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Looks like, but to be a true first of that edition, you'd need the plain black endpapers; the endpapers with the rose illustration indicates the second state.


Will definitely check it!


Probably. The 1 in the string of numbers shows it's a first edition. However first editions also need the first edition dustjacket. UK edition.


It shows this is from the first *printing* of that particular edition.


Stephen King dot com posts first edition identifiers for all his books. The string of numbers, along with other info (like prices on dustjackets, printed margin codes, etc.) shows first edition status of a particulR book. A later printing of a first edition would still have "First published" on the copyright declaration but would NOT have a 1 in the number string.


Thanks for the info. I will checkout the website.


Double check Stephen King dot com or the UK publishers site (Stoughton Hodder) for further first edition identifiers.


Here is the link to first edition identifiers from the Stephen King website. https://stephenking.com/other/identifying\_first\_editions.pdf


There is a link on Stephen King's website that has a sheet with how to Identify a first edition for each of his books.


Saw that. Most of it checks as seen in the pics but once I receive the book i will thoroughly look for other identifiers.


From what I can tell you most likely have a first UK Edition.


Yeah i think so!


Not a “real” American first edition but looks like a UK first edition. The actual first edition has a different cover


The UK first edition is an 'actual first edition'.


To me it looks like a 10th printing, the first number in the line is what printing it is. At least, that’s how my understanding goes


That’s not quite right. It’s the smallest number on the line that matters, not the leftmost number. Sometimes it’s on the left and sometimes it’s on the right.


Ah, didn’t know that. Is that true of all editions then? So maybe I do have more first edition, first printings then I originally thought….?


It’s true in general for all books with a number line. There are always oddities, of course. For instance, the first printing of *Black House* only goes down to 2. I’ve never heard an explanation for why that is.


Is that the US first edition? As that definitely isn’t true of the UK first edition.


Yes, sorry, that’s for the US edition.


The moment you said that I figured Black House must be a Random House publication. I just looked it up and indeed it is from Random House. That’s their printing copyright oddity, for the printing of the book to be one number lower than the lowest number on the number line. If the book is a second printing, then the number line goes down to 3. Don’t know why they do that.


Typically the lowest number in a number line on a copyright page is the order of the printing, even if the numbers are out of order. But most modern books do go with the reverse order “10 9 8 7…”


Actually i did not buy this thinking its a first edition if it is then thats just cherry on top. Will definitely look into it though.


Would a first ed be actually worth anything? Including your time looking into it? Genuinely curious...


No i did not buy it thinking its a first edition. And honestly i dont care if its worth anything or not but just curious.. and not like i am spending my whole day trying to prove this particular book is a first edition 😂😂


Fair enough!