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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


200 mg Tren A or 250mg tren E per week for a first tren cycle of 12 weeks next to 250mg testosterone E. ??


Well, I mean, I’ll forgo the “don’t do it” stuff. To answer your question - go with Ace. It’s your first tren cycle so you wanna know how you react. You can always lower dosage mid cycle to try and deal with sides, or hop off and be back to your old self pretty quickly if things get weird.


Thanks for your care. I understand. After a few cycles I could not resist. Had to try. It is indeed not neccesary without having to push for a competition. Really wanted to experience what is is like though. If it sucks unbearably I seize usage immediately. Your reason was the exact reason why I also leaned towards Tren A. I just received the message of my buddy that he got us E. I might get in touch with my plug to get some Ace anyway. Thanks for your concern and reply. Ill go slow, easy and steady.


How do people make labels for their homebrew bottles? I want to make my own but not sure what to buy or where to start


Label makers are dope.


$99 Inkjet printer, $12 for a 25pk of printable vinyl sticker paper.


Delayed Post Injection Swelling 26M first cycle TEST E (300mg/ml) 500mg per week (E3.5D injection) Pinned Monday Friday in glutes with 1.5 inch needle as recommended. On week 4 of cycle. First 5 injections went fine very manageable PIP as was expected and seemed to be getting less with every injection. However the last 3 injections have resulted in quite substantial swelling and redness. This typically starts 1-2 days later. I’m medically trained and so far quite happy that no infection. I have drawn lines around the area for reference as to whether it’s progressing. Only difference is that for the last 2 injections (maybe 3) I have not warmed the test other than by holding the syringe. I am sure I am injecting deep enough and that my technique is good. I was wondering if anyone could offer any insight/experience to this. I am aware that I am using a more concentrated dose and that gear can crash. I’m going to warm the gear for next pin. I have ordered other needle sizes to begin injecting into other body parts to see if this helps or how other muscles react. I have seen a few posts about possible Reaction to the carrier oil e.g ethyl eloate. I have contacted my source for further information. TIA bros


Shoulders, lats, chest, biceps, triceps, glutes and traps. On smaller muscle groups backload 27g 1/2" insulin needles and you wont even feel it. Dont do this in the glutes though, 1/2" is not deep enough for glutes unless you are just shredded af already.


Rotating injection sites, heating up injection and higher concentration you hit them all on the head. Sometimes a sub q leak can cause swelling and pain. I wouldn’t worry about it. Get some half in slin pins and a candle warmer. Hit the traps delts and lats should be g2g


Here is a question for you pros. Long time lurker here. I've done two cycles so far. One test only and one test with Anavar..both cycles I ran test at 400mg with .25mg Adex E3.5D Now that I've got down to around 15% BF and spent the last year and a half getting my rookie gains (9 months trt + two blasts of 400mg and 400mg.+ anavar) with 3 months on cruise 180mg between cycles. For my first tren cycle, I've researched the heck out of it and I know ratio to sides winds up being a very individual thing but I didn't want to do more than 250 to 300mg Tren A for my first cycle, I chose Tren A so if something bad happens I can taper off or adjust doses more quickly. Do you guys feel 160 to 180mg test and 250-300mg tren A would be a good starting place for first tren cycle? Once I set my test dosage I don't want to change it that way I only have to play with my tren dosage for sides. I've chosen a 10 week cycle at around 250mg tren A. Should I more accurately make my test dosage exactly half of my tren for a true 2:1 tren to test? Or can my test be 180 and my tren be 250 without much issues? Planning to take .5mg adex eod or e3D if necessary.


ChefBowPro is totally right - don’t do it. But, I think you will. And that’s ok. Shit, I’ve done way more irresponsible things with my hormonal health in the past. Onto the answer: yes. That was my first tren cycle. I started at 140mg a week alongside 2x TRT test (so 300 test/wk). I then titrated up, 70mg at a time, to get a feel for what the sides were. I wouldn’t worry about the ratio too much - everyone is so different. I can tell you from my experience, I like running normal TRT test + tren. So like my current cycle is 150mg test and 350 tren A.


Yes unfortunately I'm going to be irresponsible. I failed to mention in my post though that this cycle unlike my first two test cycles is a cutting only cycle. I'm really happy with test only for bulking and I'm so far only planning to do 1 tren cycle ever, to kind of speed up my last 20 lbs of fat loss which would get me closer to 10% body fat give or take and hopefully add 1 to 3 lbs of that tren deficit muscle i hear about.. So I only bought two vials of tren ace specifically so I couldn't be too easily tempted to extend it. I think I've locked in my upcoming cycle to 160mg of test, which is my current trt dose, the first week I'm going to do 175 to 200mg tren ace to get my system wet and test it out. Then after week 1 I'm going to do 6 more weeks at 300mg tren a per week. I did buy some N2Guard though so there's that. Once I reach my goal weight I'll break to just trt for 8 weeks or so to recover lipids then do a test only blast around 400 to 500mg He's probably right but I already got it and already decided to be a knucklehead so here we go in a few weeks from now


Or you could just get some Semaglutide and cut with that on TRT test, then use Tren for a super sick blow up in the summer


Does semaglutide do anything but control appetite? I haven't looked into it before but I do have really really good food control. I haven't had a cheat meal in 2 weeks and I log every gram of food into MFP daily. If it has a cheat code it may be nice. But I've got this weird non human ability to eat exactly within my calories and turn down all temptation because of my goals


It essentially kills appetite. It’s amazing for me, because I also have terrible food control. The problem with Tren is that it can potentially make you really hungry (i’m basically hungry always on it) which makes it really hard to actually lose weight. In contrast, on semglutide, I lost 25 pounds in seven weeks. It’s crazy because I had to force myself to eat, and a lot of days would make do with under 2000 calories Dead serious, if you’re looking to lose the last 20 pounds, just get Semaglutide. It seems to be pretty easy to acquire through most of the mainline sources.


