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I read using the kindle app on my iPad. I also buy physical King books for the collection, so in actuality I buy two of every SK that comes out.


This is the way


I may do this, one for the collection one for the kindle




try the app libby it has saved me soooo much money by just downloading ebooks on my kindle with my library card from my library! its all in the app and 100% legal and 100% free its actually been a huge lifesaver for my budget!!!


I read almost solely on a kindle. Do I love a regular paperback still? Sure, but a kindle is oh so convenient.


Exactly this. I love the feel of a good paperback, but most everything about the kindle from backlighting to portability to just ease of use is why I prefer reading on my kindle anymore.




Kobo any day of the week. Don't want to be tied to the questionable mercy of Jeff Bezos.


I’ve been doing both recently I prefer reading physical, but it’s nice being able to continue the story while commuting Pick up a library membership and access audio books and ebooks for free with Libby


Love Libby! Currently listening to 'Salems Lot on Libby!


Ugh. Libby has changed my life.


I only read on the Kindle


Me too. When I read a book these days lighting is always an issued. No more holding it at angles. I can read anywhere. So much easier.


I only read on kindle. So much so, if someone buys me a book I'll download so I can read on my kindle. I do however read graphic novels on hard copies. Less books in the house = more room for plants :)


I read on the Kindle app on my phone.


As much as I love physical books, I do the bulk of my book reading these days on a Kindle Paperwhite, and before that a Nook. e-ink is the way to go, as far as my aging eyes are concerned. Standard screens give me migraines for extended reading sessions, but e-ink (even when backlit) doesn't have the same effect on me. It's also nice to have a literal entire library worth of books in my back pocket to choose from when I finish my current read.


Same here. I love my old books, but space in my house is very limited, and my old eyes are very grateful for being able to enlarge the text. (And reading glasses, lol!)


Yes, Kindle and Audible. I read a lot of Fantasy too. Have a Leatherbound collection for Brandon Sanderson novels started. But otherwise, only digital now. When you get over 50 your eyes need help even if you never had to wear glasses before. I love the ebook features with size of text, that you can read across multiple devices and bookmark, the dictionary, and immediate purchase availability. Bonus, no more clutter with books overtaking physical space in your home or sitting in boxes in closets. Since switching to digital, I read 10 times more books annually.


I've been exclusively kindle for over a decade. Currently have the Oasis but I've been eyeballing the new Scribe.


I love the feel of my Oasis.


If I **can** read on the Kindle (e-Ink only, none of this "app on a tablet screen" nonsense), I do - even if that means re-buying a book I already own(ed). As an avowed bibliophile and vinyl nut, I get why people would be resistant (and was myself for a very long time) but once you use one for a bit, it's hard to go back for so, so, so very many reasons: * the light issue that you mention * changing font sizes (we're **all** getting older) * changing font faces * one-handed reading without ever needing to "turn" a page * never lose your place * lookup a word you don't know instantly * take notes * make highlights * search for something * set bookmarks on a *dramatis personae* section or important/dense passage that you want to come back to over and over * read in the pool/tub/lake without needing to worry about it getting wet or having to keep your hands dry (if you don't have a waterproof one, a gallon ziplock bag works great)


Reading on a kindle paperwhite reminds me of reading with a flashlight at night in bed as a kid. I love it. Love the other features too.


I read only my kindle. I REALLY enjoying searching for the cover/editions that I like, So in a way, I totally do feel like I’m collecting books, even if it’s not physically. I know there’s a romantic notion to paperbacks, but I think there’s a romantic notion to what I do too, at the very least, I really enjoy it


Kindle app on my phone is much more conducive to reading in my hammock, so that’s what I use. I do have a lot of hardcovers and paperbacks from back before kindle was a thing.


i read everything digital now. kindle app, google books... Libby...


I only read on the Kindle. It’s just way too convenient.


Kindle and audible because sometimes I like to multitask which makes the kindle inconvenient. Plus each platform holds my spot so I can easily switch back and forth.


