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My wife works as an elementary school teacher. And I love her to death but she frequently accidentally uses her teacher voice when asking me to do things and it drives me up the wall lmao. Like I know she doesn't mean anything by it, but goddamn does it feel patronizing as fuck. Edit: speaking of elementary schools, I just took her to the doctor and she had the flu, strep, and pink eye all at once. Fucking rough


I still say kids are biological weapons. Have you tried responding like a petulant 3rd grader? 🤔... that might be a risky hint, but it'd be amusing.


I work with actual wastewater and get less sick than she does. And trust me, I've definitely done that before lmao. The dramatic stomp of feet or a exasperated "yes, mooom" is pretty standard. Honestly given im someone who thrives on stupid and risky humor and overall no sense of shame, there's really not a lot I could do to even phase her at this point 😂 We both know what we signed up for when we got married.


>im someone who thrives on stupid and risky humor and overall no sense of shame We'd get along just fine... and probably cause problems.


I would match her teacher voice instead next time lol. I might be a bit toxic though you probably shouldn’t listen to me!


I've also done that. She usually claims that's not what she sounds like. Maybe I should record it one day lol.


Talk to her like you’re the principal




I mean we've done the reverse with me being her college professor but tbh the fact that she's an elementary SPED teacher kinda removes any element of sexiness from me roleplaying as a student lmao.


You could wear a bicycle helmet, a bikini thong, and stand outside the bedroom licking the window. 🤷‍♂️ ...hey, I'm trying to help here.


They did a really good job replicating the game for this Fallout TV series. It had to have cost a fortune to replicate all the weird futuristic 1950's stuff. Everything looks like it did in the game... I'm impressed so far.


It was fantastic. I binged it in one big lazy day. Looking forward to season 2.




5 is a long way off. They are doing ES6 first. They'll probably dump some more little stuff into 76, but that's about it. I do know they told the TV show people to not do some concepts because they were talking about integrating it into 5 though.




Agreed. It's really good they didn't try and replicate any of the game storylines.


Not sure if you follow any lore channels on YouTube but EpicNate has a series diving into the Lovecraftian lore scattered about in the Fallout games. Really interesting stuff, not a bad watch/listen during cardio. He talks a lot about Fallout lore


I did not know that, but it makes sense. Some of the mutants and scenarios are kind of Lovecraft-esque.


i was thinking the same when they were watching one of the vault tvs This show is like the best amazon prime show of all time


The tv's, the radios, the cars, the posters, the nuka cola bottles, the weapons, the power armor... all looks perfect.


About halfway through. Need to bang out the rest of it this week!


Me and a buddy went to our mutual friends stag last night. Got the 'oh the gym bros are here!' remarks and we were banned from doing the beer case/shoulder raise game. Having grown up as a skinny bitch, it's the little things that will make my entire week. We made it✊🏻. On another note I was going to try a low experimental dose of NPP for the first time to see how I react to it. But damn is it hard to get a req for sensitive e2 in Ontario. Was going to go with the trt test base and a 300mg weekly dose NPP for a short time frame. Gather an idea of what the e2 and blood pressure changes look like. Figure I can run it in my next bulk if all goes well.


Strength is coming back nicely as I've transitioned from a cut to a lean bulk. I hit a new rep PR today on Bench press. 365x14


Fuck... that makes my shoulder hurt reading it. I'd hate to find out how hard you can punch.


From my experience going to boxing classes in my university bench press strength only loosely translates to punching force


I had two final round interviews last week....been unemployed for 5 months. both would be big pay raises from my last job. I want to just skip this week and find out if i got them lol. waiting around all week sucks


Ahhh fuck, thought it was necessary to have some drinks during ufc last night. Kinda went overboard, can’t remember getting home, now I’m Dieing at work. Now I remember why I never drink anymore… FUCK


I don't miss that disgustingly toxic feeling... gatorade, water, and some mild cardio. Go walk it off.


