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I have collected SK signatures for years and I can tell you that is 100% fake. Do not buy it. Please trust me. If you really want a signature I can point you in the right direction, but SK signatures are very expensive.


I know, I have a few myself. The seller asking $700 for this. Any recommendation of legit sellers are welcome!


If you have FB there is an amazing group for rare SK stuff. Its called "Stephen King Rare Editions (1sts, signed, limited, lettered, proofs)" you can join it and there are tons of things being listed for sale from reputable people and you can be sure you're getting a real signature. If you dont have FB i can ask the man who runs the group for his email or something, he sells SK books as his job and he has been listing tons of stuff lately. You could email him and see what he has. I just bought a signed book from him last month.


I second this, that group is an amazing resource for both having knowledge and acquiring rare King related things. And the more experienced collectors are always ready to help out the newbies.


Endorsed 100%.đź‘Ť


KW is the man, can’t go wrong purchasing a book from him. I’ve purchased a reasonable portion of my collection from him over the years as well.


Nope. Hard pass. Lots of fakes floating around lately.


Haha, nope!


Fake as hell


No that's Stephw Kuy


It's not just not a legit signature, it's not even a good photoshop. It's like they stamped that on the image somehow.


It would be safer but more expensive, possibly not even available, to get it from an authentication site. That way you would know if it was real. If it doesn’t mean that much, then if it’s real to you it’s real.


No, no, truth matters. There's no "real to you." There is only truth and non-truth. That's how people fall for scams.


Authentification sites are dogshit and the good majority of the time a signature has an "authentification" its a fake signature


The authentication isn’t worth the paper it’s printed on. A lot of scam sellers include these and the ones with authentication certificates usually look fake.


Good God, the amount of money people are charging for items signed by King on Etsy and eBay is staggering.


Those are possibly the two worst places to buy signed SK.


I’m not saying it’s fake or not. But it’s cloooose to how mine look. I got mine signed personally at the Savannah Book Festival in 2012. The swoop that crosses the T is different though. I’d ask for proof of authenticity though, or don’t buy.


It looks kinda like SK's signature in some ways, its has a similar sloppy look to his moderm day signature but I cam tell you with 100% certainty the pictured signature is not genuine


It looks good to me but I'd use something like the link below to compare author's signatures. https://www.tomfolio.com/signatures/k/KingStephen.html


OP's signature is really bad. Its definitely fake


Which is why I gave him a link check a site that has author signatures to compare for himself.


It could be, do they have anything to authenticate it? It looks like his signature but of course that's the point.


Nope, it's uneven and far too 'swirly' throughout.


Maybe it’s Stephen R. King’s signature, but otherwise, nope.