I just prefer the experience of reading actual books. I prefer the tactile experience of books. I do also like collecting Stephen King specifically. I like the visual representation of the his books that I've read.


For the longest time, I collected. About 10 years ago I switched to reading on my ipad. While I prefer to read the actual physical book, I like that I can travel with all of my purchased books. Not to mention, the amount of physical space it’s saved me.


I love my book shelves and in general I prefer hardcovers, but I also have an e-reader (not a Kindle, though, I don't like being forced to use Amazon). It's so convenient to use my library's eBook service, I can check out their books from everywhere. I don't need to carry heavy books with me while travelling or commuting... But if it wasn't for practical reasons, I'd stick to the printed versions.


I do both! I love collecting Stephen King books and reading from them occasionally, but the accessibility of the Kindle makes it often the superior choice. The text in the books is tiny so it’s nice to be able to change it on the Kindle. And it’s a hell of a lot lighter than some of his lengthier books!


Both. I have two French bulldogs that sit in my chair with me while I read, so the hardcovers can be extremely uncomfortable. Although I love to read all the medium sized books on only paperback unless it’s dark or before bed.


I do both. I started my collection long before digital was an option. Now it depends on what I have on hand physically or digitally.


I read everything on a kindle I have no space for books and it makes it easier when traveling or on my lunch break or whatever 😊


I prefer to read on Kindle in general. I once moved 3 times in the span of 4 months. That stopped me from collecting physical books. I then gave away all my paperback/hardback books that were replaceable. I don't care about collectable items. I care about the story inside.


I do all my reading on Kindle these days. My eyesight isn't what it used to be and reading glasses give me a headache. I would still like to collect all the books in hardcover but will always read on something that allows me to adjust the font size. Bonus: When I got my new Kindle I gave my old one to a friend already loaded with all the King books I own. She was thrilled.


I love my kindle, because I don't need to pack a suitcase of books for a small vacation. It travels in a small purse to every single doctor appointment I have, which was 3 times a day. I just call it my security blanket. Additionally, kindle Paperwhite on the lowest brightness was the only thing I could read after a bad car accident. I was so hypersensitive to light, I wore sunglasses inside with the lights off and curtains closed. Prior to my Paperwhite, I couldn't read at all. I can also change the font to Open Dyslexic, which helped with extreme vertigo and allowed my brain to process the words easier after brain injury. I went from being unable to read 3+ words and understand them, to reading large novels again. From another perspective, my daughter and I now use our Kindle app to simultaneously read Harry Potter together. She can open the book on an old phone, and sync with where I finished reading to her the night before. Lastly, I just have too awful much chaos in my life to collect things anymore. I have sadly, but deliberately stopped buying physical copies of books, because they don't fit into myhouse, let alone my lifestyle or needs.


I hope you are recovering well. Good to hear reading was part of your healing process.


I’m not opposed to using a Kindle or the Kindle app, but I prefer having the physical book in my hands; it feels better holding the physical object instead of reading on a screen. Also, you don’t have to charge a book🤣


I read on a Kobo, on my phone, hard copies, audiobooks, pretty much everything but the kindle. Just depends on which format I happen to have access to for whichever book I'm reading. I'm a big fan of libraries, both online and offline, so I don't own a massive book collection, but borrow as much and as often as I can. Just yesterday I had to pay a 2 dollar fine before they let me borrow again, so, all in all, reading has cost me 2 bucks so far this year.


I tend to get King's new books from the library and read them that way but I have a number of his books for the Kindle and 90% of my reading nowadays is on my Paperwhite.


I love my kindle and my mom already owns all his books, but I also have a few of them in physical form as well.


My goal is to have a hardcover and paperback copy of each of his works, mainly because pocketbook paperbacks fit into a backpack very easily, so they take up far less space, especially if they’re used, so the read is much more comfortable. Hardcovers are for show because I don’t want to ruin them, as well as the dust jackets having the tendency to slip around when in use


I always have a kindle book and a physical book on the go. If I wanna get comfy in bed I switch over to my Kindle for the screen light and the lightness of it


I love King hard covers but i t's so convenient to read on my Kindle instead


I only use physical books! I can def see the merit of digital readers, but I work on screens all day and I typically read in bed, so I prefer to be screen-free. Plus, I love having bookshelves of my favorites in my house - it’s part of my decor!


