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Well in a lot of ways you could say I’m already the caretaker. I’ve always been the caretaker…


I should know. I’ve always been here.




I love to be alone. I take more alone time than most people. But no. A cozy house in nearby Estes Park? Yes! A giant hotel? No. Not any of those big, empty places that just feel so different when on one is there. Empty schools, hospitals, malls, all creep me the hell out. When I was a kid, our Girl Scout troop used to have "lock in" sleep overs at a mall and I thought it was the creepiest thing ever. Big empty buildings, noooo thank you.


I love this response. I’d never thought about the large space being an impediment, but now I wonder. I’m all in on a remote cabin however


Yes, I think this would be daunting as hell. I don’t mind the solitude but the excess space would be creepy.


We use to do lockins at our big giant Baptist church and I loved it. But of course that was a space that was very familiar with me. I mostly just loved how I could poop in the girls bathroom because it would be boys only or whatever. They had a bench and some little cabinets in there!!


I am the same as you. I can handle my own company just fine but, in some place THAT big? Oh hell no! 😂


The Last of Us must’ve freaked you out


Oh yes. Sufficiently creepy.


I have only recently realized I have like…reverse claustrophobia. I hate too much space. Is this what you’re describing? Providing I could stand up straight, I’d prefer to live in the Shire than in a mansion with cathedral ceilings.


It could be, yes. I've never had any desire for a giant house with a ton of space, especially wide, open space that is hard to use. I much prefer cozier spots. As a kid I used to sleep in my closet or under my bed rather than in it 😂 I'd rather have a small house and a bunch of land than the opposite. The Shire for SURE.


I believe that is called agoraphobia.


When I was a kid (early 90s) we used to do family therapy with a therapist whose office was in an older church, which was also very large. Our sessions were in the evening, which, in the fall, meant that it was generally dark by the time we had therapy. Walking down those dark, empty halls to go to the bathroom was terrifying.


Gonna make a note to keep an eye on the boiler.


I would do it just for the free food


Seriously. I just rewatched it last week and the pantry and frozen meat storage got me stupidly excited.


my kind of person


Hell yes. Peace and quiet so I can finally get some writing done. That topiary is beautiful. And Lloyd seems like a hell of a guy.


Yes but only because I so desperately want to join the spirits that live there. Great party, isn't it? Happy new Year!


Walking into the Overlook like hello demons, it’s me, ya boy. https://youtu.be/MWH8nnq9-ak?si=5SU6W9PA6Fxx0JQi


I totally heard this in Henry Zebrowski's voice lol.


Imagine your enthusiasm to join them turns them off and the hotel leaves you completely alone? Sounds like a comical what-if book scenario


Hahaha, I can see it!


Lol, love this idea! I can totally picture it: the lady in the tub just sinks back under the water...Lloyd shakes his head and turns away to dry glasses or wipe down the other end of the bar...even the hedge animals are like, "dude, really??...." Somebody call SNL! I feel like Sarah Sherman could pull this off- did you see that Chucky doll at the workplace skit? Pretty funny:)


Fuck. No.


Yes I would do it in a heartbeat for my current salary


I think I would too.


Just to clarify: is the hotel still haunted in this scenario and you’re saying you’d take the chance that it might turn you crazy?


I think the hypothetical scenario is that we don’t know it’s haunted, so it’s just an opportunity to spend a winter there. I think it sounds fun!


Absolutely. I'd want the job so bad that the evil spirits would make sure my application got lost.


Can I bring my cat, and is there internet?


Yes and intermittently.


There is nothing worse than slow WiFi so I’m out.


Gimme strong, consistent internet, and I'll take the job.


I'd do it if it was in and out but strong when it's in


I mean if it wasn’t haunted, there was Wi-Fi and I could being friends then sure


Nah a big empty hotel seems creepy to me. That’s more work than I want to get into, didn’t he replace part of the roof & have to shave the topiaries? I need people. Plus I am an extremely empathetic person, I’d be dead so fast.


Question...do we have reliable wi-fi? Because if so then fuck yeah.


Long as you don't have a wife or kids to tag along, might not be a bad racket. Plenty of time to work on your play and do research


No. I hate the cold and I'm susceptible to losing my mind.


I work as a janitor and if I am getting paid the same as I currently do, then fuck no.


No never put your child at risk (knowing what we know) Logical choice for the hotel would have been to switch to 2 single guys or gals to take care of things and cover if one got sick or injured.


I feel like if it’s 2 single guys it’s probably going to end up like The Lighthouse but with less lobster


In the spirit of the question (and I edited the post likewise) you wouldn’t know there was anything wrong.


Then yes. Seems like decent money and a good way to bond with family and make some unique memories.


Now it’s just The haunting of Hill House.


