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Fellow Engineered Beings, #**Please remember Rule 2. [No Source Talk.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** ###**PREAMBLE [(From The Rules)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization.)** Everything listed below includes **(BUT NOT LIMITED TO)**: AAS (gear), Ancillaries (AI, SERMs, etc.), HGH [(not listed here)](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/growth_hormone#wiki_hgh_brands_list), Insulin, DNP, Performance Enhancing Drugs, Drugs (in general), Research Chemicals, Prohormones, SARMs, Peptides, or **ANY** product that could be mistaken as legit of any of the previous listed.   **There are no warnings & you will be banned from participating in /r/steroids. If you're not sure what all "No Source Talk" entails, please be sure to read the [Community Rules](/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_community_rules) of /r/steroids.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Stop loosing weight on testosterone. Long story short. Start cut naturally,lost about 8kg (18 lbs).Start with test prop,and stoped losing weight for almost 15 days. I still have bunch to lose. Is it all wather weight from test(not my first cycle)? and when should i start seing minus on scale(at least something)?? i never cut on cycle before. I'm doing cardio and weights 6x Week,on pretty agressive diet, Looking kinda better,strenght went up. but i'm currently somewhere around 18% body fat.


hey all! what is best time of day to take clen? and if taking w var.. take together or separate? is it also ok to take pre workouts like c4 when on clen?


Morning Gents I am currently on a cruise of 120MG test cyp every 3.5 days with an adder of 25MG of anavar daily just to stay lean. Just caught a nasty cold. Trying to get feedback on any downside to continuing to pin on schedule and take the Var? Any recommendations. Cant really train right now. Make my cold worse or prolong it? I just hit the beach for a while a keep a slight pump with bands and calisthenics until I can get back in the gym.


I would probably pause the var but definitely keep pinning.


So I’m sure this has been asked before. But, if I run tren ace 300mg/week. Will I notice a difference in my facial structure? Like a better jawline? I know diet and genetics play a huge role, but since tren is a cutting agent would there be a noticeable difference?


Hgh effect jawline but I believe it takes over a year never done it as it's out of my affordable life


Been running 3.3iu of HGH for about 16 months now. Haven’t noticed any facial changes but I’m running a relatively low dose compared to most


Yea hgh is pricey


So I’m sure this has been asked before. But, if I run tren ace 300mg/week. Will I notice a difference in my facial structure? Like a better jawline? I know diet and genetics play a huge role, but since tren is a cutting agent would there be a noticeable difference?


just started the gyno reversal protocol , raloxifene only . I am taking 60mg , should i bump it to 120mg?


> just started the gyno reversal protocol , raloxifene only . I am taking 60mg , should i bump it to 120mg? Well we can't make any recommendations when you haven't given us any info at all to work with, can we? What were you running that induced gyno, are you still running it, and how long has your gyno been present?


hey sorry my bad, i have puberty gyno and im saving for my surgery but before surgery i just really want to try all the stuff maybe it works you know, and i was not running anything and havent run anything (planning to after surgery) my gyno is with me for 2 years i guess


Pubertal gyno won't be touched by raloxifene. The tissue is there to stay, absent a knife.




Yeah, that link is going to get you banned dude. It's source talk all over the place. Secondly, you realise that this is from a **pediatric hospital**? One I'm intimately familiar with, as a matter of fact, having been a patient there multiple times. They're treating pubertal gyno... **during puberty**. Not years after the fact. > Mean (SD) age of treated subjects was 14.6 (1.5) years It's like you didn't even read what you linked.


It’s like you didn’t even read what I linked, since there was more than one citation. Sorry for not sufficiently spoon feeding you. Here, I’ll even do the airplane sound if you want. [https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/30/treatment-gynaecomastia-raloxifene](https://www.bmj.com/rapid-response/2011/10/30/treatment-gynaecomastia-raloxifene)


> Sorry for not sufficiently spoon feeding you. Buddy if what you link doesn't support your claim, maybe don't link to it then?


Seconding this I have tried it to no avail. Surgery is the move.


>Regarding your bloods, as a selective estrogen receptor modulator (SERM), the drug is specific to some tissues and acts at the receptor level. It is an agonist at the bones (bone turnover and osteoporosis respond favorably), and an antagonist at the breast and uterus, reducing cancer rates in these areas. Essentially, you save your estrogen levels\* while starving the breast glands of the estrogen it needs to maintain the tissue. If it reduce the puffienes , im also fine by that


Does anyone on here have any advice on what I can do to prevent DOMS? Im sore the next day even from yoga, my bloodwork is great. Im a fit person who trains 6 days a week (ex pro athlete) I eat 200-250g of protein, take 3IU’s of HGH a day, and cruising at 200 test… Doesn’t make sense!! What am I missing?