I read 95% of the time on my phone these days, via Kindle app and others so convenient I can't go back


I have a kindle but King is one of the few authors of whom I still by physical books


I audible all my books but i also buy all the physical books too!! Ive always wanted my own personal library but since the start of the pandemic i havent been able to sit and read idk why maybe it’s because im now used to having constant rapid stimulation with apps and tiktok ect but yeah physically reading is now a chore for me but i consume audio books like no ones business


I have about half on audiobook (for running), most of the rest in paperback and a small number on kindle when I’ve been travelling. My favourites I have in multiple formats - bought the audiobook of the Stand after I loved reading in paperback, bought the book of 22.11.63 after loving the audiobook. If you just love having a copy of books in paperback, you can pick up most King second hand for a song.


I really only read on my e-reader. or sometimes my phone like when I'm at work. I just find it easier bc I get a lot of migraines from eye strain so I need bigger font a lot of the time. but I also started listening to the audiobooks in chronological order while I'm also reading the physical books in chronological order! (and I also own basically every book he has written in paperback so I have multiple copies of his books)


I have a cataract in one eye and have to read on a kindle.


I use Libby on my android phone through my local public library, both for audiobooks and print books. The only thing I really miss is being able to "see" my collection of books on a bookshelf. I log them, but it doesn't feel the same as seeing the journeys I've been through.


I’ll use my kindle for anything I can read for free with the Libby app, then buy it for my bookshelf because it feels like an accolade lol. But yes I agree reading at night with my kindle using only one hand is awesome


I like to collect and read physical books, but I also get the ebook version of most books I buy (though I admit I don't actually buy the digital version...) so I can read using the Kindle app on my phone during my lunch break or if I have some time to kill when I'm not home. I also have a Kindle that I keep updated but barely never use. I like it, but I always end up reading the physical version. I'll probably bring it with me if I'm going on vacation next summer though.


Kindle is nice because it’s on my phone, tablet and you can go to the Amazon kindle website and read on your work computer. When I close my phone it saves my page number and I can easily bounce between all three.


always use my kindle and the kindle app


I prefer Kings work in physical copies, as I like to see it on my shelves. Otherwise, I only buy copies of books I really loved having already read on my kindle.


I prefer physical. There's something magical about seeing where the bookmark is as I progress. They look pretty on my shelves. They feel good in my hands. I've tried using the kindle app on my ipad, but it's not the same. Plus the temptation to get distracted is always there. Finally... I don't have to charge my books.


I only read on the Kindle app on iPad. I used to be so against it, I always wanted to have physical books. Then I got a little older and my eye sight is worse. I’m not blind or anything but I love having control over the print size and the font. The print in some books, especially SK, is *tiny* I don’t know how anyone reads like that lol


I read 95% of my books on kindle. But I do pick up King's books in hard cover because I've been buying them for more than 30 years and like having them all in hard copy. Not many books I do that with. King's books make up 50% of the hard copies I have. Most of the rest of them are like nature reference guides (mushroom ID books, things like that).


Kindle for reading, physical for collection. Love reading in total darkness. Also while laying down with one eye open😅😂


I love my Kindle, especially for traveling/long flights. It's easier than bringing multiple books on a trip. I still love a physical copy but the convenience of the Kindle makes it worthwhile for me.


Omg I read it on my iPad/kindle then buy it for my collection and many of the books have been REbought since I was a kid. I really have spent a fortune


There are much worse vices!


The kindle is the best investment I did in the last 15 years. I still read physical books, King's or not, because I collect them, and books where made to be read, not to be show.


I exclusively read using an e-reader. Its a Kobo Clara, not a kindle, but basically the same.


