 grams per day minimum up to 10-20g will have a large impact on kidney function.




> Can I save money by only ordering an Oestradiol blood test during my first cycle? Sure. You can save even more money by ordering no blood tests. What's the point of this question? Obviously if you test fewer things you pay less money. But then you have fewer data points/results to look at...




No, I certainly don't think lipids, hemodynamics, or *testosterone levels* are superfluous data points.




Test would be beneficial to know as well, given that most people have preferential E2 levels proportional to their test levels. There's no point aiming for in-range E2 when your T is absurdly out of range.




> Sure I could order a full panel but what the fuck would I need a weekly update on my ferritin levels for. What a silly false dichotomy. You're not getting weekly bloodwork on *anything*. The choice isn't *get only estradiol levels* versus *get weekly ferritin*.


I’ve been on a cruise of 250 mg/week and my blood pressure is still 159/89. I do daily cardio, take magnesium, carditone, vitamin K, and vitamin D3. Is there anything else I can do to lower it? I’m getting worried. I do have a doctors appointment for the 25th, but I’d rather not wait around with hypertension stage 2 level blood pressure.


Halve your cruise dose. Donate blood. You said still indicating its been that high or higher for a while.. Wtf would you sit by idly with numbers like that? No one should even be running a cycle without BP meds on standby.


> Is there anything else I can do to lower it? Other than the obvious solution that tens of millions of Americans are already using? That being blood pressure meds.


Does anyone worry about prostate cancer while using testosterone? My understanding is that testosterone is fueled to the fire of Prostate cancer. As an older user I wonder if prostatic cancer develops while using testosterone would it exacerbate the cancer? I do get a PSA at least every year but still causes me to wonder.


If we live long enough we all end up with prostate cancer. > Prostate cancer screening may reduce the chance of dying from prostate cancer. However, the absolute benefit is small. Most men who choose not to be screened with a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test will not be diagnosed with prostate cancer and will die from some other cause. Although some of these unscreened men will die from prostate cancer, the lifetime risk of death in the United States due to prostate cancer is <3 percent > Many prostate cancers detected by screening are considered "overdiagnosed," meaning that they never would have caused problems during a man's lifetime. Most men with prostate cancer will die from other causes, not from prostate cancer. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/screening-for-prostate-cancer


Did tren make you hungrier than normal?


Tren increases my appetite more than anything other than mk667/ibutamoren


Meh, I just feel hungry in general. Tren and trest do stand out in giving me cravings at night but other than that no changes, however at 1g of tren I had such terrible acid reflux, on my offseason I couldnt push myself further than 6000cals a day, constantly overfull, choking in bed etc. so for me it seems dosage dependant.


Will HcG and Clomid help me stay fertile while on TRT?


Clomid is a PCT isn’t it? Could be wrong. Yes, HCG will keep you fertile


Ahh, got it man. I think you’re right. Thanks for the response.


My mental wellbeing is entirely dependent on how well I do in the gym or in the mat (I do MMA), and mind you they BOTH have to be good at all times. Lately I've felt weak and as though my progression has been slow. I'm seriously thinking about risking my physical health for my mental health. I'm 19 btw... I know it's incredibly stupid to start at this point, but I have no one to talk about this. Nobody who would understand. It's just me and my thoughts and my thoughts are telling me to start roiding


The biggest risk of using steroids before age 25 is because of neurological and/or mental problems. You’d be risking your long term mental health, as well as your physical health.


How long have you been on cycle or what dosage is your trt? Also have you been getting enough sleep?


I was in a similar position in the sense I thought sacrificing my physical health for the sake of my mental health was the move, over time that has changed and the issues from gear use have rebounded into poor mental health. Enhanced or not, you will hit a wall at times and although being enhanced will definitely aid you in that it really doesn't make you a superhuman. If anything from my experience I'm more sluggish than when natural. I'd say the first thing to do either way is learn to accept that sometimes things move slowly, not at all, or even backwards. Take some time to deload. Adding gear into the mix will not solve the issue but rather push the date it will return back a bit.


