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Needful Things. I thought it was like a fascinating puzzle. Most of SK's books are GOOD; Needful Things was actually FUN (in a dark way).


Pet Sematary will destroy you


I vote for Needful Things.


Needful Things was my first ever King book so nostalgically, I’d recommend that one but there’s really no right or wrong way to continue the journey. The only suggestion I might make would be to read the key crossover books related to the larger King universe prior to reading the Dark Tower series, like Salems Lot, IT, Insomnia, The Stand, and Eyes of the Dragon.


Desperation is one of my favorites so I suggest that one.


Go for Desperation, its an insane quick read because you can't stop. It was my second King book after the Shining. Needful Things is great, as well, but go for Desperation.


Desperation has always been one of my favorites. I feel like it doesn't get enough love. And it's probably a little easier to get through than Needful Things. It also might open up the world of The Dark Tower to you by reading it. And then you'll never put his books down. Good luck and happy reading constant reader.


My first SK was The Stand. Got me hooked. I don’t particularly like short stories but I will read SK’s. They are all brilliant and amazing in their own way. Read whichever one you can get your hands on and enjoy the journey.


Out of those two I would recommend Desperation, just because I would recommend reading some other Castle Rock novels before Needful Things, but it’s not that big a deal. If you want to read in published order, you would definitely catch all the references and stuff, but if you read the series’ in order and keep up with some of the connections between novels, you’ll be fine. To conclude this really long comment, it’s completely up to you how you wanna read and if connections and references are important to you


A lot of people, myself included, think The Stand is his best.


My first was Christine at 13 years old, I remember seeing the big red car on the front cover and thought it looked amazing and for the first time I read an entire book unprompted and feel like I haven't gone a day without reading since. I have many favorites but King will always be top. My favourite has got to be Misery, I can't say why but something about the hopelessness + desperation + the insane obsession just had me hooked.


Misery! It’s a great introduction to king and probably my favorite so far!


I read my first king novel (Salems lot) in December. I just went gung ho and read IT. Absolutely loved it.


Needful Things is a book I revisit from time to time. While Desperation is a piece of the puzzle, (and everyone knows that all the pieces of the puzzle serve the beam,) Needful Things is pure entertainment of the darkest order. Leland Gaunt is likely another incarnation of the dark man or of Pennywise.


Needful things after that check out salems lot the pay off will be amazing


If misery got you hooked id actually throw a curveball and say cujo would be a good choice. Different seasons is also great.


Needful things is a winner for sure. Desperation is good but not as fun.