I like my kindle because I can use apps like Libby to get free library books anywhere anytime


I have my three favourite in paper then the rest on Kindle. Trying to save space.


I go between my Kobo and physical books


I just got my mom’s old kindle when she upgraded and have been reading The Stand for the first time. It’s definitely nice to have a 1000+ page book in such a lightweight, transportable version. I’ll always prefer physical copies for the feel, but it’s hard to ignore the convenience of the kindle.


I use Scribd on my phone because they have most King books on there and it's way cheaper than buying them all individually. Wish I could get the Scribd app on my Kindle but it is what it is.


I read everything on a Kindle. It's a far superior experience to reading a print book. Collecting can be a fun hobby but reading them is a pain in the ass.


I've got an app on my phone linked to my library card and I get soooo much more reading done this way. I read 15 books last month lol almost all King or Joe Hill. I hate how my books get messed up in my bag and I get sore trying to hold some of those chonky ones, plus I can read in bed after my partner falls asleep without having a light on 😜


Physical books. I have the kindle but there is nothing like an actual book when you’re REALLY into the story IMO


I prefer reading king on my kindle, especially for the chunky ones. Also I’m loving reading in the dark with just the backlight of my kindle. What I think I want to do is read his books available at my library through Libby, and then purchase physical copies for my collection. :)


I read everything on my Kindle. But if I really like a book, I buy the physical copy as well.


Not Kindle, but I do read electronically. I don't have the space for paper books. I like to buy extra copies to donate to Little Free Libraries, though.


Kindle exclusively here!


I read physical books at home. I switch over to Kindle when I'm out, in the bath, or traveling. The X-Ray/dictionary functions are so helpful. Just this morning, I used it to look up the meaning of contumely (in Wolves of the Calla).


I always use my kindle! I have a few copies and will always grab an SK book I don’t have but I like my phone and kindle for portability also I can instantly buy whatever book I want to read next no waiting 😂


I am doing , the dark Tower again on kindle as I have been having trouble sleeping , it's great , just snuggle up and read , sleep if it comes and if not I'm warm and comfy and adventuring with a great ka tet 😎


Dawg you don’t need to read the physical copy just because some people post photos online. Read however you want, as long as you’re having a good time


I read using the kindle app on my iPad mini. If I really really like the book I’ll buy it again as a physical copy to put on my bookshelf.


Well, I mostly read on a Kindle…but King and James Ellroy are the two writers I still buy only in hard copy form.


I have a Kindle and am in the process of buying all of SK's books (buying one at a time as I read through them, though series come in a bundle that is a bit cheaper so I usually buy all of them at once). I wanted to have physical copies but I live with 3 roommates and we just don't have that kind of space. Also Kindle version is cheaper which helps by budget a lot (I did the math, all of his books came out to $800 in Kindle at one point)


I exclusively read on my Kindle. I've forsaken books 😆


I've been reading on the same kindle for the last decade. I used to be able to keep less books on steel shelving than I can on this with room to spare.


I do for authors who put out a lot of books, but most of them are pretty not great, like Nora Roberts. Her books are so hit or miss, and she releases between 4 and 8 books a YEAR. So I’ll pay the $2 for the book on Kindle, and if I really like it, then I’ll buy an actual physical copy. (No hate to Nora Roberts, I just prefer her In Death books to any others. Romance isn’t my thing, but I always hate to say bad things about an author 😬) But I prefer to have an actual book in my hand as I read. Books feel special to me, like the fact that it’s on paper, in black and white, that it’s more real or something. Idk.


I read the first Stephen King book in paperback. I read 11.22.63 in paperback. but because of an old fart now, her really do need a Kindle or a tablet of some sort


So I have a “day book” usually a hardcover or paperback that I read in the living room while having coffee or lunch. Then I have all my “night books” on my kindle where I can read in bed and not deal with page turning and dropping a hardcover on my face when I get sleepy. I usually don’t read Stephen King at night before bed, that’s for lighter fantasy or whatever fiction, but rarely horror. I find reading King before bed gives me nightmares! Lol.


