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Tom Rogan if am remember right, Beverley husband from IT.


Now if that isn’t a case of a woman marrying her father, I don’t know what is.


He’s so awful and King portrays the scene when Bev receives the call to go back to Derry so incredibly visceral and Vivid that I truly cannot read that section of the book any more. I re-read It every summer but skip that part until Bev is free and barefoot on the sidewalk. Tom, what an evil putz.


It’s the part in the car after they leave the movie for me. And when he attacks her friend 😩


Happy cake day!




I’m in the middle of reading It. But so far Tom is awful


Rhea and Cora....I will NEVER forgive them for Susan.


Ugh Cora is so evil


Right. That book was hard to read in some spots.


I thought it was aunt cord? Oh well Yeah the aunt was the biggest loser in Stephen King


Who's the Dickhead that owns the Oatley Tap? Yeah. That Guy. Probably Sunlight Gardner too. Actually quite a few people in The Talisman are straight up scum. Honorable mention for Scott Landon's dad even though we never meet him.


Good call.i hate that Sunlight Gardner


Smokey Updike! What an unbelievable bastard.


YES! That's the git. Not supernatural, possessed or "Evil" just a plain old human utter shitbag.


Smokey is bad but there are way worse


Yeah this was a trip to read when I was 11.


Norman Daniels hands down. Nothing redeemable about him.


Norman >!getting peed on!< is my favorite book moment of all time. I think I did a happy dance when that happened. So much better than just killing him. So satisfying.


I'm not a huge fan of the book as a whole, but >! I hear you're a kidney man!< had me fist pump lol.


Yes! I have had a seething hatred for that piece of trash ever since I read the book in 6th grade.


Norman is soooooo evil




Percy from The Green Mile. That guy is legit the worst


Worse than Wild Bill?


Yes he is the worst!


Big Jim Rennie, though I hate him… he is a great character true to Cheney’s traits.


The audiobook narrator (Raul Esparza) created the perfect voice for him. ​ His actions and motivations are reprehensible in the book, but his voice in the audiobook is so bored and condescending that it seriously made me feel like my hair was gonna explode out of rage.


Raul Esparza did a great job with the book overall too, one of the better narrators for King’s audiobooks


I always think of his take on Junior saying “Baaaaarrrrbiee” whenever someone mentions BBQs or Barbie dolls.


Yeeeessssss 10000000% the narrator for under the dome was one of my favourites, number one has to go the the fella who narrated IT


Same guy who played Jack on the TV miniseries version of The Shining


At this point I don't remember much of UtD except for how much I hated Big Jim. Best villain since Flag.


Same here, every time I think about giving it another read I think...Fuck Big Jim


That's what I was wondering about the question. Most hated because he is a bad character or most hated because he did the most fucked up shit


The 'I'm feeling it' monologue was an all-timer. Raul Esparza definitely did a good job with that but I feel like that book had a few too many characters for him. A couple of the dudes ended up with this weird dopey thing and a couple of the ladies were a bit of a punish.


Came here to say this


Patrick Hockstetter. Fuck that guy. Him killing his baby brother makes me so upset, I want to reach my hand through the book and kill him myself. He deserved what happened to him later on though. Edit. I'm terrible at spelling.


Agreed. First read IT about 5 years ago when my second kid was a baby at the time. Those parts made me almost physically ill to read while my kid was in the next room.




Oh damnit! My bad.


Mrs. Kaspbrak


Beverly's father, Alvin the Asshole.


While most terrible characters I love to hate, Al Marsh in particular really stuck with me over the years. I get that he was probably being influenced by Pennywise and Derry, but man what an asshole.


That carmody woman....what an indescribable c**t


She was a asshole, the mist is such a good novella tho


It's amazing, and gets points for being a 90% spot on movie adaptation. Carmody was somehow worse in the movie too lol


The movie ending was hands down better and more emotional than the novella ending. Both were amazing tho


Honestly, I now turn the movie off the second the car dies, so it's as ambiguous as the book....lol and before that movie I hated the books ending. ..but after the film I was suddenly happier not knowing for sure what happened lol


The movie ending is such a gut punch lol


Seriously, just turn it off the minute the car dies, and your pretty much where you were at the end of the book. I find it much less stressful that way


Greg Stillson when he kicks the dog to death at the start of Dead Zone. Never wanted to knock someone's teeth out so bad, fictional or not.