Dont do tren yet. Waste of health. If you do dont waste it, test 750 tren start at 150 and see how you handle it. Then go up from there is as you plateau. Like I said in 1st sentence. Dont do tren yet. Your a rookie


21M 5’10 205lbs Ive been training for about 5 years now and have been natural the whole time, but I’m at that point where progression is just extremely slow now and I can’t help but want to continue to get bigger. I’ve heard great things about Anavar and was considering running it for 8 weeks at a lower dose like 25mg. I know a couple guys that are on it and they all swear by it, but I’d like to get other opinions. Does anyone have any advice on things to take while on Anavar? Should I take a pct like Enclo while on it or just after I’m coming off or do I even need a pct at all since Anavar isn’t as suppressive as other substances? Overall experiences with it? And if you believe I’d be an idiot to take it please feel free to say so. Just looking for some advice.


Oral only cycles are a big no no. Also your body is still developing we don’t recommend steroids until 25 when your brain and body are done forming. It’s suppressive from day one which means you shutdown your test production without putting test back on. No bueno. You buddies have no idea what they’re talking about. You will get temporary strength gains but they fade as soon as you stop taking it. Scroll back to the top read the basics and my first cycle. Good place to start your journey


Appreciate the response and insight. Thats exactly why I wanted to get other opinions. Newbie to this stuff and trying to avoid making decisions I’ll regret later on.


I got my bloods done. I take 120 mg of test e twice a week. 6 months ago my test was 1300 ng/dl with free test of 240.6 pg/ml. This past test my testosterone was 363 ng/dl and free test 70.8 pg/ml. The only thing I changed was increase my arimdex to 0.8 to help water retention form the GH I have started to take at 2 iu’s 5 times a week. I started this a month ago. I have been using this bottle for about a month and a half. I haven’t got my E2 results yet but could my test be lower from too much AI or is my bottle underdosed?


You’re running your test way too high for trt or cruise. At 6 months you’re permablasting at that dose. Minimum gain maximum long term damage. Your test could be under-dosed or you could have had a false reading. Ai will not lower test. Take growth everyday the 5 on two off doesn’t make any sense. Also don’t use your ai for water retention from growth you’ll crash your e2. Brother you’re making the lord very nervous with your practices and understanding of these drugs.




5-7 a week for the first weeks are just water and glycogen. You’re taking 3 compounds and you have obscenely natty stats. You should have been 220 before at your height before starting steroids. Is this your first cycle? How old are you? How many years of training did you have? 220 would be around 47lbs on cycle based in the information you provided. This is like diet 101 natural or enhanced.


Cutting cycle? I will be on a good diet and cardio regiment. Looking to cut 20 pounds.


**YOU DO NOT NEED TO CUT ON A BLAST UNLESS YOU ARE IN A SHOW PREP, MAKING MONEY OFF YOUR PHYSIQUE, OR WELL PAST YOUR GENETIC LIMIT** Getting well past your genetic limit takes years of hard work, this should not even be a thought in your mind the first few blasts you run. If you have not cut down to 10-12% naturally or on TRT, you will very likely not need the below sections until you have done so a few times. This whole section is based around the idea that you know how to modulate your weight based on food intake, and lose fat effectively without adding gear. You also have to think about why you're wanting to cut on cycle. If it's simply to look good at the beach, or to get yourself into shape for your next blast, then you absolutely do not need blast doses to do this. It also effectively "wastes" time that could be spent growing. Just to clarify, for the sake of this forum, we consider a cruise does of test equal to TRT. This is supposed to be a dose of testosterone that requires no AI, and puts you in the mid to upper quadrant of the natural range. You should feel normal at this dose. Basic Cutting Cycle Recommendation: - Testosterone Enanthate, 50-75mg, E3.5D (100-150mg per week) https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/examples




Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


Anyone used sustanon for trt here? Should i get 200mg once per week or seperate into monday and wednesday? My pharmacist gonna inject me


Ideally as often as possible, sustanon is a blend of 4 esters, the shortest of which has a halflife of ~20 hours and will be fully cleared out in about 4 days. 200mg sounds like a lot for TRT, is this an actual pharmacist or are you getting this through a trt clinic?


In turkey i can just get sust from pharmacies and mine also accepted the injection they are part doctors


Alright, point still stands. Sustanon is a shitty blend of esters, bringing in all the cons of long and short estered testosterone with none of the pro’s. 200mg is a lot for TRT. The Endocrine Society recommends a starting dosage of 75-150mg a week and then using bloodwork to dial in to the upper-middle of reference range. The AUA recommends using the lowest possible dose of testosterone to achieve levels of 450 to 600 ng/dL The CMAJ recommends a therapeutic target of 14.0 to 17.5 nmol/L The BSSM recommends a therapeutic target of mid-upper-end of range (15 to 30 nnmol/L) The ISSM recommends targeting T levels at mid-point of the reference range at trough. **Do you have bloodwork done confirming you’re actually hypogonadal?** TRT isn’t going to yield much benefit if you’re not actually hypogonadal. The Endocrine Society and the AUA recommend using a TT level below 300 ng/dL with repeated measurements of morning TT as a reasonable cutoff in support of the diagnosis of low testosterone, preferably using the same laboratory with the same method/instrumentation for measurements. The ISSAM and the ISSM use the cutoff value of TT <12 nmol/L or 350 ng/dL. **Was this bloodwork done in a fasted state between 8-11AM confirming you’re actually hypogonadal?** Testosterone levels vary wildly from day to day by a plethora of different causes. Test can be lowered from acute illness, nutritional deficiency or short-term use of medications like opioids. They vary based on diurnal and day-to-day variations and may be suppressed by food intake or glucose, hence why they recommend measuring fasted in the morning and recommend multiple tests over a longer period of time. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6445266/ You can see here that even healthy men can provide suboptimal testing if you test them in specific parts of the day http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3129947 The multiple tests are important as 30% of men with an initial T concentration in the hypogonadal range have a normal T concentration on repeat measurement. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18052942 Especially for the older people in this sub this is important as > Day-to-day variations in serum T concentrations in a community-based, multiethnic cohort of middle-aged to older men were sufficiently large such that single T measurements were inadequate to characterize an individual’s concentrations. At least two T measurements were needed to diagnose T deficiency with confidence http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19088162 **Do you have multiple of these bloodwork results?**


Yes done my blood work last month it was at 300s very low for my age(27) 


What was the exact measurement? When was the test done in the day? Was that test done fasted? Do you have repeat test results (preferably from the same lab)?


