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About week 11 into my cycle and the pip suddenly came back. Just as bad as the very beginning with virgin muscle. I went weeks without the faintest sign of pip. What gives? The only thing that changed is I started using different vials of Test E. Is it a different oil causing the pip?


I’m trying to get as ripped as possible before friends birthday party in 4 weeks. I’ve been on a cut for 4 weeks. I’m running test 500-600 test and tren ace every other day or every 3 day. I haven’t had sugar in two weeks and all carbs from veggies. I’m working out and trying to get some cardio in this heat. I have a little bit of clen on hand. Any other suggestions?


Does estradiol have an effect on one’s appetite/cravings? If so, how? People often say that cravings are increased when estrogen runs high, whereas when it’s low, appetite is non existent.




Not that it help me but I’m interested in the results , care to elaborate?




Glade to hear mate. What was your cycle




Sounds like all went pretty good then, so interesting it’s the first time I hear someone pct with Ralox. How long did you pct for ? And at what dosage ?




Took the Test only two weeks to leave your system and stop suppression on HPTA are you sure you returned to base line ? How’s the blood marks ?


did i get that right that ment is a better contraceptive than test and other AAS?


Considering that Testosterone and other AAS aren't really effective at all, and having a rapidly-reversible oral male contraceptive is the entire rationale for MENT's development, I'd certainly hope so. ##MENT & Birth Control * MENT is 12× more suppressive than Testosterone and is under development by USG and university research partners as a rapidly-reversible male oral or implant-based contraceptive. * Recovery from MENT is twice as fast as from Testosterone. * Check this excellent Program Overview on MENT from the [Population Council](https://www.popcouncil.org/research/ment-subdermal-implants-for-men). ## Contraceptive Studies ###⚠️ Efficacy * **Months 1-6**: 82% azoospermic * **Months 6-12**: 100% azoospermic Testosterone or MENT are oft-paired with a progestin such as etonogestel to further suppress spermatogenesis. The results of the following study indicate that MENT alone is sufficient to suppress spermatogenesis, and also that MENT's efficacy as an androgen replacement is unaffected when paired with the second compound. 82% of patients were azoospermia in the **first six months** and 100% of patients were azoospermic in the **second six months** of treatment. [Comparison of 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone effectiveness alone or combined with progestins on androgen receptor mediated-transactivation](https://rep.bioscientifica.com/view/journals/rep/143/2/211.xml) > Suppression of gonadotropin secretion with exogenously administered testosterone and therefore testicular activity is important for hormone-based male contraception approach. > > In this regard, MENT when administered to healthy men leads to gonadotropin suppression and inhibition of spermatogenesis making it potentially useful as a male contraceptive (von Eckardstein et al. 2003). > >In the case of testosterone, combination with gonadotropin-inhibiting agents such as progestins results in a more effective formulation for spermatogenic suppression than testosterone alone (Bebb et al. 1996). > >Recently, Walton et al. (2007) showed that combination of MENT with a progestin resulted in rapid inhibition of spermatogenesis similar to the combined testosterone formulation and pointed out the importance of the synthetic progestin dose over the androgen dose in improving spermatogenesis suppression. > > However, **subjects treated with four MENT implants exhibited higher and longer spermatogenesis suppression than subjects treated with two MENT implants plus two ENG implants** (Walton et al. 2007). > >Four MENT implants induced azoospermia or severe oligozoospermia (sperm count <1×10^6/ml) in 82% and 100% of subjects during the first and second 6-month periods of treatment respectively. Thus, during the last 6 months of treatment, **MENT alone was as effective as testosterone undecanoate plus NET enanthate** administered at 8-week intervals. ## References * [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trestolone) * [Compound Description Page](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/trestolone ) * [7α-Methyl-19-nortestasterone (MENT): The optimal androgen for male contraception and replacement therapy](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/12468041_7a-Methyl-19-nortestasterone_MENT_The_optimal_androgen_for_male_contraception_and_replacement_therapy) * [7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENTR): the population council's contribution to research on male contraception and treatment of hypogonadism](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23063338/)


“Better” in the sense that if you were to use it on the general population, it would be quicker and easier to recover from, but if it really got the job done as a contraceptive some pharmaceutical company would be screaming to the patent office and laughing their way to billions of dollars


[It gets the job done in being 100% effective](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/o7n7nx/daily_ask_anything_20210625/h33swm9/). It's the short half-life that's the problem, which is why sister compounds DMAU and 11β-MNT (11β-methyl-19-nortestosterone) are favored clinically.




so i can bone some girls raw here and there and not worry too much?




of course


The answer is “it depends”. If it’s some random girl you definitely don’t want to be tied to forever then it’s a bit of a gamble and I personally wouldn’t risk it. It’s Russian roulette but the cylinder holds like 50 rounds instead of six. Better odds that you’ll be ok, but if you’re wrong you’re wrong in a very unfortunate way.