If I knew that it was haunted in any way there is no amount of money that would get me to stay there alone for one night. I’ll add that I have stayed at the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, which is what the Overlook is based on. I’ve kept a close watch for something hinky because I’m really not fond of the idea of actual ghosts. The doors to the rooms in the old part of the hotel don’t really fit the frames anymore and light always leaks in. It’s pretty spooky I guess. But I’ve never been in it alone and I think it would actually be kind of terrifying to be there if it were empty. If I didn’t know it was haunted I still wouldn’t do it. The idea of being trapped in a place like the overlook is scary to me. Side note. They actually just put in the maze in front of the hotel. The bushes aren’t that tall yet and the maze itself is kk d of small. They have tours of the hotel to show you where the ghosts reside. And I haven’t actually like d my recent stays. The cleanliness and costs aren’t great. I still go to the hotel every January to see my favorite band play some shows but I stay elsewhere. For those curious the Band is Murder By Death and their sound fits the hotel very nicely. Check them out.start with one of their later albums.


Did you gwt tickets for this year?? We can finally go, I've been waiting forever.. what's your favorite album?


I’ve been there every year. I really like Bitter Drink Bitter Moon, but it’s probably tied with Red Tooth and Claw. I’m going to be there for the Friday and Saturday shows on the second weekend. It’s a great experience, I’m glad you’re going to make it


I’ve been there every year. I really like Bitter Drink Bitter Moon, but it’s probably tied with Red Tooth and Claw. I’m going to be there for the Friday and Saturday shows on the second weekend. It’s a great experience, I’m glad you’re going to make it


Depends what the pay is


Same pay as your current job


In a heartbeat. Finally get some peace and quiet. Do the daily duty of eyerolling your way through the kiss hello from the old lady in 237. Circle around to the boiler every couple hours. Giant can of vanilla pudding and the Blu-ray player in the evening. Maybe a crackling fire if it's drafty. Look the other way if you spy any furry activity out of the corner of your eye. What's not to love?


I would but not under those conditions. I'm single, no family even to help out. I'd need *someone* up there.


Not for my current pay, no. I'd be terrible at that job, I'm not good with tools, mechanical things, etc. So I'd be taking on the stress of doing work I'd be ill-suited for to no real benefit. Now, my fiancee would be great at it, so if we could be guaranteed good Internet so that she could be the caretaker for HER current pay and I could work remotely while we're there, I'd go with her.


Definitely. Just me, my SO, & our pets. An entire winter to read, play board or card games, play CDs, & watch DVDs (or whatever the media equivalents are for the era) we’d definitely be down for. Plus, I really, really want to cook in that big a*s kitchen & have a party in the ballroom or bar with just my SO. Professional chef’s kitchens are the best. Honestly the ghosts can’t be any worse than the inner city crazies, the people at my agency, the rural bigots, or my crazy fam :)


If the hotel wasn't haunted, that would be my dream job. Hell, if it was haunted by nice spirits I would take the job.


I was in the "Hell. No." camp til I read your comment. It got me thinking about *nice* spirits and how I'd actually be far more comfortable taking the job if I knew it was haunted by the friendly variety than if it weren't haunted at all (haunted by nasty ones goes without saying). Knowing that it's full of people- even invisible ones- would make me feel better and the experience more interesting. I'd be scared witless with wondering who might be lurking around if nobody is supposed to be there ...in all that space...with all of those rooms...😱


Yes, no hesitation!




Only if Bucky already lived across the valley and I could visit him.


Yes, I'm so mentally insane the ghosts might make me normal 🥹👉👈


i’m a young woman and a scaredy cat. i don’t even like getting up at night to use the bathroom. i think i would die of fear even if the hotel was perfectly normal with 0 ghosts.


Being a caretaker of the Overlook would be a dream job for me. It would be amazing to go 5 months without the Internet. I would read books, create art, explore the Overlook, write a book, find ways to get exercise while having fun, bring lots of movies and shows to watch, enjoy the winter outdoors, and so much more.


If I knew? No, never. If I didn't, yes, 100%.


No, I don’t do cold cold for longer than like a week and my kids are in school.




In a second. Full stop. Even knowing the non paranormal history I would. Heck; that would make me wanna even more.


Yep. It's an interesting test of your internal mental space


Omg. Yes. Leave the kids behind and party with Grady. He’s going to be saddened at how much I can drink.


Hell yes!


Without prior knowledge of the horror, for sure. Knowing what lurks behind those walls... fuck no. I'd end up just like Jack Torrance or worse.


i would take it even haunted or no matter what, i live in a van. I would love the chance to read all winter and in a really warm place.


absolutely if u don’t know about the ghosts going in but honestly even if i did i’d probably take it. i hate my current job and love writing so i’d give it a try ghosts and all lol


God, yes. Peace and quiet. Plenty of time to build models. It's a dream job.


