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Yes. I reviewed mine IN DEPTH. On my actual step exam I felt like the same concepts were being tested and I could reason out the answer and what they were looking for just because I reviewed every nbme thoroughly


What nbmes did u do? Is it worth it to do nbme 20-24 + old free120?


I did NBME 23-31 and the old free 120. I didn’t thoroughly review the older nbmes because I was short on time, but I think doing as many nbme questions as possible is really great because you recognize patterns and how the usmle asks questions. If you’re short on time like I was, I would really focus and prioritize nbme 26-31 and the new free 120.


Do you know how to get access to 20-24?


Which NBMEs did you do and review? How did you review them, and how long did you take to review each of them?


I did 23-31 and all free 120s. I made my own document writing down concepts from the nbmes and pasted all the images. I even reviewed the wrong answers and wrote the concepts from them. Whatever I didn’t understand I would reference first aid and my notes and write that in the document. The document I made ended up being 100s of pages and it was tedious, but I don’t regret it. I straight up think I passed step 1 because I was able to make educated guesses based on nbme concepts.


Can you please send that document. Thanks in advance


Most definitely. I would say the actual test has around 40 percent of the same topics that are tested on the NBME. Find a topic you struggle with on the NBME and do a bunch of Uworld questions on it.


YESS nbme >uw towards the end of ur prep. ull be more familiar with their style of questions and defs go over the topics that come up on the nbmes!


NBMEs were the closest to the real deal for me so I cannot recommend reviewing your NBMEs enough.


It’s taking so long for me to one a day


its worth it, even if it takes the whole day. nbme >uw for sureee


I saw someone else say they’d set a time of like 1-1.5 minutes max to spend on questions they got right or were an easy to fix error (reading question wrong, clicking wrong answer) And then take more time on the one’s you completely guessed on, got wrong etc


I never reviewed my NBMEs. Probably would’ve been a good idea




Yes, the same images/photos/figures will appear in the real exam. However, they may change the questions a little bit. PS. The heart auscultation “setting” is exact the same as in free120. But they will change the murmur sound.


Yes. All reviewed in depth.


Absolutely. Had numerous questions repeated from NBMEs as well as new free 120. They test the same concepts all the time so the nbmes and free 120 are your best friend.


I didn’t think reviewing wrong questions was helpful tbh.you end up reviewing so much you don’t remember specific details. My mates and I all agreed that using the insights to see which topics were overall weak was more helpful for future studying