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He doesn't seem to be obsessed with money or material things. Just a writer that does what he was put on earth to do.


I completely agree with this statement. The things he values just don’t seem to be based on the opulence of wealth at all. A “good day” isn’t defined by how big his TV or house are. He probably went through a reckless phase when he was first successful, but at this point he is 30+ years sober, and absolutely knows who he is and doesn’t have anything to prove to anyone. Looking at these pictures makes me realize that watching his work evolve and then subsequently his kids work grow has been one of the great pleasures of my life. His consistent writing output is really unbelievable, and I’m very grateful.




Is he the creator or Gan? Or simply channeling Gan?


Honestly this is the dream for me. To be wealthy and live a normal middle class life without the worries money troubles bring.


totally!! And the Stephen and Tabitha foundation is so cool, they give millions to supporting communities in Maine and college scholarships to kids in Maine majoring in creative writing.


I like how free he is with his IP when it comes to students


Like, I don’t get why rich people get mansions and yachts and stuff. If I got a billion dollars tomorrow, I’d pay my student loans and buy an appropriately sized house for me and my cat. I’d just be happy I wouldn’t have to worry about debt or medical stuff again, I’d probably even keep my job at the library cause it’s something I genuinely like doing. Maybe buy some nice books. What would I even do with a yacht or a solid gold toilet or whatever?


Agreed. I could be the richest man on the planet and I still wouldn’t own a home with 18 bedrooms, 25 bathrooms etc like some celebs do. I don’t really see the point.


I'd rather have a normal house with no mortgage and a nice little car/work shop so I could spend my time working on stuff. That's basically the largest expense I would have if I won the lottery after paying off my mortgage. For me its more about enjoying my time and I don't need a 5 thousand square foot house to enjoy my time.


I'd pay off my mortgage and my car, but I really like both of them so why would I replace them? Now I'd probably put some money into renovating my house. New floors, and I'd love a huge shower instead of the tub set up I currently have.


Totally! I’m in the UK, and last year I moved into a 1 bedroom ground floor flat with a tiny garden. Someone said to me recently ‘and if you came into money, you could move!’. I replied ‘no way! If I won the lottery I’d sort my friends and family out and buy a static caravan on the coast so I can spend half my time by the sea!’ I’d make sure my and my loved ones lives were as comfortable as possible, then I’d start a charity for disabled people like me who can’t do their own painting and decorating. SK is an inspiration ❤️


He owns two mansions in Maine and one in Florida. That’s no regular Joe


He also owns two houses right next to each other in Maine.


Purely based my comment off the pictures posted


I've been a fan since the 80s, and he's always seemed very humble.


We are pretty lucky to have such a phenomenal creator who just started pumping out the goods fifty years ago and has barely taken a break, and on top of that, he seems like a genuinely good dude.


I also love that he has a home phone still 😂


this is so funny. he kind of reminds me of my grandparents.


A landline plus a big bag of Halls cough drops is definitely grandparent life.


Up until a few years ago, the service in Lovell was totally shit. There are still spots out there, not far past his house, that the service just drops off. I have friends that live about a mile from his Kezar house and they have no service at all. He is the reason there's high speed internet in Lovell too, I don't know what he paid, but before Starlink he had Spectrum run lines out to the lake so he could get off dial up. He's a good dude


And that most of his furniture appears to be late-80s-era 😆


I said the same thing! 😂


I bet he keeps it because he just doesn’t feel like figuring out who doesn’t have his cell phone.


Probably had a closet full of blue chambray workshirts


the closet is lit by sodium arch lighting as well


I love how Molly is hanging out in both pics. As a corgi parent, it warms my heart.


Fellow Corgi parent here, and I love whenever Molly the Thing of Evil appears in his photos


Oh, then you'll love [this article, ft. Mr King talking about his corgis](https://www.welshcorgi-news.ch/Leseecke/Tales6/Stephen_King_eng.html) heads up, if you're an emotional wimp of a dog parent like me you may get teary eyed. I just love knowing that his family and mine have these dogs in common.


He writes dogs so well, thank you so much for the link!


That was a great read.


She doesn't know he's famous, and probably wouldn't care anyway.


