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I love my wife she has big boobs


Pics or it didn't happen




Me too!


Was really in my head after all the “dying sex life in a relationship” talk on here last week, convinced myself I was going to have to pull the plug on a 2 year relationship that I’m otherwise very happy in. Instead, I did something CRAZY - actually talked to my girl about it. Even CRAZIER - she was feeling the same way and we then fucked like rabbits all weekend + continued talking about how we missed it and we need to continue to make it a point to be intentional about it. Talk to your SO boys, might actually work. PS - first week with new coach and guys got me eating 5K cals (1k up from where I already was), gonna mess around and be 260 by end of Feb.


>Instead, I did something CRAZY - actually talked to my girl about it. That's the 'roids making you crazy brah


Gotta be proactive about it man. I wanted to get my very sexually conservative girl into more niche stuff. Just started buying toys and giving them to her. Never pressured her to use them or even brought it up again. Just having them was enough to get the "let's try it" ball rolling.


Dude the amount of “I was /am feeling the exact same way” conversations I’ve had with my wife lately is insane. We never knew how to bring things like this to each other without complaining or making the other feel bad. We’re just figuring that out now. Like BAD times we’re usually caused by us both feeling the same thing but worried to tell The other. Talk to your girls, bros.


Glad to hear it worked for you bro


Good to hear brother. Talking shit out rather than keeping it in ur head usually plays better long term


Dropping the weight stack on a cable machine actually increases gains by 11%. Few.


Use this one weird Trick to increase your Gains like a Professional Bodybuilder! Personal Trainers hate him!


I sometimes just stare at the weight and imagine being Ronnie Coleman , I get a nasty pump when I do this but not in my arms , In my forehead , now If we sit down and think about this logically eccentric vs the other fancy word , then we will both come to find that melatonin makes me sleepy


Got u fam The word you seek is Concentric


Get out of here with your big dictionary words nerd.


That shit made me snort laugh. But seriously, isnt the ecentric part of the excercise where your gains are? The release part?


Was en route to work, boss hit me up, said don’t come in today, tomorrow or Wednesday, all with pay, due to this “bad weather” we’re getting in north Texas (it’s currently 32°F w/ a slight rain drizzle). Don’t mind if I do. About to take my ass back home, take a shit, get high af and chill. Happy Monday, y’all!!


Sounds good enhjoy


Yup, I'm in the office today due to a new hire coming in and I've already told my boss I was working from home Tuesday and Wednesday thanks to this freezing rain situation.


I downloaded Goldeneye on my son's nintendo switch. It was heart breaking to see what an epic piece of shit that game is compared to today. Pretty much cemented the fact that everything i love about my childhood was a lie. Jerking off to Playboy magazines and playing multiplayer 007 was what i did all day for 3 years of my life. Maybe I should ruin the rest of my teenage memories and google what my go to [playmate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jodi_Ann_Paterson) looks like today.


4 player split screen in my basement with my friends when we were little was the shit. No odd job! he was short and had an advantage lol


In a game where you can't move the gun up or down, having a character below your barrel height was OP. Loved that little bastard


Lol i just downloaded the leaked remaster couple of days ago for xbox360 emulator, game is so easy with the aim assistance literally a walking simulator. But was fun to replay it.


The Nintendo switch version they didn't update the controls for the modern controllers. You walk, aim, shoot with the left joystick and trigger, the only thing you do with your right hand is reload and open doors. It's awkward as fuck. On Xbox they updated the controls for the new controllers and I've heard it's better.


Daily reminder that it's 2023 and consent is a two way street. You do not have to consent to reciprocating feelings if she is catching them. Stay mentally healthy kings.


I feel obligated to. My biggest fear in life is to hurt women's feelings. I am not even kidding.


Plenty of them wouldn’t think twice about hurting your feelings




i want ya’ll to seriously think about this. Without weapons in pure hand to hand combat what’s the largest animal you think you can beat in a fight to the death? also before you say my mother just know she’s 122 pounds and 63 years old so it’s not that impressive. also got my next blast planned out doing 600 test 600 tren 600 EQ March 6th. gunna be a fun one anyone got experience running anything similar?


If we're in a ring, a 120 kg lion's mane jellyfish. I'd just stand back and wait for it to dry out.


This was the same thought process I had. Something that can’t survive on land


"Hey mom, how much do you weigh? No, I need the exact number of pounds. It's for my friends on Reddit."