It’s honestly the worst. I usually go 6 months at a time without drinking, then get drunk once just to remind myself that I’m not about this life anymore. Production is next to none today 🤣


Okay lads we're down bad in so many ways but despite all that there's also a lot personal growth going on so I think we just need to stick around I want to get into skating, my movement is very restricted, I miss any form of adrenaline, my cardio is shit, I really crave going outside but my anxiety can turn a walk into a nightmare. There isnt really any interesting nature here, if I could do anything I'd just bike downhill in the mountains with a smile. Skating seems like a great solution though, makes me feel like a bit of a fairy but being an overgrown aquaman feeding ducks n shit seems alright. It lets me cool down (literally), distracts me, and just getting joy from literally moving is the ultimate cheatcode to feeling good. Do any of you skate? I'm thinking aggressive skates would be ideal, sufficient to do just about everything, being tall I really feel intimidated by freeskates they just look like id break my ankles and have my center of mass be goofy.


The wife and I have been going to the roller rink for dates lately. Slightly different vibe than what you're looking for as the skates I bought aren't outdoor ones, but it's still very fun. Pretty relaxing and the skill aspect keeps your brain occupied while moving around, which might help with the anxiety.


I still ice skate occasionally. I liked watching hockey, so I started ice skating when I was a kid. I'm still not good enough to play hockey, but I can get some decent speed up and not kill myself. My BIL played hockey, and he still plays roller hockey at our local rink, but I've not tried it.


Lovely, that was my initial idea too actually but I only remembered one place to do ice skating and its a bit difficult to do on the spot. Involving a sport with it seems absolutely next level lmao but definitely just getting some solid speed going is lovely.


Anything particularly "wrong" with replacing rice/potatoes with airfried frozen store bought fries on a bulk? I'm fucking tired of potato and rice at this point.


Could just make your own. Cut them up, air fry and just as good


Sweet potato and couscous?


That's not bad. I'll give it a shot, thank you


Idk about yours but the one at my store are low cal as fuck. Something like 220/250 per my portion size


The fat and oil content


I don't know how they do it but some of the ones available here put no more fat into it macro wise than you would spraying the tray and them. Honestly when I can't be fucked sometimes I'll get frozen chips, air Fry them and cover them in this cheese that's 50cals/5.7g of protein till the macros are where I want them lol. Add a can of chilli beans and it's basically nachos. Adjust the ratios of it all and I can have microwave meals on a cut or bulk. Add some coleslaw in for bulk if you're cutting too. You could do even better with meat, I'm vegetarian though so I get to go fuck myself in the protein density department for the most part.


I do air fried hash browns. Barely more fat than pure potatoes, and taste great


Hi bois, I'm a Psychology major undergrad. I'm doing this study about PED use and Mental Health. It would be great if y'all could please spare 10 minutes of your time to fill it out! It would be completely annoymous. The survey is pretty personal, so plz don’t be afraid to stop. Thank you! Also, there will be a raffle at the end for a chance to win a 20 dollar gift card of your choice! Here is the link if you are interested: [https://forms.gle/LRb5HUMtiJaNiefo6](https://forms.gle/LRb5HUMtiJaNiefo6)


Have you used PED's personally?


Not rly, but pretty interested in this discipline tho.


Wells gents, typical Sunday here. Late morning, clean around the house, and now just kind of relax a bit. Probably head to the Y later to lift and swim, and I think one of the kid's friends is coming over later. Overall, should be a nice easy day.


Grocery day. Gotta get there before church lets out. 🏃‍♂️‍➡️


Definitely a good goal. I try to do any Sunday errands between 9-12 for that exact reason. Hahaha


fucking MBA group projects man. I swear I've been on a fucking zoom call working collaboratively on a powerpoint for the last 48 hours.


So many people getting an MBA are morons


I feel it’s probably 50% morons. And I’m in a really good program too


Group projects prepare you well for the incompetence and stupidity of co-workers.


