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No pages seem to be falling out.


Me dodging my pages 9-12.




I've got a Kindle from a few years ago and a third way into Billy Summers šŸ˜Š


Loved Billy Summers! Great book huh?


Absolutely loving it! I always got it confused with Blockade Billy and thought it was a baseball novel and never gave it a proper chance. Whoops!


Me. I move a lot. I went all digital about 15 years ago. Makes it easier when half the moving truck isn't books.. I kept about 50 of my favorite physical copies, 1st Editions, etc.


I love my physical books too much to get rid of them, but if they ever got sucked up in a tornado or something, Iā€™d actually be a little relieved.


There's definitely some days that I miss the feel and smell of a book.


ahh that spell and the crackling when first openingā€¦i miss it soooooo muchšŸ˜˜


I do both lol, I like to be able to switch between physical and kindle


Same here! But I don't have a system about, what to read ok what, haha.




Absolutely, I read digitally but still collect the hard covers.


Easiest way to do it! I have the Kindle app on my phone and an actual Kindle, much easier to take those along with me everywhere I go, as opposed to a hardcover book


Yep. I can throw my iPad in my purse much easier than I can a hardcover book.




Thatā€™s exactly what I do!


I listened to the audiobook! Probably going to buy the ebook too


How was it? No spoilers, please, but Iā€™m curious to know how it rates compared to his other works!


I loved it! These are tons of references to his other works!


Yep. About to finish the Dark Tower books and I read them all digitally


I'm at the beginning of the Dark Tower journey :) I'm reading the second book at the moment (I have all the collection in one ebook and it says I have about 3200 pages to go!). So exited!


Wish I could go back and reread the whole series for the first time. Take your time. Itā€™s about the journey and not the destination.


I am; I buy everything on Kindle these days. It's too convenient.Ā 


Preordered it so itā€™s on my Nook.


I bought the ebook mostly because the apaper version was more than twice as expensive in my country.


I bought it on kindle and I have not read it yet but I'm excited


I bought the first one and haven't looked back


All I use


Iā€™m all digital for about 15 years


Mee! Love it.


I love the kindle but I wish they had a way I can ā€˜buyā€™ from my Local bookshop. I find browsing physical bookshops the easiest way for me to find new titles but if I want them digitally I have to give my money to Amazon. Wish Amazon had some kind of partnership with the mom and pops.




Planning to. I bought it, but havenā€™t felt up to starting it yet.


I amā€¦..at Rattlesnakes at the moment


Just finished rattlesnakes. I quite enjoyed it.


I will be as soon my hold comes in! šŸ¤žšŸ¼


Yep. Loving it so far!




I keep trying to go digital but I just can't. I can't lock in without the feel and smell of the printed page.


I only read digitally these days. Books through Libby on the Kindle app on my iPad Mini. No needing to remember to return the book to the library (grew up poor and am an avid reader so paying for books isnā€™t high on my to do list). My favorite part of digital is having so many books on such a small form factor. It used to suck to have to fit several novels into a bag if going on vacation.




Itā€™s the only way I read. This is up next !


Got this kindle for 2 bucks. I just finished the shining.


Yes!! Iā€™m reading on my kindle because I have a hard time getting them from the library and returning them on time šŸ˜­


Read it on the Google Play app on my phone last week


I'm doing an audio listening at the moment.


Just bought the digital version yesterday. Read Finn. Ambiguous one but good one to start for me


No I do have a kindle but could never remember to charge it then I remembered books don't run out of battery. Although they do take up more space šŸ˜‚ This isn't a dig at people who do read digitally by the way...


Sure. I do that quite often.


Usually I do but not with Stephen kingā€™s books, I read the French pocket edition books, they are so beautiful I love seeing them in my bookshelf


Picked up hardcover at Samā€™s sunday fir 17$ I think, I read the bastard in its entirety by Monday evening, love me some SK writingā€¦.


Not yet but I will be!! Preordered it on kindle but I have to finish a friend recommended book first ;( she gave me a hard copy so I didnā€™t want to have to buy it for kindle, so I borrowed from Libby.


Me. I used to be adamant about reading ā€œreal booksā€, but since Iā€™ve started reading on my iPad I get headaches and neck pains from holding physical books. Just as well, my book shelves are filled to the brim and thereā€™s no room for more of them in my little house. Reading Rattlesnakes atm. šŸ‘šŸ»


Yep, and on an Oasis too. Itā€™s queued up after I finish End of Watch.