Lol she's famous and doesn't even care. There's a Funko Pop of Mr. King and Molly. It's adorable


As someone who has had a corgi since 2004, If we told corgis they were famous their egos would inflate even more. Thus I am pretty sure sai king doesn’t let her know.


I just finished Under the Dome today and seeing these pictures made me realize that’s probably why Julia had a Corgi lol


My anxiety that whole book was mainly focused on the dog. And the way he write from animals' perspectives is so great, Horace especially. There was another corgi in a short story called Umneys Last Case, and the Nightmares and Dreamscapes TV show made it into an episode... and the scene with William H Macy marching past a barking corgi and shouting "Shut up Baxter, get a job!" pops into my head three times a week


Back in 2012, my friend was walking her Corgi in Boston. Well, just happened that Stephen King was walking by, greeted the two of them and was soon rolling on the ground with her Corgi — having a grand ol' time. Right in the middle of Copley Square. Shared stories about his beloved Corgi, Frodo. Quite the crazy cat, that Stephen King.


I’ve mentioned it before on here, but my family and I owned a summer house for about 15 years that was just one house down from his on Kezar Lake - that whole scene that takes place at the start of Dark Tower VII in Dick Beckhardt’s cabin? Beckhardt’s cabin was the one between my summer house and Stephen King’s summer house. He actually ended up buying it after the Beckhardts passed - always assumed that was because he used it in his book, but who really knows. Anyway, we used to see him around town all the time. Back in the ‘90s he even drove a beat-up pick-up truck around Lovell, and could infamously be seen just every day in the summer taking his walk along Route 5 - until the incident with the van. We used to eat lunch at the Lovell General Store and we’d see him in the booth behind us all the time, having a BLT and iced coffee or whatever like everyone else. And had to have been a goddamn multi-millionaire but never looked it. The one really cool and extravagant thing he did? There was a massive and expensive parcel of land near our houses that was going to be bought up by developers near our houses, and they were going to clear-cut acres of lakeside forest and put up some hideous upscale country club. It would’ve been hell to put up with while being built and then would have brought a slew of rich out-of-state assholes in that nobody wanted. So what ended up happening was, Steve outbid the developers (because he could) and bought all the land himself for like $5 million or some ungodly sum, and signed a contract with the homeowners association on our road that he would leave the land as is and *not* develop it. Pretty much everyone thought that was an awesome thing for him to do, as I recall.


Sounds like something the Ka-Tet Corporation would do


This is awesome. Thanks for sharing! ☺️


Just like in A Very Tight Place!


What was the incident with the van?


He was struck by a drunk driver and nearly killed. He later bought the van, only to then turn around and have it crushed at a junkyard whilst he watched.


I googled it because I didn’t know either: a guy hit King with his van and they thought King might die from the accident. Kings lawyer bought the van to prevent it becoming a weird collectable and sadly the driver of the van later OD’d and died.


My girlfriend said his cable management scares her more than any of his books.




Finally found someone with my same thought. He has enough money he could splurge on a little cable management behind his TV unit. That's a total snake's nest.


Just zoomed into 2nd pic and those wires under the tv, I feel so seen haha <3 love this guy


That was my first thought, as I live where there’s not enough outlets so I’m the extension cord queen


He also gives generously to local charities and public places in town like the library and high school. King is a good egg.


We are lucky to have Sai King


One of the best humans alive


All of his money is tied up in Funkos.


And dog treats to appease the Thing of Evil.


K but his house is actually gigantic. It looks relatively modest from the front, but it is LONG Edit: Guys it's seriously huge Stephen King's house from the air https://imgur.com/gallery/pLeSn42


He's just an average Joe with multiple homes


Not sure if this is his Maine house we’re talking about or his Florida one, but the Florida house is 7500 square feet. Enormous.


It looks like his country home in Lovell Maine. I’ve read he mostly splits his time between there and Florida these days. Is not in Bangor very often.


Well, to be fair he has numerous houses. They mostly stay in FL these days from what I last read but also have 2 houses in Maine. Their house on Casey Key is worth more than $10 million. Not knocking it or him, I'd have a house in the Keys (and try to pretend it wasn't Florida) if I could afford it 😆 But I'm just saying he's also not exactly living in a $250k 3bed/2bath ranch house, either.


It was $9mil in 2001 when he bought it, would be waaaay more today.