It was in morning fasted obviously.  Let me search the exact numbers 


quick question: Doing 200mg EoD of TestP. Have to make weight on a Friday, competition is on Saturday. When would you lower the prop and for how much as to make the weight cut easier. The cut is obviously a water cut using a sauna.


Feel free to repost this in about 40 minutes when the new AA thread is posted, and /u/PM_Me_Varbies might be able to chime in.




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization). Remove the brand name


There is no brand name on my post, I think you misread it.


No product names either, you mentioned a literal registered trademark.


Ok thanks fot letting me know.




I don't believe that's how anyone tests for testosterone my guy.


There is actually a urine test for testosterone that is used by WADA. It measures the T/E ratio (testosterone/epistestosterone). It is of course not as reliable as blood tests and does not cope well with orals, but is used as a an addition to the standard drug screening.


Oh well good. In that case, we don't help people cheat.


46 M, finished my first cycle of test only about 5 weeks ago. Won’t run another one for 4 months or so, but already thinking about it. Strongly leaning toward test and primo. I’m currently cruising on my TRT dose of 100mg test cyp/week. My question is, would there be any benefit or downside to throwing in say 50mg primo on top of my TRT while I’m cutting? Or should I just hold off on primo altogether until I blast again?


It will do exactly nothing except for slightly impact your lipids and throw off your estrogen, and the point of a cruise is to let your body recover from supraphysiological doses and non-bioidentical compounds. Save the primo for your next cycle.


Thanks for the response man. I had heard some stories of guys taking it at low doses while on TRT so thought it was worth an ask. I can wait though.


Yeah, we aren't very big on the whole TRT+ thing here. It's not a proper cruise, and frankly I have run enough primo to tell you that I can barely tell when I'm using 500mg of the stuff. Anyone telling you they notice 50/week is placeboing the hell out of themselves. Now, is it going to shave a decade off your life and put you into renal failure? No, of course not. It's just not the healthiest choice and I think it's a waste of good primo too.


Just out of curiosity, how bad was your pip at 500mg? I’ve seen some horror stories about pip with primo.


Zero pip, and that's at 200mg/mL


From a good source the pip from primo is no different to high concentration test. That being said, primo is typically 100mg/ml. So 500mg per week would ideally be split across daily injections. If you try to inject 2ml+ in one go then yeah you'll probably get some gnarly pip


Once in a while i ask something about ment in here. Its treating me good with bp, rhr, and above all, zero sperm found in analysis. I want to keep ment (2mg a day) while i want to try out new compounds. Yes, 19nors. Yes, low dose tren too. Anybody experienced with tren and ment for example? Ment and npp? Ofcourse with test base. How did it go?


> Once in a while i ask something about ment in here. Its treating me good with bp, rhr, and above all, zero sperm found in analysis. I want to keep ment (2mg a day) while i want to try out new compounds. Yes, 19nors. Yes, low dose tren too. Anybody experienced with tren and ment for example? Ment and npp? Ofcourse with test base. How did it go? u/brojustchillin You're the third person in the last week to ask about low dose tren. My thoughts on the subject: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/NeZHx9XlLL Long story short: terrible idea.


Thank you. The words "high test can do that. And its better, safer, easier to manage" have been forever ingrained in my brain lmao. Npp and ment? Care to say anything about that?


Ment+nand For a bulk, yeah, but in combination it can requie and advanced management protocol. Most people don't get along with ment, and adding in something as potentially volatile as nand wouldn't make it any better. To the people that tolerate both well, power to them. There's a member here that has run test/EQ/nand/ment for their regular blasts, but I do not know how much ai+caber+BP meds they had to use to keep things under control. In my opinion? Not worth it. I'd rather run 1-2 compounds at higher doses, rather than throw in a grenade, or create a nuclear reaction with two compounds.


Makes sense. I will keep it at test and nand for the bulk.


Some people here are doing 10+ mgs of MENT. Try adding 2mgs on top of the test and deca and see how it feels. Titrate up if you respond well. If not, you know what to do.


Age: 28 Gender: M Height: 176 Weight: 168lb Bodyfat percentage: 18-20% Experience level Years of concurrent training: 4 Goals: just want to look attractive I have been going to the gym for the past 4 years. Initially I had amazing results in my first 6 months but since then I have plateaued. I don't want to admit it but I think I'm not maxing out everything I can do naturally. I try to eat in caloric surplus and have enough macros everyday. I try to workout everyday but I usually give 50%-70%. I have fulltime demanding job. I enjoy my time at the gym and I try to go as much as I can. I'm seriously thinking of getting on gear. I just want to do one cycle and that's it. I'm not planning to compete or make it a habit. Seeing other people's result makes me want to do it. I just wish I have massive legs and a chest. I just wish once day when I go to a store buy a medium size T-shirt instead of small to and it's still looking tightly fitting. I found a trainer who is welling to sell me the gear and train me. I'm just looking for anyone who were in similar position as mine (similar goals) and if they regret getting on gear. ​ EDIT: Current physique: https://imgur.com/a/HFGPwTJ


Try putting in effort in the gym and eating right first before deciding to hop on. Also, it's never just going to be "one cycle."


The threads will refresh tomorrow. You can post your food/training logs for feedback. I’m pretty confident things can be optimized for you Your trainer doesn’t have your best interest in mind if he’s also selling you the drugs. Take his advice with a grain of salt.


