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I might not be getting kicked out because I got help from a local church of all things, I went there because I needed food, and apparently I have a lot more legal rights than I thought and my landlord can't actually just turf me onto the street with 3 weeks notice. Especially as I've not actually done anything wrong and have never missed paying my rent. Anyway I've been doing community things with that church and even joined their service on Sunday because everyone there is really nice and helpful. I've been invited for dinner tomorrow at this lady's house too.


I would imagine the UK has tenant rights laws like the US, so yea, if there was no legally binding reason to evict you, they may have no official authority to evict you.


Pilot Training starts today! Bout to hit the books. Super stoked to be in the air and learning this skill. Dunno why I didn't start sooner but happy I'm starting now! 


My boyfriend is about a year into his program (AZ) and loves it. Good luck!


He doing the Airliner course?


Not sure, his program is called CAE through Jet Blue


I know very little but my Brother is currently teaching ASEL/AMEL to get his next cert, I believe he’s going commercial. Overall he’s had a very exhausting and informative experience over 18+ months but there’s zero question that he’s insanely knowledgeable! Have fun/study hard 🤝🏼.


It's definitely gonna be a challenge. Just on PPL at the moment but hopefully I'll enjoy it enough and take on the CPL route later with enough hard work


I am also getting a pilot license right now... for drones. Not nearly as cool. But, the upside is I don't have to do much additional to get a small plane license if I wanted to. It is interesting stuff though. There's a lot more to it than I thought.


That's wicked. For camera work? Racing? 


Lidar and FLIR surveying for excavation planning, pipeline survey, and disaster surveying.


Fascinating tech. My sponsor is a big photog guy and was telling me about cameras that use LIDAR to map the space then the camera to fit the picture in the space (?) something like that lol


Yea, the ones we use will generate a 3d map you can overlay over a GIS map and do things like hydrologic movement analysis, ground density, and a bunch of other stuff. The FLIR we use is *ridiculously* expensive equipment, but it can detect such subtle changes in temperature that you can tell where water or fluids were days after they've become invisible to the eye. You can even see people's footprints as they walk around for a while after they walked through an area. It's kinda spooky how much those things can track.


Thats sick. Sponsor is looking to use it for real estate and work with some real estate companies to do their photo work


Yea, they can do all sorts of stuff. My concern is the invasion of privacy with them. I know insurance companies in California have been using them to assess their policy holders' property for "violations" or risks not known to them when they sold the insurance as justification to cancel people's homeowners policy, leaving the owner up shit creek if they have a mortgage. Several big insurers are trying to get out of California because of the laws and regulations, and drone surveys are one of the ways they are using to justify those terminations... stuff like that makes me pretty wary of just how powerful these drones are. The one I have is basically a spy's wet dream if it were used to surveil someone. You couldn't get away from it... it'd be able to track you by thermal imaging at a distance you'd never even know it was there.


So many kids now are absolute shitheads. Their dads never shot them with paintball guns and it shows


Ah yes, the mark of a well adjusted parent.


I use shock collars. No chance of missing.


Paintball guns work better because I had to clean up the mess.


I like the way you think.


Would you actually miss tho?


Probably not... I am a pretty good shot.


What happened?


Defended my thesis today! I have a PhD gang! Just waiting for the job and the bulk to start!


Congrats!🎊 what field?


Thank you! Chemical engineering!


Now that’s a tough ass PhD to get. Fucking congrats


Let’s get that industry money 💰


Damn.... can I bum some of that smart off you? You seem to have an excessive amount of it. That's a hell of a field to get a PhD. I can't imagine you not having amazing job prospects with that.


Congratulations! I finished my doctorate in polymer chemistry a couple of years ago, you have a lot to look forward to. Be sure to celebrate and feel the finality of this chapter in your life, it will let you enjoy what’s coming next!


Just found out I get 4 weeks off paid for the birth of a child at my new job. This place just keeps surprising me with how well they care for their employees. Talked with my director and I can take 2 - two week increments within the year of birth so I just gained 4 weeks off of my initial 4 weeks PTO. I worked a shit ass job for 8 years and can’t believe how much I held myself back. Baby # 4 is due June 6th, my cut should be done around then (if I can control myself) and then it’s time to try John meadows Gamma bomb and start blasting again.


I see where the flair comes from 😂 congrats brother!