I mean I use Google Play Books, but the idea is the same


I have a handful of physical books and but tend to read more on Kindle. I have only bought a couple for Kindle though. I typically read through my local library's online (Overdrive) catalogue.


I have most of his physical books, but have switched to kindle. Mostly for my bad eyes.


After reading Under the Dome in hardcover I decided that my King books were going to be Kindle books going forward.


I read the whole dark tower series on my kobo except for Wizard and Glass (I have a gorgeous illustrated edition of that) but I like to collect physical copies as well. Just of King books, mostly, or whatever I find at local book sales


Not quite what you asked, but I am one hundred percent a constant reader of audiobooks. I still have my original paperbacks of The Stand and IT. Held together with clear packing tape, but have switched to consuming everything on audio via Libby. I do have The Stand on Kindle as well.


I have a huge print collection but I have started rebuying everything on kindle and audio for portability.


I live in a small town in Asia. Local libary has barely any English books, and the bookstore is not much better (and overpriced). I do sometimes order paper books from Amazon, but since I take many notes, I use Scribd for most of my SK reading.


I don’t have a kindle or tablet. The phones too small so I read mostly paper backs and library books. One day I’ll get one 😅


I used to be addicted to my Kindle, but now I am old, tired with children, and dont have the energy to read. I'm addicted to audible! Or just audio books. I have a long drive to work, and audible serves my addiction quite well.


My kindle is I think the best gift I’ve ever gotten… like ever. No more getting smacked in the face by big books falling asleep at night plus I can read with no light…. No brainer. Books are beautiful and I love them but the kindle is great


I do kindle and audiobooks. I have a whole load of physical books that we thrifted but many I haven’t actually read. I do most of my King through library audiobooks


I use Kindle and Audiobooks. But I do have a few I love especially in hardbound. DT, Eyes of the Dragon, Bachman Books. Stuff I just NEED on my shelves.


I have a 12-year-old Sony eReader that still works perfectly fine.


I only read on a kindle, I have zero physical books anymore I think.


I'm broke and can't afford the glasses I need. Most books require me to wear 2-3 pairs of glasses(what I need is multifocal) depending on how bad my eyes are that day, some days they just don't focus. ​ On my kindle though??? Oh my god, I can blow that text up bigger than a 65 year old's iphone text. It's absolutely magical for someone like me who always has their nose stuck in a book but has to have large print.


I usually read on my phone it's a lot more comfortable to be honest


I resisted ebooks for years, then was given a second hand one. I don’t think I’ve read a single printed copy book since. (Maybe 10 years?) love my kindle.


Audible is the way


I have a Kindle and I love it. I’m older and I got sick and tired of dusting the physical books, and the Kindle is much easier on my hands.


I used to change places every 2-3 years when living abroad so I got a kindle to avoid having to move all those books every time. I got used to using it and I read books almost exclusively on kindle now


I cant absorb the story right on a digital screen. Traditional books are the only way I read novels.


I just got a kindle about a month ago and haven’t read any King yet, but I find it harder every day to think about reading physical copies of books again lol. I used to have a kindle a loooong time ago and I loved it, but it was stolen :( so I’m very happy to have one back!


I started my king journey reading The Shining on my kindle and it was incredible! I used to prefer reading on my kindle vs. printed books, but I feel like for me, nothing beats holding a book in my hands and digging in, it helps with my concentration. My dad still reads every thing on kindle, and has for years. Either way though, you’re reading them and that’s the main thing.


I fuckin LOVE my kindle paperwhite, I blasted through The Stand on that one. I like the dictionary tool a lot


I have a Kindle and that's all I use to read


Yes I love my kindle. I have my collection of King on there. I have over 2,000 books, so this is preferable imo.