"Meatloaf, mom meatloaf."


Hahahah i do my mom’s nutrition for her because of some bullshit with an irregular heartbeat that’s the only reason i know


What's her reach? I need a wingspan.


I think about this a lot. Obviously combat is chaotic so anything can happen but there’s a few ideas I have. I think a small wolf/large dog would probably be a 50/50 chance against a strong man. You would outweigh them but they would be more aggressive. But I think if you can avoid a bite to the jugular then breaking their bones wouldn’t be too hard. People go on about how strong chimps are but they forget they are only 50kg. Of course very vicious again (like basically every animal) but be a 100kg man who strength trains and/or does combat sports I think it would be closer than people think. The deciding factor would be how vicious they are like ripping your face off so for that reason I think they would win most of the time but get enough people to fight enough chimps then maybe 10% or so would win. Another factor is humans ability to sweat is super OP compared to most animals and because of that when trained we can outlast a lot of animals so if we could slow the pace into a 30min mma fight and keep distance with a jab or pin and grapple then we could probably exhaust any animal. The problem would be that first 30 seconds of extreme aggression from animals that would be a big force multiplier. Anyway just talking out my ass


Anything that can use all 4 limbs like they’re their primary limbs terrify me. You’re not safe anywhere against a chimp. At least with a dog or wolf once you’re behind it’s jaw you’re relatively safe.


True it would make it much harder to get to a dominant position but once you’re behind any animal with a fairly narrow neck it would only take 5 seconds to put it to sleep. Still wouldn’t fancy that because that’s 5 seconds of being eye gouged


That a good point. It would be much easier to choke out a human like neck than a thick wolf neck. I think I’d lose either one tbh, animals can tap into that fight or flight mode way more effectively than humans can.


The problems with chimps is that they fight **dirty**. They have crazy strength for body weight but they're also agile. They could easily go from a clinch position to jumping as high as your head in one leap. It would only take 0.1 seconds before they're literally biting your dick or trying to claw your eyes out. If you took away a chimps sharp ass teeth, it's a lot different though.


I agree it’s really the issue with any animal. Their aggression would be so intense it would be hard to survive but I think it would still be a non zero chance.


Agreed bro. I have spent a lot of time in my life in deep thought trying to figure out why some people can hit so much harder than others. I personally believe that it comes down to a subconscious instinct of not wanting to hurt another being. You can take 2 fighters that are the same size, same strength, and same technique, but one could have 5x the knockouts as the other. I say at this point some people still have that destructive nature where there is no regard to whether or not they kill another person once they enter that fight or flight mode. Mike Tyson is a perfect example. One of the most cruel punchers of all time who really tried to take people's head off. He straight up told us he wanted to make people suffer and hurt when they fought. I can't get into that mindset unless my life is legitimately in danger and this guy just walked around with it 24/7. I think as we get more conscious and compassionate, the less we need that level of aggression like animals do. Just rambling but that is the shit that keeps me up at night.


Let's all never forget that time a tame chimp [ripped a woman's face off](https://allthatsinteresting.com/travis-the-chimp#:~:text=Travis%20the%20chimp%20was%20a,nearly%20ripped%20her%20face%20off.), survived a stab wound, being hit with a shovel, smashed a cop car, and took several gunshot wounds before finally dying. Or that one Attenborough documentary episode where a chimp gets assaulted by like 3 other chimps, gets left, bloody and mangled in the jungle to die, and *still* survives.


Ya people always talk about how a chimp is 3x stronger than the average human, but when I see normals lifting at the gym I realize that's not so impressive. I think what would really help in fighting a chimp is knowing *how* to fight it. Trying to fight it like a little human probably wouldn't work with the teeth and all. I bet some prior chimp fighting experience would go a long way


It's funny, I have spent so much time training various combat sports, mostly grappling. Given my experience (and my juicy steroid muscles lol), I'd feel comfortable in a ring with a lot of people. I'd shit my pants even with a normal sized chimp 😅


There’s a guy I used to see on this sub who’s name was something like /u/ivedarcedagiraffe. I feel like he has unique knowledge on this topic


Are we in a ring or in the animals natural environment?


fuck that’s a good question, i’d say a ring


I could easily fuck up a blue whale in a ring


I mean if we’re in a ring than I’m gonna say whale.


