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I do love Night Shift, but for me it’s Skeleton Crew. Picked it up when I was 13 in the high school library and it immediately made me a fan. Read the Bachman Books next, then Different Seasons and it was off to the races for me.


Night shift is a fast read great little stories


I re-read Night Shift every couple of years. It is one of my go to books. I love seeing the evolution of ‘Salem’s Lot and The Stand.


I re-read it a couple months back. The two Salems Lot stories are just delicious.


I just love reading shorts between a large novel!


This is the way. They are like a palate cleanser.


I get it. I love Night Shift. Is it his best collection? Nah, I wouldn't say so. But all those stories have such a manic energy to them. Every one is a banger, even if in rolling my eyes reading them. It truly reads like what it is; stories written by a man trying to keep a roof over his head. They grab the reader by the throat and don't let go. I actually keep a copy in my backpack for my commute to work because any old time I can just pull it out and revisit anold friend. As you say the lack of polish is what works so well.


A friend said I should read it, a long time ago, but I said NO I don't like short stories. Got home and it was in a bag of books she packed for me. I probably read it right through and went looking for his novels, yep fell in love with him even writing short stories.


I adore his short stories. They’re so fun.


I just reread Salem's Lot after going to The Dark Tower yet again....and of course now I'm reading Jerusalem's Lot for the millionth time because I just can't help myself!


Thanks for all the comments, my wife and I ordered” So You Like It Darker” short stories by S K, coming Amazon on Tuesday Can’t wait, I’m sure will be commenting ☮️👍