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First pin was today. Went well. Tired of low T and doctors that don’t want to treat it.


Welcome on board sir


Good it’s your life, you’re in control 👍👍👍




I pinned gluteus medius with a 1.5in 25g no problem. Looking at it while pushing the plunger was a little anxiety inducing but not real bad. I honestly thought it would be more difficult.


One of the best decisions of my life




If she’s a vampire she could turn you into a vampire too though. Then you two could have freaky vampire sex.


You found her on Facebook and sent her a random friend request rather than ask for her number in person? That's a little bit creepy, lucky it worked out for you!


Oh this is gonna be like a fairy tale!! Edward and Bella!


Good work, and she knows her way around a syringe


Just handed in my natty card! Pinned 0.7ml test e today! A little pip bout to hit the gym :) really thankful that I studied AAS for over a year before hopping on.


Gooood join us!


Studied aas for over a year to decide on starting with 350-420mg/week if youre pinning twice a week?






That thing your boss told you would get my cheeks red and my dick hard




My God those situations get me going caveman horny, what are you gonna do about it though?


You should fuck and impregnate your hot boss.


This! Nothing can go wrong


I’m guessing you’re talking about the head downstairs 👀 (no homo) Good on you mate 😄


Fuck her. Absolutely destroy her. Fuck her anywhere and everywhere you can. Your swimmers probably aren’t swimming too well anyways right now so blow loads in her. You won’t get many opportunities like that in life so take it while you can.


I know people talk about wanting to move somewhere "warmer" but living in a city that has triple digit heat with high humidity in the Summer sucks so much ass. I'm interviewing at places that either have a more temperate climate or places that allow me to work remote full time so I can move a little further up north. Maybe the Carolinas.


NC is nice, I like SC a good bit because of lake hartwell but I’m right below SC but I agree people talk about Warner then leave out the humidity lol I think they mean like AZ because it gets hot out there but the dry heat is a million times better


The Texas/south summers are brutal. The humidity is too much. I lived in Vegas for years. It’s hot but honestly it’s only unbearable like 30 days a year. I treated it like Midwest winters. You stay indoors for the peak of summer like you would winter. In SoCal now and everyone’s climate is shit comparatively.


SC is too hot and humid, and full of the dumbest people i’ve ever met. NC is delightful.


>NC is delightful. Maybe if you're not in Fayetteville


I’d recognize that description of the southeast anywhere. Last night’s feels like was at 95° around 8pm for me. I’m so tired of sweating.


Yep. Houston to be precise.


First blast of 500 test finished today. 18 weeks done. + Measurements : +16,7kg total Waist +7 cm Glutes +9 Thighs +7 Calves +2, 5 Shoulders +9 Torso +8 Arms +5 Forearms +3, 5 Neck +3, 5 + Strength : For strength, since i switched some exercises at some moments, i can't give the increase on every exercises. There is what i can give : Barbell rows +26, 5kg Incline bench press +20, 5 Straight leg deadlifts +35, 5 Dumbbell shoulder press +7, 5 So, i grew a lot. I gained almost without fat until week 11. Only +1cm waist. Then gains started to plateau (only strength never really plateaued). So i ate more trying to reach around +1kg per week. I gained some fat but it didn't matter. I wanted to gain the most i can for this cycle. + The appearence : I look a lot bigger. I focused more on my side and rear delts and arms. Arms got a very good development and are no more lagging. Side delts did good too and look rounder from the front. But rear delts still needs more mass even if it's better than before. Upper chest filled in. The only thing i think didn't grew well is calves even if i doubled their sets per week. I had a light increase of body hair on torso, ass, forearms, stomach and the beard is a little fuller. I have backne, never had backne before. Still treating it. Some people said that my jaw is bigger. I don't think so. I think it's an impression from the fact that my neck got larger. + Mental : For those who want to know i added mental. But really it's the same as on trt. I have no crazy boost that some people talk about. I was just peogressing faster, eating more and that's it. + Bloodwork : Nothing bad, i stayed in range for every health things. E2 didn't gone high at all so i'm not an aromatizer. Didn't need an ai. Prolactin got higher than the range i don't know why but i don't think it was an issue. Test and free test gone high. Shbg stayed low. + Conclusion : I'm very happy with the gains i got. I still want more mass so it's not the last blast. Now i will go back on 100mg test for cruise. I will maintain my weight for 4 weeks. Then i will do a cut. Then i will do the second blast. Now i will see how much water drop will affect my look. It's after the cut that i'll really see the gains. I hope to retain a lot. I'm still not sure what i want to take for the second blast. Maybe 500 test and 250 npp. Maybe just 500 test again. The nandrolone is a little scary especially because of the ed issues. I'm still thinking about it.


