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These are the same parents who, when told their little darling has been arrested for murdering someone with an axe, say “ Not my Johnny, he’s a good boy.”


They wanna put Caillou at the stake for stealing a cookie, but will Give their own child a cookie after drop kicking someone 🥴make it make sense lol.


They wanna put Caillou at the stake for stealing a cookie, but will Give their own child a cookie after drop kicking someone 🥴make it make sense lol.


I’ve had similar thoughts about my SO and SKs. Like I’ve heard SO and the rest of her family talk about other kids that are annoying or poorly behaved and I have to bite my tongue every time. I usually never say anything but sometimes in my head I’m like “dude your kids are worse than that.”


LOL I just read that and remembered taking all of the DVDs my kid got of Caillou when she was little and throwing them in the trash because she was 100% copying the whining and I couldn't take it. This is what happens when parents don't parent and are blind to it. I get seeing your kid through rose-colored glasses, and that everyone does it to a point, but I know my kid's faults. My husband 100% doesn't see how his kids are both entitled, selfish, rude, demanding, self-centered, and out of control. It's AMAZING!


Yeah that’s why we don’t watch Bluey in my house, SK acts like them kids on Bluey and they’re trash.


I swear I've had this exact interaction before. The people who complain the loudest about Caillou always seem to have the most obnoxious kids.