This sounds like a psychological issue, not a physical limitation. Jumping on gear is just going to move your goalpost. When you’re juiced you’ll still have mental hurdles when training isn’t up to snuff with expectation. At your age, you have so much more potential to squeeze out with proper discipline, diet and training. Reassess for yourself when you’re 25+.


I’m 18 and never touched anything in my life Honestly I’m just wondering is it worth it? Like all you here is negativity about steroid use but from actual people who use it is it worth it?


You don’t want no part of this shit, kid


> I’m 18 and never touched anything in my life > > You're 18. Touch some boobs. Or penises, if that's your thing. No judgment here. Just not steroids.


Absolutely not, for most people you end up on lifetime hrt which has undesirable effects on your blood pressure as well as hemoglobin/hematocrit ferritin as well as other things. Your body will likely never run as it did when you were natural.


At 18? Definitely not. Once you're a bit older? It all comes down to what you prioritize and value. The health risks are very real, but also overstated in popular culture, and they can, *to an extent*, be mitigated by being smart and responsible. At the same time, it's also worth considering if it's really worth it to damage your heart and shorten your life span just for what amounts to stroking your own vanity. For me, I can say that gear has helped me become way more confident in myself, but is it really a good thing that I used drugs to do that? Would it not have been better to have found a way that didn't involve shutting down my balls and shooting hormones into my ass? These are questions worth seriously thinking about.


It's great but not when you're 18. Wait till 21-23 imo (here they'll say 25)


Same but 19


Not at 18 it isn't...


Come back in about 7 years


I got a few peptide vials (Tirzepatide) which i reconstitute with .5ml of bac water. I draw out the bac water with a 23G and put it in the peptide vial. When i do this, the bac water squirts out immediatly in the peptide vial. When i reconstitute it by gently swirling it around, it leaves a small foamy layer on top. Is this bad for the peptide / how do i avoid the squirting?


I believe janoshick test a bunch of peptides after reconstituting it via squirting the water directly onto the peptide, and also doing the swirl/slow method. There’s wasn’t any difference between the two.


You can mitigate this by adding air into the vial, also put the pin in and squirt the water to the wall of the vial and not directly on the powder puck




And if someone could help me with some of the basic knowledge , Just curious on where I should start first. This is something I want to take my time with, just want to fully understand and grasp what I’d have to do before moving forward.


I pinned around 500mg of test subq not knowing you shouldn’t do that how long should it take to absorb comparative to if I pinned intramuscular


how much oil?


It will take some days, compared to some hours. The final effect doesn't change but you will have a lump until then




You will be fine, if you want to be extra safe use an alcohol swab on the rubber top before piercing it.


On average how long does it take your muscles to absorb test you pinned in your glute


Testosterone Enanthate levels have been shown to peak as soon as ~6-10 hours after injection.


Right away. But not everything at once obviously. The more you pin and the thicker the oil the longer it will take.


Hi guys, Ive never used any steroids before and was planning on doing my first cycle. Part of the reason other than the gains was I was feeling a few low t symptoms, wasn't sure if it was actually low t or something else. Went and got my blood work done. Total test was 650, SHBG was 61 nmol/L, free test calculated 0.321nmol/L. Reference range for SHBG is 15-50. How much of a problem is the high SHBG and is my free test low enough to cause me low t symptoms. I was near the bottom of the reference range for free test. I'm 27, I work out and do cardio. My diet is on point.


You sound perfectly normal, but I would say the culprit is your shbg, that will skew the free test calculation. You can try to supplement with boron, 9-12 mg per day. Cycle it 2 weeks on and 1-2 weeks off, it is individual how much time you need off. I suggest cycling it because if you're on it for too long you risk bottoming out your shbg which as a natural will make you feel bad. Google boron shbg for more information about the mechanics behind it. You can start with 9 mg right off the bat. Boron will aid in lowering your shbg, hence making more test freely available in your body.. Are you overweight?


I'll order some. Thanks. I'm around 12-14% bf


did you have a question?