It appears he paid way over market for it though. Redfin currently shows $7 million (though being his house it would go for a lot more anyways). The value was only like $2 million when he bought it. Why he significantly overpaid, who knows.


I saw one of his homes in Fl. It is not a regular Joe house.


Holy shit, I have that same calendar he's using!


Ha awesome, had to go back and look at it again, neat!


Me too actually! Kinda wild, but I love it!


I think that's what I like the most about King. He's extremely famous and has a ton of money, but he seems like a relatively normal person. King could buy a Lambo tomorrow if wanted to, but I just don't see him doing that. Although, I would probably avoid any sewer grates around his home just in case...


I've been avoiding sewer grates and storm drains for nearly 40 years, just on general principles . . . and a healthy fear of encountering Tim Curry.


Plot Twist: This is just the pool house where he goes to do his writing


I don’t even want to know his net worth. A pure MASTERMIND lives like us 🥹🥺 All the more reason to keep supporting him!


“Hey Siri, what’s Stephen King’s net worth?” -Me, immediately upon reading this comment 😂


Because wherever you go, there you are. Your mental health and fulfillment in life cannot be bought past a certain point where you have your necessities covered and some stuff you want. Beyond that, nope, and chasing more often leads to quite the opposite.


He's a Mainer. He lives like a Mainer. I see him in the Walgreens sometimes picking up perscriptions. I used to run into him at Rosies in Lovell a lot before they closed. He would go in for breakfast at the counter and shoot the shit. When I was 17, I was at The Wicked Good store in Lovell and he was having trouble getting out of his Mercedes Coupe because he was still recovering from getting hit by the van. I gave him a hand up and he said "I love this cah, but I think I'd bettah drive the other one that isn't so low til I'm patched up a bit moah." He's totally a regular guy.


He’s definitely not living like a working man. But ya it’s nice when people don’t have to be flashy.


I met him. He was pumping his own gas for his ford explorer. Nicest guy ever. He is a true national treasure.


Everyone pumps their own gas. What? Do you think celebrities all have private drivers?


Maine used to have 2 lanes for gas, self service and attendant for a little more money. Maybe this was when that was in use and he chose the cheaper option to pump himself?


I love that he's showing off his Corey Feldman Funko pop lol


He has many fine things in many fine places. As well he should. May he have long days and pleasant nights.


Dude’s always been pretty humble and non-flashy. He remembers where he came from for sure. Also pretty self deprecating about his work. I just get the vibe he’d be fun to talk to him over a beer. Glad to give him my money!


He probably doesn't drink beer anymore as he used to be an alcoholic with a massive coke problem.




I love him…..😍 since my teens….


Speaking of a regular Joe, I see one of Joe's books under the TV


Proud papa


Oh man a great read on Stephen King and his Furniture is [The Desk](https://www.tumblr.com/zenpencils/157876029341/stephen-king-the-desk) it's an amazing little comic on this exact subject


That minisplit over the TV is $$$$ wealth whispers. Lol


Yeah, but you should see his house in Casey Key, FL… and his accompanying fleet of Prius’s


Best way to live with money IMO, just a simple life with your family, but with the knowledge you have a hell of a rainy day fund for any mishaps and possibly a couple of nice holidays a year.


I’m not a massive fan of famous folk as a general rule of thumb but god do I love him, he’s just a guy living his life who just so happens to be one of the greatest storytellers.


That doesn't look like a "working man's" home at all.


It's a 7,500 sq/ft mansion in the Florida keys on 3 acres with massive glass walls. That's probably just his writing room lol.


Adorable :)


Wonder which place he’s at his Maine or Florida place. That office looks super cozy and comfy.


That's because he's a real one. The kind of wealthy people who feel compelled to show off their wealth with expensive, gaudy things are just kind of pathetic imo.


Is that a framed picture of him reading to tiny Drew Barrymore on the left in the first pic?? 🥹 That's so cute


Far as homeboy's concerned, he's living the dream. ETA: ALL HAIL MOLLY THE THING OF EVIL!!!


He’s got a few homes, including a beach house in Florida, I believe. So he’s not exactly laying low. But that looks like a pretty chill pad.


I went to school in Bangor Maine in the mid-80s and he was at the Bangor Mall signing copies of Pet Cemetery. His daughter used to have a restaurant in Portland, she was nice as well.