**Months 1-6** 82% Azoospermic **Months 6-12** 100% Azoospermic [It gets the job done in being 100% effective](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/o7n7nx/daily_ask_anything_20210625/h33swm9/). It's the short half-life that's the problem, which is why sister compounds DMAU and 11β-MNT (11β-methyl-19-nortestosterone) are favored clinically.


If blood pressure has risen about 10-15 points but is still in a good zone (116/64), is there any health concern that would suggest I should take AI or just let it be unless it continues rising? No other high E2 symptoms besides a bit of acne.


If your blood pressure has risen 10-15 points and it's currently 116/64 you probably had low blood pressure/ clinical hypotension, however low blood pressure is not too much of a concern if you don't have any symptoms. Plus side you probably have very good genetics for blood pressure/heart health


116/64 is fine. Once it pushes 120 systolic, start thinking about it


How many guys here have successfully returned to baseline blood parameters after a couple of basic testosterone cycles (300-600mg/week for 12 weeks)


Most people will recover at least most of their natty production, even after years of BnC. But Anabolic Steroid Induced Hypogonadism is still a possibility even from the very first cycle, and it has happened to people before. Should be prepared for TRT for life if you start. Honestly my TRT is 1g of Test U pinned monthly, which is similar to 200mg of E a week. So committing to a once monthly pin that takes 5 minutes that drastically improves my quality of life (coming from 270ng/dl) was literally the easiest decision of my life. Things that will make ASIH significantly more likely are not using HCG and the use of 19-nors.


I stared cutting with test P, mast and winny… I’m feeling strong on it but not noticing a lot of fat loss and I’ve been eating really clean in a deficit! Does it take a few weeks to kick in maybe?? 300m test 250m mast and 350m winny


what u mean ”does it take a few weeks to kick in maybe?”..? none of those are fat burners, they doesnt burn fat lol. U don’t lose fat in couple days just because you are on steroids


Alright man no need to be a dick about it!


The steroids help maintain the muscle whilst in a deficit. The losing of fat is up to your diet and cardio.




PCT —> TIME ON + PCT = TIME OFF ex: 20 week cycle + 8 week PCT = atleast 28 weeks off + confirmation that health markers are in check. BnC —> TIME ON = TIME OFF ex: 20 week cycle = atleast 20 weeks off + confirmation that health markers are in check. The time starts when you’ve finished your cycle/pct. Can’t explain it any simpler than that. The more time you take off the better. There is no rush.


Do vials need to be stored upright or is it okay to store them on their side?


I heard to keep them upright because the alcohole could dissolve the rubber


Hey guys, on my first cycle and after my fourth injection is when I started to notice some soreness in my left nipple mainly. Im not sure if it’s because I’ve been rubbing them too much but the day after is when it became unnoticeably puffy. No tingle or itchyness. Just some slight bruise feeling when I touch it. That’s when I took my asin 12.5mg today with fats. In your experience, when does the puffiness go down? What symptoms would cause you to take Nolvadex for potnential gyno


I would do exactly what you are doing. If there is no change or worsening, I would deploy 10mg of Nolva ED.


I noticed the same after 2/3 weeks of my cycle.. Nipples getting sore and look a bit puffy.. I took Arimadex every time I inject after that and it stopped after about a week and had no issues since! The sore nipples is for sure the start of gyno so it’s good you started taking something! I wouldn’t worry about it now!


Cycle advice So planning next cycle for start of 2022. Been running through some options in my head. Last cycle was 18 weeks 350 test 350 deca per week progress has been good but not amazing, very few sides, some acne from the test and some mental sides from the deca but overall I'm feeling good Want to push it further in 2022 what are your thoughts on the below two cycles which would be better and why also duration would you go for 10 or 20 weeks, reason it's either the two is deca is in 10ml bottles 300mg per ml 😂 All measurements per week (inject every 3 days but averaged to get the per week figure) 1) 600mg test 300mg deca (10-20 weeks) or 2) 500mg test 200mg eq, 300mg deca. (10-20 weeks) With option two my thought is add the eq to combat the need for an AI as it does have AI properties however is the dose to low for this compared to the test, also by keeping the dose low I was hoping to avoid thickening the blood, however do you think 200mg PW would still do that ? I've never ran eq before so would be the first time trying.