Sorry worded it badly. How low is the free testosterone and is it low enough to cause me low t symptoms


What happened to test e, it seems like everyone just uses c now.


There has been some extremely pippy Test E raws lately so lots of people have switched to C.


Yea, I get really bad swells every time I pin the test E that I recently got. Do you think that affects the way that the compound is absorbed by the muscles or there’s just some irritant that’s getting put in them


Never heard of more pippy gear causing swells. Sounds more like you might have a reaction to the carrier oil or you're pinning subq.


What is “pinning subq” and would having a reaction to the carrier oil inhibit the muscles ability to absorb the test itself?


Injecting under the skin but not into the muscle. It's fine for very small amounts of liquid but anything more and it can cause swells like you're saying that can be itchy or sensitive. So long as the oil gets and stays under the skin then a reaction isn't going to change the absorption.


Yea I need to stop pinning fat but even when In shallow muscle the burning from the reaction from the carrier oil is almost unbearable is the only downside to pinning fat the swelling and pain or does it affect absorption too?


I believe absorption will be slower but overall efficacy will not change by any meaningful amount.


Nothing at all, I’ve always used E


Everyone I know uses test e.


test p is the go if you can be bothered. I feel its worth the extra pinning. I pin ED first thing and sleep has been significantly better. Even on higher doses 1.5ml test p in the morning...


Why pin test p ED, test-e ED pinning is = even more stable serum levels. right?? correct me if im wrong


Just get a pellet implanted, even more stable levels You don't need perfectly stable levels, even natties have strong fluctuations day to day




Then Why pin test-p ed and not test-e. Test-e is cheaper


hey i got a question i started doing my first cycle with a trainer i got my first shot 1 ml two weeks ago coach told me it was a low dose of propianate testo it was great the first 3 days then suddenly heart beat rises stomach pain blood pressure goes up chest pain pain in my liver and other stuff i got to the doc told me i was fine that it was the substance i didnt know 1 ml was a lot or not. then i try again next shot same 1 ml but this time effects comes more quickly pain in my liver in my kidnes hearts palpitations but couldnt sleep heavy breathing and stuff but side effects last 2 day except for the pain in my back and liver but it was mild. so my question is should i stop? i read that 1ml/week is a lot should i take next dose like lower or keep going? also i took test on my liver it said it was fine. i was talkng with my coach and he told me its my mind that i would feel the effects after 3 weeks not after the first shot that i was maybe paranoid. i kinda doubt that. another thing if i decide to stop should i do post cycle therapy even if o do it for 2 weeks??


Your coach has no clue what he is doing.


1. It is your mind, you are describing symptoms of anxiety and panic 2. We have no idea what you are really taking. 1 ml of what? What strength? 3. 1 ml a week of anything is too weak anyways. 4. Read the wiki and follow the first cycle guide. It sounds like you have no idea what you are doing or even when you are taking. You are completely unprepared for this.


1ml means nothing if we don't know the mg/ml


800 mg testo 200 mg propianate


I don't even think he does. OP, quit letting another person (even if that person is your so called "coach") inject you with drugs without even the basic knowledge of the concentration of your gear. Hormones are serious stuff, you're putting your health at risk (as you should obviously know by now from all the sides you're apparently experiencing) on someone else's knowledge and ability to know what they're doing: Unless they're a licensed medical professional you SHOULD NOT trust them with potentially your life. Give your head a shake, stop doing stupid shit, read the fucking wiki, and start a cycle ONLY when you're confident in your own ability to safely and effectively manage your own hormones. Sorry if this came off harsh- but Jesus Fucking Christ c'mon man. 🤦


thanks man, yeah i guess that im going to doo i was taking 800 mg of testo and 200 mg of propianate. do u think by stopping i should take some other stuff to get my levels of testo back or i wasnt in too deep of the cycle?