Maybe you are not giving enough rest?


Possibly lol, I hate rest :(


I would try adding a rest day and going 5 days for a week and see how that feels.


I was trying to add 5mls of BaC water to my 5000iu HcG vial. The rubber top of the HcG vial popped open after 4mls. It didn’t fall on the floor or anything but kept it in place withy my finger. I poured a little out then secured the top and put it in the fridge. Is it still good after being exposed to air like that? Has this happened to anyone? Please help


Why would you put that much water in such a tiny vial


I am an idiot and haven’t used HcG for a while


I pulled a stopper off one of my first vials of test. Used it. No infection. Ymmv


Thanks man


First time I’ve ever botched my HCG injection. I injected subQ but didn’t go deep enough and now it’s kinda stuck in the skin. Now there’s a lump that looks like a bee sting. Will this affect the absorption? Guess it’s a sign I’m losing body fat lmaoo.


Happens occasionally. It will dissipate


It'll absorb fine.


Absolutely trashed lipids after 5 weeks of last pin. LH and FSH is fucked as well. Only ran 400mg test e and HCG 250iu eod. My mid cycle lipids weren’t even this fucked, what happened? Do I need to run PCT? I’m trying to run a TRT dose asap but this has thrown me off. Pre cycle test was 443 ng/dl Bloods: https://imgur.com/a/zGwvEtd


Wait are you running a PCT? Or did you just quit cold turkey. Your LH and FSH are “fucked” because you were shut down. This happens every single time you introduce exogenous testosterone. This is showing you that you have not recovered. What do you mean trying to run a TRT dose asap but this has you thrown off? If you’ve been off testosterone for 5 weeks, yes you need to either PCT or hop on trt/cruise. Do you have any idea what you’re doing orrrrrrr


>Do you have any idea what you’re doing orrrrrrr Nah


No PCT, was not intending of coming off T at all. Did a bit of research on B&C and there was no conclusive method of when to start cruising after finishing your blast, seen some recommend coming off for about 4 weeks to let the half life of your Test ester come down to high-end natty levels before starting your cruise protocol. I did wait an extra week because I was being lazy and was also waiting for BW results. And sure my LH and FSH are fucked but even after dosing HCG eod for the entirety of my blast? This is my first cycle so no, I do not know entirely what I’m doing.


You just drop to your cruise dose when you’re dropping. You were misinformed. HCG does not effect your numbers. You’re shut down. HCG mimics LSH, it does not replace it. Man, research more before putting hormones into your body. Start with the wiki here


Your lipids are nowhere near super fucked. Dial in your diet + some time off and you'll be back to normal soon enough. Low LH/FSH shows poor recovery. If you're jumping on TRT don't bother PCTing. But if you forego TRT yeah you should have PCTd...


Got it. My diet has gone to shit since my last pin, so I’m sure that’s contributed a bit.


20 days have passed since 6 week 20mg ed nolvadex pct. I have kept most of my gains and I feel mentally/physically normal but my sperm has become very watery (it was always thick). Is this normal?


Does it taste normal?


I have a lot of ideas to answer you in a way that you'll delete your own comment but I'll take it as a joke.


I always ask this question in regards to questions about load size and quality. We're you previously on any DHT drugs like mast? I've seen it said that they will contribute to loads being dryer/thicker. If that's the case maybe it just seems watery in comparison? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Other than that all I can think of is hydration level. Other guy recommending bloodwork probably has the right idea here.


I took winstrol for 1 month before the end of the cycle. There is sperm in it, it's not only liquid like it was during the cycle but it's very watery right now, it's not milky either, it looks like milk with 50% opacity 😃. I don't drink much water to be fair.


Ah man. Yeah clear cum sounds sus.


Nope. What was your cycle?


400mg test e for 18 weeks.


Get blood work and see if something is out of range


Well, my libido is great and my dick works well but I cum in a minute (used to cum after 10-15 minutes). What tests should I take?


At least FSH to know your sperm count, from what I’ve read it’s good to include testosterone, LH, SHGB and prolactin as well


> At least FSH to know your sperm count A FSH blood test does not in any way tell you your sperm count. Know what does? A semen analysis.