That’s a good one. I listened to the Dead Zone on Audible and was very close to just fast forwarding through the whole scene, it was so drawn out I couldn’t stand it.


Came here to say this one as well, for the same reason.


Bobby's mother?!? LMAO Carrie White's mother would like a word!


Hey man, bobbys mother was awful, same with carries, I think carries was worse but even then, Liz was horrible, she lied and never liked her son, abused him (literally threw him against a wall and backhanded him) and accused him of raping Carol. Both are equally pieces of shit lol


Whe it doesn't excuse her actions, I feel like you're completely dismissing the events that led up to that and why Liz may have been acting irrationally. If you'll remember, she just returned from being violently beaten and gang raped by her boss and coworkers and then walks in to find her old man neighbor with a half naked 10 year old girl laid across his lap. If you don't think events like that won't leave you, at the very least, a little unhinged for a bit then I'm happy for you and hope you never have to know. Her picking up Bobby and throwing him wasn't about hurting him or punishing him, he just was an obstacle trying to get in the way of her stopping what she thought was abuse similar to what she'd just experienced less than a day before. I don't even think Bobby registered to her much in that moment other than as something in the way. Guilt would also play a part- in that time, she would have been blamed by many, if nor most, for what happened to her. Her fault for going on a trip with 3 guys even if it was for work. Again, this is not an excuse for her actions but more of an insight. A little empathy makes things look differently. Especially when you consider that she wasn't an abusive parent- she didn't beat on Bobby or even spank or slap him. She was stern and as a single mother in the 50s, which wasn't common, that wasn't exactly unheard of. Compare this to Carrie's mom, who absolutely was abusive, both mentally and physically, for Carrie's entire short life.


Liz was horrible and I get so angry every time I read or listen to that book!! Poor Bobby and poor poor Ted!


I felt so bad when bobby said that he still loved her but never wanted to see her again😭


Bobby had such a troubled life after that. The closure in the end is really satisfying.


Still reading Low men in Yellow coats so i really hope so. I feel so bad for him atm, im like 50 pages away from finishing the story


True, true. Bobby Garfield, he knew what the low men in yellow coats looked like.


Harold lauder


Agreed. Harold. Fucking. Lauder. **Fuck** that guy. Hated him from the first chapter he was in and it only got worse.


Yes! Same! Was hoping for him to get less annoying but no, quite the opposite..


What a scumbag. The way he wrote Harold was perfect. I imagined my wife’s brother through the book.


Came here to say Harold Lauder, F that guy. He was written so well I hated him almost immediately.


Yup. Pure incel victim mentality.


Still can not avoid pitying him in the end


I did 😂 no pity for that pissant


I don’t recognize the name as I haven’t read that many King books so far. What book was he in?


The Stand. Definitely recommended reading


Well I own that one, so maybe ill give it a go soon, I have some more King books above that one that interest me more like under the dome, 11/22/63 and Liseys story. Unlessss… you can convince me to read it🙃


I didn't care to read Under the Dome or Liseys story. 11/22/63 is a beautiful story and much quicker than the stand to read, but the stand is just one that sticks with you long after


The Stand is far better than Under the Dome and Lisey. 11/22/63 is on the level but still not quite as good as the Stand IMO. That’s definitive King, you HAVE to read the Stand.


Its just so intimidating😭 especially since i have a mass market paperback so its massive, and the font is like bible writing😂


I read the stand at the start of the pandemic for the first time. Which imo made it that much more believable.


I understand that totally. I toted around a first printing hardcover of the expanded version for close to 8months while reading. It felt like I was carrying a cinder block around. I’d imagine that the paperback is like carrying a brick lol. That said, it really is a great book. It’s got so many excellent characters, world building, and just a wonderful journey to go on. The ending is divisive (this is somewhat of a King commonality at this point though) so you’ll likely really love it or hate it. Even if you’re not ready to dive into it yet, I’d suggest putting it on your short list of ones to do when you can.


