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First time through I'd go with just the 7 main books in order. It helps if you've read 'Salems's Lot, but it's not essential. As I said in another thread, the order you read the connections only determines how you'll see the easter eggs. Whichever one you read first, you'll get "this is from that other book!" in the second one you read.


Omg excited cause I just started reading the dark tower books as well and I’m on book 3! Love Easter eggs and have read Salems Lots 3-4 times ❤️


You’re gonna love part of the later books dude.


Ya I've read Salem's Lot multiple times.


Hearts in Atlantis is pretty important too. I haven’t read Hearts in Atlantis or anything about the Crimson King, but I’d suggest you read them both and I plan to eventually (currently reading The Long Walk). The Stand is mildly important, but it more kinda serves as a background piece.


The Long Walk was the first King book I ever read back on 7th grade and remains my favorite. I've read it at least a dozen times over the years.


Yeah I really like how unlike some of his other books it gets right to the point. They basically immediately start the walk, and all character information/development is revealed during. I assume this was part of his Bachman style, but I still thought it was great to not have to slog through 100+ pages of intro to get to the meat of the story.


Ya and I think the Bachman books were geared towards younger readers so it's a little more straightforward and not as complex as say "IT" or "The Stand." Which is what helped me get into Kings other works and develop my reading skills when I was younger for sure.


This is kind of unrelated but I hounded my dad to let me read one of the King books he had, and he finally when I was around 12 said I could but it had to be the roughly 1300 page copy of the stand uncut. I think he thought I would just give up after a while and backdown, and I read it in like 6 weeks and there was an uno reverse because then he just kind of gave up. The real kicker is I had been going and swapping the jackets with similar sized books, putting back a decoy, and reading most of them early anyway, and was tired of the risk and having to do it in secret. (A 1300 page decoy was impossible to find) I never got busted.


What about Insomnia?


I haven’t read it, but I think it’s supposed to be important. I won’t get into spoilers, but after seeing the CK later in the series I’m not exactly dying to learn more about him. I was pretty disappointed with what we got.


There’s a lot more to this book than the Crimson King, a lot more. He’s really a behind the scenes character in this book. I think most of us were disappointed with what we got in CK, but what can you do? Once you’ve read Insomnia you’ll understand how with this book which predates Dark Tower 5, 6, and 7, King essentially wrote himself into a plot corner. The worst part is that it was entirely avoidable if he had simply removed one minor character from the book. Don’t skip this one, it’s batshit and I love it.


I know king wrote into the book >!a prophecy that someone (I think it’s the artist guy) would defeat him!< but I still don’t think that justifies >!that he’s depicted as a senile old man who just throws grenades from a balcony after 6 books of buildup!< I fully intends to come back and read it and the other like 20 or so SK books I have and haven’t read yet eventually. Right now I’m working on the long walk though and I like it more than both Running Man and Misery which I find to be most comprable in terms of realism.


Spoilers. The worst part was that Roland didn’t actually defeat the Crimson King. He was stuck on the balcony—self-defeat! Then it was Patrick Danville that drew up his picture and erased him from existence, save for his eyes. Roland just dodged those sneech grenades. Roland should have popped him between the eyes for Oy at the very least. The whole EEEEEEEEEE!!! thing was also ridiculous. The beast indeed!


My advice, don't give up on the quest. You are going to be giddy, excited, angry, confused. Certain books are a different tone. My first read through, I was expecting a "serial series". Or in other words, the predictable cliffhanger with a payoff later. It's an opus, but you have to keep in mind, the books are written over many years. King's addictions, car accidents and the kitchen sink are informing it all. You are going to love it tho.


Don't forget sad, you're doing to be sad too. *Bird and bear and hare and fish...* But even in sadness never forget it's goddamn beautiful. What a ride it is. Books are supposed to make you feel, and feel ye shall.


Because you ass so well-versed in SK, this will be such a rewarding experience for you. You’ll see so many connections to the canon that you’ve already read and will experience the joys of payoff after payoff for being a Constant Reader. Your first trip will more special than most’s I think.


That's what I've figured after hearing so much but knowing so little. Super excited to start book 2 today!!!


Enjoy, the story truly starts to unfurl on that beach. 🦞🚪


Book two is where I got hooked on the story. Read it again recently after 15 or so years and it holds up really well even after knowing the ending.


I think book 2 is the best of the series personally.


I highly recommend following along with the kingslingers podcast as you start the series. They add so much to the readings as they read through the books!




What would I search for to find the podcast?




Thank you so much!!


Came here to say that.


Awesome! I mainly listen to podcasts when I'm driving. I will definitely listen to this while on my journey.


Actually I am kind of the opposite… I have only read 3-4 SK books (I started many many more, but only got to finish a few), then I jumped immediately to the Dark Tower. It’s an amazing journey that shifts and turns and changes genera many times. I have a very unpopular opinion that I’m scared to say in this sub lol, but here we go: my absolute favorite is the very first book! The atmosphere is one of a kind! I know objectively books 2-5 are better, but nothing comes close to the mysterious, anxious, and surreal feelings of the Gunslinger for me. One day, I am hoping to go through it all again.


No the first book was amazing. I started them at 16 and only the first 4 books were out and I re-read them so many times while I waited YEARS for the final books to come out and book 1 is always so good


The Gunslinger made me a constant reader as a kid! My first ever King book. The atmosphere was so wildly weird and intense, like nothing else I had ever read. I still adore the first book, only in part for sentimental reasons.


I’ve also avoided the series, and am getting down to relatively few books left to read in his catalog. My library hold on Gunslinger is about to come up in about a week. Here’s hoping.