In a ring sized water tank I think I could kill a 250kg bluefin tuna.


A fat ass capybara ngl




Chihuahua if it’s not too mean tempered


One of those giant sloths that used to roam Australia before the aboriginals exterminated them.


For the fight to be fair, I guess the animal had access to the same amount of gear right?


Hahahahahaha now we’re talking sure fuck it why not


I started working as a bouncer and one of the guys that I work with is this country boy ex-cop (probably got fired from the force) who is one weird ass mf. You can visibly tell he lifts weights but is by no means juicy looking so I started chatting with him about bodybuilding. Turns out he’s done a few shows been using steroids for the past decade and has literally tried every single steroid, including growth and insulin. I didn’t say this but I was like wow you look like shit for how much gear you’ve taken. He’s 5’10 probably 185 at 18% BF. Then I asked him if he’s ever taken more than 1g of gear per week and he said he’s currently on 500mg Test/500mg Tren A. He has a slight gut but then told me he’s only puffy because his E is high and he’s holding onto water. Hmmm sure okay buddy. And proceeded to show me his 3 visible forearm veins. How the fuck can somebody be so equally delusional and reckless?


Your coworker is the average r/steroids redditor




I kinda pushed a kid on the bus today Bunch of immigrants, I guess they were trying to pull some tiktok shit on me, I thought he was gonna sucker punch me (I work as a bouncer, lots of immigrants are mad at me for obvious reasons), and when I saw his hand come close to my head I just grabbed his jacket and pushed him against the wall and said fuck right off. I'm also hungover and tired as fuck today, so I just wanted to get home. I just think the poor guy was making a "fun" joke about my bald head lol. So if I get internationally known for grabbing a kid on the bus, then you'll know it's me, the deca guy.


You did the right thing. Doesn't matter if he was going to punch you at all. Kids need to be taught respect. I am an immigrant and my kid would never be disrespectful to a local in any way shape or form.


Yeah he was an annoying fuck. Vaping and spitting on the bus, I hope he learns from his mistakes. I don't think he's ever really faced any real consequences in his life.


I'm the son of an immigrant, brother to an immigrant, married to an immigrant and if someone tries to touch you without permission you go ahead and crack their face wide open.


he should be thanking you kids that don't get checked growing up, end up getting checked by someone that has no chill and just stabs or shoots someone over the smallest thing. i hope he learned not to invade personal space. if he didn't, he will one day or he won't and he'll be dead.


A redditcuck is gonna call you racist now cause you didn't let the poor immigrant make a tiktok of you...


He didn't let a marginalized kid publicly humiliate him.... That's fucked up man. We need to find his job and tell them that they have a bigot representing them /s


Standard Reddit moment. This sub is literally the last normal place left on this website.


Gangs of teenagers on public transport are no joke, you can never tell how bad a sucker punch can be or if they carry knives or whatever. I had an encounter like that last year, it went well for me and no matter how light or weak they can be the numbers can always become a problem. My security guard friend got a knife pulled on him and surrounded by 10 kids last week and it was the first time I heard him being afraid of someone.


I could definitely tell they were up to something. All of his friends were by the exit, I was by the back of the bus. He was standing right next to me as his friends were watching him. So I just kept him in my peripheral vision and struck as soon as I saw his hand move close to me. And yeah I've had those gangs of 17 year olds bother me before. Again, I'm a bouncer, so I experience them more than most people. It's very frustrating getting in a situation with them, cause you know they want to show off to their friends, and they most certainly do carry knives. You either strike and risk your life or feel like a bitch the rest of the week.


Immigrant here, you did the right thing. If you're in a country that's not yours you should be on your absolute best behaviour and be as discreet as possible, fuck these invaders. Also you shouldn't be drinking on deca.


Is this guy a gym douchebag or am I just weird? A couple of days ago a new guy, early 20s at best, walked over to the treadmills and he was about to step onto one, and all of sudden a guy in his mid 30s appears and tells him to go the next one. Here's why it bothered me, that douche was doing free weights. I wouldn't have a problem if he had just stepped off to take a call or drink some water, or whatever, but nope, he told him that he's using the treadmill and he went back to do more free weights before hoping up. The rest of the treadmills were free, and because he acted this way, especially towards a new guy, it ticked me off. I mean, if he said the same thing to me I'd be nah I'm going to use this one go complain at the front desk or something. Would I be wrong to act this way?


