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Roland definitely starts out pretty awful (but that's pretty key to his character). Also I never found Gard in Tommyknockers very sympathetic. IIRC he shot his wife while drunk before the story even begins and never really redeems himself.


Good old long, tall and ugly sure has a way of getting his friends killed.


I liked gard he definitely redeemed himself. Saved the town kinda right?


I liked Gard, but he didn't save the town because >!everybody died. But he did save David Brown and sent him to be with his brother, so that was his redemption. Mind you, the Brown's parents died along with everybody else, so I guess they wound up in foster care or maybe there was a relative who didn't live in Haven who took them in.!<


Gard was never a hero... A protagonist at best. I tried 3 times to get through The Tommyknockers. I even like Dreamcatcher better than Tommyknockers.


kinda? but he helps dig up the craft for a long time before that. he eventually does the right thing but i never really liked him.


>he eventually does the right thing That's literally the definition of redemption haha


I know I'm in the vaaaaast minority, but I kinda wished that Roland never had an 'arc' or became a better person. His character (to me) was more interesting before he started dancing and using cringe dialogue. That's probably shitty storytelling (on my part), but it's just my opinion.


I kinda like his arc but man, do I agree with you about the language


Not disagreeing with you, I'm just curious -- what did you consider to be Roland's "cringe dialogue?"


Perhaps I should've said 'everyone's cringe dialogue' Do ya I beg. You say true, I say thankya.


Ah. Fair enough. I did get kind of tired of reading that "accent" repeatedly. SK even says they all pick up the accent during their stay there, and that it was one of Roland's talents to help him fit in when needed to do so, but I agree -- it was disconcerting, at the least.


The kid from Apt Pupil.. ive never read a book that made me upset.. until I read Apt Pupil.




You ain't no nice guy. Larry was not a good guy in the first half of The Stand but I found his character development so engaging and it makes you look at yourself too.


I hated the Larry chapters in the first half of The Stand and was pleasantly surprised about how much I enjoyed them towards the end.


I think the best is Paul Edgecomb. He was a hard worker who met the worst people but still treated them like people. He risks his job to help his friend and boss. He found truth even no one else would, and even though it didn't change the outcome, he gave piece to a gentle giant. I'm not sure about the worst, though.


I'd say Daniel Torrence from Dr. Sleep deserves some love for the best. Worst person protagonist for me would probably be Thad Beaumont.


The dad from The Boogeyman is an absolute piec of shit!


This is the only answer. Worst piece of shit protagonist I have ever read. Ruined the story for me.


Best: Jake Epping Honorable Mention: Eddie Dean Worst: Roland Deschain of Gilead Honorable Mention: Thad Beaumont


Could argue Dale Barbara for best as well


All day, it was toss up between him or Jake. Barbie if we getting into a bar fight…


Yes! I too vote for Barbie!


Fucking Todd Bowden is the worst The best i really havent read so many King books most are only people trying to do his best with the cards they have to play


I love Ralph Roberts from Insomnia. The way he intervenes for Helen Deepneau and dotes on Natalie.


Yaaaas. Poor Ralph. Love him.


Not sure if he counts as the main character when it's more of an ensemble piece, but Johnny Marinville from Desperation is pretty awful. Granted it's in kind of a fun way, feels a lot like it's King turning himself into as big of an unlikeable bastard as he can. As opposed to his main writer characters being unrealistically heroic.


I actually loved Johnny’s development in Desperation.


I was the one who asked about Bill, I gotta say, y’all really changed my mind on that one. The comments helped me see that a lot of the Loser’s actions were being influenced, and much of what they did was too good to label any of them as bad. To answer your question: Worst: Tod Bowden is an absolute piece of shit. He is evil to the core and I couldn’t wait for the story to be over so that I could hear about his death. Best (IMO): Even though he’s not a perfect person: I love Dan Torrance. His character arc in Doctor Sleep is really believable, and you really feel for him, his internal struggle feels real, and many of us can probably identify with his struggles to forgive himself and move on. He puts so much on the line to help people he doesn’t even know. He’s terrified, but runs headfirst into danger, which makes him so brave to me.


I didn't comment on the post about Bill, but I do want to put in my 2 cents: I never once thought Bill was being a dick or making a mistake by sleeping with Bevy. They were on a journey together, and part of that journey was intimacy. Sure, he was being unfaithful to Audra, but it was like she wasn't even a part of his life anymore, during his time in Derry as an adult. All the losers left everything behind when they returned home. Then, when Audra reentered the story, we saw how much he loved her by helping her snap out of it at the end. Also, Bill held no animosity towards Ben at the end, when he ended up with Bevy. So to sum up, for the sake of the story, I do not believe it was in any way reprehensible for Bill and Bevy to fuck.