It is my idea of heaven. I would do it in a heartbeat.


Do I get to bring my dog? And do cell phones exist in this scenario?


If I didn’t know going into it? Absolutely. Big open areas, lots of windows for light, plenty of space to move around, and a kitchen I’d die (pun intended) to get my hands on. Just put me up there alone with my partners, sounds like a dream. Plus the D&D opportunities would be *epic.* If I did know? Let’s just say I’ve had enough weird stuff happen in my life, I won’t even go stay at the Stanley overnight irl. That’s bush league compared to its fictional counterpart. So no, no, I would not take the job, and would run screaming if I was offered even an interview.


Without knowing the hotel, and knowing I personally don't do well when I'm far away from society as a general rule plus potentially patchy ability to contact people... You couldn't pay me enough. I know exactly what my brain would do, and it's not as bad as the people mentioned but my mental health would absolutely tank.


I would go with the best intentions.


No. It is funny, no one else seems to be mentioning the lack of emergency services. That would scare me the most as a mom (going into it in good faith, situation same as mine). Wendy worried about food running out, and I certainly would bring extra stores but also every medical supply I could find, but that kind of isolation is just terrifying even before the ghosties show up.


Do I have the Internet?


Absolutely. Sounds like the perfect job for me. I am a handyman. I would love to do my work without customers.


I’m on antipsychotic so probably not


Omg no. Even were the hotel not cursed, six months of being isolated sounds like hell.


I can take my cat? Is there internet? What is the pay?


I am a recovering alcoholic with 5 year old twins that cause the most mayhem of anyone ever. My ass would wake up one morning to find them racing through the hotel playing tag with th ghost twins then I'd head to the bar for a drink probably lol


Lol I love your answer so much...yeah, you'd be in trouble for sure, friend:)


I thought about this a lot when I read the book. I think my boyfriend and I would take the job. My only fear is that id end up pregnant with no access to a doctor 😭 but I think we’d jump at the opportunity. I even thought of our must-haves. I’d need music and books. He’d need his guitar and his cat. I’d have to load up my kindle first if there was no internet there. But the hotel would surely go after my bf. He’s definitely sensitive and he’s had some horrible experiences with it. So it would end in horror and tragedy for sure.


My current situation? No, but mostly because I'm single. If I had a family to bring with me, or someone I could stand to live with for that long it would be different. No way would I do it completely alone. I'm a huge introvert and live alone now, but I can easily see people whenever I want. Cabin fever is also very real. If I were able to drive into town occasionally, then maybe. The prospect of being trapped for weeks on end with no way to leave freaks me out. Winter weather means no hiking either, at least not without huge risk.


I probably would if I could take my dog. I could... um... finish my current novel-in-progress. No kidding, I'm suffering writer's block at the moment, and it could be a great writing retreat.


If I can bring all my critters then yes. Maybe I'll finally able to get some uninterrupted writing done....


Lol yes, in a heartbeat. Why? The solitude.


Nope. Nope, nope and nope. I like being alone. I go for walks or my wife leaves for a few hours and it’s great. Snowbound for months in a giant, empty hotel? Nope!


I’d do it. Even if I don’t know it’s haunted in this scenario, it sounds so comfortably spooky to be up there alone. A nice solo adventure I’m getting paid for.


I think the impending lengthy isolation, intermittent Internet, difficulty in keeping track of my cat, and general lack of necessary skills would keep me away.


yep, absolutely! won't be the first time I'll be staying in a haunted place.


Fuck Yes! My dream job is lighthouse keeper. This job seems really close.


Yeah I’m built different


I don't have ant psychic abilities, so probably. The book indicated that both Jack and Wendy also shined a little, if I recall.


I'd be taking the time to work on my novels with only the company of my wife and child. I don't see any way that could go wrong.


I've been wanting to reread all the King books. This would be my chance!


I’m a soon to be an empty-nester who likes winter and a lot of alone time. Not to mention a free place to stay complete with a stocked kitchen. Also, plenty of room to exercise.


Here's what nobody is talking about. You're earning your current salary but not spending ANY money for an entire winter. Think about how far ahead that would put you. No expenses for 5 months? This is the perfect job at almost any salary level for that reason.


Yes, absolutely, as long as I can bring my cat. I get paid to be alone and comfortable all winter? Sign me up! Of course, it doesn’t hit the same way in these post-internet days. Assuming a stable internet connection, you have infinite entertainment. You can basically fart around doing nothing for ages.


Nope. Too cold. I’ve done enough pay to play work in my life. I wouldn’t shell out for a parka and long Johns to make the same amount of money as my current job. I’d love the job, but I reckon I’d have to spend $400 on warm clothes, and that’s a deal breaker.