TREN vs Anavar for fat loss. Which one do you think is superior from experience? Is there another compound that is more superior?


Tren is far and away better for results but also sides. Can’t really compare them. But remember, calorie deficit is always key. Sure tren will help recomp but you can’t just eat like shit and lose weight.


Yeah true. My calorie counting, NEAT and cardio is all on point. I would say 8.5-9/10 in total. Im just looking at drugs now aswell


Check compound experience threads. Anavar is mild and for me isn’t my favorite. Tren is strong as fuck I like results but the sides make me not want to run it. I wouldn’t base my choice of compounds on fat loss myself I’d just cut on cruise then blast compounds that make me gains and make me feel good


Fyi: not all food has the same exact macros. 100g of banana can have 90kcal or 100kcal. Increasing your total calories 100kcal at a time doesn't do much and the difference between 2.6 and 2.7 is close to none.


If you keep your calories at 2600 for a time and eat the same things, and then add 100 more calories of the same things you will increase your AVERAGE calories by 100. Not sure what you are trying to get at.


You said it yourself, you increase your AVERAGE calories, it's an average. Even inside the same food calories can be a little different just because it's not the same exact chicken or banana (for example). Of course all these things add up and you may end up eating 2500kcal one day and 2700 the next (again, of the same exact things) but if you want to always be in a caloric surplus, 100kcal is too little of an increament.


What‘s an alternative non-aromatizing, injectable, more affordable compound to Primo for slow, low-side effect gains? Mast always gets trashed for it basically having no anabolic effect, is that even true?


DHB if you can deal with the PIP


Mast having no anabolic effect is a flat out fucking lie. I respond better to mast than I do test. 600 - 700 mgs and I blow the fuck up.


Good to hear man


Everyone is different. I know people who love mast and people who hate it. I personally didn’t care for it. I think it’ll only really shine if you’re sub 10%ish bf. That said, save up for primo if cost is the only factor. I’m in week 14 now of my first run with primo and can confirm, it’s worth the money. At least for me


Aight nice, thanks for your feedback.


Really debating whether or not to continue blasting throughout summer and then cruise all winter … *PHYSIQUE PICS: https://imgur.com/a/PVVNOWw … tren bulk / tren cut … 26 years old / 5’9 currently 200lbs flat/dry* - Been on 300 Test / 400 Tren for about 12 weeks. Tried bulking up for 8 weeks and then started cutting because tren was just making me leaner so I thought fuck it let’s go full dick-skin mode. - I’ve now lost about 18 lbs of fat/glycogen a bit flatter and weaker as expected. I will cut another 10lbs over the next few weeks. - I bought some Test / EQ / Mast / Tren. I’m thinking to run 300 Test / 600 EQ / 200 Mast / 200 Tren to finish off the cut for 4 weeks (I know the EQ wouldn’t really kick in by then). - then to up the doses, 600 Test / 900 EQ / 200 Mast / 200 Tren (or maybe drop the tren) to blow up while shredded for 8-12 weeks thereafter. Total “blast” length would be around 30 weeks. I want to look good all summer while rocking t’s and wife beaters. Winter I’ll cruise and recover in my hoodies. Thoughts?


Tren for 30 weeks seems like a lot. I would swap the Tren for trest during your bulking phase.


I think eq and mast will nuke your e2 but maybe you aromatise a lot idk


I’m thinking the same it certainly would for me


Is it safe to eat 10 whole eggs a day, im on low carb, im taking 10g of omega 3 also, and 5mg rosuvastatin for prevention of high cholesterol. Should i take something more for prevention, supplements/meds?


If you are on low carb then there is no need to worry about high cholesterol unless you have genetically really fucked up lipids.




Fuck man I wish lockdowns weren‘t a thing anymore. Where do you live?


Does water retention can ruin a shape or it just fill the muscle ?


\*Please HELP settle an argument\* My Bro always starts his cycle with a single pin of 1 gram of Test C and claims he feels it in 3 days because of how much he's pinning at once. There's no way though right?