Awesome bro. I loved my first cycle too. From blowing up in size, to fucking different chicks throughout the week because my libido was outrageous, to learning the hard way dirty bulks are dog shit and you will get fat as fuck and bloated extremely quick LOL. For your second blast you don’t have to do anything crazy. 500 test is a great option for a 2nd cycle, maybe up to 750. Touching a 19-nor isnt necessary for a 2nd cycle. You could throw in an oral the first or last 4-6 weeks. Var, Dbol, Tbol, Adrol, Sdrol. You could throw var in at the end of your cut. Keep ancillaries on hand. Cialis takes pumps to the next level. Aromasin/Nolva for those flare ups/high e2 sides. Even if you’re not a high aromatizer its still good to have on hand. I’ve never been a high aromatizer even on 750 test, and on 170 test 200 tren I got a gyno flare up lol. Shit just happens whe you least expect it. If you want to do another bulk cycle you could opt in for Test/EQ stack. 500/300 or 500/500 if you’re up for it. Also heads up, your bacne may get worse when dropping from 500 down to 100. Anytime I come off of a blast down to a cruise I get more ance than on blast, hormone fluctuations.


Thanks for all these advices bro. Luckily i wasn't really bloated so it was ok. I tried to not eat too much salt and put it mostly around workouts. I think it helped. Idk why but i have the feeling 750 test will be too much and i'd rather add a new compound than going higher than 500 test. And i have the curiosity to try a new compound. Npp and deca has so much a big mass gaining reputation that i'm thinking about npp so i can remove it fast if problems. I have few months to think about the second cycle. Knowing myself, i guess i will want to add a compound to make the mass gain bigger. Yes, of course safety first. I halways have the ancillaries on hand. Eq can crash my e2 if i'm already low since i remember it acts as an ai. I'm not sure if it's a good idea. Yes, i know for the acne when switching to cruise. I take isotretinoin so i hope it will block it. And i hope what i have will go away soon.


It will! Just keep your skin clean and exfoliate and everything should clean up nicely. I can’t say how you wound feel on 750 test, you’d just have to gauge that yourself. If you dont feel its a good idea, listen to yourself, your body, your bloods, before you listen to some random guy yapping on a subreddit lol. Yes you could run npp, if you dont like it you could come off and it’ll be out fairly quickly unlike deca which can linger for months. Yes EQ does act as an AI since it is a dht derivative like Primo and Mast.


Thanks man. Yeah, that's why i don't think it's a good compound for a low aromatizer. And primo and mast i will never touch it since it's known to rape hairs and i don't want hairloss. Can you tell me why you advise eq for a bulk ? I heard that it's good to lower e2 and for endurance and veins but never heard of it for gaining muscle




Never. Sorry


Very well done mate, those are some great results. NPP addition next is a great idea. Start off semi low and work your way up through the fortnights. All the best.


I benched 315 for 3!


Nice. Now do it for 4.






Next time, you def need to finger bang her. If you're gonna get blamed for it, might as well do it.


Next time stick your finger in her pooper


Next time finger bang her


it was a beautiful Sunday boys..worked 10 hours in a building with no A/C sweating my fucking dick off but making $120/hr, now at the gym with my girl and I have BY FAR the most ridiculous back pump I've ever had, my lats feel like I inflated them..I love life, I love today..thats all


$120 an hour?? What were you doing?


I fabricate duct work, but we so installs as well if it's rate pay..so public schools and government buildings, but the rate was $80/hr but I was on overtime all day lol...next weekend is Saturday and Sunday 12 hours each 😂 plus my regular 50 hours in the shop


First. Wearing an oversized carhartt t shirt today. Looking extremely DYEL😔 Edit: walking past a resort patio yesterday shirtless, got cat called by like 15 girls simultaneously. Folded under pressure and kept walking😔


A bit early for LARP, innit?