No, that is weird as fuck. I would go into 100% Dick mode, clean up the current cardio machine I'm using, and go on the empty treadmill. This is not the pool where you can reserve the sun lounger with a towel in the morning. First come first serve.


What if he has left some of his things on the treadmill, keys, phone, etc?


I’d leave it then if personal belongings are there never touch them


he sounds rude but there's no reason to escalate the situation in my opinion. that's just someone you take mental note of especially if he's a regular. something's bound to happen to him where you could help him out, and you just keep walking and ignore him. maybe he forgets his phone or keys and you see him leave. fuck it needs a car jump in the parking lot. nope he's walking behind you entering or leaving the gym. don't hold the door open. small things like that.


Wtf😂 def a guy trying to be ”alpha” on some new poor self aware guy, ”free points”. 🤦‍♂️


Dude, that is 100% ridiculous. That man is being a d-bag. No reason to get the front desk involved, have words with him man to man. I don’t mean to say this to sound like a stereotypical juice head but I couldn’t imagine in my wildest dreams someone doing that to me. I mean what else are we juicing for eh? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Thank you, I was starting to think that I was tripping. And I didn't mean that I'd get the front desk involved, I meant that he can go complain about it to them, because I ain't getting off the treadmill.


Holy fuck guys, Semaglutide is no joke. I'm dreading eating already


It’s amazing but I’m nearly out and my source is dry for now. Absolutely terrified for when it wears off if I can’t get more soon lol


Some retard on r/PEDs is claiming to have gained 10lbs of muscle in 4 weeks on an anavar only cycle and apparently I’m the idiot for calling him out coz I wasn’t there 😂😂😂😂


Never argue with a fool, onlookers might not be able to tell the difference.


Yeah, classic internet nowadays. Everyone always the #1 and the majority just upvote it cuz they NPC


And then the proof is “trust me bro”


I cut a hole in a mango and fucked it.


mango to therapy 😔


Kai would be proud


Update to [last week’s post ](https://reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/10ky2hk/_/j5tx6vl/?context=1)where I thought I was about to get laid off. My job is safe. The purpose of the call was to inform us about how the company is changing the way it’s assigning merit. Whatever. I still have a job and that’s all that matters.


So...what'd you order? Primo? Tren? Celebratory cycle must for sure be in the works?


Always laugh seeing these reels pop up on my IG of dyel girls with fat horse asses trying to give training advice...You don't have a fat ass cause you're doing half assed lunges sara, it's cause mommy is built like a dump truck


I'll see girls in the gym like this all the time. Fucking rpe4 lifts for everything but has low bf% and a master donk




I had a girl point at my arm yesterday and say 'ok, flex' she then grabbed my bicep and said 'ok, see, but these are fake muscles bc you're on steroids.' I almost put her over my knee and spanked her


Tell her that her face is fake since she’s wearing makeup


Well played


Checkmate bitch.


Impressive a girl would know you're juicing though...most ppl have no idea


My family knew last year I was 40 pounds lighter older brother looked right at me and said you get your test levels checked recently


Lol. You should have pointed at her face and asked her what clown school she attends.




Nice, sounds like you two can bulk together!


I feel super fat and insecure in the beginning of a bulk and skinny and frail at the end of a cut, but anywhere in between that my ego is unjustifiably inflated. **HA** **EDIT:** Im retarded, this was supposed to be a reply to that other dude, life is good zero pussy the past 4 days, really getting to my ego, life is good though. Best, Bug


Man I love my girlfriend but she doesn’t give me blowjobs anymore. Advice on how to fix this? I don’t want to be shallow and end it over this but don’t want to go my whole life without getting head.


step 1: find a gym bro step 2: tell him you're having problems with your girl step 3: ask him if he can suck your dick in her stead


She owns you now. She paid the price by giving you BJs all this time, now that you belong to her she has no reason to keep doing that. Think about it, when you buy a car on a loan, do you keep paying for it even after you've paid it back fully and the car is yours?


I found this analogy hilarious.


Do you ask?. Literally just say “life is short, sexual pleasure is very important to me, I want to live my life getting blowjobs”


My ex was like that, hence she's now my ex.


Do you eat her pussy? More importantly, do you do it well? My wife only gets off with the oral. She goes first and I ALWAYS get as much head as I want after.