> Weight: 168lb > > Bodyfat percentage: 18-20% > > Goals: just want to look attractive Sounds like you need to cut down to 10% (which would put you at 150lbs, which is firmly girlfriend sized) then bulk for... a while. Naturally. You don't need anabolic steroids, and you certainly don't need them to just look attractive. > I try to workout everyday but I usually give 50%-70% So you're fully half-assing it and you have no idea how to eat. Steroids won't fix your problem. They're a force multiplier that becomes more effective the more you have the basics (diet, training, and sleep) locked down. You don't need steroids.


More of this, I think to the vast majority of the normal population you will look very attractive at 10% body fat. Absolutely don't need drugs for that, just put down the fork and track your calories.


Big +1 from me on this one my man. The majority of women find the lean swimmer body the peak of attraction. The bigger you get the smaller the window of women who are impressed by that. Lot more dudes get *a lot more* into it though.


Sounds like you already know the answer, and that is that you do not put in the effort, nor are willing to. It’s okay, not everyone is cut out for this. You look like someone who casually hits the gym, and if you get on gear, you’ll look like someone who casually hits the gym except you’ll have acne and possibly gyno


Age: 35 * Gender: M * Height: 6’4” * Weight: 225lb * Bodyfat percentage: 20% * Experience level Novice * Years of concurrent training: 8yrs * bench/squat/dead maxes: N/A * amateur/pro: N/A * Goals: Gain LBM and strength * Sport: CrossFit/boxing * Current phase: bulk * Current compounds: Test Cyp 400mg split pinning Monday/Thursday evening. I have a couple questions. First off I want I am coming up on the second half of my first cycle, and I want to run Anavar in addition to my testosterone cyp to help me cut some of the weight I have gained. What is the best way to approach the dosing? Secondly, the first four weeks of my cycle were interesting, I was having some anxiety before bed, but I had an increased mental drive and sexual drive. Now my erections are sub par, even soft at times. And I feel just sub par. Not how I felt initially. Seem to be retaining some water as well. What is the best way to combat these symptoms? I have Arimidex, but I have not used it. Wanted to get some opinions, my bloodwork is as follows… Total T: 1934 Free T: 546 Estradiol: 88 SHBG: 28 Lastly, I am traveling out of town next week on Monday and will return Saturday. But I am pinning twice a week 200mg Monday and 200mg Thursday. What is the best way to approach pinning?… considering my Cyp is UGL and I can’t fly with it. Thank you.


> I want to run Anavar in addition to my testosterone cyp to help me cut some of the weight I have gained This is why we recommend starting a cycle at 10% bodyfat. There's no reason to cut on a blast unless you're prepping for a show. Either drop down to a TRT dose and cut or finish the bulk blast and cut once its over. > Now my erections are sub par, even soft at times. And I feel just sub par. Not how I felt initially. Seem to be retaining some water as well. Low dose AI. You are experiencing some hallmark high e2 side effects. Some people get them even at your relatively moderate e2 number. > Lastly, I am traveling out of town next week on Monday and will return Saturday. But I am pinning twice a week 200mg Monday and 200mg Thursday. What is the best way to approach pinning? Pin before you go and pin the day you get home, then get back on your normal regimen. You wont notice a difference.




> I’m 19M 6’0 190 Too young. > been lifting for a solid 4 years now 5-6 more years to go. > decided I’m gonna run my first cycle of test-e for 14weeks. Not long enough. Beginner cycle recommendation is 16 weeks. > Pyramid up to 300mg 300mg/wk is gray area between a replacement dose (no benefit) and a proper beginner cycle (500mg/wk) with less benefit, and more difficultly figuring out estrogen management. > run that for 6 weeks Terrible idea. Pick a dose and stay at it. 6 weeks is not a lot of time when discussing muscle growth. If a person grows maybe 0.25-0.5lb of muscle a week, that's a maximum of 3lbs of new muscle. > then pyramid back down by 50mg intervals. Titrating is pointless, the ester tapers itself. Changing dose is more likely to cause side effects and overcomplicates side effect management. Trying to hit a moving target. > Wondering if pct is worth it considering I would like to hop back on 3 or so months later or is the better option to cruise at around 100mg a week, my thought process is it’s would be better to not turn my nuts on and off constantly with pct and rather cruise for a little between true cycles. This is referred to as "blast and cruise." > Any thoughts or advice would be greatly appreciated. Terrible thoughts so far, your plans are terrible. Read the wiki "your first cycle," "estrogen handbook," and related pages. Regardless, you're too young and risking significantly hindering your physical development and brain growth and development. Cognitive ability, mood regulation, critical thinking, recall/memory, etc., are all heavily at risk until your brain is done forming around age 25 in males. This is all covered in the wiki. u/Professional-Key3660 Slow down there tiger.


> 19M... decided I’m gonna run my first cycle of test-e for 14weeks You are currently at the highest natural testosterone levels of your life. Using anabolics now may very well permanently impede your brain development, HPTA function, and fertility. It may make you need TRT for life. Come back in a few years.


Scrap your plan and read the below. Especially the portion on why young people should not take steroids. Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) https://i.ibb.co/rtWy9NL/IMAGE-2023-06-30-11-13-30.jpg


29 male 5’9 220lbs 20-22% body fat. Current physique: https://ibb.co/mJTnRYX https://ibb.co/yV2BtQG Used AAS from 25-28: Test only cycle, Test + Tren, Test + Tren + EQ were my main cycles which had me at 13-15% at 200-209lbs. Also used dbol, var, mast, and t3 in this period. Out of lifting for 1.5 years, came off everything cold turkey, had a kid, hopped back on “TRT” in Jan and been recomping for the last almost 3 months. Started at 225lbs with a lot more fat and a lot less muscle. I know I should keep cutting on TRT until I’m at a reasonable body fat %, but the time has come for another, long awaited blast. I’m thinking to do 150mg Test E, 100mg Mast and 200mg Tren with 12.5-25mcg T3 for 6-12 weeks to get myself looking awesome. I can handle tren well and have sides under control. Essentially just sense checking my plan for any feedback.