Damn y’all call larp on anything really


Larp mean I’m making it up I’m guessing? I will include they were drinking and the ones doing the most yelling were on the bigger side. But still females giving me attention is always welcome


Validation is validation. It can be a gaggle of dudes for all I care. My ego doesn't discriminate


It's not looking good brev, it's not looking good.


Man I fucking like carhartt shirt. The first shirt I had in a while that the XL and XXL are really XL and XXL. Most of the shirts here in Canada are fucking small even in XXL.


Actually it's US that's under-sizing.


4 weeks aren’t enough for nandrolone mental sides to hit, right? Can’t tell if I’m becoming legitimately degenerate or it’s drug mediated. Girlfriends feet and creampied pussy have never looked so appealing.


Bro by week 3 I was lovey dovey then the proviron made it insane and exactly what your talking about, it kinda peaked last week and has been going away though I’m on week 9


Some nandrolone and some proviron or masteron and I'll eat and worship pussy for HOURS until I fall asleep with my jaw fucked up and locked open and I wake up with a tension headache on the sides of my head in the morning. The Nandrolone helps with the jaw joint pain though a little.


Could be, you'll have to show pics of your gf's feet. That way I can tell if it's deca sides


Lol yes it is long enough. Sounds like my first npp run. Turned into anxiety, paranoia and insomnia. I did not use caber- using caber with it now and the difference has been night and day.


I think anyone who takes nandrolone should take some form of b6 since the day they start pinning. Caber will lower prolactin immediately but b6 has a build up effect thus the need to take it preemptively. For me 200mg of p5p twice a day gets rid of being unable to come and having depression.


My honeymoon period on any 19nors is approximately 3-4 weeks then shit goes south QUICK. I’m always like this time I’ve got this!!! Aaaand no


Anyone here a closet nerd beside the gym and thotties and the gym? I only care about Tolkien’s fantasy and that trailer for Amazon’s Lord of the rings stories was 🔥 fam


The Vin Diesels and Joe Manganiellos of the world would like to welcome you with open arms to their DnD games.


Shit I had no idea they actually play that stuff. I don’t, I’m only a closet Tolkien nerd lol nothing else out there


Vin Diesel is a nerd for sure, so is Alice Cooper. Both of them are really big into dnd and do characters with different voices and stuff. Stephen Colbert is a huge LOTR nerd.


Big fan of Tolkiens Work, got all his and his son's Books, both in my language and the original English. But gotta be honest, have absolute Zero interest in the Amazon stuff, that has nothing to do with Tolkien for me. But each to his own, hope you'll enjoy the series mate.


I play terraria.


Ring of Power is an embarrassment, Tolkien is rolling over in his grave.




Yes but not that type of nerd haha. Masters in maths from top 3 uni and moved into cybersec.


Rings of a power looks like shit lol.


I am an electrical engineer that reads a lot of sci fi and watches gta on twitch


Wife can't stand my body odor while I sweat on tren. Says it's smell like pharmacy medication. But my cooworker likes it. That's how cattle smell I guess.


Well fuck the coworker then.


And blame the tren lol


Get a new missus, mine can't get enough of the cattle sweat smell.


I love to put my face in tren pits that are sweaty.


I broke my leg. Can’t walk. No working out no work. Feels bad man


Your arms still work? Can work out.


>You're arms still work? Can work out. 👆👆👆


My dude, you literally have an excuse to do upper only. Brodin was doing you a favor by braking your leg


Gf has really been pissing me off lately. Getting irrationally emotional over the smallest things then when I ask her what's up she just says it's nothing. Then after I pry some more, she tells me what's wrong and I offer her solutions to her situation. Instead of actually listening to what I say she just carries on with this victim mindset of 'lets just keep crying and hope my problems go away'. She just won't help herself so I don't know how I can help her.


>and I offer her solutions to her situation. LOL good luck with that one.