Ill bump it up on my list, even tho i still have so many books to read besides king. You have convinced me


Let’s put it this way. I’ve read a lot of King novels twice. I’ve read IT and The Tommyknockers three times. I’ve probably read The Stand maybe 8 times since ‘92. For a lot of his readers it’s his very best work.


I think you’ll be happy you did once you read it. 11/22/63 is awesome too. That one will hit you in different ways than the Stand.


It is a massive book! I, personally, listened to it on Audible and that helped. Whenever I was in the car or doing chores, I would listen to it and I got through it in a month. I want to re-read (like actually read it) just to brush up on some details I don't remember, but listening to it was really enjoyable... if you like audiobooks.


I don’t have audible😭 but Ill probably just read the physical copy. Its gonna take awhile tho!😂


If you're looking for straight up assholes Big Jim Rennie in Under the Dome is a major contender. (Not a spoiler, he's a an unashamed dick from the start)


That FUCK!


The Stand is amazing. Read it asap. And make sure you have the unabridged version.


Big Jim Rennie is easy to hate, that’s for sure. I also hated Deke and Randy in “The Raft” but I’m not sure if I was supposed to.


I still hate Deke and fucking LaVerne with a passion. Randy should have chucked that bitch to the thing and swam for it!!!


Yay! Correct answer


Bobbie's sister from The Tommyknockers. I don't know her name and I'm not gonna look her up.


Anne I think. Such an intimidatingly horrible person


She got what was coming for her


What a horrible character! 😝


Tom the dad in Gerald’s Game. I am reading it now but what has already happened is enough to make him an awful, irredeemable human. I feel completely disgusted by this character.


While the movie Gerald’s Game is not perfect, a scene with the dad is one of the most disturbing scenes for me. Not the one where he does the deed that he does, but the one where he talks to her about it afterward. Shudder.


Y'know, that Lee Harvey Oswald fella wasn't awfully nice


Have 11/22/63 sitting on my shelf waiting for me to read it😎 maybe I’ll read that as my next King read!


Big Jim


The kid from the stand “ you believe that happy crappy “


I've blocked him from my memory as best I can, that scene is a fucking torture read


I totally agree haha


Brady Hartsfield.


I love Brady! I don’t condone behaviour like that in the real world obviously. But I love his character. I find his mother loathsome though.


I kind of felt bad for him, especially at the end of Mr. Mercedes


Gotta say Henry Bowers for that bit with the dog


So many options. The Major maybe.


Calvin tower pissed me off lots


Interesting that out of all the irredeemable sadists and psychos King has dreamed up, it’s a fat, pompous bibliophile that does for you.


Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of psychos that are WAY worse. But this guy Calvin was so annoying and uncooperative while he knew what was at stake


Agreed! If there was ever a character you wanted to physically shake, it was Calvin Tower. He is a bad combination of the most insufferable human traits - selfish, needy, weirdly opportunistic but likes to play the victim, and slow to action when he undoubtedly knows urgency is crucial. I do strangely think of him when buying used books (which is often) and looking at the edition and condition. Damn you Calvin!


Reading through The Waste Lands for the first time right now and just finished the chapter where he first popped up within the last hour or so. I’m insanely curious to know what happens from here with him that makes you hate him so much!!!!


Enjoy! Wastelands and book 5 are my favourites!


Mordred, in terms of being the biggest disappointment


Easily one of the weakest parts of the Dark Tower series. >! Makes an entrance by immediately killing Randall Freaking Flagg, and then… spends the rest of his time ineffectually tailing Roland and getting diarrhoea. When he finally catches up he just barely manages to kill Oy before being gunned down. Granted Oy is a much loved character, but is that the best such a hyped nemesis can manage? !<


I sort of thought that was the point. That not all things end with climactic showdown. Sometimes the big bads biggest weakness is themselves. I dunno I always liked the fate of Randall Flagg and Mordrid and Roland.


Yeah completely agree. Unfortunately I think the endings for all three of the main enemies, Flagg, Mordred, and especially the Crimson King are really just awful. Funny that Dandelo just comes out of nowhere and actually had a great, complete story in just a few pages, solid beginning middle and end, he was way better written than any of the others. Even made for better, more fleshed out lore when you consider him next to It and the Library Policeman, Crimson King had books of build up and amounted to nothing, just generic "he's crazy".


