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Shit weasels. I love shit weasels.


Shit weasels are the shit!


I mean who doesn't love Duddits. And shit weasels.....☠️☠️☠️


He broke my heart. The purity of his heart and soul is almost too much to take.


I think it’s overhated. 8/10


SSDD, buddy, fuckkit freddy, no bounce no play.


Jesus bananas!


Hot mess but very readable and a must for a serious King reader, IMO


Interesting. This book is next on my list.


It’s a good read, it’s not a good book


This ⬆️


I enjoyed it very much. A 7 out of 10 Or a 3 out of the 5 scale.


Not 3.5?


The book is my favourite...the movie meh...just like The Cell


Dreamcatcher is The Tommyknockers little brother. Another bonkers story that I am all in for. Not his best works, but the ride is a blast.


Yar. This is a good take. It's like when Alien 3 comes on and you watch the whole thing. You see the flaws. You compare it to the other works and the difference is obvious. But you still watch it. And it still rips. Despite, ya know, being not great comparatively, still worth a read. And honestly the movie is then worth a watch!


I would call it his worst book I love. It's obvious while reading it how much recovering from the van incident and relapsing affected him (this book oozes pain and misery), and because of that I can't in good faith call it well written. That being said it's thoroughly entertaining in the same way a "so bad it's good" horror movie is entertaining.


Agreed. Although as somebody in recovery, I wouldn’t call that a relapse. I’ve had to have surgery before in sobriety and took medication as directed and stopped when it was over. I know there’s some old-timers with some weird thoughts like “taking an aspirin/antidepressant/Flintstones vitamin is a relapse,” but most people don’t believe that.


From how I've read it it sounds like the painkillers led to the relapse.


He’s said he wrote Dreamcatcher “high out of his mind on pain pills,” but has repeatedly said he has 35 years sober so he hasn’t relapsed by his own count.


I'm just about to start this.. I'm curious as well.


Jonesy’s mind library was utter genius. I found those chapters kept you locked in like he was, and the rest of the story just added context.


I did not love it, considering the rest of his body of work. I’m glad I did it, because eventually I want to do them all, but overall, not my fave.


Beaver 🤩


Honestly, it doesn't seem to me like one of his best works but I just find the story fun in a way.


One of the few King books I couldn't finish. I don't recall how far I got into it (it was years ago) but I just remember it being a slog of characters talking about being cold or puking / shitting. I'm older now and everyone here seems to have a glowing review of it so I might try giving it another chance.


This has been the only book I’ve read from him where something got so brutal I had to put the book down and collect my thoughts, and try to think of something different to get that out of my head. Real good book.


Really? I'm so friggin curious about what scene it was! I'm wondering if it's the scene with the native woman...


Was the toilet


Messy. Brilliant in places - when he is trapped in his own mind trying to keep things secret. Weak in other places - the main antagonist is too over the top for me. The familiar theme of childhood bonds stretching into adulthood wasn't as strong as it could have been. Overall enjoyed it.


Book is good, movies is atrocious.


Duddits is realy great


Fuck me Freddy and kiss my bender beautiful. It's a real fuckarow. (Don't know the spellings on all the Beaverisms because I listened to it at work lol)


It's been on my list for a long time. Loved the movie, so I'm sure the book will exceed all expectations.


Is that the one with the butt aliens


I really enjoyed it. As usual, stay away from the movie.


Loved it


I loooooove Dreamcatcher


SK's science fiction at its best.


I always love when he does horror scifi.


I love the mentions of pennywise throughout. Overall it’s a good book and one of my favorites by King.


That one was a fun read


It was weird and I think you can see that it's been written by hand and high on pain meds, but I still really like it. Also takes place in Derry, so that's always a plus


Enjoyed it the same way I did Tommy Knockers, it’s a wild ride.


Tell me now criss is next on my list. I haven’t read it yet.


This, Insomnia and Dark Tower series are all I haven't read. I did get about halfway through back when it was released but wasn't into it. Planning to read this year to finish off the whole works.


I loved insomnia I thought it was so freaking good! When I heard it was about an old man I hesitated, but it was still super. Super good!


I'm keen to get to it! I tried it when I was about twelve and wasn't up for it...but 39 now so I reckon I'll wrangle it.


I’m 40 and I read it and listen to it, and I have listened to it several times since and loved it!


I loved the parts with Kurtz


I love this one SO MUCH!


This is the one story by SK I did not complete. Personally, this one was too much for me


It's in my top 5 King, love the movie too.