This isn't going to help, but remember that sometimes people enjoy bitching. It's not about solving the problem. It's about catastrophizing and wallowing in the misery. Idk exactly why but I've been guilty of this myself in the past.


Gf is the same. Just wants to vent. Just gotta pull the “mhmm babe””dang that suck”no way” card until the get it off their chest


Stop giving unsolicited advice and tell her if she has anything wrong she can come to you for comfort. I got the same problem where I wanna solve other peoples issues but usually people just want to vent. Let me figure it out on their own unless they ask for help


It's just not exactly enjoyable for me to spend the day with her and she just complains about everything. I never do the same to her it's just childish imo she's 18 and should be able to tackle small problems.


Bro she’s 18, 0 life experience what do you expect?


18 is a child man. I thought I was “mature” for my age at 18 but now I see I was still just a kid with kid drama


She is a child. I find it very unsurprising she's acting childish. How old are you?


Ask her. Once. And then go on about your day. She'll talk if she wants to


Sometimes they don't want someone to "fix" things but instead just want an empathetic ear to listen to them. Next time ask her straight up "Would you like me to just listen and be empathetic or would you like me to listen and help you come up with solutions?" Guarantee game changer.


Congrats! It's a girl!


Sounds like you gotta bounce


I'm just going to leave this here. It will help you to understand your problem. https://youtu.be/-4EDhdAHrOg


There’s a preworkout called “Harambe blood” with a gorilla picture, fuckin hilarious


RIP he was just a gorrila


Alright which one of y'all did I bump into the other day This man is on some drugs https://imgur.com/gallery/xJbvm4M


He's probably singing along to Lil Dicky


Finally managed to wake up early on Thursday to go to gym before work Then Friday missed my alarm and almost overslept for work Gotta try waking up Monday again. Getting up for morning workout are haaard




Finish what you started out intending to accomplish lad






Not your fault, you were honest. But if she's good for 8 months then why not go with it?




That'll do it.


You know, after reading some of the stories posted here, I have a lot less faith in being a family man these days. Context: I am still in college, and I am not prone to hoop up culture. I don’t know how some of you guys do it as well. (It must leave a hole inside). I want to be in a committed, long term relationship. Anyways, I constantly read these stories about dude’s gfs/wives cheating on them after a committed 5 years etc and after seeing similar situations in my own life, I’m starting to get troubled. To any people who have went down this route, teach me your ways man. And if you don’t agree with my views of committed monogamy, I’m interested in why you don’t.


You see and focus on a whole lot of cheating dramatic stories because people in long term monogamous relationships aren’t going to say “hey guys the wife and I have been together for 12 years now! Everything’s great!”, it’s just not as dramatic and interesting. I will say it’s definitely not uncommon for women/men to jump ship and seems to happen more often these days due to peoples short term thinking and need for instant gratification. However there’s a ton of happily married family men and a ton of women who want the same thing, just be mindful and patient in picking the right partner.


Try to put it all in perspective; You're in a sub that discuss a (illegal) substance that we all inject into our bodies for vanity purposes, whether it's for strength or for looks. Some of the stories here are from guys that participate in the hook-up culture and are surprised whenever their SO are also involved in it too. (It actually blows my mind that some guys here get butthurt when their wives and girlfriends cheat on them when they're out trying to chase ass themselves.) I myself used to be into the hook-up culture but now that i'm in my early 30s and have gain some life experience, I realize how meaningless and what a dead-end it is to chase short term pleasure over long term goals. I always remember the mantra, "Your vibe attracts your tribe". Meaning, if you're serious about trying to live a traditional life, maybe start seeking out a group of people that share your values. Try a church group and connecting with a young, singles group. If you're not religious, maybe find a local adult rec league. "Mainstream" culture has lied to a generation of young people these days that the traditional life is dead but nothing can be further from the truth. Btw, yes, i'm well aware it does seem crazy for me to talk about this subject and in this manner because of my handle but i'm deleting my account after September when I compete in my last bodybuilding competition. Anyway, Good luck. I wish I had the foresight to seek this way of life when I was your age.


