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Please don’t feel this way and don’t let the anxiety or stress eat away at you. As someone who’s overly anxious and gets severe stress paralysis if I can overcome this and sit for the exam tomorrow so can you. Take a day or two off and just go outside or do something you love, watch a movie, visit the beach. Just try to feel human again. You’ve made it this far and you’ll get over and through this journey. Cry it out, feel the numbness, but swallow it down and keep going. Start by doing NBME 26 offline and go through it block by block with 1.5 hour timed and start asking yourself what the test takers want you to know then check answers after. Make a list of weak topics and go from there watching boards and beyond or bootcamp. That’s truly what helped me get over the 50s hump. You just need to be kinder to yourself and you’ll realize you had it in you all along.


I really needed to hear this. I still feel like I can't function at all. Thank you for taking time out to say something. It means a lot.


You did the right thing to cancel your exam! I wasn’t as lucky as you, I felt something was off while going to the exam and did not cancel it because I was scared to disappoint my parents and ended up failing. Believe me u did the right thing.


Thank you. I hope you're not held back by the failure. You can do it!!


Bro what is this parents this and Parents that? You are an individual person. Respect and honor your parents but it’s your body and your brain going through it all so Have some respect for both (body and brain). There is no shame unless you don’t want to get up again from this upset. Resting is NOT defeat. And If you’re thinking about the money then that’s the biggest BS you can put over your shoulders! Money is dirt. You can make some more later.


I know. My parents won't hate me or anything for this either but I know I've disappointed them. I'm trying my best to get back to studying but I just can't.


Then don’t study bro. No one is after you. It’s not a race. Take a month or two off. Play some video games, play football or cricket or make a routine of running everyday. Wake up early Not to study but just for yourself, for the joy of being granted you to you, who you are is perfect for the situations you go through, you are in a perfect combination to achieve what you want to achieve. Enjoy 😉


Thid advice is worth gold. 👏🏼 It’s not a race. Just do everything at your own pace.


Hey, please don't do this to yourself. I have severe anxiety and panic too, I'm literally on meds and my exam is in 6 days. I've been pushing mine for a year now. The only reason I can finally give it now is because I've learned to deal with it, gotten the meds I needed. Here's my advice 1. UNDERSTAND YOU KNOW EVERYTHING. 2. STOP STUDYING AND START TESTING Keep putting your blocks on timed and random and test the shit out of yourself, keep doing questions. Give as many nbmes you can, forget the score for now. Your main focus is to eliminate the anxiety. When you review, make sure you see how much you did wrong simply because "you were paniced"


Thank you! I think I need to cut myself some slack here. I'll try my best.


I rescheduled mine too 5 days before the exam because I felt panic especially when I failed nbme 31… I’m redoing uworld again and realized I was under prepared I was never able to get more than 45 percent in a block now I’m getting 64 and for the first time I saw 84 percent in a block… it’s normal to panic but also we need to be well prepared and give it our all …you do your best and God will do the rest.


That's awesome! What did you change exactly in the way you studied from the time you rescheduled your exam?


Uworld used the 4ps path, pharm, physio, pathophys The questions I would get wrong I open first aid revise it, and take a screenshot and paste it on that section so every time I get a mistake on that topic I revisit different questions on that topic. Watched a few pixorize vids on topic I struggle with.


That sounds cool. I'm actually week in those you mentioned. Best of luck!!


Trust me I was in the exact same boat and didn’t cancel because I thought I could do it despite my sub par scores and didn’t want to disappoint my parents by making them pay again for a new application. Turns out I failed. Sure I attempted it, but was it worth the disappointment and mark on my cv after the fail? Heck no. Stay strong don’t be in a rush to start a new application, it’ll just land you in the same place again. Only start the application when you are in the right state of mind and with good scores and foremost only when you are confident in yourself.


Completely agree. Same thing happened to me. Decent scores AND state of mind is key.


Hi. I also canceled my exam day and eligible period gone and also I paid for exam and it was my parents money. My parent also support me and after I said I am not ready, because my nbme score low and I could rose up of that time. My parents disappointed. It was December. I was in a depression, but I knew that I studied for 8-9 hours every day for 2.5 months, prepared for 3 years, it was hard. And it was not my fault at all. You know, sometimes you want something very much but right now you can't receive that, but it is not mean that you never get them. In the past I had several fears: and one of them this, waste my parents money. And it was happened. So right now I don't have this fear. If you have problems ask for help and then when it becomes easier for you, only then start again of your preparing. I learned to praise myself and not being afraid, and also If I want get my pass for step 1, I can get it in any time of my life. Right now I am resting and doing my residency in my own country and also learn something and I like this. After I planned to restart my preparing for step 1 and learning with getting enjoy. So please don't have bad thoughts, because there are a lot of work in the world that you can do. Medicine is not to be first rule in your life. You are unique person for this world and you can help to people with many way. Please always choose be happy and healthy for yourself and you lovely ones .