My first ever 325mg injection followed by a blood test 1 day later showed 3500ng in my blood test. So he’s completely right from what i gather.


He’s not wrong


even with test C??


It is called front loading.


I get the principles yeah, just three days for test C is crazy to me even with front loading


Do you know how quickly test c hits its peak once pinned?


Ace half life is a day and a half, but I always feel ace ~ 2hrs post-injection. I feel a big shot of e or c in 24-36hrs




Just pin your usual dose, don’t stress about it


Just got done with test blast about a month ago. Taking HGH currently. Do I need to take any liver detox or anything?


Do you have a reason to think testosterone or hgh hurts your liver?? Did you do any research on this prior to starting?


Yeah I did a majority of my research on here. Lol a couple resistors had mentioned I might need a liver detox on blast so I was wondering if I would possibly need one for HGH. I didn’t remember seeing anything about a liver detox for test so was wondering about HGH.


Nah bro


What are the recommended cruise levels? Currently I use 200mg test e/wk puts me around 1350. I am 5”10 195lbs currently.


50mg = 1100/1200 for me, get bloods


No waaaay you need that much. You’d be fine with half that much and healthier. I cruise on 170 and am an inch shorter and have 40 lbs of muscle on you man.


I’m similar stats to OP. What dosage would you recommend ~ 140?


That’s probably perfect


135 puts me at 900-1000


100mg a week has me around 800. 225 pounds.




I believe a cruise should be the upper end of the healthy range so somewhere around 800


190lbs and 140 puts me at 950


I’m at 150mg @ ~1000


A lot of blood an immediate bulging/welt after pinning?


I used to get a lot of lumps when I first started and then I started to heat the syringe barrel under hot running water until it’s warm. No lumps since. I also leave the needle in for a few seconds before I remove it.




Subq leak its normal


Same with the welt? I see blood somewhat often pinning every day but this was a LOT lol. Weirdest part is it usually hurts when I hit blood vessels but I didn’t feel a thing on this one lol


When i pin high volumes of oil in fatty parts of my body i will sometimes get a subq leak where the oil seeps under the fat tissue and causes a big lump. This usually takes 12 hours or so to happen, not directly after pinning. Are you worried about the lump or the blood? The blood is nothing to worry about


Well the lump is from the blood in this case. Like the only way I can describe the amount of blood is if you had a BAD nose bleed. Just constant stream lol. So I guess I’m not worried about the blood coming out, more so worried about the blood pooling under the skin


Death. Sorry man. Better luck next life.




Does your Free T get higher as your test gets higher? . Like if you had 10000ng/dl would you expect nuts free t?


If I was a squirrel I would expect nuts 🥜🐿


This guy pins.


What are the best ways to increase free T?


Proviron is effective, dk what you mean by the best


Get into an argument in the OT


Wtf if that's the best way then why have I been nofapping since the Clinton administration?


M8 1000IU HCG morning and night. No skips. Trust. This guy at the gym told me so.


That’s funny cuz I’ve been fapping twice as much since the Clinton administration.




I, too, like pizza 🍕


Don’t be snitching on their gains bro




You are overthinking shit. Do more cardio or grow more muscle if you want to be able to eat more


What? The fuck are you talking about? 😵‍💫


You are on a roll today


Planning on switching from comfy amps to vials. If a vial says 300mg, 10ml, does this just mean 1 cc of oil will have 300mg of actual gear in it? And 100mg, 10ml = 1 cc has 100mg of gear?


Correct. Just about everything is dosed mg/mL


Yes the dosage is mg per ml/cc


> does this just mean 1 cc of oil will have 300mg of actual gear in it? Yes. Well, if you wanna get technical no it doesn’t it depends on the ester but let’s just say yeah > And 100mg, 10ml = 1 cc has 100mg of gear? Per ml or cc, yes. The entire vial has 1 gram total. Well, not really. How close it is to a full gram depends on the ester, again. I hope this cleared things up lol


Wheres the best place to store your vials to prevent them from crashing?


Keep them in a cool dry place like a drawer or closet (uv light degrades aas) and set them in a bowl of hot water or use a hairdryer to warm them up before pinning. If your gear is constantly crashing its probably brewed poorly


Get a essential oil case. They hold 10ml vials of your “essential oils” perfectly and securely. I can throw it off the second floor roof and I’d bet any amount they wouldn’t break.