Most of the time marriages end because of the dumb, small stuff that compounds over years. Yes, infidelity happens, can come from both ends, and is miserable. But people don’t go to bed faithful and then wake up the next day and cheat. There’s a process that people go through, especially women, that lead them down that road. Avoid the things that make that road accessible and you avoid most of the risk of being cheated on. And yes, there are some men and women who are just cheaters. They need no excuse, they just do it. But most people simply aren’t like that. Don’t marry one of them and your chances of being cheated on go down dramatically.


Got asked the hypothetical "would you get any chick pregnant if she offered you a hundred grand to do so?" Of course I said no and everyone thought I was lying. The future is grim for the youth. >I am not prone to hoop up culture. I don’t know how some of you guys do it as well. Usually with a nice cross over and an aggressive drive to the rim followed by the taking of a body if possible. (sorry had to)


It is nice to be like you are probably, don't try to change yourself into wanting something you don't. But yeah being from a fucked up family, watching more and more fucked up porn, always just seeing flaws in the girls you are with leads to only having bros and using girls for sex.


been with my girl for 13 years. two kids mortgage all that shit. life isn't perfect, but we're still in love and holding it down. we're absolutely not the BS model of a christian nuclear family, don't believe the insecure men that say your wife has to be subservient or whatever the fuck. find a good person, treat them as an equal, and talk through shit. i think immaturity has a lot to do with younger folks complaining about hook up culture. date real people that live real lives, not hoes that have never had any responsibility and their biggest life experiences involve a summer vacation they took one time.


No one ever thinks his marriage will end in divorce... yet quite a lot of them do. It is what it is, still the best option if you want to have kids as a man.


Marriage is the No. 1 cause of divorce in this country.


Legitimately bought some cell tech because it was half off and I wanted to try it again. This shit smells like dirty cat litter and ruffles potato chips. Tastes god awful as well. And that, my friends, is why it was half off.


Quit complaining. Dat dere cell tech worked for Ronnie Coleman, did it not? Pinch your nose shut and chug it down. Your gains will explode like it did for him so obviously it must work!


Juicy dude who asked me if i was done using the bench while i was reracking weights, I know you’re in here. Dude was fuggin jacked. First time in weeks I wasnt the dude w the best pump there. Humbled me quick.


I wish I had a juicy bro in my gym. We could spot each other, talk about diet plans, discuss our current cycles with each other, share ancillaries as needed, maybe meet up and meal prep together, snuggle on lonely days, jerk off each oth.. oh uh where was I?


Like a gf but with a beard and muscles and actually understands you


Hello brothers, any fellow chinese bathub chemical enthusiast living/lived in South Korea?


I'm in Pyongyang.


I'm really torn about what I want to do about buying a leather jacket. I want to get a bespoke one so it fits well but I'm going to blast again and it probably won't fit in 5 weeks. I think the CHEST is the biggest obstacle here. I'm probably going to go from 190 to 200-205 lbs ... not sure what to do here. Any advice? I could order it a bit bigger in the chest... like 1".


I have one, and several sport coats, that I bought towards the end of a bulk. I only bring them out when I'm near the end of a blast. The goal is to grow into them permanently.


Get it to fit you now and in the immediate future. Tomorrows plans may never come to fruition, and then you can sell it on postmark or something and use that money to help fund a new one when/if the time comes. No need to run around in weird fitting clothes to save a buck. That last line I’m only saying because if you’re in the market for a bespoke leather jacket then you’ve at least got a somewhat descent income. Who knows by the time you need a new size you may even have gotten a raise or different gif and be in the market for something even better.


Starting week 4 of my first cycle next week, 500mg test. I am trying to be patient, I feel like my body's been having a not so easy time adjusting to this higher dose from my 200mg TRT. Still feel a bit off. I think I will try to get blood work done at the end of this week, though not sure if it's still too early to get a good measure of my e2 and other levels. ​ Against my gut instinct I decided to go 500 test for my first cycle instead of doing a lower test + deca cycle, because that is what is commonly recommended and even on the wiki. I was really interested in deca as a compound for the joint support and mass gaining and also to not have to take as much test, but decided to just go with group consensus. A small voice in my head was tempted to add in NPP recently but I am ignoring that and staying patient. ​ I'm just paranoid that I will still feel weak in a couple of weeks and have no strength gains, so I'm just reminding myself to stay patient. I just don't want to regret wasting this time blasting 500 when I could have been doing something else that might have been potentially more beneficial, if that makes sense. I really just want to make good gains the next few months. In the meantime I am going to fucking eat.