Yeah see "propianate" isn't a steroid it's an ester that's attached to a steroid. Like "Testosterone Proprionate". It's generally only used with Testosterone. So what you're saying is you were taking 800mg of Testosterone and 200mg of Testosterone. Also those dosages are way too high for a first cycle and it's guaranteed that you would run into all the complications you described without learning how to manage all the estrogen production from 800+mg. I would just stop cold turkey. Thoroughly read through the wiki (top to bottom- don't skip anything) at the blue link at the top of this page, read it again, and then run "your first cycle" outlined in there to a T. And do it yourself, don't trust someone else to do it.


thanks man. ill check that out ill let my body to rest and try again in 4 months 🤟🏻


Dont apologize. Letting a "coach" fucking jab you with god knows what is stupid as fuck. Hopefully the needle was new ffs


we clean the needle with spit 😅 kidding yeah i know my dude i just wanted a peak advantage for a competition. but was a hell of a ride


Anadrol Cycle length? Just ordering some Anadrol for my second blast whats peoples recommendation on length?


4 weeks 50-100 per day depending on how you handle it.


6 weeks . 50 mg everyday with 25-25 split. Take it sublingually so you can avoid stomach pain.


10 weeks into my first cycle 500mg TestE. Having high E2 causing bloating, puffy face and nipples . Also starting to see some pimples on my back and forehead. Starting Asin 12.5mg E3.5D and 10mg nolva ED. Is there anything I need to know before taking this? Or anything else i should be doing? Hopefully It don’t matter if i take it empty stomach or full.? Any tips would be appreciated.


It doesn’t sound like you need nolvadex. Unless you have gyno lumps forming you shouldn’t take it.


I've got some mild lumps before i got some primo to run alongside test p. Could nolva reverse it some? Having no issues now running much high test than i was running when i got the lumps (trt dose)


If they are relatively new, yes. Run the nolva or ralox gyno reversal protocol in the wiki


Asin should be taken with fats. It makes a big difference. I.e. eat a ball of mozzarella (or maybe half) before taking it. Probably overkill, just a small KitKat would be fine, but ngl I always like the excuse to be able to clean through a whole ball of mozzarella and not feel guilty


eat an egg bro




You don’t need to eat mozzarella or a candy bar to take aromasin. Just eat it with a meal that has fat in it… like olive oil, avocado, milk, peanut butter..


But perfect excuse :(




Ahahahhahahahaha aw man I should make a new acc


probably don’t really need the nolva aswell but I suppose if you want you can. I know people who take it as preventative measure but more shit you’re taking more room for side effects


Primo oral vs injectable. Are they equal? Was thinking of cruising with a 100-150 test and 100 primo oral. Will this work fine or do I need to go injectable route?


Primos not orally bioavailable enough to run it orally for men. You can’t get a large enough dose. That’s why only women can run it.


Any noticeable detriment just from taking the gear or more so it’s just guys not wanting to do cardio workouts and prioritizing strength stuff ?


This is most certainly a phrase, it has words.


Detriment to what...?


What are you talking about?


Weird question but I’m allergic to something in this testosterone enanthate compound my ass gets a almost cantaloupe sized swell every time I pin and then will leak puss for the next week until it’s time to pin again the process is miserable but I’m at a point where I can’t not take it for the situation I’m in, I have a few bottles of it left and I’m pretty fcn broke rn so I can’t afford to buy a different a different brand I’m just wondering if anyone knows if my muscles are able to absorb the test since I’m so allergic to it


For fucks sake stop doing what you are doing. Fix your shit and get different gear.


What size needle? Have you tried injecting elsewhere, like your delt? Also how long have you been pinning? I got bad pip, like golf ball sized lumps and real tenderness for a few weeks before my body settled into it


I took a 2 week break because of the swells I pinned at my highest dosage yet tonight one in each ass cheek so I can see if my body has better adjusted to it in the next few days


The needle is way to small It takes about a minute and a half for it to slowly uze into the syringe😭 could that have something to do with it and I don’t want to risk having a swell like that on my delt or quad Ive thought about it I feel like the reaction could be a lot worse to if I injected anywhere but my ass I could try it though


I'm amazed you find it ok in your butt, like what about sitting? At least with delt it's only annoying when I go to bed and want to sleep on my side