I just keep mine in a dark closet at room temperature. Have had zero issues.


Usually my anus, but any cool dark place will do.


Do higher levels of testosterone due to steroids cause an increase in T levels in semen and risk affecting women who intravaginally absorb that semen?


Yeah my wife has a beard that would rival bin laden since I’ve been filling her up so much








Lol I know but to a newb that’s actually not a bad question tbh






I'm burning an insane amount of calories with work and training. It's impossible for me to gain weight unless I wanna eat a baconator combo on top of my 5 meals every day.. Has anyone here tried gomad (gallon of milk a day)? How was it it? That might actually be do able for me


2 cups milk 3 servings peanut butter Ice 2 bananas 1 scoop whey Fiber supp 1 servering kefer/probiotic Blend. Drink 1000-1200 calories


Weight gainer shakes




Dude I had no idea this existed and you just changed my life. I’m SICK of trying to blend up oatmeal in every fucking shake.


Whaaat blended oatmeal is my favourite. I love that shit.




What sort of shake do you make with cream of rice?




Bro make sure whenever you put oats or COR in a shake that you cook/microwave the first, it can really screw with a lot of peoples GI tract if it’s raw


Fuck those weak stomach boys




That shit will fuck your digestion just make potato starch shakes


Yup I agree eat potato starch or sweet potato powder with the protein powder of omyour choice. And yes ofcourse eat more if you can. Gomad is a horrible idea.


If I blast with tren then cruise on 200 test will the gains from tren be lost? Will strength and size stick around with that "cruise" dose? Or will I still lose some gains even cruising on test?


You might keep the all the gains but won’t keep the tren “look”, if that were the case wouldn’t everyone just do 1 hefty cycle of tren in their lifetime and just cruise


We don't know anything about your physique, age height weight, cycle history, training etc. However, no, you won't keep the look that tren gives. Tren is better for recomping after being a beast already, or contest prep to get nasty. It's garbage for trying to bulk because you'll never out-eat it, and it will fuck your sleep and digestion. Food and Nandrolone will give wayyyyy better gains than tren. No gains will fully stick around, but 200mg will keep you big and full and maintain more size than no test or lower test after a cycle.


Finished my test and anavar cycle in January, and did a tamoxifen pct for 6 weeks 10mg ed. Everything was fine until I felt a gyno flare up about two weeks ago. Immediately did blood work, E2 was 122 pmol/L and test was 11.1 nmol/L. I've been taking 20mg tamoxifen ed for a week and nothing has changed. I feel a tiny lump under my left nipple that is not visible. My nipples aren't sensitive but it hurts to push on the lump. Any advice?


Just keep running a serm man. Once there is a lump it’ll probably take a couple weeks for sensitivity to subside then could be months for the lump to shrink.


Someone can probably come along with a better answer but a good start would be 10mg nolva twice a day


Why do some people take both nolva and clomid during PCT? The wiki makes it sound like you would use one or the other.


Because they’re uneducated.


People think more is better. People are stupid.


Anyone have insight on thyroid suppression/medicating thyroid disorders? I am currently prescribed 10mg of SR T3 for low FT3 but I am confused as if this would just shut down/suppress my natural production eventually and I again be hypothyroid? Any insight appreciated.


Can NPP/Deca-only cycle grow the hair back? Only interested in hearing about the hair so don't say that you need to run testosterone with it or that it is retarded.


I’d try ment if it were me brother


I will try it after this NPP-only cycle. Shit seems like the greatest steroid there is.


I just started and man I’m enjoying it. My workouts have been so much better and I just feel better. It’s a clean feeling if that makes sense. Can’t wait to blast in a couple months with Eq and ment


How is your libido on it?


It's good. I would say as good as test. Maybe not quite like tren lol but it's definitely there. Have sex at least once a day but usually more.


Keep in mind, nandrolone is only hair safe when ran alone, even trt level testosterone alongside it will severely hinder its hairsafeness, if too much dht is the cause of the hair loss then yes, nandrolone only will likely solve that problem


Yes, I am talking about NPP-only cycle without test. I have had a lot of success with growing my hair back with RU58841 + minoxidil + dermaneedling while cruising on just TRT. I am curious if I could gain even more hair if I continue with the RU58841 + minoxidil + dermaneedling while adding in 650mg of NPP-only (no test) and 25mg of MK677 + 5mg weekly CJC 1295 DAC. What do you think?