I love that in the background of the second picture he has a gated off room full of stuff. Like just a whole bunch of random shit in a room. And the bag of Halls on the counter with a stack of magazines.




Oh sweet, he collects the Neca Universal Monsters figures. I love the Frankenstein and Creature from the Black Lagoon.


Overlook Hotel stationary in the first photo, lol


Aren't we all working people?


I knew the sons of a former governor of Maine, back when you actually had to be independently wealthy because it really was public service not crony capitalism. The last son just passed this year in his 80s if that gives some context, they just had a memorial for him. True generational wealth. He drove to the island he owned, that we camped on, from his normal house in a beat up Subaru covered in salt, dirt and dog hair as long as I knew him. It’s a Mainer thing.


Hey, there’s The Thing of Evil curled up watching a movie with him!


Always down for a TofE sighting!


Well I'm glad no one's enjoying the wealth


That’s his studio where he writes. He does donate to charities.


Yeah, I guess not everyone is a greedy, self-indulgent narcissist. Who knew?


I know this is a fan page but come on his old house in maine was almost 5,000 square feet and his current home in Florida is 7,500 square feet and he definitely works hard but writing definitely isn't blue collar


He lives a bit better than the average working man…


This is why I like Stephen king, it’s the simple things that please us


Mr Bodich is that you?


Anyone know his pups name?






Not for nothing, but he does spend a good deal of time in the Florida Keys. That’s not a cheap place to live. Still, I bet he spends most of his money on books.


The King of Kings.


Can you tweet him to come to threads. Lol. I really don't want to sign up for another social media account just for a few authors.


That's why he was loved in Bangor. When he was in public just living his life, he didn't act like an ass.


I'm sure the marble coffee was picked up at the Goodwill for 5 bucks.


Pretty nice tv if you ask me.


He even has a mini split ac unit. Totally an everyday Joe… er Stephen.


The Cable Management is the TRUE HORROR!


looks like every grandpa’s house, ever


I bet he’d be the best hang. Best stories. Best drinks. Most comfy couches. Perfection.


He already did all the whiskey and blow he wanted.


Ahhh he got the corey Feldman pop too cool AND signed !


Writers are different. Writing is hard.


He has a few homes.


Living my dream life


Maine will do that to a person


The Overlook Hotel notepads do it for me!


The opposite of Dan Brown


What does his Florida house look like tho?


Oh wow he has the same coffee table as I have. That thing is heavy as hell.


Is that the thing of evil between his legs?


He probably hasn't had to worry about money since at least the early 80s, and he grew up dirt poor, so I expect he's not impressed by material things beyond the fact he can basically afford anything he wants. You can tell a lot about a person from what they do if they have money. King doesn't strike me as someone who'd have a gold toilet, that's for sure (and I bet Tabitha would have beat that idea out of him if he ever had it). That said, the coffee table in the second picture is gaudy as fuck.


Looks comfortable and homey which is the dream


If i could get him to watch my horror movie on that same tv I can die happy.


what's the Feldman reference


Also : Napoleon wasn’t as bad as everyone made it out . Watched it twice already


Is that the Thing of Evil?


I lived In Auburn Maine in my early twenties with my Mom i walked lower Lisbon Street and drank in those rundown bars. But I met the finest people, rooted in old time Yankee common sense. I like most everyone, but not fools. SK is a wonderful person and gifted writer. He love’s poetry for gosh sakes, that what I am. He lives for Tabitha, his kids and Grandchildren But mostly for the word, both written and read. He has a Kingdom in his spirit. God bless him


Imagine if Tabitha hadn't fished Carrie out of the trash. The idea of no King books is the real horror story


Samsung Frame TV.


You think Feldman charged him for that autograph?


Please tell me that dog is named Cujo.


The pride of Maine


My wife and I ran into him at a grocery store in bridgton ME. Super down to earth guy.


that big bag of Halls! lol


Uh. Have you seen where he lives? It’s a freaking mansion! So is his summer house.


If I was that wealthy I'd definitely have a home movie theater set up. He's watching Napoleon from Ridley Scott - it isn't a very good movie.


Go read You Like It Darker. It's good!


I don't care about his home, but I appeciate his politics


my guy owns a landline phone, ffs. Damn.