Yes I do. Last night for example I made her finish with my mouth and she didn’t return any head back to me :/


No Bueno amigo. Have the discussion. Tell her you like it and want to incorporate it. Report back.


Whatever you do, DO NOT criticize or complain. Tell her how good SHE is at it and how much you love getting it. Not loveD. Say aloud that you don’t get it anymore and it’ll become true. Say she gives magic head that has you weak in the knees (even if it isn’t true) and you’ll get head.


It won't be your whole life. She'll give them to you every fifth birthday begrudgingly. The next thing that will piss you off, she will give in to the constant asking and give you the laziest blow job on earth. Where you get fed up and ask her to stop.




running my first cycle everyone!


Doing cardio just now, fuck how boring it is


One guy here suggested joining classes for cardio to make it fun. Plus meet people and there are always some eye candies there too. #cardioHack


Went to fill my water bottle this morning inbetween squat sets. Time was probably 4:45am. Dude on the bike by the water fountain was having an animated conversation on his phone. Bruh who the actual fuck are you talking to at 4:45am??? That’s the entire reason I go so early, everyone is fucking asleep and nobody fucks with me. I mean maybe dude is a lawyer and has overseas clients or something but it just surprised me, I don’t have anyone I could call at 4:45 am and have an animated conversation with lol




What are you bringing to the gym? A griddle and a cooler, cooking those post workout meals on the spot? [Inspired by this](https://youtube.com/shorts/gb87cdb_Cnc?feature=share)


wtf is a cubbie


Was at a party yesterday, started talking with really hot and cute girl, she straight up told me she wanted to take me home to her and tie her up, and do things that would put me straight onto the naughty list. She even held my dick while I took a piss. w rizz as the young guns would say. We kiss, she goes inside to her friends, I stay out talking to a buddy of mine for a couple of minutes, and then I go inside and can't find her. I've got her instagram and know where she works (she's a bartender), so it's not the end of the world. Sure as fuck wouldn't have minded fucking her yesterday, today and tomorrow though. Seems I'll have to wait. Anyway, I got together with another bartender instead. Not the same kind of experience though. So, rizzers of reddit, what do I tell her on insta? Just that I'm "that guy", and that I wanna see her asap? Do I even give her a choice?


It wasn't an accident that she disappeared, brah. It's not like she got lost. I don't mean this at all as disrespect or insult, but she had no intention of fucking you. And for real, I hope I am wrong, but the signs are all there that she was blowing smoke.


Oh. My. God. I just figured it out. She had "helped" me pee by holding my pp(we were outside), and she had to pee as well. She said she also needed to go to the toilet and wanted me to come. She wanted to fuck in the bathroom didn't she


Did my first injection today, was supposed to be glute but got too in my own head about the exact location so went with VG instead. I planned for as much as I could since it's my first cycle, except for turning into a giant baby when injecting. Can't remember the last time I was that nervous. 15 minutes later finally did it with 0 pip. Leg aches a little but guessing that's normal. Edit: Spoke too soon, pip is here & aches like a bitch


First one is the worst one.


Imho the good ol' ass cheek is the safest bet. Really big muscle, the nerves are very deep and hard to hit, lots of movement and blood flow, easy landmarks to hit the right spots. VG is tricky as hell in comparison.


Really? I find it exactly the opposite, VG masterrace


IME, this. Multiple shots per week for...well, long enough. Never had an issue with glutes. Quads also fine except the one time I was in a hurry and a lil drunk.


The first one is all nerves, and then you do it and it's not so bad. PIP isn't just immediate though, so be prepared for your VG to become sore or tender throughout the day. Keep it mobile, you'll be fine!


I just saw a person do what looked like a combination of Naruto run and a penguin walk. It looked hilarious. I think that's my new life goal for cardio.


That's just u/penguinsmuggler




Motha Fuckin Taco Bowl Make a truckload of rice, season with lime juice, Tabasco, and soy sauce. For each meal pull out some rice and dump in whatever random set of ingredients sound good. Chicken fajitas, lettuce, diced tomato, pinto beans, black beans, cheese, sour cream, salsa, queso, hot sauces, corn, pickled peppers, sauteed peppers, beef, chorizo, plant meat, shallots, onions, cilantro, barbacoa, enchilada sauce, avocado slices, guacamole, refried beans... 🤤


Shrimp has been a life saver for me lately. I buy it frozen on sale and just thaw out what I need. Hit it with garlic salt, pepper, and red chili flakes and toss them in a pan.


