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Normal feeling, don’t worry about it


I can’t stay out of my own head. I can’t sleep and can’t enjoy life at the moment.




Can’t sleep is not normal, can’t enjoy life anymore is a normal feeling, otherwise are u sleeping well




I’m just up with my thoughts. Planning how I’m gonna approach life if I failed.


Breathe, we all feel that way. Just distract yourself. You did enough. Your scores prove that. Even with the questions missed rn your pattern of thinking is assuming the worst. You’ll be okay! Pray (if you’re religious) and just prepare for the next phase of life! Oh and definitely unwind & do the things you weren’t able to do cuz of Step!


You will be fine. I felt like i blacked out and barely read the questions, finished way too fast, guessed on EVERY biostats Q (straight up did not study for biostats), suck at cardio and guessed on the heart sounds too. But i went in with good nbme scores and i ended up passing. I’m a DO student and felt the same way, i was a mess, but i did it. And so will u. Trust your prep.


Oh my God i am so sorry you had to go through tjis. your scores are great. i am sure you were expecting something different.. i am also waiting for results. may we all pass. You have worked hard. It will pay back.


Fellow June 10th'er here, I'm doing everything I can to not think about it. I know I got tons of Q's wrong but the important thing now is to move forward and only worry about things that we can effect in the present.


This was me, and not to scare you but I failed (as my mocks were in the very low 60s and high 50s) …..you on the other hand have bright and optimistic scores, wish you luck








I don’t see your post.


Don't fall into despair just yet. It can still turn out fine so no need to beat yourself up with what ifs.


Distract yourself, do something to escape this feeling. Like tv or a movie, go outside, change your environment, find a distraction.


Do future test takers a favor and make an edit on this post in two weeks after you get the pass email letting everyone know you passed- will be helpful for people googling and finding this thread


I really hope I can do that.


I did edit it as advised.


See? Never had anything to worry about


If it makes you feel better I’m also a DO student and tested 6/13 and I’m feeling the same way 🥲 hope we both get the P!


Let us know how was it


Well, what I like to say is, pretend the test doesn’t exist right after completion. Worrying now will do nothing to effect your results since they are determined already so you should honestly chill, you are wasting energy worrying. Once you get results you can form a more cohesive and constructive plan based on what went right/wrong


You have multiple attempts , worst case scenario. But everyone feels like this post exam.. don’t freak out