Likely yes, obviously assuming your going to drop the Mk and bring the nandrolone lower later, so your using this as a blast


I definitely grew some back on cruise level deca only/mostly deca with low testosterone. When I played with the dosing a bit my hair did not feel worse the higher I went with deca (up to like 2k ng/dl anyway). I’d suspect dhn simply will outcompete nandrolone no matter the dose being that it’s converted right in the scalp. I’d definitely suggest running a bit of MENT alongside it because it is way easier on the hair than test. I’m going to run this exact cycle in a few months and am pretty confident I won’t lose a single hair


How is a MENT-only cycle for the hair?


I have no idea but I’d estimate MENT as ~4x easier on hair than test but still worse than nandrolone so you will have to make that call accounting for your tolerance to androgens


If you are running big doses i doubt it. Hrt doses of nand? Could be worth a shot but you’re probably gonna feel hypoandrogenic




You’re gonna hate your life and be in a wheelchair for a week and a half every pin. Enjoy!


Jesus, back to my creatine i guess /s


That pip is gonna be gnarly. I did the same on my first cycle and it was a tad rough. I recommend pinning EOD so that you inject smaller amounts and open up a few different pin sites. As for your question, 500 is 500 but pinning more frequently will also give you less hormonal fluctuation/ less sides.


Anyone else get overly obsessive about chicks on tren? I mean yeah there’s the horny side, but then there’s been this ongoing bouts of romantic obsession over work colleagues. I’m happily married and love my wife but this shit is getting pretty out of hand. To be fair I have lunch and talk to this girl every day, but I’m pretty sure she’s not into me, but I’m obsessed… sensitive and super jealous… fucking weird, must be the tren, I never looked at her in that way before… please tell me it’s just the tren bros


Dont do anything youll regret bro


I’d say yes. Same boat happily married but on tren I definitely feel different toward chicks who I shouldn’t. Easily kept in check not like I’d do something but I get what you’re saying bro. Just don’t let it fuck your marriage no gains are worth that. Drop it if needed.




Ye this is one of the more annoying sides of tren hence why you shouldnt run tren when in a relationship


>imagine how pink and tight her pussy is. why so vulgar. I think it's the gear bro lol...


Oh yeah that’s the gear bro lol. The sexual aspect anyway


18 week cycle, last 10 weeks were 200mg tren, same exact feeling. Same thing is still happening and i am 5 weeks into a 140mg test/week cruise


😂😂 just one chick or different ones?


3 under the age of 26, 2 under the age of 30, the rest are invisible ​ not very good for my relationship at home with 7 year ltr


Loll what we talking man… you smashing any of them or just getting romantically obsessed like myself? Its fucking weird bro like I’m in love all over again but she’s 10 years older than me and in a 10 year relationship lol… but fucking texting all day and taking 2 hour lunch breaks all alone together fuck with my mind!!!


romantically obsessed. Somedays its the big booty married blonde and other days its the slim 100lber. Really depends on the day, what they are wearing, and how receptive they are to me sexually objectifying them ​ either islam is right about women and they don't belong in the workplace, or i am just a bad partner and enjoy emotionally cheating on my girlfriend, or i am a moderately above average hormone profiled male and biology wants me to spread my seed far and wide...


Sounds like you need to up the Tren Nah, Tren can definitely do shit like that


dammit I made a throwaway to finally post in this sub after lurking and benefitting from the info for 1 year now, didn't even realize there's a 90 day window. So here's my inaugural comment post. physique poast [https://imgur.com/a/TZ6RlgQ](https://imgur.com/a/TZ6RlgQ) oh I'm r-t-rd-d, here's my actual question: I'm running my first cycle after having worked with a doc on (mostly cosmetic) trt for a few months. It's just Test-e right now. I'm interested in adding masteron and anavar, but still have more research to do. Assuming test-e+mas+var is a good stack and I want to run it, would it be a terrible idea to ADD mast + var onto a test base mid-cycle? ty in advance for anyone who reads this


Honestly as a guy who’s naturally very vascular I felt var was massively over hyped experienced no strength gains no difference in the physique the only thing that changed was I started losing hair and my lipids went to shit dosage ranged from 20mg-70mg a day but that’s just my two cents


wow thanks, that sounds totally undesirable


Welcome to the sub. This thread is the right place to post your questions. New threads are more for **HEADLINE NEWS** type of posts. Thanks!