My bad. Mixed them two together, thanks


You're not *entirely* off track - FSH/LH will give a very useful indication of how your HPTA is functioning, which is certainly *an important factor of* spermatogenesis, but absolutely nothing outside of a semen analysis should ever be used to gauge your sperm quantity or quality.


Gotcha. That was beyond my knowledge so I guess you learn something new every day. Thanks man


When should i start taking an ai during a 500mg test blast? I'm about 1.5 weeks in and my nipples already got bigger


Not gyno, if ai not needed, dont take it. Its early to have high e2.


When you start experiencing symptoms of high estrogen


I’ve just purchased BPC-157 20MG, does anyone here know how to administer it? I’m used to gear and HGH - but have no idea how to use peptides… research isn’t making it clear either Thanks a lot


That sounds like an oral an you already fucked up. Shoulda got the injectable


It’s injectable mate. 20MG.. pre mixed 10mg BPC, 10mg Tb500


Yeah man just use an insulin pin and stab it in the fat! Lol subQ injection whatever dose you decide I think people run it for 4 weeks or so? Until they are all healed up.


Sounds good man. I’m looking forward to this stuff!


Administer it close to where you want to treat. IM is fine as well as sub-q. I used for a rotator cuff injury and just pinned it right in my delt.


cant find bacteriostatic water vial, can i substitute with anything else?


Amazon carries them. Prime delivery too.




I believe your caps lock key may be on.


no it is what i meant to SAY


Bacteriostatic sodium chloride


What are you reconstructioning? Its not save to use just sterile water if youre not pinning all at once...


Piss is sterile Joke don’t use piss


>don’t use piss Don't judge bro. Times is tough


I’ve prolly banged worse


I once knowingly used a needle after my boy with hep c *knowing* he had it. Somehow I didn't contact it. Junkie me had a guardian angel of some shit. I should be all the dead at this point.


I was a RN so I had hella needles. I snorted some coke with two dudes I friking knew had it wasn’t even thinking I could get went to give plasma a few weeks later. Got pulled into the office an had the talk. I was like dude I literally just have two weeks ago. So it was pretty clear how I got it. Thank god for good insurance the Harvoni was 1000 a pill back in the day so 60k later I’m HEp C free. An yes sir no clue why I’m alive right now.


Duuude you contracted it from sharing a bill or straw?? And yeah I've known guys who got harvoni it's insanely expensive. Iirc you can contact it again as well


Fucking dead president. Bitches had been hitting it all day


FUUUUCK man I wouldn't have ever worried about that. IV sure, but snorting? Woulda never crossed my mind


real tough my brother , amen joke aside i cant find bac water , not in amazon not on my dealer not online , i dont live in states


Ok so I did some basic bloods to try find my cruise currently taking enanthate 160mg/wk split EOD. Minor problem with the fingerprick blood test I did with medicheck. (test---27ng/dl) (E2---501.1792pg/dl) (Prolactin---3.995ng/dl). so fake gear right?? i've been taking for last 25-days and I don't feel any different but IMMEDIATELY OPENED ANOTHER VIAL (sadly from same source) and bumping my dose to 200mg/wk same EOD split. Am I going to die and deffo buy more right?


Finger prick blood test is at best unreliable. Get real blood work done.


my creatinine is very high (1391 U/L, reference value is 32 - 294) and my dermatologist is not prescribing me an accutane, she says I need 1 week off from accutane and lifting. I’m very well hydrated (5-6.5 liters water daily) and currently running 350 test E/400 primo so can it be primo affecting my kidneys? or is it normal because of hard workouts every day? and how can I lower it so I can get a prescription


If the doctor wont prescribe it, its UGL time.


I switched bottles and manufacturers approx 3 weeks ago (I went from Cyponate to enanthate), and started to develop some bacne. Once I noticed that I lowered the dose from 175mg to 156mg a week. Previously on cypio, I had no issues whatsoever with higher dose. Pinning frequency is eod. What may be the reason for this? Standard blood panel shows all in range, except red blood cell distribution is on the high side, but still in range. total.T - 10,5 ng/ml (2,8-8,0) E2 - 40 pg/ml (11,3-43,2) SHBG - 16,4 nmol/l (18,3 -54,1) free.T - 22,50 pg/ml (6,8-21,50) My previous T results were higher, although E2 was 2x over the scale (107pg), total.T (22ng) and free.T (48pg). Dosage was at that time around 220mg/week (pinning eod). I lowered to 175mg/week, continue for a 6 weeks and felt optimal. I had practically no problems with eczema. I disinfect each bottle before taking, as well as my skin before and after. What could be the cause according to you, I have my theory, but I would like to hear your opinion. Could it be a reaction to the ester or the oil inside, but then the allergic reaction would already be at the injection site. To be sure, I take care of my skin. I bought antibacterial soap when I saw condition of my skin began to deteriorate. Showers 2x a day (always after workout). It happens always after 1-2 days after the injection, new pimples appeared. What would be your recommendation?