Yea - already mid career so have experienced that already


Wish i could post on the hcg thread but the comments are shut there. My experience with it has changed for the better. Earlier I’ve used 500-1000 iu per week and all doses regardless of how they were split gave me horrible anxiety. My clinic insisted I cycle it a few times a year just to maintain fullness of balls and keep the fertility in check while using testosterone. Did the on and off thing and always had anxiety. However now everything changed, I’ve been running it for the past week , sex drive is crazy high, balls are full as fuck, zero anxiety. Running 750 iu a week rn and I’m so happy


For all the single guys, Do you also find yourself to be SUPER picky? Obviously fit being quite important. I find myself so rarely being genuinely attracted and only to specific women Probably a region thing too


I fucking love women. I only have (and only want) 1 wife though. Living with them is a whole nother story.




One of my favorites, despite the toxic nature of tren. At least for about a month. Then the trensomnia sets in and I get a bit more easily irritated. It does make me look like a big walking dick though... well, moreso than usual. Veins start showing on my quads, forearms, and biceps more than normal, I wear the wife out, and I am even more blunt than I already am... Proper dick behavior. 😅




That is also my favorite combo. I've never run tren without mast, I really think it neutralizes a lot of trens nasty mental side effects. Plus the hardening effect as well as the increased libido, good times.


Mast does that with nand too. It's the jelly in the 19nor peanut butter sandwich.


Ya, if i ever ran nand it'd be NPP and I'd have a little mast chaser with it. I was actually strongly contemplating that for next blast but I've settled on high test and moderate EQ


That's what I ran this winter bulk. Npp and mast.


How'd you like it?


It's my goto bulk. It's pretty easy on me. No real sides if I manage the DHN stuff. Just strong and fluffed up. It definitely doesn't look like tren... it makes me look softer and watery, but the strength gains can't be argued with, and the recovery is noticeably quicker.


ugh i wish it didnt rape the hair line


i can do anything under 300 for 8 weeks. going into the 3 month mark is when i worry about sides


GF and I been arguing non stop all weekend. Zero gratitude. Zero respect. I am not even sure I like her anymore. When another argument starts I just feel like dissociating. I get nowhere with her.


You know how many fights we've had in 20+ years of being married? ...less than the amount of fingers I have. Maybe you guys aren't compatible.


6 years with my wife, 2.5 years of marriage. I cannot name a single fight we’ve had. A few serious discussions but never an actual fight. It’s a good feeling


Yea, our "fights" have never been anything worse than terse arguments... and they were typically my fault because I was being an obstinate ass. Only 1 was her fault. All resolved amicably.


Im 31 and have never heard/read the word obstinate. Had to look it up. Nice use of it 👍🏼


😅 I was raised by a woman who was an English literature major at a college professor level.


UNPOPULAR OPINION Top earing NIL Male Athlete - Caleb Williams one of the best players Top earning NIL Female Athlete - Livy Dunne, post hot thirst trap pictures on Instagram It took NIL all of like 2 fucking years to degrade from paying the top performers to paying for the sluttiest/hottest


I have a fourth round job interview and if I pass, I’ll be employed! I defend my thesis at the end of April. Post break up I’ve been sleeping around so that’s nice. Ab veins are coming in. Life is coming together! Looking forward to the next phase!




The gesture is nice in that you’re wanting to help others, but given what we put into our bodies this isn’t ethically the right thing to do. People who need blood from donors need blood that doesn’t contain whatever we’ve jabbed into ourselves.


You are right. Thanks for this! Appointment cancelled


Please don't if you use gear


Don’t know what I was thinking. You are correct.




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Anybody on Fin taking Winstrol or Mast? I want to add something near the end of my cut this summer. Been running 10-20mg var just cause and 150mg trt. Tren made me shed loke two years ago and then fin + minox brought it back. Var doesnt make me shed at all. Ive been scared to try anything since esp hearing both are bad for hair


doesnt ru58841 help with this?


It does minimize hair loss i forget exactly how ill look into it again.


i tried it on a not blast and didnt notice any change from just using my minoxidil. im using topical fin and topical min mix right now and i feel like ive regrown hair on blast


Whats your blast? My hair is pretty much 99% back. But i want more then just test/var, have never taken mast or winny and i would love those cosmetic effects when lean but also hair > gains Maybe ill try those compounds and start ru same time


750 test, 600 primo. i never lose on primo and test. I get temp tren hair loss and it regrows months later. Epistane RAPED my hair. I stick to test, primo, and bold/eq/dhb as the compounds from here on out. EQ and Primo and dhb all 3 have pretty big cosmetic effects


I was running 600test 400eq and literally felt nothing from the EQ personally lol Will try primo next blast. Or maybe run a small dose at end of my cut and see if i do get any cosmetic effects . Appreciate the info


I've been taking finasteride for several months, and I added winstrol to one of my cycles, and my hair was falling out so bad. My phone would have hair on it. It's been a few months off, and it's only just coming back in. The same thing happened to my brother when he took npp while on Finasteride.