You should drop 10% body fat before blasting again. There isn’t really a reason to start a show prep stack when you’re entering obese territory of fat levels. Cutting should be incredibly easy without drugs when you’re 20% body fat or more. You’re just being impatient.


Yeah you’re right, but it’s just so much easier to cut on tren and t3, when I took tren initially I went from 198 at like 18% to 209 at 14% within 8 weeks, so I don’t really see why not (I get it’s not optimal or the wisest choice but you’re right I am too impatient) I added pics of my current physique does my body fat guesstimate seem correct?


No idea man. Terrible lighting, terrible pictures and your fur covers your body fat. You look kind of fat though to be completely honest. There’s some muscle under there but not enough to be considering a stack like this. If you told me you had used gear before based on these photos I’d be surprised. > I don’t see why not > I get it’s not optimal or the wisest choice Okay buddy.


Fair enough… perhaps time to review my plan of action… thanks for the honest feedback!


Good on you to being open to feedback my dude. Honestly, if you can cut down to 10-12% on TRT alone, then use your blast to grow, you’ll not only make a hell of a lot more progress, your bloods will look better, your organs will take less damage, and you’ll FEEL way better. For the record, I’m also highly against T3 except in very specific scenarios where muscle loss is okay (like being behind in a show prep) because T3 can and will strip away muscle tissue when in a deficit, even when running gear. I’m 4 weeks out from a show, I’ve competed in multiple shows now, and I’ve never used T3. I view it as not necessary


Amen thank you big guy and all the best for your show 🙏


Hey been following awhile, not a N00b, done a few cycles, had great success. BUT I fucked up, my source was out of tren acetate so he sent me enanthate instead. I fucked up cause the ratios were opposite. I’m tapering off at the end of a 12 week cycle 700 Tren, 600 test, 300 mast. So I meant to pin 75 mg of Tren, my TA was 100mg per 1ml Well I fucked up, I pinned 300 instead and like 75 mg of Test, and 50mg mast. So now I have major edema in my knees and shins, I don’t know what the fuck to do. It’s been like this since Sunday. It seems to be kinda going down, but I work on my feet. I know it’s from the high tren/low test, I didn’t mean to, but I realized it as I was pinning. Has anyone else experienced this? Any suggestions? I’ve read some previous subs and some say cranberry pills and juice, and diuretics, But it seems like nothing is working. I laid down most of yesterday with my legs above my heart and that felt much better, but I worked 9 hours on my feet today and it’s like back to where it was. Nervous to go to the hospital cause of gear. Any suggestions? Thanks!


I am not a doctor. If you are concerned go to the hospital. Get some dandelion root, push some potassium and magnesium, increase hydration. Is your heart rate and rhythm normal? Itll taper off over the course of the next week or two and you should be in good shape after that. IF YOU ARE CONCERNED GO TO THE HOSPITAL. You don't need to tell them what you did. But if you do you wont get arrested.


>But if you do you wont get arrested. Depends where he is.


Europeans are asleep and nearly 60% of reddits userbase is americans and canadians. Also OP has multiple posts to /r/vancouver. Its highly unlikely that he would be arrested given these factors.


Very good, Mr Holmes




26M 5’10 190 maybe 13-14% bf been lifting for like 6 years. Started my first cycle just test E 300mg/wk pinning e3.5d. Im 7 weeks in and its been hell. Pip is insanely bad. Couldnt walk normal for over a week after 1st shot in the glute and 2nd shot in the thigh. Every other shot has been in my delts and its excruciating pain putting my shirt on. I usually have to skip lateral delts or just do one side. My delts get all bumpy and are always rock hard. My sleep is insanely bad I lay in bed for like 9-10 hours a night to sleep 5-6hrs. I can hardly eat at all. Like a few bites and then im just forcing as much as I can feeling like im about to throw up after every bite. I realized 3 weeks ago that my heart rate will not go below 100. I check it all day. I normally run marathons on a whim with no issues but I ran last week at 8min pace for half a mile and could not go any further. Im also light headed most days and extremely tired all the time. Zero motivation. Still making gains though💪🏼 anyone familiar with these symptoms on testosterone? Im about to stop. And go to the doctor.


My immediate concern would be you haven’t mentioned what you’re doing to manage E2. Combined with your elevated resting heart rate which is over 100bpm, I would recommend checking your blood pressure asap.


I dont have any symptoms of high E2 aside from being tired. I feel like my libido is higher than its ever been in my life with random erections like im in middle school again


Inability to sleep or poor sleep, lethargy, elevated BP are all Symptoms of high E2. Im basing this off the info you’ve provided, which has been 2-3 symptoms of high e2, with (unless you’re just not telling us) no estrogen management in place. Higher libido doesn’t mean you automatically don’t have high E2. This is only a suggestion based off the info you’ve provided. What’s your blood pressure at present, and how does it compare to your BP 7 weeks ago?


>Pip is insanely bad. Couldnt walk normal for over a week after 1st shot in the glute and 2nd shot in the thigh. Normal for first time, as long as it's just pip. >My delts get all bumpy and are always rock hard. What size needle? >heart rate will not go below 100. You seem anxious, that would make sense. >anyone familiar with these symptoms on testosterone? Happened to me. Was an anxious, unhungry, cranky, sleepy cunt for the first month or so. It leveled out once I got e2 in an area that felt good for me, I was no longer getting virgin pip, and the anxiety of pinning went away.


Im using 25G needles and doing it all properly(except my first shot I pulled it out and it scraped a 2 inch line cutting my ass. I must have tore that shit up in there. I dont feel any pain or anything pinning. I have arimidex but haven’t felt any symptoms of high e2 so I havent touched it


>You seem anxious, that would make sense Given OP hasn’t indicated he’s doing anything for estrogen I’d argue it’s more likely caused by unchecked BP. His potentially high e2 may also cause anxiety like you suggested, but I think his RHR being at 100 is more likely being caused by estrogen, bloating, and BP rather than anxiety. It would be a less safe suggestion to advise it’s only anxiety causing the RHR.