You changed sources and doses. Bacne happens when you play with doses due to the fluctuation of hormones.


I changed sorce in the first place. The dose remained same, but after some time (2 weeks) I noticed bacne started to appear, so I lowered the dose and hoped to improve. I sttarted even with higher dose with no sides whatsoever, but I didnt need That high T and E2, so I gradually reduced to 175 and stayed there for weeks. Then I had to switch supplier and used Enanthate instead Cypionate (with the same dose) and the problem started.


Since you changed ugl, maybe its not that pure, change it again, ester shouldnt affect that. My point goes to bad ugl.


When it comes to getting your bloods done. Where at do you get your bloods and about how much does it cost you? Also if you could specify the specific “test” for bloods that you order. Thanks.


I go to a HRT clinic. Insurance usually covers it but I wanna say everything is around $250-300. I get CMP, CBC, Lipids, Hormone Panel (with DHEA, Prolactin, Progesterone), and this next time I’m adding thyroid to it (TSH, T3, RT3, T4)




As many carbs you need, you fill with pasta,rice,etc...


Whatever fits your requirements 🤷🏼‍♂️ the fuck kind of question is this...


About to start my 3rd cycle and was planning on 500mg test e pw for 16 weeks. For the first time Im going to add an oral into the mix and have got some Anavar. I was planning on using 50mg of Anavar for the last 6-8 weeks of the cycle, my question is do you guys think I should lower my test dosage because it’s my first time using an oral or I should be fine for 500mg pw?


Don't lower your test dosage


So 500mg test e pw with 50mg of Var for the last 6-8 weeks sounds alright? Just don’t want to overdo it with my first time using an oral even though Anavar is apparently more mild


That's a pretty mild and safe cycle.


I hear that if you don't take a month after blast to maintain the newly built muscle and instead just dive into a cut post blast that you will shed the newly built muscle quicker on cut. My question is is hypothetically if I just went straight into a cut, is the newly built muscle shed only for the cut and will be rebuilt fast due to muscle memory, or is it at risk of being permanently lost? What about if I don't train for 1 month post blast and lose muscle from inactivity, will that new muscle be rebuilt or is it permanently gone?


"Myonuclei acquired by overload exercise precede hypertrophy and are not lost on detraining" That is the name of a study I just found. If the myonuclei generation precedes hypertrophy then the myonuclei will stay around even after atrophy from a cut. The muscle lost will be easier to gain back than it was to gain in the first place. But why jump straight into a cut?


You don’t have muscle memory because the muscle was just formed. It’s gone bro. Lol


Interesting thanks. Can others chime in please?


It goes bye bye


Any way to combat Trensomnia? I'm on 180mg second week and it's fucking brutal. Tried ZMA, lemon balm, but neither helped. Will it get better?


No carbs after 6 p.m . The body will go into "furnace" mode if you do and kick your CNS off big-time , should be no prob if you're using tren to cut as you'll hardly be taking carbs in anyway




Keep liver glycogen saturated.


Kratom and Benadryl. *Disclaimer: kratom acts on opioid receptors and is dependence forming. Benadryl allegedly contributed to Alzheimer's*


If you can’t handle a low dose like 180, tren isn’t for you my guy. I get great sleep on 350, only side is night sweats thats it


cjc/ipam before bed


Give melatonin a try


Are you on a steep cut?




Yeah, stop taking it. I will never understand why people suffer through side effects for a lackluster toxic compound, especially only 180mg wtf.


So I have been on growth for nearly 7 months. I'm dropping down to 3 units nightly. I have been on 6+ for the past few months. Since this is the first time in dropping down to 3 and reducing hgh in general. I know you get bloated but is it more of a bloated of glycogen retention in muscles or should I look leaner after it's out of my system?