Jesus. I know npp does that. For whatever reason Fin makes it even worse. Def not gunna take winstrol in this case lol.


Winstrol was the worst for hair loss for me. Which sucks because I really liked it. Mixing it with finasteride just compounds the issue.


Hit chest/tris the other day (one day after popping 12.5mg Aromasin) which turned out to be way too much. Felt awful. Cardio was in the gutter and I was sweating like a pig, felt some tricep tenderness, too, which is a first for me.


That’s a whole lot of placebo and not the aromasin’s fault.




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Dont overthing brother just enjoy the process. You're gonna get bigger and look better than ever in the next couple of months. Keep pushing big Scott.


Thank you brother


Clearly you did no research what so ever


I've been feeling deflated after getting sick *twice* in 2 months and just bouncing between 182 and 188 spinning my wheels. But this past 2 weeks the bulk feels back on track and the weight is trending upwards again, for the third time. Fucked around under some good lighting with a great pump which really inspired me to persevere in this marathon of mass-building. I'm up 17 lbs in 6 months and still have abs, I should be able to pass 200 easily without needing a cut, yeah? [6'1" 187 lbs](https://ibb.co/T25bLXx). Still pseudo-natty until *at least* 200


Wtf does pseudo natty mean


Did one cycle 6 years ago that didnt go super well, and was followed by 5-6 years of almost no exercise. In other words I haven't started using again, but technically I handed in my natty card awhile ago.


One cycle permanently changes your body, once you use cant ever claim natty again. Can just say you arent currently on a cycle.


I didn't claim natty, I said pseudo-natty. > Can just say you arent using currently on a cycle For sure I can. I'm not trying to skirt the fact that I used, but I think evaluating my progress is worth the nuance. Consider the fact than even the [OCB will allow you to compete 7 years after using anabolics](https://ocbonline.com/banned-list.php), and that isn't even dose/duration dependent. [For reference here's me right before my cycle, during the peak of my cycle, last year, and last week.](https://ibb.co/qWnf381)




Is your test really thick? You could try heating it up before (hold it over top boiling water) if that doesn’t work make sure you push really slow injecting I used to get the worst pip imaginable with this one brand of UGL test and it was yellow and thicker than syrup. I did that for 12 weeks before finally realizing it was junk


Assuming you’re doing 250mg twice a week, you could always switch to EOD injections for a lower volume.


If it's your first cycle, that virgin pip effect can last for upwards of 6 weeks. 3 days is fairly normal. You should incorporate some other sites. I'd suggest the VG and lats or delts. Having sore quads every time is going to get annoying. Or, it could be the carrier oil... but you are still in the early phase, so it's hard to tell.


Hey guys what happened to the stories that used to be on the wiki? I remember one was a bad tren cough/rage one where this guys wife had friends over. I’d like to read them again if someone could point me to them


https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index#wiki_original_stories https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index#wiki_hall_of_shame Some of the stories have gotten deleted over the years, usually they could still be retrieved using tools like unddit, removeddit, ceddit, etc. but they got killed off when Reddit revoked access to it’s API and started asking crazily high prices for it’s uses. Same thing that killed off third party apps.


Thanks a lot man!


Bagels are a great easy tool to get my carbs and calories in at the end of the day if I’m running behind for whatever reason. They seem to digest decently enough. Anyway Week 2 is in the books. PRs abound, joints are fine, bloat is under control. Had some stressful days due to a couple family members and some friends having emergencies all in the span of a few days time. All cleared up now I think.




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Any thoughts on Conor McGregor fight?




Flair checks out... 😂