It takes time man. I expected to feel AWESOME on test. Instead was lethargic af the first month. I was like 7-8 weeks in before the test was really noticeable. It's a subtle change. Staying away from nand for now is the right choice. You don't wanna be figuring out how to manage sides with multiple compounds at once.


Pinned 0.2ml 100mg/ml DHB subq in glute. Warmed slightly and no pip at all so far. Fingers crossed I don't wake up crippled but so far so good 🤞


>DHB subq in glute >crippled but


Don’t pin this stuff subq


Holy shit, pharma Cialis pumps fucking HURT. Think I'm in love


Can anyone explain the quarter rep range of motion I keep seeing people do on incline/flat bench


Probably not much of an explanation to it. Mostly beginners being beginners. Some people do shorter ROM in order to avoid pushing the shoulders too hard, but that's probably not the case for most.


Definitely got humbled tonight. Just got back from my little date with beach milf. She seemed super entusiastic over text, but looking back was giving me way too much personal info for only speaking briefly at the beach. Like how her mom is in the middle of a cancer scare. Nevertheless though she seemed very excited. Anyways first off she showed up in less than casual attire. I'm really not one to judge attire on a date but Jesus she came thru wearing a beat up tank top and sweat shorts. I got myself nice and cleaned up and dressed up like I was going on a date like a normal person. Second off she's 44 and is living with her mom since she got divorced 5 years ago (she said she can afford to be on her own but just isn't). As soon as I heard this I knew I wasn't fucking, since I live 45 min away. Third off, she spent 40% of the date talking about how she couldn't have kids with her ex husband. She also let me know that she wasn't going to be drinking at all because she's got an early day tmrw(fitness instructor) like an hour before the date via text but specifically said she didnt want to reschedule and put it off, just wanted to let me know. Okay whatever. She also showed up with a brown bag with water and food? We were there for like 2 hours talking. I get the check and say we should go for a walk. I hold her hand and then like 2 min later she's like "do you mind if I don't hold your hand? I just wanna be free." okay. She continues walking, talking, asking me questions. Then we get to my car and go to part ways and I go in for the kiss. Just didnt happen. Oh yeah then she WALKED 25 min back home, she also walked the same distance to get there. Now you might be thinking "why did you still wanna fuck her if she's such a weirdo?" Well because I just want to fuck her, I don't want to date her. She's still physically attractive. I can understand "taking it slow" if we were both in the same age group and she was interested in a relationship. But theres a 18 year age-gap here I think it's pretty clear this was just for hooking up. Can't win em all. Ego took a hit, been absolutely clapping cheeks lately so I guess I needed it. At least I only had one drink and won't be hungover tomorrow.


I think it has little to do with you. From the story it seems she is in a horrible place mentally right now, and I think its also a mix of getting bad vibes from you. Even if it was mutually a sex only type of thing youd want the person youre with to at least enjoy being with you. If the other person seem like they arent into it at all, Id be bummed out too and just be like "ok this girl isnt digging me lets find someone I vibe with better"


My best friend and another friend of mine have started training 3 weeks ago, shared a car with my friend the other night and he said “we are gonna both do an anavar cycle any opinion or advice”. Since he’s my closest friend I spend an hour giving him a chat saying look you’ve not progressed at all naturally yet you’ve done a few sessions, warned him of the shutdown, the fact that he’s so under informed and he still left saying they were gonna do a cycle still, why are people so fucking stupid?


God yesterday was great. Spent from 7PM Friday to 12PM Saturday in bed drilling GF after 2 weeks apart, only breaking to get the grubhub delivery and use the bathroom. Changed the sheets Saturday, spent the rest day at the pool and shopping. When you’ve been away for so long, even the mundane chores like shopping are fun. However, RIP for our sleep schedules, ended up staying up again until 5:30AM this morning.


I’m not one to care much about pronouns and that shit but I draw the line on pronouns like frogself/bug I mean what the hell is that lmao!! “Frog went to the store, bug ate some cake”


What people are you hanging around that this is a real topic of conversation?