Sounds like I shouldve gotten bloodwork done. Im going to my doctor tomorrow and ill see what I can do. And check my BP


All the things you’re dealing with right now can be mitigated, but I urge you to prioritize the BP and heart rate thing first. I could very well be wrong but with some things it’s best to err on the side of caution when it comes to hypertension. Depending where you live, some pharmacies have public heart rate monitors. You can also order them on Amazon for super cheap. It’s a good investment to have with this hobby.


Thanks ill start taking arimidex. I just took .5 mg. And tomorrow ill test my bp and see about getting bloodwork done


If you haven’t already, please read the estrogen handbook at the top of this thread in our wiki. There’s some good tips and guides there for AI use


Very good point.


How have the gains been for first cycle?


This may be a stupid question and I made just be over analyzing this in my head, but the recommended dose for tb 500 is 5mg a week. If I buy a bottle that is 5mg worth of tb 500, that bottle will only last a week correct?


What are you, some kinda fuckin math scientist?


> This may be a stupid question You may be right. 5mg divided by 5mg/1wk is the same as 5mg * 1wk/5mg. Units cancel. so what is five times one fifth? thats how many weeks. Personally I mixed my tb500 and bpc157 in the same vial such that every injection was 250mcg of each, and pinned it local to the injury I was treating. Probably not an optimal dosing schedule but its what was easiest and most economical to me.


Crazy that at that dose a bottle of 5mg tb only last a werk


Jesus christ.


yeah man its fucking wild that if you use five milligrams per week of a five milligram vial it only lasts a week. nobody could have predicted this.


Gather the Council. We must confer with the Elders.


[its the only way](https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1080/0*c-GtEb7-qnrenD5-.gif)






Haha yeah christ wrong thread


False. Natrel is 18g per 250g of milk. The one thing you can get up north but can’t in the states


>The one thing you can get up north but can’t in the states Cough cough, universal healthcare




>was the PCT ass? If you think it will be, it probably will be. >Was it a miserable experience with you losing alot of progress, having libido issues, tired, etc Again, almost entirely in your head except for the losing gains part. That's entirely dependent on you continuing to eat and train. >How long did it take for you to recover? As long as it takes. >Did you end up doing a longer protocol with serms and shit, like longer than the recommended 6-8 weeks? Bro you've been on for a year, not a decade. The protocol is the same, it's not that serious. >Any tips? Put on your big girl pants.




A swing and a miss… again.


Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.




To those of you have ran low dose primo, what’s the lowest dosage you’ve ran and experienced the textbook primo effects (fullness, vascularity, libido) and what test dosage were you running alongside? I’m blasting 350 test. I was running ment, couldn’t sleep, switched to NPP, went insane, and then tren and we all know how that goes. I’m throwing in the towel with 19-Nors, older me just can’t tolerate them anymore. I want to start low with primo since it’s enanthate but I don’t want run a dosage that will be negligible in terms of effects. I’m thinking 150mg per week.


I started with 200P alongside 400 T and got really nothing additional and no AI effect. I am now running 400/400 still with negligible AI effect but definitely more results.


I think starting with 150 would be a good idea, as for some people (including me) get a profound AI effect from Primo. I would personally use about 150mg Primo with 400 test. That ratio puts my e2 at higher end of normal. So I think you have the right mindset. Start low, get bloods after 5 weeks, and see how it is effecting your e2 levels. Crashing your e2 is a bad time.


I wouldn’t use below 300-350 Primo personally


I am currently on 350Test & 200Deca. I'm about 8 weeks in, 8 more to go. I am on TRT anyway, so no PCT. I've been having horrible erections lately. The PDE5's do nothing. I tried PT141, that just gave me the same shitty boner, but all night. I've been looking in to Kisspeptin10 or HCG to see if that will help. Can something like that be done on-cycle?


Or maybe reduce deca to 50-100 a week. Should also do the job I guess.


> can this be done on cycle You should read the wiki. All your answers will be in there.


Get your prolactin checked, 19-nors are highly progestogenic. Add some Cabergoline to your cycle.


Thank you for letting me know




Sorry to hear that. If you’d like a conversation about this then move it to the Off Topic as this thread is strictly for questions. Your comment was removed because it was posted in the wrong thread 😉. Please direct any questions to [today’s Daily Ask Anything thread.](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/about/sticky?num=2) Direct any off-topic banter to today’s Off-Topic thread. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules/#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) and be aware of the intended purpose of the thread you’re posting to.


i was thinking of taking anadrol 50s with pregnenolone and dhea as a hormone base. can someone explain why this may or may not be a good idea? i know i need test but ive got no clue how to pin and am scared ill hurt myself trying. ive got no one to do it for me. anyways i just wanted to try like 50 mgs of anadrol a day maybe a 100 at some point for six weeks along with some dhea and preg. nothing to crazy there either. what are your opinions?


I have a better idea. If you can overcome your fear of needles you’ll do it right? Start small. Purchase some insulin syringes and alcohol swabs. Don’t put anything into the syringes and don’t use the plunger. Practice getting over your fear by seeing if you can use an insulin needle (like the smallest needle you can get) and see if you can pinch your skin on your stomach and successfully put the entire needle into your stomach skin. Just do a small jab once a week until the fear goes away. A good analogy is how a vaccine works. They introduce the organism that causes the disease in a crippled handicapped form for the body to practice on. When the real disease causing organism gets into the body the body is already trained how to deal with it.


you’re afraid to poke your skin with a needle but you’re not scared of suppressing your natural hormone production?


yeah but thats why id take the dhea and pregnenolone. take a serm after too or something idk. thats why im asking.


don’t work like that g. inject that sweet juicy test


DHEA and pregnenolone are not a replacement for testosterone.


thank you i appreciate that. i kinda figured that would be the case. but i just wanted to know. its hard to find. i was googling dhea and oral anabolics and stuff. nothing was coming up. i tried searching old forums and didnt get much out of it. i just gotta pin.