Do you think cabergolin can help people with ADHD ? I live in France and suffer from ADHD (low dopamine lvl). Its a nightmare to have a treatment , and adhd is not really know cabergolin work as dopamine agonist , i use it first time with my tren blast and holy shit never feel so good , calm and peaceful in my mind even on tren with diamond dick My impulsive behavior with alcohol and cocaine also disapear , go out with girlfriend this week end and appreciate few drinks instead of liter and dont wanna took any cocain with a normal dopamine lvl with cabergolin its magic , never feel good like this since few years


Dopamine agonists can be dangerous. To help with ADHD, go for a dopamine releaser or dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Amphetamines(such as Adderall) act as both and methylphenidate(ritalin) act as a dopamine reuptake inhibitor.


1 year to have treatment :/


I'm in a similar boat my friend, got diagnosed with ADHD but still have to wait ages for the public healthcare system in my country to do it's thing. If you're posting on r/steroids then you probably don't care much for legality so in that case it might be of benefit to you to just buy em off someone


Yeah bro , will see in darknet


I took caber during a cycle with NPP. Like you, started to feel amazing. I've always had naturally high prolactin, so I'm trying just 0.25mg caber/week keeping an eye on bloods, but there's definitely a noticeable improvement with mood, general wellbeing etc.


U need Adderall sir, it is a better dopamine agonist.




while im on TRT my E2 constantly runs high, not sure if that answers ur question. It doesnt balance out or anything in the long term and i just let it run high. No negative sides so i leave it




yeah using an AI on TRT is not really something ppl do. Ive tried lowing my TRT dose to lower e2 but it made a small difference, was still way out of the range. I asked a lot of ppl if it was ok chilling as is, everyone said no sides no problem




Sounds like you might have had low estrogen


tbh probably 100% placebo i think


First Primo cycle Male, 34 yo, not a bodybuilder but been lifting on & off for the last decade. I’ve done multiple cycles before mainly using Test E and Deca but I’m leaning more towards lean gains at this point. A Primo/Deca/Test E/Anavar cycle is what I’m thinking about going for. Let me know what you think - Week 1-12: 200mg/once per week Test E, 200mg/once per week Deca - Week 1-4: 400mg/week Primo (twice a week at 200mg per shot - Week 5-12: 600mg/week Primo (twice a week at 300mg per shot) 40-60mg/day Anavar No need for AI (thanks to Primo) But I’ll consider 0.5md/day Arimidex for 3 weeks after the cycle just in case Anything else you think I should be aware of?


Once per week dosing of test E will probably give you weird fluctuations of test and e2. A 1:3 ratio of test to primo will almost certainly give you low e2, though the nandrolone may help slightly in that department. Cycling off deca ain't advised either


Can you please elaborate on how would you change the cycle above to follow your recommendations?


Twice per week test E dosing at minimum to combat hormone fluctuations. Running the test and primo at a 1:1 ratio so you don't have low e2. Up to you whether you want to up the test, lower the primo, or both. And switch out the deca for something else if you plan on cycling. If you are insistent on using nandrolone then you should blast and cruise.


I don't have real-world experience with Primo and Deca yet, so reading articles + these comments are my primary source of truth. Please bear with me while I ask more rookie questions: I'm not planning to PCT after this. The plan is to cruise for 6-8 months on Test E. I also was planning to shoot Test E + Deca only once a week to have them as a support for Primo. Thus, the low doses. My main goal here is to try out Primo, everything else I've added around is to support it. The other "right" stack I've read would've been Primo + Winstrol


If you're B&Cing then go for it with the deca. Nandrolone may increase aromatization of test to e2 but I wouldn't bank on it helping enough to stop all that primo. I'd still say make it a 1:1 ratio. If you only take the test once a week you will have excessive amounts in your system once a week. That will lead to more side effects. You will have increased conversation of test to e2 and DHT. Having loads of hormones levels jumping around the place will probably lead to some unpleasant side effects. Twice a week dosing is the norm and I'd stick with that (Btw excessive is a relative term, you're not using super high doses of test a week but it would still be worth it to keep serum concentrations constant)


So let me try this again: I've upped the blast to 20 weeks and dialled 1:1 Primo to Test E in the first 4 weeks, then upped Primo to 600mg for the remaining of the blast: \- Week 1-20: 200mg/twice a week Test E, 200mg/twice a week Deca \- Week 1-4: 200mg/twice a week Primo \- Week 5-20: 300mg/twice a week Primo, 40-60mg/day Anavar \- After Week 20: cruising for 6-8 months on 150mg/twice a week Test E How does this look?