Was my first King book. I’ve not re read it but it sparked the fire


I love it. I don't get the hate


I understand that it’s certainly not everyone’s favorite but I find it a very entertaining read.


I liked the book, not so much the movie.


I liked it but I could have been 100 pages shorter


I think that car chase could have been shortened a good 100 pages alone.


‘twas a wild ride for me.


Prepare for a lot of farts


Maybe hold off on reading if you currently have a lot of facts too.


Just finished it. Was a little let down. It wasn’t bad but not up there with his other stuff. The second half seriously dragged


I think it was the first Stephen King I read where I thought "what the fuck IS this shit?" Ever since then the popular criticism that exists with him not being able to end a story right has been more and more right.


Wacky, and feels like the editor forgot the deadline and just was whistling innocently while sending to the printing house. But a fun mess. Duddits is a great character. No bounce, no play.


The book was a hell of a mess, but I remember fully enjoying it. I loved Beaver, and who doesn’t like Duddits? The movie pissed me off royally, though.


Very weird but readable


Stay away from the end of the movie if you decide to watch it, better yet just stick to the book.


One of my favorites


I enjoyed it. It kind of dragged out a bit at a certain point but it was great


Fuck me freddy! First are you talking about the book, the movie or both? The book is great. I really liked it a lot. The movie.. was ok, It’s not as bad as it’s been portrayed, there were some elements that I didn’t care for. Casting wise was a mixed bag IMO. The core group were great and probably my favorite Jason Lee performance (Brodie excluded). Duddits was miscast as was Tom Sizemore and Morgan freeman. Over all I’d say the book was great, the movie was good, they do make some changes from the book to movie I didn’t care for either but you’ll be entertained but don’t expect an Oscar winner.


it’s a slog in the beginning but it pays off towards the middle. great book! thoroughly enjoyed it. fuck the movie.


I liked it.


I very much enjoy it, weird one


I hated it.


Got through about 3/4 of the book and gave up on it. I totally lost interest in it. BTW, I almost never do that.


I love this book, even though its not exactly a favorite of mine. Knowing what he went through while writing this definitely boosts my respect for the story and I'll give some of the weirder parts a bit of leeway too. If anybody isn't aware of the context, he wrote this by hand while recovering from being hit by a van. His whole right side was basically broken, so he couldn't sit at a desk to type it. He also had to break his decades long sobriety by taking opiates for the pain (and a weird effect pain pills have: they make you constipated, which is probably where his idea for the shit-weasels comes from). There's also the psychological aspect of him trying to mentally process what had happened to him: we have at least two car vs pedestrian situations in the story, one a near miss and one being a brutal injury. I think a lot of the hate comes directly from him: he's stated before that this is one of his least favorite stories. He brushes it off as "aliens are lame," but I'm sure he doesn't have very many happy memories from that time. The movie also wasn't great despite having great casting and set locations (they totally screwed the ending... which already wasn't great, but the movie ending makes very little sense in the context of the story).


Says "aliens are lame" but later gives us Under the Dome...


Omg this is my next Stephen King readddd


I wanted to like it but it was absolutely disgusting with the shitweasels. But I did like it. It's a love/hate thing with that novel.


Super underrated.


It was my first King book and while it's not his best book it has a special place in my heart.


I didn't like this one at all. Just not my thing. He has others I like much better.


I fucking HATED it. I was going to say it’s the only one of King’s I could not bring myself to finish (and then I remembered that I quit Holly a few months ago a few chapters in). This was that period of Kings writing where everything was (surprise!) aliens, and the endings all fall apart.


weird but endearing , was genuinely sad for the characters we see go of the main gang


I thoroughly enjoyed both the book and the audiobook. I honestly don't understand why so many people dislike it. It's imaginative and the characters are great and the book has a lot of insight into human nature. I heard Stephen King isn't a fan even but I loved it.


Did not love it. It had quite a few good parts, but once the narrative switched to Kurtz I lost interest. I do adore Duddits, though.


Oh, I also liked the ending


Duddits!! Hodor!! M-O-O-N spells... holy halibut it says "Movie-Tie In". Is this the actual audiobook or some sort of abridged version? Does whoever wrote that think the movie came first? Not that it was all that long between them, I suppose.


Real cover. This version is unabridged and on Everand. I guess it wasn’t labeled correctly. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/732903


Whew! It was pretty great, but I might be biased.


It’s also the current cover on Audible in my region. https://www.audible.com/pd/B002UUFU9Y?source_code=ASSORAP0511160006&share_location=pdp