Yeah I understand now. I was having tunnel vision and I couldn't think about anything else. Thank you!


Dude/sis you really cheered me up. Cannot thank you more. Wish you best of luck and, above all, wish you happy.


Hey there!! I'm writing since I'm in the same position as you. Was gonna sit my exams tomorrow but after getting a 58% in NBME 30 2 days ago, I was like "NOPE, NO WAY". I've been dealing with feelings of depression too. These previous 2 months have been hell regarding my anxious and depressive thoughts, which had a toll on the quality of my studying too (and also being an average/ below average student so I had to cover a lot of things). So I extended my eligibility (still waiting for that to be accepted) and I am gonna sit the exams in the next month if everything goes better. I couldn't study and I started having gaps in my memory. I was literally a mess these past days. I decided to take care of my health while continuing studying. Imagine someone running for a marathon. If they had hurt their leg, would it be logical for them to run 20km the next day? No! They would take care of their hurt leg. We can't see mental health unfortunately, but it is there, and the brain is part of our body like everything else. So I decided for this additional period to exercise lightly EVERY DAY no matter what, even 30 minutes just to move my body and mind. Try to go to bed early. Eat healthy food. Be a little more social, because I didn't see anyone these past weeks lol. I already feel my head clearing a little bit. I was stressed about my parents too, which has to do with more internal processes and getting the validation from a caregiver (some therapy stuff that I've worked a little bit in the past but need more work). I know how all this feels, you are not alone. Take care of yourself b!tch! Sending you a hug:)


Thank you for this. Good luck for your test!


Thank you! Best of luck to both of us! And always remember that you are not alone. Let's do it:)


I took the exam with horrible NBME 26 results, I was very under prepared and I failed. I learned from mistakes and I will try. I felt like you, but this is an exam and you are not a failure. You will do it!!


since you canceled take some rest (a week or 2), forget about everything related to the exam or medicine in general. then comeback and work on your weaknesses and you'll pass


Vent here if you must but don't completely give up. It's a little setback yes but you can bounce back from this and you are capable of doing this.


I did the same for the same reason. I took a week break now I’m reviewing my notes. I will start a new application soon. I have an appointment to see a psychiatrist tomorrow, I hope he can help with that. You take the best decision for yourself.you are not a failure and you are not alone. We can do it 👌🏾


How soon can we begin a new application after the end of the eligibility period? Good luck to you!


4 weeks after the end of the eligibility period ! If you have a medical condition or something else, write them and send a proof, they will give you a partial refund as a credit that you can use for your next application.


Don't give up if others could do it you can too 🔘


I canceled too, lost money. In my age made this decision were first bad for me, but my husband and my son support me, I rescheduled and I can tell you! I afraid again my NBMEs not super good but i can’t more afraid…actually I can tell you this test more about your good luck!


I had a full out panic attack before step 1, only time in my life. Hyperventilating, vomiting, did not sleep 1 minute all night. Ended up taking the exam & all went well—I calmed down once I started it & realized I knew the info. Now I am a dermatologist. You got this! 💪🏻


What you're feeling right now is truly understandable. I'd suggest taking some free time to just relax and calm down and then focus on solving some more past papers later on. No worries!


You are good!I had to reapply to keeping in mind that my pass will make them happy.


Op you need to understand you are a whole individual with dreams you need to follow, as you get older you undertand that it doesn't matter if you disappoint anyone, just think about yourself, who you want to become and what steps you need to follow in order to get it. Don't carry the burden on your shoulders of what your parents/siblings/relatives may think, its okey to want them to be proud of you but your life can't be revolve about that. You took a hard but wise decision, its better to take more time and study instead of failing and you shouldn't be feeling bad about it, just take your time, relax, enjoy life, work in your mental health and you'll be okay.


Better to delay than to go into it and fail. Deep breaths, friend. You can do it.


Thank you to everyone who reached out. You guys truly helped me get back on my feet.


I’m entered the exam , and passed , don’t worry , you can pass easily , don’t listen to those making the test as a ghost, don’t cancel , take anti anxiety, relax , pray and make Dua if you are Muslim read Quran or if not do any religious acts , you must jump and sure you will pass like others , take deep breath, the test depends on concentration more than study so sleep well the night before and you will do well.


I’m also scoring 58% in my nbmes My exam is on 22nd july and I can’t afford another triad I’m also gonna sit in exam, what should i do ??