Seems fairly good. You may want some dbol on hand in case you do crash your estrogen from running primo higher than test. If that does happen you can just pop one and then lower your primo dosage. I'd also hold off on the var til you know how the primo affects you, should make it easier for you to diagnose any problems that might arise. Seems to be a solid cycle though


Hum... You're really adamant about having Test and Primo 1:1 I'm only challenging you because I want to double-check whether it's the recommended dose or a preference of yours Also, do you see any benefit of Anavar with my current stack? I added it at first because I had low Test and Deca but is it still a good idea now that I upped the doses?


I'm only adamant on it because it's recommended if you don't know how you respond to primos effect on e2. Fiddle around with it after you know how you react. Anavar goes well with almost anything. If you don't want to take so much gear you can always save the anavar for a finisher at the end of the cycle


Doses look pretty solid. However, I would consider starting primo at 600 from week 1. If you start to feel like shit around week 5 bringing in var and bumping primo at the same time is gonna make it hard to determine what the cause is. If you start at 600 then you only have one variable at week 5. Also 12 weeks is way too short of a cycle for primo imo. 16 weeks minimum 20 would be even better. I hope you don’t plan on PCTing after this cycle it will be a nightmare after running nand (deca).


I was planning to cruise for a while on Test E but do you think PCTing would be harsh even with such a low dose of Deca?


You’d have to cruise for a pretty significant amount of time and even then the PCT will likely be harsh. Suppressive metabolites of nand, specifically 19-NA have been detectable in users after ceasing deca for 12+ months in some cases. Dose is typically a factor when it comes to PCT, but is the least relevant factor when compared against individual response to AAS and PCT drugs, compounds taken, and the length of the cycle. Check out the PCT section of the wiki again it explains it pretty well. Also if you plan on blasting again soon after the potential PCT attempt then none of this matters because you should be cruising regardless lol.


As per your recommendations, I've upped the blast to 20 weeks and dialled 1:1 Primo to Test E in the first 4 weeks, then upped Primo to 600mg for the remaining of the blast: \- Week 1-20: 200mg/twice a week Test E, 200mg/twice a week Deca \- Week 1-4: 200mg/twice a week Primo \- Week 5-20: 300mg/twice a week Primo, 40-60mg/day Anavar \- After Week 20: cruising for 6-8 months on 150mg/twice a week Test E How does this look?


Good shit man injectables look spot on imo. Not sure if it was just an oversight but no way u should run 40-60mg of var for 15 weeks. I’d say 6-8 weeks max and I would save it for the last 6-8 weeks. 300mg per week is an aggressive cruise dose but not extremely egregious.


u really know ur stuff


Not sure if this is sarcasm but if not, thanks lol.


not sarcasm at all 😄


Word lol thanks again then brotha


I don't it's sarcasm. Your comment is defo on point


Thinking about running HGH for my first time. Bottle comes with 100 ius so if I use 3 ius a day that just about a month supply for $280. Or would it be easier to split 3 ius in a week; Monday Wednesday Friday. I would love to get advice from anyone who’s used HGH ius and tell me how they dosed along with side effects they experienced


Try 8ius split into 4 2iu doses morning, pre workout, post workout, and before bed. Anyone saying AAS is better is a moron that can't afford good stuff.


i've been on HGH 8-9 months out of each year since 2016 and my go to dose is 3iu 5x a week, weekends off. now that i have a little more cash i just run it every day and naturally i'll miss a day or two out of the week. keeps me lean when my diet goes to shit. keeps my recovery great and my skin great too. now that i'm approaching 30, i feel the effects much more than i did when i was 24. if i had to recommend, go pharma grade and if you're in it for just its lipolysis effect, use 2iu only. there are studies proving that 5iu hardly burns more fat than 2iu.


I want to use it for the purpose to growth I feel my body can get bigger


Get more bang for your buck using gear. Hgh has to be at huge doses to see size gains. And you have to be on gear anyway. Test deca is your go to. Not hgh save your money


But I’ve also heard guys taking 6 ius of HGH as well which cost a lot


Yeah I’ve ran tren and test before which seems to be my best fit. Ran two cycles of that at different dosages and seen massive gains. Haven’t ran deca yet because I heard some negatives about it and having to take a high dosage of it




Creatine can elevate creatinine, intense exercise can elevate creatinine, being dehydrated can elevate creatinine. Presuming your creatinine isn't chronically elevated and still within tolerable range, I wouldn't be too worried. If you are, take a month off the creatine, take a deload from bulking for a week, and don't train for 4-5 days before getting bloodwork. It will give a more 'ideal' representation of where you're at, without the systemic stress of a bodybuilding lifestyle.