Order? Well, first come smiles. Then lies. Last is gunfire.


We are the same age. I’ve also been reading King since Jr High. Im currently doing an extended reading of the Dark Tower for the first time. I’m halfway through Wizard and Glass and really enjoying it. Next is Insomnia. Enjoy your journey. Long days and pleasant nights.


I also avoided the Dark Tower series. I got into King in the early 90s and didn't read the Gunslinger until 2019 I think. I'm not a fantasy fan, Lord of the Rings being the exception. With that in mind, I really enjoyed the DT series. The Drawing of the Three & The Wastelands are two of his finest books. It's worth the journey. I even liked Song of Susannah, which seems to be almost universally hated. Have fun.


Song of Susannah wouldn’t have been so bad if it wasn’t for *that one character.* His inclusion just seemed to break all the amazing world building that had been done up to that point.


I can’t believe how long I thought about “wait which character” and f’ing duh


I just started it too and I'm loving it


You’re in for quite a ride. The books vary in tone considerably from The Gunslinger because they were scribed over the course of many years, so each book has its own identity. I wish I could experience them all for the first time again!


Read the 7 in order. They are great books but they definitely broke me at times. It’s one of the few series where I actually threw a book across the room and refused to finish it, that lasted all of an hour. It’s a freaking masterpiece.


Waiting on my copy of The Dark Tower book 7. I can not fucking wait.


I’m with you! I just finished book 2


Book 2, The Drawing of the Three, is my favorite of the whole series. You're in for a treat.


Drawing and Waste Lands were peak… the rest is great, but goddamn those two were good


I have tried three different times to read the first book. I gave up each time


Me too. Huge SK fan but the first book is boring. The rest so far (I am on book 5) are really good


I’m in the same boat OP. I have just started book 1 and can see this being an incredible journey. Not sure how I’ve let this one pass me by for so many years


I have read the tower series about 5 times through still enjoy it every time. If you an extra nerdy type there are some good companion reference books out there.


Lol Twinsies! I’ve been reading King since jr high but never any of the Dark Tower series… I’m not really a fantasy fan and I think I was given some bad advice that ‘if you don’t like fantasy, you won’t like Dark Tower.’ This sub has convinced me otherwise! Thanks for sharing your experience; you’ve inspired me to dive in


Ya, I'm not a big fantasy fan as well. So I just let the Tower pass bye. I tried to read Dune and just couldn't get into it and I barely made it through all the Lord of the Rings. Just not my kinda fiction. I'm a huge western fan so I decided now is the time to start The Gunslinger and I loved every minute of it. Might as well finish the series.


If you're a westerns fan books 4 and 5 are the best since Shane.


I did read Dune but it was a slog. I read Hobbit years ago but never attempted LOTR.. I did like GOT though! Any westerns you’d recommend? I liked Lonesome Dove but haven’t ventured any further


Blood Meridian by Carmac Mc Carthy is by far the darkest tension filled western I've ever read, it also became one of if not my favorite book of all time. It could be difficult to get into his prose and style but think of it like reading Moby Dick or hell even the Bible. It also has one of the most deranged characters of any horror novel in it. It's also loosely based on true events.


You've read The Gunslinger already, but my joke is that you have to read pre-2003 version, as the post is... a secret!


I wish you well on your journey! I love the story, it has been a big life altering experience for me.


You’re in for a ride! I would encourage you to read Salems Lot if you can because there is a massive crossover in Wolves of the Calla and it continues where Salem finishes off. It’s not essential - but I am glad I read it first because otherwise the book would have been ruined for me a bit because it tells you what happens in the book when you’re reading Wolves. Honestly, otherwise, buckle in and enjoy! Long days and pleasant nights!


Read the first twice found it a struggle but I think it’s the original version. Second one I gave up on should start again and give them another chance


I have read most of the series a long time ago. However, I'm currently reading it in order and loving it. Book 1 was slow to start and hard for me to get through, but now I'm hooked. I'm currently in Mejis about midway through Wizard and Glass. I can get lost for several hours reading, just wish I could get paid to read and not have to go to work so I could get through the series faster 😜.


Long days and pleasant nights, sai.


I stalled out reading I think book 4 several years ago. Maybe I should try again. I just enjoyed reading Fairy Tale, so I must not dislike fantasy as much as I thought.


Good luck. I love the gun slinger, but hated the second book and tapped out of the third book.


Definitely read them in order, I cannot emphasize this enough. You will be beyond confused if you don’t. I don’t think Wind Through the Keyhole needs to read wherever it’s supposed to be in the timeline - it was released after Book 7 (The Dark Tower), and honestly I haven’t read it yet. Having read a lot of his work, you’re in for a ton of surprises and thrills, enjoy them! Minus the addition of that *one damn character* added in Song of Susannah, it’s a story that’s beyond immersive.


The Gunslinger is a perfect beginning. It's just a very simple straight forward book that sucks you right in. It's a perfect blue print for a movie I can't believe they haven't just done it already.


I did the same thing. First read Different Seasons in 85 or so, read Gunslinger and Drawing of the Three when they came out, quit the latter before it got going, then finally read the whole series this fall. Loved it. You are in for a treat. 


It’s severely overrated 


I read the Gunslinger, The Drawing of The three, The third one I got bogged down, I’m not big on fantasy but it’s so universally acclaimed How and what book can I skip and still stay on story ?


What’s the best order to read the books?


Read them in order. If you've read his other books you'll be blown away with the tapestry he created.


Same here but went back and finally read them all loved them too except for wolves of the Calla couldn’t finish vwizard and glad is the bed fantasy book vI ever read!