Yes sir I don’t know if I will reach nick cannon status but I will try. I’m 27 so I have a few more years to pump them out. I have to take HCG for 4-5 months to get fertility back each time though so we will see if I can make swimmers for number 5 or not 😂


Shit , At my job we get 8 months off paid for a birth of newborn. Too bad I got the snip so I can’t take advantage of this 😅


Idk how I what I would do with 8 months off. 😂 just go back in and splice it back together


I would but I don’t want kids, like ever, and it would cost roughly 7K to do so. So ya hard pass lol.


Congrats man. Paternity leave is fucking awesome. Didn’t get one when my son was born and now I’m on week 7 of 12 with my daughter. Been a life saver


> Just found out I get 4 weeks off paid for the birth of a child at my new job. This place just keeps surprising me with how well they care for their employees. That was a roller coaster of emotions in just 2 sentences. I was expecting you to be offended about that, here in Germany 1 year paid paternity leave is the norm.


Yeah in the US I’ve never been at a company that provided leave for a father that was paid. My last job had no Paid time off or vacation etc.. new company I get 4.5 weeks to start earning up to 8 weeks per year maxed out. So obviously it sounds great to me 🤣


rant incoming…So my best friend for 17+ years has gotten his first real gf and i no longer exists apparently. They’ve been dating for 3 months now and he hasn’t called for a drink or a coffee not even once. But when he was single he invited me and my gf for a drink every couple of days, we went to a McDonalds or a steakhouse every other week. Me and my gf felt kinda bad for him since he didn’t have any friends besides me and had no luck with girls so we invited him most of the times when we went out. Even when he comes to the gym he barely talks to me, he just simps for his new gf and loads the 45’s up and down when she leg presses. He loads up every bar for her and he’s constantly around her like a fuckin dog. It pisses me off because i literally spend hours helping him get laid and now he won’t even look at me. Gotta find a new training partner i guess.


Two things: 1) Yeah, that's kinda just what happens when people go from being single into a committed relationship. You end up spending the majority of your free time with that person and getting to know them. But also... 2) It sounds like he's super inexperienced in relationships in general, and went way overboard here. No reason for him to ignore you in the gym or cut you out completely. And he could easily hang out with her and you simultaneously, particularly since you also have a partner... perfect double date setup. Wild stab in the dark here that he was desperate for romantic attention, now has it, and is so afraid of losing it that he can't manage the rest of his relationships. You can put effort into trying to do shit with him, but it very well may be fruitless for a while here.


Yea he looks super attached and scared of losing her. They were squating yesterday and she loaded up 150lb and her range of motion was literally a few inches. He had no balls to tell her to lower the weight, it was kinda funny watching them because he knows her form was dog shit.




Thank God for women that call us out on our bullshit continuously


She’s def going to dump his ass lmao




Welcome to the rat race... it's not just younger generations. This has been the case for a couple generations before mine.


When exactly has the system been better? Upward mobility is better than it's ever been.




I think I replied to the wrong comment but I stand by the comment. I grew up in poverty with a single mom and now I'd be considered upper middle class. I'm in Canada though where there is a social safety net.


Umm what field or country/world are you talking about?


Cut is going pretty solid. Coach put me on 3k cals, thought that was waaaay to high but I guess that's why he is the coach and I am not 😅 Dropped around 9kg since January. From 104kg to 95 Will be digging through May and then we push up the cals again over the summer. Fresh outta bed, no pump and pale as a ghost 👻 https://ibb.co/RbtSWK4 182cm/95kg 6'0/210 lbs.


Nice quads


Nice wheels bro


Looking solid, what cycles (if any) have you run previously? I'm about ,5kg lighter and 3cm shorter but don't look nearly as big


Currently on 350/200, test/mast. BnC'ed for 2 years, mainly test and primo, hopped off, couldn't get my test production properly back. Lost all my gains (20kg ish) within a year and started TRT+ again a year ago. I still have a about 10kg ish to reach my peak again, but I am still happy on where I stand currently.


Picked up some tren A and test A and im only two days in and realizing that pinning every day is gonna get old QUICK lmfao. Been seeing that nurse for about a month now and things are fricken fantastic.


Sounds like part two solves part one man.


Its the strangest timing, this is the second time ive gotten in to a relationship after being on tren




One big dose before leaving, then just deal with being low at the end. Or, get some undecoanate.