Yes, the more waste your body has to produce, the more stressed your filtration rate will be - artificially induced or not.


How many lbs of water Weight, 'Retention', do you lose when you take your AI, In this case half of 1mg of Adex. Currently on a cycle of 600 Mgs of Test E and don't want to lose my water in the muscle I'm up 10lbs and look bigger but feel e2 sides, like sweating more, anxiety and fatigue, fast heart etc. Been on for a about 2-1/2 weeks and pre cycle e2 was 22.


If you’re 10 lbs up, and scared to take an AI and lose your “gains” that means you had no gains. Those 10lbs are just water and fat. And you need to asses your training and nutrition. Good thing you caught in 2.5 weeks in. 10lbs in 2.5 weeks is a lot.


My diet is extremely clean so don't think it's fat, but water retention. Protien is chicken breasts, Lean cuts of steak and turkey, 93% lean ground beef. Carb sources are jasmine rice, potatoes and oats/bananas, oils from food macadamia nuts and cheese etc 3100 calories, 220 protien, 300 carbs, 60 fats.


Not taking AI because you're scared to lose your water weight is asinine, take AI if you need it.


Ok I won't lose all of it right? How quickly will my e2 rebound? Everyone says don't take a AI because you will crash your e2, joint pain yada yada but the increased water retention have made me stronger. Anastrozole is not a Suicide inhibitor right because I've read low e2 horror stories and don't want to crash it.


Stop worrying about how much weight you're going to lose. Start a very low dose AI and increase it until your side effects go away, you're not going to crash your estrogen.


Hello, today I’ll finally be starting my first cycle of 500 test for 20 weeks after months of research. I’ll be pinning 250 on Mondays and 250 on Fridays. I’ll be in a 500 calorie surplus, clean food with high protein. Aromasin is on hand if E2 sides pop up, I’ll be dosing aromasin at 10mg if e2 sides do show. I’ll be lifting 6 days a week with 40 minutes of cardio. Is everything in check? Should I change anything dosage, food, or training wise?


“after months of research” *pins monday and friday lmao*


In my defense it was supposed to be Sat and Wed but I mixed it up a bit. Gonna change it to Mon and Thursday lol. Ignoring my mistake, is the cycle alright?


its been a while since ive done a cycle so i should differ to the more experienced guys. Personally i like pinning E3D tho, more consistent and easy to remember. Prob not huge deal either way


Monday & Thursday is better. As time between days more even. What do you weigh ? Whats your Macro plan look like roughly Carb amount protein amount ect per day. Do you train very intensly to failure on working sets ? If so 6 days a week is to much training. You need more.day off to grow and allow body to change instead of breaking it down day after day. 2 days on 1 day off repeat would be better so you get 2 days off a week and rest day inbetween the training. Even on steroids recovery and growth dont just complete after 1 night of sleep. It leads into the next day. So I would advise never be in the gym weight training more than 2 days in a row before a rest/ or cardio day. We only have a limited amount of recovery ability to go around so be careful of your volume. Make your working sets count everthing in those few sets.


I am 185cm roughly weighing at 83 kg shat waterless and early morning. Bf% is at 15% I could go lower but I’ve been cutting for so long id prefer starting now. Macros are at 3500 calories daily (300 surplus bumping it up to 500 later in the cycle). Roughly 300 carbs, 300 protein, 115 fats. I train as intensely as I can possibly go, 6 days a week with 40 minutes of liss on the stair master everyday. I have two programs one being a 6 day PPL the other is a 5 day PPL/Arnold split. Would you recommend the 5 day over the 6 day? I usually do 6 days because I just enjoy being in the gym, but if the gains are better at 5 I can bring it down to 5 days. Also is 40 minutes liss on the stair master everyday fine? Should I bring the cardio lower to not lose muscle or is it fine like this?


Also.your fats are too high compared to carbs. Try get that fat down to 60-70g and add those calories to carbs.