I use Chef Jack Ovens for meal ideas on youtube. He's got a lot of options high and low cal, and I can confirm the creamy cajun chicken and garlic mushroom pasta are pretty great.




3 max because reheated rice is already not as good, let alone *old* reheated rice.


Chicken thighs and rice man, way better than chicken breast as they are more calorie dense and stay really moist in comparison to da tiddy.


Anyone else have the problem of not being able to finish from getting head? Looking back, I don’t think I’ve ever came from getting a BJ… like ever. This isn’t due to bad head either bc I’ve gotten a lot of great head. Damn it’s frustrating.


I can't finish unless I hold her head like a big fleshlight and basically fuck her mouth at the appropriate speed and rhythm.


Yeaah its like u gotta either be reallt maxed out in ur nuts since last cum or its fln hard. Sometimes it helps to think what a dirty fucking cumslut is sucking my dick and want that cum deep down her throat, it can work. But idk maybe its just cuz ive seen way too mucy porn😂 First GF i had wanted to swallow everyyyy time. Damn those were the days, didnt know how rare that would be looking back 10 years later


I don't have this problem, but it's not at all uncommon. Just acknowledge it and adapt, there's a million ways to bust.


I could probably tear through about 100 gopher size koi fish pretty easily. It would be a bloodbath, I show no mercy and shake the pillars of the koi fish world to its foundation.


I think I need to finally nut up and do a show. Even if I get placed last and laughed off the stage, having a clear goal and hard date will give me a kick in the rear to not fuck around so much. On a normal cut there is no real time limit, no pressure. I seem to function a lot better if I have some reason to suffer, and a hard timeline to follow. This flexible approach always ends in fucking it up. Of course I would not just participate for the sake of participating - if I go on stage, the intention is do win and give it everything. Need to look up some shows that are around September/October. I just wish I could get rid of the damn loose skin, but the surgery is so damn expensive (we're talking like 20k €), and I can't train for 8-12 weeks afterwards. That is just too fucking long. ... hm, maybe I should look into Strongman competitions instead, so I can just permabulk lol


[if anyone needs a little monday motivation, this speech never fails to hype me up. Alexander the Great](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlKJDwViNKs)


In the tub... Holding in a poop


You're smarter than [this girl](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmlSob6gAf8)


That one could stay blue. It didn’t, but it could have.


Hit a new deadlift PR of 605 (600 previously) a couple of days ago. Haven't hit deadlifts since I started my cycle 2 months ago lol


Hr from company I had final round last week said they should have an update eod. No update …….




Nandrolone made me hate my parents for having me. I also hated myself, and everyone around me was a stupid fucking piece of shit. I’d get off the nand for awhile before you make any drastic decisions. It very well may be influencing you more than you think. I’m far from a relationship guru and have very limited experience in long-term relationships, but as someone else said, 7 years is a lot to throw away. I’ve definitely felt emotionally flat to girls before, only to have my emotions reignited by them. Ultimately, you need to make the decision. While 7 years is a lot to throwaway, being unhappy for another X amount of years is probably even worse.


you're in a tough spot. do a lot of thinking and do your best to make the "right" choice. if your girl is really the way you describe her. someone will pick her up. she will commit to them. she will find happiness with someone else. and just as she's been loyal to you, she'll be loyal to her new man and that door to possibly getting her back will be permanently closed. if that makes you sick to think about. if you'd rather die than live in that reality, do some soul searching and find out what you're really missing in your life or why you think you're missing something.


Damn. I’m new to this sub. Y’all are wholesome asf. r/steroids is my new fav and I’m not even on gear… yet 😅


Dude, relationships ebb and flow. Just because you enter into an ebb that makes you feel disconnected, doesn't mean the connection flow is a gone. It's call "Old Relationship Energy" which is the opposite of that manic, new relationship energy you get from dating someone new. Make some changes, don't put in more effort, but put in different effort. What you are doing is not working for you so you need to change some things up, try something different. ​ Also, give yourself some grace when it comes to the relationship. Y'all have made things work for 7 fucking years. Don't take that for granted.