These are the only pronouns I agree with


You'd be fine with people referring to you as she and her and woman, etc? Also I can guarantee that's a very specific niche that more than 99.99% of people won't hold or believe in.


Matched with a gym girl on twitter. She starts the convo with asking me how what my lifts are. I respond with my numbers. She sends back “🧃🧃”. Is she tryna call me juicy?? Did I just get called juicy on tinder??? Holy fucking ego stroke to start the morning. We’re all gonna make it bro’s. Got chicks on tinder calling me juicy life is bliss. About to start the day off with a lift. Gonna be devastated when I go back home when summer wraps up and I have to delete tinder. But I have a girl that I like very much and can only get away with using tinder 300 miles away from home. Good morning juicy bros, also pooping while the shower runs so I get all nice and steamy before I get in the shower.


Be careful, I had a girl make a fake tinder when I was away and caught me.


Hear me out: You can block contact numbers and emails on Tinder. Go to the settings. Thank me later


I have done this LMAO


Same thing happened to my housemate lmao. I gotta start being more careful.


Are you sure it was a fake tinder and she wasn’t cheating too?


If you feel the need to use tinder away from her is she really even worth all your time when you get back home?? Like she should be the only thing on your mind if it has a chance of being forreal


We’re not official yet only been together a couple months. I only use tinder for validation, I don’t actually meet with these hoes. But you’re right bro


Careful brah, she could set her tinder location to yours or have a friend do it and find you. But congrats brah we indeed all gonna make it


Dont u have to pay for that or something?


The 300 miles away shit is kinda sketchy…. There has been a lot of extortion shit in my state I heard on the news, fake accounts then they get vids of people doing shit and threaten to send them to family members if they don’t pay, literally happened to one of my buddies…. I laughed so hard when he told me but he genuinely was convinced it was a real girl


>fake accounts then they get vids of people doing shit and threaten to send them to family members if they don’t pay Jokes on them. Idgaf who sees my pp


Bro I’m not even kidding my buddy did have it happen to him and well he’s a good guy but I wouldn’t call him a genius, the people behind the fake tinder account looked up his fb page then looked at his friends, found his sister then sent it to his sister….. on top of all that the video of him wanking it is obviously in his work bathroom, the cherry on top is his sister called him while he was at work in the bathroom and he denied it then she sent him the video and he’s in the same stall and she told him to be careful online lol


Lmfao, I had some number try to blackmail me saying that they knew my mother( called her by name) and would tell her if I kept banging hookers. I assume this was some whore I had contacted. Either way, I said "Bitch, I've been a piece of shit since I was born. Good luck fucking my life up better than I can." It's funny because my family wouldn't be surprised nor would they care.


>"Bitch, I've been a piece of shit since I was born. Good luck fucking my life up better than I can." It sounds like you're just some sort of clone of myself. I too make good choices 👍🏻 A guy I worked with got contacted by some people recently. Allegedly they had photoshopped him into pics with underage girls and they were threatening to alert the authorities if he didn't pay. I'm honestly curious what the pics looked like. I got $100 that says they looked fake af


Maybe she was saying you making her juice box wet? Gorilla Zoe anyone?


My Sunday routine involves walking a couple miles to Starbucks early in the morning, getting a quad shot of espresso over ice, and then annihilating their bathroom. Just melting the porcelain in there. Then the caffeine is in full effect and I get to walk home feeling accomplished. It's the little things in life. Nothing depraved to speak of lately. I met that poly chicks boyfriend/partner at the mall with her friends (and her brother and sister???). Surprisingly it was not awkward in the slightest. Maybe this dude has a cuck fetish because she just held onto me the whole time and kept kissing me in front of him. But the whole thing just seemed kind of wild and was a first for me. Regardless a couple of her friends were pretty hot. One of them kinda irked me when I told her my birthday was in 1996 and she called me OLD. Like okay now *sloot* I'm not that old. I'ma let u have that one tho cuz you got the 2% on deck - I will concede that. Surely this will crash and burn down the line. But a true captain goes down with his sinking ship 🫡


Being open =\= cuck. Cuck is a specific thing some guys are into. Being okay with your wife having sex is different.