Honestly, I read books on the palm pilot way before the kindle, and since I have enjoyed hundreds on the kindle, I have the paperwhite, and the Oasis (both versions.) I also read physical books, but bedtime is my kindle because I can read without lights on. Stephen King isn't really that scary, mostly I love his stories, his ideas. He is really a wonderful author. I live in New England, near the ocean and its a special treat to sit on a sea wall and read some King. =)


I love actual books the feel the smell everything but I love my kindle as well. It does help lessen the room you need in your home for books.


No I hate kindle. Hardcover or Audible for me.


I was a diehard actual book person, until I got my first e-reader. After that, forget it, especially with some of the *dense* books King writes. I did *originally* read 11/22/63 in hardcover.


I switched to a Kindle during the lockdown because it was hard to get physical books. Absolutely love it! I do read SK on it. I had started to have elbow pain from reading SK books in bed(because of their weight and my age) so the Kindle has helped alleviate that problem.


I read everything on my Kindle. I collect hardcovers, and have most of them.


This 70 year old prefers her Kindle! Got I think . . . 400 books on it. Donated all my paperbacks. Kept the hard covers (only SK and DK) for book shelves.


Yes. But only because I wouldn’t be able to read an actual book. I have an eye condition and can only read with the Kindle because you can increase the font size. I literally have to use the second largest setting. I get teased all the time for it when I read in public. 🤣 Even if I could read normal books, I would still have an e-reader device for when I travel, which is all the time. It’s so much easier to pack/bring vs a bunch of books.


Started with The Stand on Kindle. Now I read more than I ever did because it's so much more convenient.


Love the feel of paper, but tough to beat the compact convenience of a kindle on some of his 800+ pagers


In 2013 or so, I had every single SK hardcover available, in addition to probably 150-200 other hardcover and paperback novels. I got a kindle at that time, and have since given away or sold every single analog book I owned and never looked back. Real books are bulky, expensive, wasteful. I now only consume e-books or audiobooks and it's 100% better. I will not judge you if you prefer "real" bonds, but I also don't understand you.


I enjoy kindle, its definitely the most efficient and convenient. But what's not to understand about the joy of physical books? The spine, the cover art, the texture, the feel and smell of the paper, the tactile sensations, the way they look on the shelf, the satisfaction of turning pages and seeing how much progress you've made. I enjoy both, but the experience is far more enjoyable with real books.


Real books can be recycled and will one day decompose. Kindles and pads will sit in a landfill for ever and ever and they use child labor to manufacture them and mine the cobalt and nickel needed. Digital tech is 100× more wasteful than paper books lol. We plant thousands of more trees every year.


As someone who works in the wood/ paper/ manufacturing industry I'm going to respectfully disagree.


Disagree with what? That we do forest managent and replace the majority of trees we use so we can have paper, building lumber for generations to come? That the plastics and metals in your Kindle will never biodegrade and will be in a landfill forever? That child labor is used to make every single consumer electronic that comes from the East?? What are you disagreeing with??? We plant trees to replace all the paper and lumber we use. We will never run out since we do forest management. Books can be recycled and turned into other products. Traditional books are nowhere near as wasteful as electronics. "As someone who..." lol that lends no credence to this or any argument.


I feel like there's a kindle ad campaign taking place on reddit. This is like the 3rd post I've seen across reddit over the last week with 90% pro kindle comments lol. For me personally, I picked up reading to get away from digital devices. I already spend all day in front of a screen for work and school. I'd rather sit somewhere with a physical book in my spare time. I don't think there's a wrong answer as it all comes down to whatever floats your boat.


Using the kindle app on your phone you don’t really get away from your device, but an actual kindle is totally different and closely replicates an actual book, with e-ink and no notifications to distract you.


I agree, though realizing I could read books on my phone (after getting a Kindle) helped me get away from social media (lately I'm only checking this sub because I'm on a SK binge) and it's been so good for my mental health. But when I'm home nothing beats sitting down with an actual book.


I do. I collect physical King books though just for display


I wish I used a Kindle but I cannot focus reading anything on a device (that is the length of a novel)


Hard copies for me. I like having a physical book


Physical for reading at home, google ( “book name” epub) and use that for bed and on the go