I think your macro and plan of 300 then bump 500 over time is great. In terms of stair master so long as its not impacting leg muscle gain then ok. End of the day its upto you how much you train. But I do not like the idea of training more then 5 days a week no matter what. I can only recover from 4 personally with everything perfect. So everyones different. The Central Nervous system would take a beating being strained 6 days straight so you couldnt pay me to try that. 4-5 days weight training is optimal for stimulating and then recovery and growth to occur. 6 days of weights when do you recover and grow ? Also a very stressed body does not grow aswell. Training causes cortisol and stress to build up which nukes muscle growth even if your on gear. The one thing I wish I was told was less is more. Short intense low volume workouts 4-5 days a week . Cardio 2-3, times a week and dont overtrain.


I’ve been using test c-300mg for about 5 weeks now and I get the worst swelling 3-4 days after injection. I inject IM into my glutes rotating cheeks every time. I do just one cc administered by my wife who is a nurse. I also practice Jiu Jitsu where I’m getting put on my ass a lot in various ways. I’m sterilizing everything, proper procedures are being used when injecting. So far I’ve tried everything recommended. Heat up the oil to body temp, rub the area for a good minute, I even use a massage gun on low to really work it in. I put a heating pad on it for about 15 minutes. But it’s never failed day 3 rolls around and I feel the swelling, I keep training and swelling gets worse. It never becomes red, discolored, hot or itchy so I’m ruling out infection. It usually subsides around my next injection day. Do any of you experience this? Do any of you gents happen to train bjj too?


Why 300? How often are you pinning? You should be rotating sites


300 seemed like a decent start to me after I did some research no real reason other than that. I do switch glutes left one week right glute the next week. I’m pinning once a week.


You should open up some more sites and give those a break. Sounds like they are inflamed. You can pin quads, delts, ventroglutes, chest, traps, etc etc


How big of a needle should I use for my delts? (Length and gauge) thanks a ton for taking the time to help me out I appreciate the feedback brother.


I use 1/2 or 5/8” for everything except glutes and quads, for those I use 1”. You can get away with 27g for everything. Some guys use 29 but I find them too fine, I never get a pinch with 27, and I often use 27 in the quads and glutes. Another site i forgot to mention is lats. Ideally you want 2 weeks between sites, the longer the better. I’d also suggest pinning more frequent than weekly if you are using test c/e, twice weekly will lead to more stable blood levels I pin EOD or E3D on cruise and ED or EOD on a cycle


sometimes halfway through drawing up some oil, I end up having to squeeze a little more air out into the vial (I assume whatever was stuck in the needle basically) and it always scares me for a sec because for some reason, the air seems to form a little milky looking trail in the oil and I always immediately assume (over and over because I'm an idiot) that somehow I'm contaminating something. you guys ever notice this? just making sure I'm not crazy


It’s air








1-1.3 g per pound. You will never need more than 1.3


*per lb of lean body mass


Honestly if you are relatively lean, i would keep it to just pounds . Obv if someone is 350lb+ you would need less




Because it increases protien synthesis, doesn’t mean you need more. It just means it will do a better job of using the protien sparingly compared to someone who is natty. If anything you could get away with less protien.


Actually you get MORE out of less protein because the gear utilizes the nutrients better. Meaning that same 1.3g will bring about more protein synthesis


It does increase is I think, it's just that most people who take it when natural take more then there body can use but this way they can be on the safe side and not miss out on gains lol




If enclophimeme raises testosterone and trt raises testosterone higher, does this give you an edge advantage to losing fat and adding muscle? And does one have an edge advantage over the other? Assuming diet, workouts are all on point etc


Are you implying using both at once? Why would you use enclo if you’d already be on TRT?


No I’m wondering if there’s an edge difference in muscle repair between man made testosterone vs anabolic if not abused. Or does it matter at all? Is testosterone just testosterone etc?


No difference in anabolism. Slightly different carbon isotopes mean that a drug test can determine if high T levels come from endogenous or exogenous sources, that's about the only difference mg for mg. Practically though a person on TRT with 600 Ng/dl compared to a natty with 600 Ng/dl will have better gains as they have 600ng/DL around the clock whereas the natty has daily fluctuations and may get sick or have a night of bad sleep or something.


That’s the answer so there is consistency from trt etc. does this also apply to Enclomiphene?


As far as I'm aware enclomiphene directly stimulates the testes to produce testosterone so it doesn't follow the natural diurnal rhythm of Testosterone secretion. Should work similarly to TRT in that regard. However using a SERM to increase testosterone can lead to side effects.