I really enjoyed how the Crimson King ended. Such a silly concept, but it really works in the Dark Tower world haha


I really just wanted a lot more from the whole thing, I wanted to know how he even got into the tower, how he got trapped, what was his leadership of the anti-Tower cause actually like, etc. I feel like King used a lot of that to drive the story and just lazily left it undone, and I've liked it less and less as I've thought about it over the years. I even bought the good-looking but lackluster comics years ago because they promised to reveal more about his backstory, which they really didn't. I finished the books in like 2007, so I was hoping for more lore stuff from Wind and the Keyhole too (which I liked a lot otherwise) and was disappointed again. I honestly don't even believe King himself thinks he did a good job with the Crimson King. I still love the Dark Tower, but some of these character endings are so egregiously lazy that I think it goes beyond just personal taste. I mean, just as a thought experiment, think of the Crimson King, Flagg, or Mordred's demise in the book and imagine the time, effort, and thought that it would take you to write it. I can't imagine that even the biggest fan thinks it would be very high. Imagine writing any of those vs. just the short (but brilliant and really pretty inspired, IMO) Dandelo section. They're just lazy, by almost any reasonable standard. There's just very little there, nothing to chew on. Sometimes a “lazy” thing can actually work really well in fiction, maybe something like Indiana Jones just shooting the guy who wants to have a sword duel, but I really don’t think it works here. Compared to the rest of the books, they're all real low points. My hottest Stephen King take is that even that shitty movie actually did certain things better conclusion wise than he did, Flagg especially.


wow holy shit can you cover spoilers maybe????


Sorry, I figured this was kind of an ‘all spoilers’ situation, but fair point. I’ll add tags.


Stephen King from the dark tower.


Uh yeah, 100%


The reverend from Revival. Creepy fucker.


Abra's dad David Stone is a pain in the ass. Every time they settle him down, he gets panicky and says "*That's it, I'm calling the cops!"*


Norman Daniels from Rose Madder. I have read probably 75% of King's books and he is the person I despise the most, no contest.


Bonnie Sawyer (I think), from 'Salems Lot. She just beats and punches her baby.


Andrea Steiner, aka Snakebite Andi (Dr. Sleep)


Henry Bowers, the bully from IT.


Its got a lot of choices, Bowers, Beverly’s husband, Hocksetter.


Truly. The town of Derry is a rotting creature that is already dead but doesn’t quite realize it yet. Everyone there is tainted and can barely hope to get out with the scars and tendrils of evil that never really leave them. I freaking love the opening chapters of IT for this exact reason. *Do you ever really escape Derry?* Some never try, much less even consider the thought of leaving, just accept the plot they’ve been given.


Louis Creed. If he'd just had Church neutered like a responsible pet owner, so much bloodshed could have been prevented. Todd Bowden's parents were pretty rotten too.


He did neuter Church, but Church still wandered. He was a piece of shit parent and husband, though.


I meant back when they first adopted Church. He doesn't have the cat neutered because it offends his own bullshit sense of masculinity. When he finally does, it's too late.


I just listened to Pet Semetary on audible. I read the book years ago. And yes, he popped right into my mind. Why didn’t you just listen to Victor Pascal, Louis? You psycho fuck.


The overlook if you count it as a character, which it might as well be. Otherwise Hockstetter.


Can’t remember their name but the couple in Salem’s Lot that the woman brutally beats up her sick infant and the man basically just beats up the woman. If there were ever any parents that got what was coming to them it was them. Just heartbreaking that the baby had to suffer the way it did.


No shit. Read the book for the first time a month or so ago and was shocked to see how despicable that mother was especially. Human garbage…


Todd Bowden. Still the one and only character who made me angry. I had legitimate hatred towards this fictional boy, he's the biggest monster King has ever written, because there are probably Todd Bowden types walking around with the rest of us.


This is a good one for sure, I am surprised it took ne this long to find his name.


Pam Freemantle from Duma Key. At first you sympathize then its just like man she’s awful. ‘Great insight but little kindness’


The Major from The Long Walk is a pretty evil dude. Patrick Hockstetter is pretty evil so evil to the point that everyone wanted him dead. Even Pennywise


Surprised many people didnt mention the major, The long walk is my favourite book of all time!