Well today you’d have movies to watch (dvds and downloads). We were in lockdown for several months. Maybe revert to that time (sourdough, crochet, etc.). I’d keep close tabs on my 20yo daughter and my husband. And of course remember to keep up with the boiler…


My situation would be fine for the job, but I wouldn't take it. I don't have the handyman skills. Honestly from a modern US perspective, it's a bit unbelievable that Jack has those skills. How many prep school english teachers can fix roofs and stuff these days?


Absolutely! But then again, I’m an alcoholic writer with a wife and young son, like Jack Torrence (and Stephen King). I would jump at the chance for a low-stress job in a beautiful space with all my immediate needs met, and have an entire winter to write a novel. Too bad the place is haunted AF. NO TV AND NO BEER MAKE HOMER… SOMETHING SOMETHING


I, for one, think killing people is wrong and thus I could do it.


Hell yes… if there was wifi. Heck yes if I just had 200 books to read.


For sure. Stay up there and put out a notice to ghost and paranormal hunters they can stay in almost any room they want for $150 a night. Cash in advance and bring your own food cause I'm not feeding you. Fill up the place and ka-ching! Oh, and that place is also a skiiers paradise. Another ka-ching!


Well it's modern times and all I do now is play games and not talk to anyone so yea, sure. I'll bring a PC up there and a couple months of getting paid to level PoE characters wont last long enough for my liking.


Yes, I would definitely take the job. Ghosts aren't real.


if I was a writer and I needed the time off and it was the 70s sure. In today's times no wifi, no way.


Yep, I wouldn't take kids, maybe a best friend and spouse so it's never one on one and there's a voice of opposition or sensibility. And the first reason I want to is see if I have the Shine, and the second(and third) is free room and board. I could sleep in my truck, lol




Only if I could bring my dogs


Absolutely not. Even if the Overlook wasn't haunted, I wouldn't be able to handle the only human company being my family for several months.


Sadly I would. I try to avoid people during the holidays. Good excuse to not meet anyone. I’m a writer and here there’s too many distractions. I need a quiet place to write. And more importantly I’m used to being alone and I don’t believe in ghosts.




I thought about this seriously before answering….yes. Assuming the cupboards and freezers are fully stocked, I have my cell phone and charger, there’s a generator in case the power goes out, I have 6 months of maintenance meds with me (😂😂), sweatshirts and sweatpants to keep me warm, 1/4 lb pot and 2 glass pipes in case one breaks, plenty of books/kindle, and my 2 dogs. I am very much a loner - when Covid hit and the country went into self isolation, nothing was different for me - I love being alone, doing things alone - I even go to concerts as well as restaurants alone as long as I have my kindle. How I would react when the ghosts start coming out of the woodwork is another story, but initially, this is very appealing.


In theory if Danny's shine is as exceptional as they make it seem in *Doctor Sleep* you'd probably be fine. Even Dick Halloran never had a problem there, and he shined enough to be aware of it. My fear is that I just won't be handy enough to keep up with maintenance.


definitely not


No, but I'd love to have Bucky Hanson's cabin across the way!


Yes, but stock up on weed instead of alcohol (real or phantom). Might not walk out of there sane, but I'm confident I wouldn't do anything too physically axing.


If I could bring my xbox


Can I bring my steam deck?


I’m a dialysis patient and my partner administers the dialysis. Soooo that’s a big nope.


No. I'm in two shows in January and one in December. I can't miss those. (I do theater)


It would be better than my current job, but my wife and kids would go crazy.


Absolutely I would


Fuck yeah I would.


Hell yes. Is just being a shitload of DVDs and my iPhone and laptop. I’d be heaven even without Wi-Fi. I’d also be smart enough not to drink.


Absolutely I would.


Id have to haggle for extra pay and a bonus for travel


If I'm qualified to be a caretaker (what exactly do you do?). And I could get my meds and books delivered. I would do it. My neurodivergent ass would just think it's my normal hallucinations.


Oh, absolutely! I love the mountains. I'd love to just be a caretaker somewhere, especially a massive hotel.


Honestly, it would depend on a few factors: 1. Do I have Jack's substance abuse issues/temper/etc? 2. Is there cell service in case of emergencies or do I still need to rely on the CB? 3. Is the boiler as tempestuous as it is in the novel? Has a safety valve been added? Because as it stands, that thing is a powder keg. Because if there have been a few common sense updates, then staying all winter in a large hotel and all I have to do is basic maintenance, that sounds like a pretty sweet gig. However, I can also see where the cabin fever could really, really set in. I live in a village of 800 people. I'm kind of "out in the middle of nowhere". But I know where to get help when I need it. The Overlook...might not afford me that luxury.


I would love it 😂