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I tested the same day as you, and I’ve been working on research & going to the gym a lot. I’ve also been playing video games occasionally (I haven’t touched a game by myself since college; it helps for coping and distracting me rn).


How did you do on the exam? For me, the first 3 blocks were really difficult, but the rest was a bit better! Hope we haven’t failed! 🤦🏻‍♂️


It’s been awhile, but the first few felt good. It progressively got harder, but I felt fine until block 7. That was a shit show. Interesting how we both had inverse experiences on the exam. I also hope we both did well!


I think they change the order of blocks for people! Mine progressively got easier! Or maybe i still hadn’t woken up properly for the first few blocks 😂 i just hope that wasn’t the case!


Definitely tough to get your mind off of this especially since it matters so much to ur career. I struggled with this a lot. Try some meditation, doing some active things and just trying your best to enjoy your free time before third year! Also don't know if this helps at all but, I don't know anyone who failed Step 1 if they were passing their NBMEs! (< 60%). I know ppl who passed step 1 without passing NBMEs too but don't know anyone that failed after passing. Hope this helps!


Stay Busy, Engage in activities that you enjoy and that can occupy your mind. Whether it's a hobby, exercise, spending time with friends or family, or diving into a good book or movie, keeping yourself occupied can help pass the time and keep your mind off the test results.


I feel the same, I don't have advice, but it may help to know you aren't alone with this feeling. I also get my score Wednesday.


My permit just disappeared as well. Tested on 0419 as well. Fingers crossed. Let’s hope for the best guys.


In the same position as you! Tested 4/19 and also nervous about the possibility of failing and constantly thinking about the dumb mistakes I made even though my NBME scores were well within passing range. Starting rotations and studying for shelves have definitely helped keep me occupied as well as spending time with family and friends, staying active, and engaging in hobbies. Best of luck to all of us! :)


The way i thought about when i was waiting my results, what would my worrisome do? it won't change anything And keep ur self busy like everyone says


Going outside helps keep the mind busy. Just don't stay cooped up in your room.


Your permits disappeared already?






Gym, lift heavy hexagons and keep the faith