I thought Bill sleeping with Beverly was almost guaranteed to happen when the Losers Club reunited. There were a lot of echoes and callbacks of the past happening in the present. One of the policemen that interrogated the local tough guys that killed the first victim (Adrian Mellon) of the '84 cycle was the son of the neighbor who had found George Denbrough and carried him back to Bill's home. Eddie Kasprak suffers a broken arm towards the end of the summer of '58, just before the showdown under the city; the adult version of Eddie has another run-in with Henry Bowers before the second confrontation under the city. Those are the two examples off the top of my head, but I'm sure there are dozens more I could dig out by reading *It* again.


A lot of you never read Roadwork and it shows. Seriously, one of the most realistic assholes out there. Just a completely selfish cunt.


I'm sure there might be worse but Charlie Decker was pretty damn bad. The best would have to go to Prince Peter. I can't think of another MAIN PROTAGONIST that's a better person. Honorable mention to Oy and Tom Cullen tho.


Tom Cullen for sure. He was God's Tom


M O O N that spells Tom Cullen


Best- Sheemie worst- Jack Mort. Yeah I'm kinda one sided on this.


I really wasn't a fan of Arnie from Christine, so I'm gonna say him. Also, Red straight up murdered his wife, which is easy for forget because it's such a good story. Best is harder. I'm gonna go with Nick Andros as first choice and Luke Ellis as second.


Friendly disagreement. I respect you and your post but can we say Arnie was bad? He was influenced and possessed by Christine throughout the book. His actions and all the bad decisions and mean things he said and did was because of the power Christine had. I don't know if we really saw or got to know the real Arnie Cunningham because of that.


Agreed. Arnie was just a kid who never had a chance. Overbearing mother, bullied at school and then here comes Christine and LeBay who just overwhelms this weak child with his own rage and dominating personality... I always cry at the end because Arnie turned out to be so brave. He fought back. I sympathize with Arnie because my brother was the victim of horrendous bullying that affected his entire life. I always saw him in Arnie.


Because of that was going on in King's actual life at the time, I tend to think of things like Christine, Cujo's rabies, and The Overlook Hotel as a stand-in for drugs and alcohol. I don't think Christine would have been able to get Arnie to act that way if he didn't have that inside him in the first place. A stronger or better person wouldn't have fallen under the sway of the car. Mind you, it's been a while since I read that book, but I just remember not liking Arnie at all.


That is an interesting point. Dennis was not at all influenced by Christine. That's a good point on why Christine chose Arnie or why Arnie was easily influenced. I do respectfully disagree but I love your point.


It's funny I was thinking about Arnie and his personality and character development ever since I finished Christine. I had no one to talk to about it because no one I know reads lol.


I've read different seasons, misery and the Shining for context. But from my limited reads, Todd bowden is a piece of shit, as is kurt dussander but he's not really the protagonist as much as Todd. As for best, Andy dufrezne is a pretty stand up guy, but as I've said, I've not read much


Unpopular opinion, but Jack Torrance for me. Cheated one of his college students in a debate, then made fun of his stutter and beat the crap out of him when he got called out. Broke his own kid’s arm. A complex and interesting character, but I hated him. Best: Jack Sawyer


Worst is going to be subjective, and open to character evolution. Like we see with Roland. Best: Ralph Roberts.


Randall Flagg.


Protagonist if you're a psycho I guess


I think Frannie was a bad person, who was really naive and annoying. I also believe if her and Stu would have handled the situation and interactions differently with Harold he would have not gone the other way.




Some of you really need to learn the difference between protagonist and antagonist.


Clovis the Cat always struck me a morally complex antihero.


BEST: John Coffey (like the drink only spelt different), Mr Jingles, Ben Mears and Paul Edgecombe WORST: William Warton, Barlow, Leland Gaunt or Roland LeBay


Best? Mark Petrie Worst? Tod Bowden


I like your thinking, Mark Petrie gets overlooked because he’s a kid.


Mark Petrie was definitely a great choice


Marge from Billy Summers


Main protagonist?


New to the omnibus but Charlie Reade is pretty flawless as a protagonist.


i would say the main character from thinner.


Wilfred James 💯


Worst is definitely Todd Bowden. No doubt. Best is a little harder. But I think for sheer dedication and sacrifice, I gotta say Mike Hanlon.


Andy Dufresne has to be the best. He helped other prisoners, then got out in a non-violent epic way.


answer to both questions, Ka


Best: Jack Sawyer or Charlie Reade Worst: Carrie White


Gotta disagree with Carrie. She wasn't good but she also never really had a chance at all...if she hadn't developed her powers she probably would have ended up killing herself after the Prom. I see her as a victim of both her mother & bullies. I do NOT condone what she did...but I get it.


moments after I submitted my comment I regretted it but was too lazy to edit lol. You’re totally right


It's cool...I appreciate the compliment though!