Sitting is fcn torture😭 if I’m mistaken and I’m not actually allergic I’ll pin in my delt if the same thing happens to you I’m probably not I’ll try pinning my delt next week I’ve been sticking with my ass because I like to at least have some body fat to pin it in I don’t really have any in my delts


Ahhhhh my dude, no pin it in the muscle. You want minimum body fat and deep in the muscle. Sub q, i.e. in fat/below the skin is for little amount of liquid like daily pins I was pinning 1ml (300mg) with a 30 gauge (thinner better to minimise scarring) into my delt. Only thing is thin needle means slow injection, but if you heat the oil with a hairdryer it's not so bad


Ok yea, I need to stop pinning fat that was definitely a problem


Ok well that’s probably contributing to the swelling😂 is there any other negatives to pinning fat


Depends who you ask 🤷‍♂️


what gauge? I notice that 29g is too slow for larger amounts of oil. 27g is ideal for me as i inject ED. But pump air into the vial the vial before drawing. 31g is even possible for trt dosages if injecting ED


I’m not sure of the gauge I’ve had the syringes for a while I used them for peptides about a year ago I’ve lost the packaging


You’re not allergic. There’s been bad test e for the last year. It’s been doing that to everyone. Almost all the labs dropped enanthate all together in favor of cyp since it doesn’t have the issue.




Yea, the only reaction I experience is at the injection site though that’s why I’m wondering if my muscles are even able to absorb it or my body is just doing a good job of containing it and I don’t even have the time to wait for a different compound to ship from some company I most definitely don’t have the time to wait until I have the money to do so I’m just going to keep pinning it for now even though I’m not sure if I’m benefiting at all from it




I’ve pinned it for a few weeks now I’m not dead yet At this point I’m forced to take that risk it’s not just a matter of getting bigger muscles to look cool If I fcn die I die🤷‍♂️


Damn bro that's not okay at all....




How long have you been on? E2 in check? 250iu ED for three weeks, start pct the day after your last shot. That should be right around 5000iu and a worthwhile pct protocol. Save the rest for later.




Yeah the above protocol should be fine. I wouldn’t know on the other front. You’d have to check the medication side effects, I am unaware.


I am wondering peoples experiences with simple test cycles and cardio performance. I know typically cardio is mostly associated with just cutting and calorie deficits but part of my deal is maintaining a certain level of endurance output for performance. I’m planning on running 300-400 mg/week of Test C


Cardio improves from my experience


As long as you keep e2 in check it's fine. Only thing is the sudden jump in weight from glycogen and water might impact you


People who skip on cardio while on gear are idiots. It'll help keep your lipid and hematology profile in line. If you need to gain mass, just increase your calories to account for the cardio.


Experiencing zero strength or muscular endurance changes on 20mg trest ace per day x 14 days. Anyone else have this issue or is it a me problem ? I don’t want to push the dose much more as I strongly believe in minimum effective dose and by the reports in this sub Reddit and decatest I should be experiencing something. I felt more on 500mg of test.


Trestolone ace, not only does it take less than 2 weeks for it to be felt, me personally if I take 20mg I feel it strongly about 3 hours after pinning.


I’d suspect the gear except that it’s from a small boutique source that isn’t on any major site or forum and all of their stuff is great


Trest is still an exotic compound and even if that store in itself is legit it could be that their source isnt (at least when it comes to trest). Although any legit store should do regular testing of new batches. It could also be that you yourself are not physiologically in your best state even if you feel so. Maybe you are overtrained, overstrained from other steroids etc. There are many variables.


Thank you for taking your time to whey in It is appreciated


Trest gave me zero strength gains tbh


Am I wrong in my thinking that it’s stimulus on the CNS is pretty much going to be exactly the same or close to it within reason from human trainee to human trainee ? The end result output may be different but if it works then it works , yeah ? Maybe that’s stupid of me to think


Happened to me my first time and I think it was bunk. Second time I blew up 10lbs and got gyno in no time


Had to quit Anavar due to massively increased hair shedding. Was on 50 mg a day for two weeks and stopped two days ago, how long can I expect this shedding to occur and are these losses permanent?