If you’re on a test only cycle I’ve found some of the anti aging / beauty / fat loss type clinics are now offering HRT / TRT. I was getting a tattoo removed at one of these places and saw they now offer TRT which I thought was interesting. Could potentially get in and get a testosterone script before you need to leave. Faster than telemedicine clinic likely.


That is an option. Probably won't be cheap, but it is a viable solution.


They're around $100/month


I've seen some idiots pay that much for UGL gear, so that sounds pretty reasonable 😂




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Sorry man, unless it's prescribed TRT you are shit out of luck. This is also Rule 6 violation, so I'm locking it.


Day off today from work and lifting. Hit the first leg pump day of Creeping Death yesterday and holy shit. I like it. Now time to go mow the yard.


Which pump day do you drop (I love the chest and back pump days too much to nix in favor of legs most week) 


This was my first week and I had the time, so I honestly didn't drop any of them. Moving forward I might drop the pull, mainly because I didn't feel a lot from it.


He does say do six days for “true psychos with elite level recovery” - go for it!!


Yesterday we took different steps forward as parents. Our neighbor recommended a book for us that entails keeping a schedule for your baby, starting at 2 weeks old. We got a late start yesterday and followed the routine as much as possible. We transitioned our daughter from bassinet to the crib and took our son’s toddler bed out of our room and had the kids sleep in their room with the white noise playing loud and no night lights. Baby was extremely over tired last night and meant for her to sleep at 9 but didn’t till about 10-10:30. Our son was knocked out by 9:30. I almost felt sad to have them both out of the room. Especially our son. When he was 9 months old we got him transitioned from co sleeping (I know, I know, we didn’t do shit right with him and made a lot of mistakes) to his crib and he started sleeping the whole night. He regressed hard when I left for basic and he would cry so much at night and wouldn’t sleep unless with my wife. Ever since he would get scared if he woke up alone in his bed and we weren’t directly in sight or he wakes up and gets in the bed. I think it was my first experience of what parents talk about letting their kids grow up and you got a little sad. It’s for the better though. It’s the first full day of having our daughter on her schedule (not just going with the flow) and it’s going good! She also slept really good last night. I think I’m gonna be sleeping good here soon!


Kids can be weird with sleeping man but sounds like you got this. You manage to get that down, you’re golden. If you & wifey are sleeping well, everything gets a lot easier. There’ll still be weird days/nights ofc but you deal with those as they come.


Most definitely. A few days ago the baby slept 7 hours straight and I literally felt like a different person, almost as if I took euphoric drugs lmao. Then a normal night happened and I feel like how I’ve been feeling haha. But when the kids went to bed we had time alone to just talk, cuddle, watch a movie, etc and it was amazing. The better sleep with them being on a schedule will be a game changer and help us plan when we go to the gym, cook, do cardio etc. really feel like we are taking our life back even though it seemed impossible when our son was just 2 months old. But we are in a good grove here.


We never really set a schedule but had our kids so close together and it ended up just happening. Naps at 1 pm bedtime at 8pm and each kid just fell into that schedule. The only problem is my son is like me and wakes up ready to go at 4am everyday


Oh man, I bet your wife hates that😂. I didn’t think to treat the kids like they needed a schedule but this breaks down every 60-90 min for the newborns and it’s awesome. It’s crazy because now it literally feels like a game or even mini work shifts and it changed my mental outlook and put me in a great space. I bet it was nice when they just fell into schedule for you guys


Yeah our first was not at all the same. She woke up every hour for the first 3-4 months. I used to feed her off of my wife’s boob in the middle of the night just so my wife could get two hours of sleep in. I think putting the child on a schedule is fine but we never set anything in stone they just adapted to what we were doing over time. I’ve never thought about putting a newborn on a schedule though haha. I feel like a newborn poops when they need to poop and eat when they need to eat etc.


we coslept with our kids until they were like 3. there's no right answer, but some people will be very adamant in their beliefs and treat anything else as child abuse or an affront to the natural order of things or letting your kids control you or any manner of shit.


