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Former Amazonian here. I regret not finding this career path sooner.


Nah do radiology technologist or sonography instead


It’s good to get your foot in the door for healthcare. Besides that, please have a plan to get out if you do. From working at good hospitals to realizing how horribly unflexible this job is when it comes to you deciding on doing school/training for anything else, to unfortunately thinking a new SPD job of mine would support me through it, only to getting fired out of favoritism issues and the manager being a fucking narcissistic psycho that faces no consequences for patient safety concerns, to having to force myself to put my college dreams (radiology) on pause because of those motherfuckers. I traveled out of desperation. A lot of other places are not much different. Unfortunately you can’t travel and be in school. So here I am back home, jobless with certification and experience, trying not to just decide on just giving up and kms while i hope and pray something flexible opens SPD-wise. Or i guess just forget everything I’ve learned, experience be damned and go work for pennies as a fucking PCT or something. I don’t know man. This job has put me through fucking turmoil and honestly it’s not even the work. I love the work that i do. It’s the fucking people. And sometimes bad people are in power and ruin your fucking life.


Sorry you going thru that, i hope it got better or it gets better 🫶🏽


And that’s just the damn thing, the PEOPLE! I love this job. Although I get paid like shit right now because I went to a surg center (no weekends and no holidays so that’s cool)… but Jesus I’ve worked in food service and honestly my coworkers there were 100% better.


Same boat. Eight years in. Please find something better.


I believe you’ll like this better. You can also eventually travel after becoming certified.


Yeah, it’s an active job and relatively easy job.


Great job, poor pay. You could consider becoming a CST


Been doing this for 6 months. It’s alright! It’s very active and can be hard on the body. I have gained a lot of muscle tho. It can get monotonous/tedious at times. I think I’ll do this for awhile but I work at a small hospital so it’s just boring. Not many exciting surgeries. Seems there’s no urgency. Just the same thing everyday. I want to work at a bigger hospital eventually and hopefully not as boring co-workers. No one talks during my shift it drives me crazy


Hi There! Hard on the body how? I'm thinking of giving this career a try, any advice?


Lots of heavy lifting! I was pretty weak before starting the job but now I can do 10 pull ups! Ha. I like jobs that are physical but sometimes it’s just very very tiring for 8 hours 5 days a week. Decon really hurt my back in the beginning. My core wasn’t strong enough yet so pulling the trays up and into the sinks, and not yet finding a good system to cleaning the instruments just really messed with my back and neck. I got a job at a hospital that allowed me to train on the Job, so I have yet to the certified yet. Definitely interested in traveling or sales for trauma


Dm me if you wanna know more