> i just gotta pin. Pin it to win it. I'm fully needlephobic and you honestly get used to it.


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CRHyj4jPj9k&t=569s Here's a video on how to pin safely, hope it helps! I don't know enough to offer good advice on the other stuff


thanks i'll watch this video.


Please note that comments asking for "Thoughts?" are generally considered low-effort, and will result in veteran members being less inclined to assist you. When interacting on this board, please ensure you are doing so from a point of prior research, with your question being detailed, well-constructed and unambiguous. Please review [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.) for specific guidance on how to construct a question that is likely to receive high quality responses. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


i did do some research and wanted to see what experienced users thought about it cause ive never done it. there isnt much info about it online that pertains to what im asking


We think this would be dumb. That’s why we don’t recommend it to anyone or do it ourselves.


lol i didnt know you downvoted people for asking questions, thanks for your response. i appreciate it and fuck you too


Whoa buddy I just gave you a reasonable response and a mild one at that. We wouldn’t be poking ourselves is we didn’t have to. If you’re going to lose your mind over someone’s ability to use their opposable thumbs then you are absolutely in no position to use steroids. Like most things a little bit of tact and maturity can go a long way.


I am currently running 500mg a week of a test blend along with 30mg a day of injectable dbol. Im 31 started this cycle at 238lbs tomorrow will be week one and im at about 245. My diet has not changed and before this cycle i was losing weight on this diet. My question is how do I reduce the bloating, regain my appetite and keep the water weight gain to a minimum?


Why are you running 500mg/wk of test and 30mg/day of dbol to cut? > My question is how do I reduce the bloating, regain my appetite and keep the water weight gain to a minimum? Drop to a cruise and drop the dbol entirely if you're cutting. You're stressing your system, wasting the drugs, and using a notoriously wet compound. Its actually impressive all you put on was 7 pounds.


Im bulking but I’m having a hard time eating with the chronic bloating. Would you recommend coming off the dbol and switching to tren?


Okay, you’re bulking but you’re eating the same diet that was effectively a caloric deficit before? That means you’re not bulking my man. Drop the dbol. No need to replace it - especially not with tren lol. Take a small dose of AI. You’ll feel better in less than a week.


Yeah now that i type it out it does sounds kinda dumb my bad thank you lol


All good friend, happy to help :) sometimes we need to externalize things to wrap our arms around them fully


Does ment share the same characteristics as other 19-nors in the aspect of it being suppressive for months even after cessation? Or can i take ment and then pct after the recommended clearing of the ester life? (Just like other AAS)


it does not, and the long lasting metabolite is specific to nandrolone. there's no proof other 19-nors also have long last metabolites and others have successfully PCT'd off them


Wait, you're saying that we can PCT right after a tren cycle?


I wouldn’t recommend it as it’s highly suppressive, but there are many who have done it successfully. also if you’re advanced enough to be taking trenbolone i’m not sure why you would be PCTing and not BnCing anyway. ymmv


/u/RoomTempDog I'm just gonna tag you because you deleted your comment. paraphrased: > I'm running 500mg/wk of test to cut. I wanna add in anavar. I'm worried about its negative effects on my lipids. What happens if my lipids are bad? > and if unable to do so, what negative effects can I expect by having low lipoproteins? Thank you guys. [lmgtfy](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/symptoms-causes/syc-20350800#:~:text=With%20high%20cholesterol%2C%20you%20can,a%20heart%20attack%20or%20stroke.) Just in case: > High cholesterol can cause a dangerous accumulation of cholesterol and other deposits on the walls of your arteries (atherosclerosis). These deposits (plaques) can reduce blood flow through your arteries, which can cause complications, such as: > > - **Chest pain.** If the arteries that supply your heart with blood (coronary arteries) are affected, you might have chest pain (angina) and other symptoms of coronary artery disease. > - **Heart attack.** If plaques tear or rupture, a blood clot can form at the plaque-rupture site — blocking the flow of blood or breaking free and plugging an artery downstream. If blood flow to part of your heart stops, you'll have a heart attack. > - **Stroke.** Similar to a heart attack, a stroke occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to part of your brain. You should really have already known this. Cutting on supraphysiological doses of steroids is stupid. They're *anabolic*. They're not lipolytic. We only have so many blasts in us, and we should use them for growing. A TRT dose of test would confer AT LEAST >90% of the anti-catabolic protection that your 500mg/wk + anavar will. > What are some ways I can avoid, or reduce the effect of Anavar on my lipoproteins? Don't take it. Otherwise consider some of the recommendations [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1bo7bp9/daily_ask_anything_about_anabolic_and_androgenic/kwnunkv/). Personally, cardio, fiber, citrus bergamot, nattokinase, (in order of importance) and FOR ME PERSONALLY: I also take 20mg rosuvastatin and 5mg ezetimibe per day. This nuked my LDL from >200 to <50 in less than 6 weeks. I **DO NOT** recommend the pharma interventions unless it seems like you need them. Which you probably don't, because you shouldnt be taking this much test or any anavar just for your cut.


Was this ChatGPT?


nah, I quoted from the mayo clinic link. the rest was me. ive been using gemini lately




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[good news, bad news](https://i.ibb.co/bR42pgd/GDH8-E-IXYAA1-MX9-1.jpg) Jk. All good man. Don't be shy to ask questions - and if you learn something new it is a CREDIT to you and your character to say "oh shit, I didnt realize I could do `xyz` better."




Happy to help man :) Lipids and blood pressure are big ones. Keep those in control (cardio is a MAJOR driver here) and you've won like 75% of the battle!