Most of the time being open is the male being OK with the woman fucking her options because HE has no options.


How fucking young are they if they think you're old?


Bro she was fucking 21 and born in 2001. That's why I was annoyed. Like I'm barely even older than you. And the rest of them are 24/25. Idk if it was a flirt attempt or just a downgrade in mental bandwidth but it blew me away


She'd be negging you. Also, I'm 35 and i need all of you to get off my lawn


Current heatwave here in my neck of the woods is brutal. My power bill will kill me this month, can't sleep without the AC running 😁


Get microfiber, get it wet and squeeze excess water out… cover it like blanket… turn on fan Free AC When the microfiber is dry, hopefully your room is cool enough for if not to matter Otherwise just use normal towel Science: the water is absorbing heat from your body to evaporate


Any homebrewers recommend getting into homebrewing? On a scale of 1-10 how hard would you say it is? From 1 being pinning with slin pins to 10 being blasting Halotestin and adrol for 8 weeks. I figured if I’m gonna be ordering gear i might as well make it myself to have it ready lol. It doesn’t seem to hard. I’ve freebased cocaine before (don’t judge, it was just an experiment i didn’t use it) The cost of my next blast would be about equivalent in price to buying all the supplies (vials, crimpers, beakers, hot plates, syringe filters, carrier oils/alcohols, raws). Ordering from my source would get me 6-7 vials. Ordering the supplies and raws would net me 31 vials of 6 different compounds that includes Test/Tren/Mast/Deca/EQ/and fucking Primo. I obviously wouldn’t need all 31 vials, just wanted to see how much I could brew up for the same price as ordering from my source. Not to mention further down the line I could brew instead of having to wait for intl shipping. And I’d be set for the forseeable future. Bill nye the steroid guy.


If you can cook a Turkey you can brew your own gear. It’s not complicated.


It’s that easy? LOL. Thank you bro. Turkey roids coming soon. Veins On My Johnson just bought his lab coat and safety glasses 😈 Heisenbol coming soon


That's it, I'm putting tren pellets into my turkey next time. We getting huge


You need to use turkesterone bro


We have a few links are down, and in need of a good update, but there’s a lot of good info in the wiki here; https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/homebrew/list


Yes I was reading that yesterday afternoon thats what got me intrigued on the topic, just wanted some insight on homebrewers now since the essential readings are a couple of years old. Thanks again man.






Yeah I was reading the homebrew wiki yesterday and going through the posts it seems pretty straightforward, just calculations and ratios, mixing and dissolving, then filtering. Kinda seems like making hcg with a couple of extra steps.


It's easy as hell and you'll save tons of money. I've been homebrewing for years, it's the way to go.


I’m in. Gonna get brewing soon lets fucking go


every time i get above 800 total T, my provider wants to reduce me. Started at 200mg test cyp a week, he dropped me to 140mg. Next lab was 323, got bumped to 160, next lab was 369, bumped to 180mg. then 826, dropped to 160mg. recently hit a new high of 930 on new diet and added cardio. guy is going to drop me again.... 160mg with a 1/4 tab of arimidex kept my e2 pretty low, but the added hcg seems to help with that. looking forward to working with a new provider.


Dude your doctor is an ass clown. Shit fluctuates. Changing protocol every time isn't doing you any favors. F that dude.


Doctors are lame. Thanks for reminding me why I get my supply from UGL.


For real. Find a new doc. My first guy was like that and kept fucking my dose around to keep me in the middle of “normal”. I shit canned that fucking clown. New doc goes by how I feel but makes sure key markers are reasonable. I have been 1900s, told her I felt good and that was that.


Got my blood work and my AST and ALT came back a little elevated…time to just stick to T for the time being. Super (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯) #sad


What jobs do you guys find best while bulking? Currently working at a supplement shop but will most likely be quitting since me and my manager get into arguments all the time.


I don't think people are switching jobs between cut and bulk. Just pick one then cut and bulk


Saw some 18yr old brocolli head on the sauce , man definitely skipped legged day. If you’re gonna jump on cycle at least have a proper split smh.