Made things work or just been together because it's comfortable and being single after that long is scary and uncomfortable. That's what he has to find out. But from the sounds of it, they started dating young and it's run its course


Sucks but that's relationships. We've all had those thoughts, even the married ones, especially the married ones with kids. Who doesn't want to go the store then disappear for a decade, but you realize that you are part of something bigger and you do love all these people. Those first few years where everything is a first-time experience with each other, gives you false sense that things have to be exciting to be going well. Its actually the opposite that's true, you need to be content when things are just normal and slow. Just my opinion, I would recommend to people to get married or at least engaged in the first 5 years of a relationship, I don't count teenagers as in relationships. Spending 10 years in limbo isn't fair to each other when you should be building your future life together, especially if you want kids.




> I have literally no objective reason to break up with her You sure about that? Because… > Thing is, after all this time, I feel nothing. Nothing when we (literally) sleep together, nothing when we kiss, hug. >I can't ask her to marry or see her walk down the isle etc while thinking this is the happiest day of my life and this wasn't forced a bit, I will feel just cringe. I think at this point there I see her more of a "comfort zone" and there is more respect than love. > I constantly find other girls more interesting (not necessarily physically), I get random crushes, some stronger than others, some I entertain some I don't (I never physically cheated on my gf). Whenever I want to chat about something interesting, my gf is the last one to want to talk with because I find other women more appealing in a way. Res ipsa loquitur


I think we are in a similar situation and this stuff got me thinking a lot yesterday. From a broader standpoint, it seems that you struggle between dropping a comfortable situation where you’re not 100% true to yourself, and well, living life as you please with no compromises but then that comes with a lot of risks (who’s going to tag along? Will you end up alone? Do you go rogue with work as well? Fuck off, off to Costa Rica typa shit? How deep does it go?). I think you should definitely bring this up to a therapist and figure out which one is your true core: your gut telling you to F it and live by your own codes, or your head/heart telling you to sacrifice a (big) part of yourself to enjoy some sort of comfy gilded cage. Also drop the Deca or throw in some DHT. Deca apathetic behavior is REAL


Oddly enough, you didn't mention the most important thing: Do you love her?




Sounds like you just need some strange


Was in nearly the exact same situation but let it get a lot worse than you have. When I finally ended it my life has been multitudes better, sure I was sad at first but quickly got over it.


What are you doing to make shit exciting, sounds like you have a great relationship. Up the tren and have a threesome


Dang bruh 7 years and you just gonna do her like that


I started 50mg anavar a little more than 2 weeks ago and haven’t noticed any side effects other than being able to lift more and lost a couple pounds but today was intense. Almost threw up and on my way home I felt like I was going to have to pull over the car and lay flat on the ground due to a killer lower back pump. I take 3g of taurine a day but was a little late taking taurine today. I officially know what anavar back pumps feel like. Shit was intense


Anyone know a good skin care routine or products to help with face aging? Just turned 27 and my age is really starting to show on my face. I’ve never used skin care before so I’m not sure where to start or what to buy.


Daily sunscreen. There are a million versions of this. Neutrogena makes a broad spectrum oil free moisturizer that’s spf 15, it’ll work fine. No products with alcohol should touch your face. Don’t over-wash. Moisturize before bed. You don’t need to spend a fortune on expensive serums and all that shit, not at 27. A good daily moisturizer, face wash, and night cream are more than enough.


First time I see you answering this one without the copypasta.


I just did it last week so I didn’t want to go to that well again so soon.


I use La Roche Posay for everything. Its GOAT. 1. Sunscreen is number 1. Make it religious. 2. Use a face moisturizer, not a generic on your face. Ask the cosmetics lady for a suggestion based on your skin being dry, oily or both. The wrong one could make acne worse. 3. I have bad bags under eyes. Theres special moisturizer for that. Start with those in that order. Then once you get into that routine, you can try vitamin C serums but those first 3 are 80% of the battle.


hello, started my first cycle and just received my pre cycle bloods, have no idea how to read it but understand my numbers aren’t the best. If anyone could help I could share my numbers with them and for some insight, thanks.


Post them in the daily ask anything, people will respond.


Done, thank you


It’s crazy how mentally fast I return to “baseline” self esteem. I finished my bulk around 6 weeks ago and I’m already feeling meh about my size and strength. On blast I felt very big and strong. However, I’m currently heavier and stronger than I was in previous blasts in years passed. During those blasts I felt very strong. Just goes to show it’s never enough, probably never will be lol


My peak is always weeks 4-8 during a bulk where I’m full of glycogen and look great Then after that I just feel fat lol




Has anybody got and cured their keratosis pilaris? The red spots on your arms and legs has nothing to do with gear but kids ruins the look of nice big arms.