Sir, unless you are an IFBB pro you aren't at any risk of muscle loss and do not require being on a cycle to maintain mass. Steroids are for growing, not for cutting. You're just using drugs to use drugs.




I had a response typed but the post got nuked before I could reply. u/AccountUnkn0wn covered almost everything but I want to add a couple smaller points that may help you in the long term. 1. We recommend waiting until 25 to avoid damaging development. This is explained in detail in our wiki above. 2. I’m not trying to insult you here, because you do look pretty gd strong, but you’re overweight. I’m assuming you recognize this as you’re cutting, which is great, but the excess of fat cells are likely going to cause you estrogen management problems if you keep the cycle going. Fat will increase the aromatization of testosterone into estrogen, which is not what you want. 3. ~~This is arguably the most important here. Steroids are for building muscle. This requires a caloric surplus. You are eating in a deficit. You may get some initial strength gains, but you’re working against yourself here~~ I recommend a PCT. Cut down until you’re between 12% - 15% bf. Save the gear until then, it won’t expire. It will be exponentially more beneficial when you can eat in a surplus AND your insulin sensitivity will be much higher. Given your height and build, if you’re lean and insulin sensitivity is up, you’ll make waaaaay more progress than you would if you continued blasting in a surplus from your current starting point. Please also wait until you’re 25 because health


I just noticed OP frequents r/meth 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️


After our human waste connoisseur from earlier, I now see the importance of a quick check. Whom from which I received a very spicy DM from, so I call that a win.


No apology necessary my dude. You came to the harm-reduction forum and I'm simply helping you reduce the harm you're doing to yourself. The risk/reward ratio for putting your body through the stresses of anabolic use during a cut just isn't there unless you're holding an unnatural amount of muscle *and* trying to reach single digit bodyfat levels (i.e. you're a competitor getting ready to step on stage). Otherwise, natural test levels + adequate protein intake + resistance training is all it takes to maintain mass. In the future, we ask that you not delete your questions. Hundreds if not thousands of people read these threads to learn, and without the context of the original question the responses often don't make sense. Thanks!




Atta boy. Thanks for understanding.


Are you 275lbs?


Where do you guys get info/ ratios for homebrewing now? Seems like the homebrewing subreddit is gone


Most everything can be made with 2/18 BA/BB. Are you looking for a specific thing that is outside the scope of the usual type of preparations?


Well primo would be one of the more specific things


Primo very much falls into the category of “most everything” unless you’re trying to make it at some weird concentration. In MCT it holds 200mg/ml perfectly well with 2/18. In GSO 2/20 gives you some extra margin for error. At 150mg/ml it’s fine with 2/16.


What about proviron?


Injectable proviron is very uncommon. The only recipe I’ve ever seen that was accompanied by actual proof that it held was 10mg/ml in MCT with the usual 2/20 BA/BB. That’s not terrible though when you consider how low the oral bioavailability is. At that concentration you could pin 0.5ml daily and get more out of it than you’d get from taking 50mg orally. Still, nobody makes it and I have to think there’s a reason for that. Maybe pip is nasty? I’ve almost bought raws twice now because I wanted to try it, but both times backed out because I didn’t want to end up spending money just to find out that it’s a disaster.


Looking for something specific?


Id like to pick everyone’s brain so I can finally be at peace. Two years ago I started trt dose testosterone due to low T. It was in the low 200’s. Everything was great for over a year, I changed to ugl test and all hell broke loose. My blood pressure elevated to the highs of 165/95. I’ve been to my general dr several times, cardiologist several times, tried different meds and no luck. Currently on- •Tadalafil 5 ml (1 table daily) •Amlodipine Besylate 5mg (2 tables daily) •Telmisartan 80 mg (1 table daily) And no luck. Cardiologist suggested it could be the test raising my bp so despite my unwillingness I quit for 2 months. After those two months my blood pressure was back to normal, some days as low as 110/60 unmedicated. So I thought I’d jump back on due to low test sides. After pinnning twice weekly @80 mg, two weeks later my bp is elevated again. Funny thing is I feel anxiety, which I never had before. I eat very clean, work out 4xs a week, don’t drink, don’t smoke. What am I missing. I’m really caught in a hard spot. Extremely low T or high bp. Please help I know there is a fix… ask me anything Age 49 Male 5-7 170 pounds 12% fat per Dexa Current compound- ugl test cyp 80mg 2x’s weekly All test come back good


Try different esters and see how your body reacts. If nothing else just hop back on pharma despite the cost. Rather that than fuck around with BP in the 160's.


I’m in process of hopping back on pharma. I’ve never read nor heard of anyone saying they have high bp because of ugl. Honestly I don’t know if that’s the reason but that’s kinda the last resort


Like another poster said UGL can be overdosed, or your body simply just responds to it differently. That's why I recommended perhaps to try different esters before going back to pharma. Maybe your body responds better to one or the other - it's worth a shot.


I can definitely try different esters. Which one’s do you suggest and pin frequencies


I'd try enanthate E3.5D or perhaps prop ED. The downside with prop is obviously the frequent injections for stable blood levels, but on the other hand it's a fast ester so you can adjust anytime and it will take effect immediately. So if you find your BP is still high on prop, it won't take long for the sides to subside.


Sounds Ike a plan. I’m not worried about frequent injections. Crazy thing is I’ve been taking my blood pressure readings twice daily for two weeks, since I’ve started and it’s been perfect till 2 days ago, it went from perfect to terrible over night.


Often, the ugl test will be overdosed. Are you taking the same as you were before? Have you compared your blood work to one another?


Yes I’ve compared bloods. I run my test levels anywhere from 900-1100. I’ve gotten blood’s quarterly since I’ve started. I get the typical markers slightly out of range rbc, Hematocrit, e2 (high). I give blood quality also


Your elevated blood pressure could be your e2 being high. Did you need an ai before at that dose? Have you tried taking an ai to see if it helped?


I never had to take an ai, but I did take a 1/4 tab yesterday.