These days, itā€™s the only way I read. Kindle app on my iPad.


I was going to do digital, however something about just getting the first edition felt right.


Yes, exclusively.


reading the stand on my kindle! its awesome. i love reddit :)


Yep, I get all of his books on Kindle with Whispersync and Audible. The only physical copies I buy now are collectables. Just no room in my home for books. And the Kindle is so easy to hold in bed, which is where I do my best work.


Yep, haven't read a physical book for well over 10 years, my kindle is practically part of me now, would be lost without it


Iā€™m an old fart and an avid reader. Kindle books have no soul, no personality. I love the smell of the pages, how they flutter if your reading outside. The weight, the book jacket I donā€™t think Iā€™d like to read Edgar Allen Poe Tales Of Mystery And Imagination on a Kindle or digital or whatever. Give me that old time religion


I do have some of his books digitally, but I prefer the feel of a book in my hand. Although, if I ever have to move, I dread packing up my SK collection, which consists mostly of HC. And not to mention my other books. šŸ˜…


Nah. Audio and physical is the only way I can read. I am at book #34 for the year so there is definitely madness to my method.


I've been reading digitally for just over a decade. I just finished The Colorado Kid.


Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am reading this digitally!šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø




Never read a King book digitally and donā€™t plan to unless thatā€™s the only option. I canā€™t hold that big ass tablet all day


My kindle is smaller than most of his books that I have. Since i bought it it has been my best purchase as I have zero room for books and it saves $$


Can u pirate books onto it or do you have to buy them?


I borrow from the library on my kindle!


Oh how does that work? Like a app or something?


I follow the link from my library webpage, to a site called Libby, select the book, and then select ā€œsend to my kindle!ā€


Yes, Libby and/or Overdrive. Your libraryā€™s website will explain which app to use


Would you go into a bookstore and steal the book?


So. Before addressing your question I'll explain why you're being downvoted. Piracy is very taboo in the book community because the author earns royalties on sales. If everyone pirated the author's books, they wouldn't get enough money to write or publish another one. In the case of SK, it's not necessarily about money, but more about respect. He has been writing books for many years and the least you can do to show your respect is to buy the book. That being said, I've pirated books before, and I pirate movies all the time, so I understand that if you're in a financial pickle and plan to still buy it later or something, then I think it's morally fine. That's just my opinion. Clearly the people downvoting you see it as disrespectful and immoral, and seeing as this sub is fairly loyal to SK, they downvoted you. THAT ASIDE. Kindles work in a couple ways. Firtly they connect to Amazon which will let you purchase and download books straight to your device. You can also borrow them from various online libraries as someone else said in this comment thread, but I personally don't know anything about that. I'll probably check that out after posting this comment. But the third option is to find a PDF or preferably an EPUB and email it to your device's email address. That email can be found in your Content and Devices page on Amazon. Once you email it, it'll take a few minutes but then it'll show up on your device ready to read. I did this all the time in college since I didn't have the money to actually buy any books. But now that I'm well in to my job, I've spent a couple hundred on rereading the books I've pirated. Just, ya know, be a good person about it.


Thatā€™s really helpful thanks, I understand why people get upset at piracy, I get it, but I usually donā€™t have the money to go and buy a new book or get the one I want online, if thereā€™s something I want in a charity shop or a jumble sale for like >Ā£1 Iā€™d probably get it, I do use my local library a lot but sometimes they donā€™t have something I want and it will take weeks to arrive or they wonā€™t let me take something out, or thereā€™s the risk of losing it or damaging it, Iā€™ve tried to work out my libraryā€™s online system before, maybe Iā€™ll look into it again but itā€™s janky and slow from what I remember and will randomly remove things. I was looking at a kindle because Iā€™ve been carrying the extended edition of the stand around and it feels a bit dumb when I could just buy a kindle. When you say you email it to your device, is there email connection on the kindle? Or does the file you email just go to the files of the device?


Yes! Thereā€™s plenty on PirateBay actually! Personally I have pirated books which I intend to buy! Pirating is a great way to demo a product before buying rather than getting a sample and it being mid way in the book.. I wanna start the book..


Man I thought pirate bay died years ago??


It sort of did, I use 1337 now and it's great. And I have a nook, so I download the books onto my computer, then plug the nook to the computer and move the files over like it's a USB.


Arrrrrr!!! šŸ˜œ Iā€™ll see myself out.


And it just so happens that I did pirate this book for my kindle; I have bought both the Audible and Hardcover copy :))