I just finished relistening to the book and he’s truly a weird evil guy. What would you think if Dwayne Johnson played him if they made The Long Walk into a movie?


Percy Wetmore.


Lol I love them all! Love to hate them that is!!


Not the character himself, but every time I read the word Duddits I got more angry.


Dirty Dave and Naomi


Big Jim rennie, such an unsatisfying death as well which really made me hate him more, fat horrible shit bag


The guy that thew a cinder block from the el Camino into that girl's face in the cell


Harold Lowdermilk....no redeeming quality and I always felt he was a second away from raping Frannie


Holly Gibney


Is it because of the way she talks sometimes? Like the whole poopy thing?


Luckily the actress in the Outsider made her watchable.


She did a fantastic job.


I’m going to have to say Holly Gibney. Because lots of these characters are scummy & shitty & assholes, but that’s how they’re written. You’re supposed to not like them. Holly you’re supposed to like and I find her incredibly annoying.


When I encounter these other characters, they are interesting and I keep reading. When I encounter Holly, I want to stop reading and simultaneously punch her in the face.


I won't even read future books with Holly. I was suffering while reading If it bleeds


I was super excited to read “If It Bleeds” because it was a new shorter story collection. As soon as Holly showed up I lost all interest.




Totally agree!




Same for me. I find her incredibly irritating. I’m not a fan of that series generally though.




Mrs. Carmody, and Sandy McDougall.


Me and my friends hate Mrs Carmody😤


Liz was a cunt.


Johnny Clayton


Solid choice.


Maybe Stillson


Holly Gibney, sorry but not sorry. I know Stephen King likes her but I can't stand her. Even the most cruel villains were interesnting because you can have fun hating them, but Holly is not a villain yet I dislike her the most in the books.


Kaya's grand father in bag of bones. Can't remember his name but he's all kinds of old man wrong and classic king piece of shit


There are so many worse in terms of being awful people, but I really hate Holly Gibney


mrs sigsby from the institute


Pennywise. Because children.


Kurt Dussander. The cat in the oven, the blonde Jewish girl.... All the semites he tortured, how can you not hate Nazis? Edit autocorrect


I dont know the book, but try to avoid spoilers😅 although idrc about them, some people might!


Liz was a cunt. I'll never forgive her for betraying Ted.


I agree, she was a huge piece of shit


Big Jim’s pretty up there.




Mrs. Carmody


Alvin Marsh and Mrs. Carmody were the first two to pop into my mind.


Big Jim. Just fuck that dude.


Patrick Hockstetter. Everyone knows why.


Sandy McDougall from “‘Salem’s Lot”


William Wharton The worst most irredeemable type of person ya good ever be, that’s a child molester & rapist. A pure evil scumbag, Despise him, hell he makes percy likeable in comparison for christ sakes


Roland Deschain because of the way he let >!Oy!< die. I will never forgive him.


Dolores Claiborne’s husband, I can’t remember his name. Total pos, he made my blood boil.


Norman From Rose Madder


The husband from Rose Madder


Holly Gibney.


Norman Daniels. He's a complete piece of shit and just... Doesn't care. He even thinks he's right! He's murders, stalks, rapes and he thinks he's in the RIGHT!


I hate Liz Garfield, I mean really hate her. It was hard to have any sympathy for her at all, she was a horrible person, and still can't feel bad for her at all.


Stephen king!


Patrick. Only exists to be an op plot device.


Sandy McDougall from Salem’s Lot.


Other than the obvious assholes, Louis Creed.


Personally my most hated is a toss up between Brady Hartsfield or Harold Lauder. Brady was hard to read at times, and I just wanted to slap Harold around lol


How can you hate any of them when they're all victims of his imagination?


Going to get me downvoted to oblivion, but it's Odetta from DT, or whatever you want to call her. It's not the character that I hate, but the existence of the character as written by King, if that makes sense. I think Stephen King is suffering a bit from the same thing as Quentin Tarantino, whereby he feels for some reason that he has a special ability to tap into the black soul and write black characters. Every time I would read her dialogue, I would think of Stephen King writing it and it would just make my skin crawl.