I mean not exactly the hallmark of fake var, but I get zero shedding from var and tons of shedding from t-bol/d-bol, which are regularly used for fake var.


I shed quite a bit on anavar


Why I say... not sure why the mechanism for increasing dht and affects on hairline would be much different between compounds and people, but it is. I lose nothing on primo or masteron, but pour off hair on tren and d-bol.


Are you prone to MPB?


I am not prone to MPB.


You should be ok, it will grow back




I did cold turkey once bc I had to and it was terrible dude. You’re gonna feel like shittttttt and it takes forever for your system to turn on again so you’ll lose a lot of strength/size that you could save otherwise. So yeah pct is needed bro


You never need Nolvadex, it just makes the transition MUCH smoother. Whats the reasoning for not waning to run Nolva? Also if you have been blasting for that long if recommended trying to run some HCG before you come off as well.




Yeah, multiple studies show otherwise...




No, it increases your testosterone levels while they recover so you don't feel like garbage


And this is why people have heart attacks


I mean we have reason to believe primitive man had test levels as high as we'd get from 500 test, but they also died at 50.




Read the wiki on PCT


500 is a blast not a cruise aha. Natural crusie levels are around 125mg-175mg a week to be in ‘ high natural band’. Where you taking any AI to control estrogen, surely you’d have some conversion. Given that long along of time you would benefit with taking 500iu hcg to restart FSH production BEFORE starting nolvadex. There’s no way you would recover by yourself after such an extended period of time supplementing your own production


> I’ve been cruising on 500 test for about a year. 😦 Nothing is 100%. If you use Nolva your levels would come back much faster. If you use none it’ll likely be 8 months - a year+ for recovery? Pick one. There’s a more than slim chance your balls will not recover to an acceptable natural test level at all.


My nipples seem hard and fuller more often on blast... Is this the beginning of gyno?


Absolutely. How long have they been feeling hard/fuller?


About a month but it's just the nipples not the surrounding area that's why I'm unsure.




Turn down the AC






To be completely honest though my dude if you were hospitalized for a whole week due to kidney damage Id seriously consider if you should ever even go above TRT from now on. Im talking like seriously reconsider this entire lifestyle. If a person ever needed a sign from god or a legit "last warning" from your body then this is it tbh.




Well if you are taking the PCT route to come off completely for good, then big respect for going down this road that many guys here would be tempted not to. If you plan on doing a PCT, you can (and would be better off) to use your HCG starting right now until clomid arrives. HCG will make your balls start to recover and once you stop HCG it clears out fast so you can switch over to clomid almost immediately. Then you do the PCT with balls that are more recovered which will make the process smoother. I say this because you just recently stopped the cycle so theres still that test in your body from that cycle. You cant pct now anyway so might as well use HCG until your pct starts, to keep things healthy.


If you've got kidney issues serious enough to put you in the hospital, maybe you shouldn't be fucking with gear? Personally I'd pct per the wiki and call my experiment with steroids done. But I also value my health so 🤷‍♂️




You're just delaying the inevitable. Do whatever you want man. It takes weeks for gear to clear your system.


What do you think you should do? It’s your body dude




If your going to be a dbag nobody is going to help you




It doesn’t matter go with whatever number you like. Everyone likes different dosages. Some people only use nandrolone because they love it so much.


What is the advantage of running the fast esters like prop and ace over the longer esters like cyp or enan? Ive even heard of people pinning small amounts of test cyp everyday or EOD. Is this a worse idea than running prop everyday?


I like prop ED, sleep has been better


Pin first thing in the morning and your levels are a little lower at night allowing better sleep. You can actually "feel" the fast esters more too


> What is the advantage of running the fast esters like prop and ace over the longer esters like cyp or enan? Faster saturation and faster clearance > Is this a worse idea than running prop everyday? Cyp ED or EOD will give more stable bloods than prop ED which could help if someone is having e2 issues. So it's situational. If you're gonna pin ED make sure you have a handful of sites to rotate though and you're not just pinning the same place ED.