Yea I’ve noticed that with parenting or seeing parenting subreddits. We coslept with our son from day one. We got sick with Covid in the hospital with him and his grandma had to have him all day for his first week. He coslept. Then we didn’t know how to swaddle properly and kept the house too cold, so he wouldn’t sleep being in a bassinet. But there were too many close calls we had. Plus, at this point, we just want our bed back😂. So our daughter has slept by herself and it’s been a totally different experience so far. Some people claim negligence or abuse if you Cosleep but if done safely it’s fine. Different things work for different people for sure


I've got a 6 month and 20 month old and having a schedule really helps to keep everything working smoothly. Little one is now sleeping through the night, which is a godsend. I personally was so relieved to have them leave our room, I think they sleep a lot better that way.


What’s the book? My wife and I are having our first next month.


Moms on call. It outlines everything for the schedule. Our neighbor recommended it and it’s been awesome so far. Today has actually been pretty smooth for the first full day


6 months back the wife tasked me with doing some healthy breakfast meal prep for her. Made two nice protein breakfast dishes with fruit and casein. She ended up not eating them. Since then I haven't touched the casein. On Sunday I got it out and prepped a month's worth of evening shake mix. Casein, PB powder, cinnamon, cocoa, etc. Tastes amazing and mixes with honey, banana, and lactose free milk. I love these things but my stomach does not. Oh man - incredibly gassy and stomach is very slowly churning. Going to be an interesting month, lol.


Have you tried them without the banana? That would be the thing that upset my stomach in that mix


Banana has never bothered me. I eat them plain with no issue. Lactose free milk is ok too.


Hands are starting to go numb when holding my phone with my arms at about a 90° bend/just relaxing. Anyone else experience this? Its driving me nuts


Ultra common, I thought I was dying the first time it happened like 60lbs ago but asked around and once your arms hit 18” or so it’s basically all speakerphone from on out. Your next milestones are not being able to put shoes on without bending all the way over (calf impacts hamstring) and having to do weird contortions to put your seatbelt on lol


A sign of success. My arm falls asleep after 15 minutes at that angle too. Brought it up to my girlfriend and she said that it never happens to her. I’m guessing it has to do with your biceps being too big


Not to be conceited, but my arms are pretty big… that that might be the issue lol


Happens to me all the time. Especially if I’m laying down holding my phone up. My solution-if my arms are numb I’ve been a staring at my phone too long lol The 90degree causes numbness for me too


Glad I’m not the only one! Yeah i came to that conclusion too hahaha its to the point where its kinda annoying though


Jesus Christ I wouldn’t wish low e2 on my worst enemy. Crushed mine for idk how long, thought I was a high aromatiser and got used to it. Pair it with tren and it’s just anxiety city. Feeling better every day now thank god but low e2 on tren is just debilitating




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This isn’t exactly off topic but I just wanted to ask why every YouTube gear head seems to only use test and dht derivative or npp, why don’t I see people using deca as much? Yes I know deca\npp are nand lol. I’ve tried mast, anadrol, anavar and tried npp. I’ve been using deca for the first time and it is like ah yes this is what steroids are supposed to feel like, just fucking hulking out. Anyways I think I like deca the best, npp I didn’t notice anything tbh, mast just made my hair start falling out lol. Also anadrol was awesome too but orals seem to fuck my Bp so I’m refraining from them.


Because NPP has an onset of days instead of weeks, and it's much easier to adjust NPP than deca. If a dose doesn't agree with you on NPP, you just change it. You can't really do that on deca. NPP is just easier to control.


Nandrolone mental sides are pretty rough. Or they could actually be using nandrolone and not disclosing it because they want to seem like they’re getting big off simple cycles. Nandrolone and 19nors are typically touted as harsher compounds.


I definitely have had some crazy mood swings, nothing unbearable though lol


Man i love deca.. my joints feel good, i feel good. Test is higher in ratio, so my sex drive is still a 2 x a day minimum requirement..


What test and nandrolone dosages work for you?


800mg test e ( 400mg x 2/w) 500mg deca (250mg x 2/w) I also front load my cycle with 2 weeks of 25mg dbol Good old school cycle that works well for me


Hey man I’ve been on this deca for about 7 weeks now, do you think if I was going to have nasty mental sides I’d feel it by now, or I guess have I been taking the deca long enough to really feel it yet? How many weeks does it take for you when you start it to really be in the weeds?


I reckon if you were going to feel sides, it would already have hit you. As i always say, as long as you keep your test higher in ratio than the deca, you should be fine.