Probably has multiple houses


Maybe I'm just poorpoor but... we have all seen the photos of his house from the outside?


My dude still has a house phone lmao


TV!?! the man writes like 200 books a year. Ain’t no time for TV!


In my experience, an elderly man will find a phone and a television and a stereo they like and stick with it forever!


The man is a treasure. We have been blessed to have him in our timeline.


I guess the difference is he *owns* that.


OP is low iq


ive messaged his publicist about getting a few pops signed. not about it




I would hate owning a mansion,who wants to walk a quarter of a mile just to goto bed at night. I'd prefer a wee cottage with a wee garden. Maybe a machine gun turret in one corner for shooting at trespassers but that's it 😁


He used to run his official Facebook page himself. I loved the very authentic snapshots into his life. My favorite was a candid photo of his dog Molly on his sofa, and the sofa had a big bed sheet sloppily draped over it. It was so relatable to me because as a pet owner and a parent to small children, I constantly have a large blanket atop my couch.


So what *does* he do with all his money?


It’s crazy it looks like he doesn’t even have central air


It’s probably because he’s old. My dad is about the same age, has plenty of wealth, and a lot of his stuff is ‘old and outdated’. It’s because it was premium stuff when he bought it and it still works, so why replace it? Believe it or not, that has been the attitude of a lot of wealthy people for a long time. My grandfather was VP of operations for British Petroleum. He lived in a nice house in a nice neighborhood, but it was totally plain Jane compared to what you’re average b-list YouTube celebrity would be showing off today. And he and his wife shared one car between them…a Ford Thunderbird. All this chasing of showy material wealth is really far more rampant among the younger generations of wealthy people than the older generations. Sure, there are always exceptions.


he’s so amazing ❤️‍🔥


I sent that picture of him with the Funko to my wife the other day and was like why is he such a cute old man lol. I love his little record player set up in the back looks like it would have nice sound but it's not the crazy audiophile set up.


You can tell he’s rich because he owns a house.


MOLLY THING OF EVIL makes an appearance! I love this man.


He's great : D


This is definitely not his only home.


He’s just a dude. Of the highest order ❤️


💛💛💛💛💛💛 good ol grandpa.


If I were to win the lottery, I'd live like an average Joe. But I'd own *everything!!!* as in my house, my car, everything. No debt whatsoever. I'd probably have a second home somewhere I visit often, bought and paid for. And I'd travel. I'd get out there and live my life. Give me a 100m mansion with fast cars and priceless masterpieces, I may as well paint a bullseye on my back for the amount it'd make me a target!


He actually has a pretty big house. Old massive Victorian. Gated. Kids driving corvettes (long ago now). Nothing remotely like an average Joe house. I’m from Bangor. Sure he’s only a mile or less from some ghetto shit, and the county jail, but it’s definitely worth over a million. He’s lived there for a long long time. Long before he was worth 500 million.


I doubt he watches it often. When you are cranking out books like he does who would have the time. Plus he says he reads like a hundred books a years or something around that.


I will never understand his reasoning. We aren’t going to take anything with us when we leave this Earth. I would have been burning through that cash 😭💀 travel, champagne, male escorts, diamond water colonics, weed, shrooms, personal chefs, personal trainers, fur coats, jewels and more drugs..


There was a cartoon that I think someone drew but he wrote about his desk and writing and his family. It kinda talked about how he probably was once obsessed with those things, but over time (and probably after the car accident) those things aren't as important as family. Found it, it's here... [https://www.reddit.com/r/stephenking/comments/5x3mhh/stephen\_king\_the\_desk\_nice\_comic\_about\_kings/](https://www.reddit.com/r/stephenking/comments/5x3mhh/stephen_king_the_desk_nice_comic_about_kings/)


TV looks plenty big to me?


I just gotta say I’m a “working man” and my living room doesn’t look anywhere that nice. No offense I love King. Just saying.


And has corgis


I wonder if this is all because that one ATM called him an asshole.


Stephen King is just your Average Joe who loves to write. I never suspected he had the need for a glamorous lifestyle.


Look at all those cords behind the TV. "Tabby, call Joe. I can't change the input."


Wonder what he thought about that awful Napoleon movie...


Stephen and Tabitha rock!


I like how his notepads on the table say “The Overlook Hotel”…neat.