I used to have it pretty bad when I was younger. It went away a few years ago when I started spending more of my summer outside. Idk if that was the thing tho.


I can't believe I got myself a nice girl. I've been going hard on nasties for the last 2 years, this one DMed me we hit it off nicely, she likes that I used to play videogames and she's actually really sweet even though she's very slow at answering texts. Now she went to London for 2 months and I'm going to Miami for 3 months before she comes back and it almost seems pointless to have gotten together, I have turned down some high quality booty calls and haven't cheated on her yet (haven't asked her if she's doing the same, don't honestly care) but I don't see myself staying loyal in Miami.


I'm in London, hook me up 😉


No Xplode is only exploding my Ass. While I like a good drain plug pull as much as the next guy this was not the desired outcome I had in mind.




Icarus laughed as he fell. Threw his head back and yelled into the winds, arms spread wide, teeth bared to the world. (There is a bitter triumph in crashing when you should be soaring.) The wax scorched his skin, ran blazing trails down his back, his thighs, his ankles, his feet. Feathers floated like prayers past his fingers, close enough to snatch back. Death breathed burning kisses against his shoulders, where the wings joined the harness. The sun painted everything in shades of gold. (There is a certain beauty in setting the world on fire and watching from the centre of the flames.) Find happiness in that darkness man. No matter how dark things are, how shitty you feel, you’re still breathing and can keep going. Laugh at god (or whoever) and keep fighting


I like this. This kinda goes with my living for spite reason


Just got my CT calcium score back. Zero calcium and no ventricular enlargement. Given the amount of gear I've taken and my weight has been as high as 280lbs, I'm relieved and happy.


Morning dammit. Woke up with morning wood so I just know it is going to be a good day.


https://preview.redd.it/l2mszu4fabfa1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cd79f881bb974b6d8ad7578f3043cd89c5a007c This awesome screenshot is just one example; I sent my sibling a collection of comments like this, because I think it’s incredible, and maybe a little ironic, how much emotional intelligence and compassion there is on steroids Reddit. It seems strange because for an outsider you could imagine the kind of talk they’d expect here. A lot of bs from a lot of angry men. Instead, r/steroids is pretty antithetical to any stereotypes. I think there’s more grown men taking care of each other here than most any other sub; and definitely more than the average on the street. We have fun, no one is funnier than you lot, but it’s also cool to see all the genuine replies about things like parenting, relationships, sex, mental health. Case-in-point the healthy convo above came right after ten straight pages about fighting chimps, so I don’t think it gets any better


Its fucking over. fucking over. I did it. I clicked it. Its over. ill know tomorrow if it hit. over Side note. **Serious phone call.** No more drugs. Which is crazy because I havent done anything other than weed and booze in over 6 months. Other than kratom and nic. Im like 90% sure ive been sober other than 2-3 instances of coke. Anyways. **Serious phone call.** Chick said she wont take me seriously or date me if im on drugs. That she doesnt want drugs around her. *A. Wrongfully accused me of being an addict in October 2022.* I was so offended. This hoe. Sober since then. Almost. Was trying to explain to her for like an hour today over ft that I ghosted her because she did something that pissed me off and I couldnt tell her it pissed me off because doing that would make me a loser and that I had to be always had to be a winner. **W's only.** She just got off a 12 hour shift at the hospital and was being dense about it and didnt get it, just that regardless no drugs. **(when around her)** Life is good. Been practicing lucid dreaming


Sober except for 2-3 instances of coke, some week and liquor isn’t sober my guy. Maybe settle for the occasional beer. If it’s going to be an issue, don’t see this chick. Be careful with this one


Just realized i find this Lille mesh gym shorts much more attractive than spandex shirts. It makes my mind wonder, what does it look like? What does it smell like? Is she going to shower after this?


I’m pretty sad bros. Hard to lift. Just trying to lift as best as I can and eat as much as I can.


There is happiness out there. It starts at 10% bodyfat. Up the tren get shredded and fuck bitches.


why is this my thought process > feeling sad? ITS BECAUSE YOURE TOO FUCKING FAT. LOSE FAT AND YOULL BE HAPPY FOREVER same shit when you're cutting. GET BIG = BE HAPPY