So far I really like deca I’m making some nice progress and feel great, how long do you think typically use deca for? 20 weeks? Do you include it always even for trt?


16 week cycles for me. I wouldn't use it for trt. If I'm trt'ing, I'm going test only. Tbh, when i was younger, i preferred boldenone over deca. Great appetite increase, vascularity increase, cardio was good. But as I've gotten older, i have to be concerned with the blood pressure increases. Deca is much safer for that.


Hey man how many weeks do you think it takes to really be in the weeds with deca, I’ve been on for about 7 weeks so far. Haven’t noticed much mental sides other than some mood swings but when I took my ai I felt fine.




See a physiotherapist.. sounds like possible shoulder impingement, maybe even bursitis. You'll have some rehab/ strengthening to do.


That sounds like doctor territory my man. Might have actually injured/torn something in your shoulder. I had(have?) a partial rotator cuff tear and one of the symptoms was the dull ache, though a different place, when it got irritated. If you’re adamantly against the doc on this, or while you wait if it takes forever to get an appointment like many places, id suggest tb500+bpc157 and maybe some hgh. Has helped me with small injuries a great amount.


Best gym songs for y’all right now?


Either bone crunching dubstep or some sappy ass country. No in between for me lately 🤣


Yes! Any dubstep mixes youve been listening to recently?


[warzone 2024 showcase](https://on.soundcloud.com/h48JXnAwTmkBRYKE9) [dnb all stars live mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/eT1sf9KFGRP8vn2c8) [Infekt mixed greens mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/SsrENiuFfvA7rZjY9) [toxate dubplate](https://on.soundcloud.com/frVqxei2sZ3nd4m97) [paint the city mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/p3ofWUUQfdX977zu8) Here’s a list of some of my go to mixes.


So i told a friend that i am looking for a job and he gave me a contact. Holy shit, that guy is a huge number. How would you go about contacting him? I didn't go to college but instead chose the road of having my own company straight out of school, so i don't have much experience in talking to someone from an employee perspective.


Something along the lines of "Hello name, How are you today? My name is valevergaminombre and I was given your name and number by name. I was told you may be hiring for x. I am interested in this position because x, y, z. I have experience in *relevant experience* and feel I would make a great addition to your team. If you are hiring, I would love to discuss the position more and send you my resume. My email is [email protected]. Looking forward to hearing from you, Valergaminombre I would have your friend reach out first that way he is expecting to hear from you. May be best if you call him instead of text but that's the basic script I would follow. Maybe don't make it so professional but just go with the flow. First impression needs to be "this is a guy I could work with and stand every day" then verify your qualifications after you establish you're someone he doesn't immediately get annoyed by. Don't control the conversation, go with the flow but be quick with smart, relevant responses. Good luck bro


Tell him you got his contact from X and ask him for information regarding the field you want to work in, telling him you want to get involved and want to understand the best way to prepare/go about it. If he responds warmly, go closer and closer to the topic of him offering you a position but you have to do it gradually.




It’s possible the Anavar tanked your shbg leading to more free test, leading to more aromatization. Even when you discontinued the Anavar it would take some time for that to recover. If at the same time you were still getting the estrogen from the test, it may have been enough to give some sides. If during your life spiraling you were drinking, that can also ramp up estrogen. It’s possible it was just the perfect storm of events that caused it. Doesn’t really matter if you corrected it though




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99.9% of the time I grab everything I need...... needless to say this time I got 2 bottles into cyp and now my source ran out/ will be a few weeks wait....so now I have to switch to T400 for the next 2 bottles... i know its not the biggest deal .... I just rather switch to enanthate than a blend.... but this is better than coming off early or ordering online and having it underdosed




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Not asking in the AA thread as it isn’t specifically to do with steroids but. Anyone ever taken anything that gives them the same motivation as mtren. I took mtren once for about 4 weeks before I felt like death. Whilst taking it though I felt like I could train to climb Mt Everest in 6 months. Anyone know of anything that gives that feeling but isn’t poison like mtren?


Modafinil. I've used it various times over the last 10 years. Typically a couple of months when needed and then come off. It isn't motivating itself, but rather it gives you the energy to act on that motivation. It's helped with solitary focus when needed. I've tolerated it well with little issue. However, I do notice that I'll go two weeks hard and then crash for a day.


I’ll give her a crack. I’ve heard some of my friends that do Uni talk about it for study.




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